£ 1 FBCM Newsletter No. 13 BCOCA Newsletter No. 22 January, 2005 Editor: Dr. John Bertalot, Cathedral Close, Blackburn, BB1 5AA
[email protected] The Cathedral Choirs, with singers from Diocesan Church Choirs, began to make a CD of ‘Songs of Praise Hymns’ in November, accompanied by a brass quintet, percussion and organ. They made a thrilling sound. (See page 7 for more photos) . MUSIC MUSIC FRIENDS FFaavvoouurrriiitttee hhyymmnnss iiinnccllluuddee aarrrrrraann ggeemmeenntttss bbyy BBlllaacckkbbuurrrnn CCaattthheeddrrraalll mmuussiiicciiiaannss: of BLACKBURN Crown him with many crowns, Ye Watchers and ye Holy Ones, & Angel Voices R iicharrd Tannerr JB’’s CATHEDRAL (arranged for brass & organ by Richard Tanner), JB’s Amazing Grace, Abide with me, and Steal Away (with PP iiippppaa’’’ss exquisite solo). IIInnddrrraa HHuugghheess’’’ Be still for the presence, DDrrr... HHeerrrmmaann BBrrreeaarrrllleeyy’’’ss God be in my head, and many more! MUSIC SStttaanndd bbyy fffoorrr mmoorrree iiinnfffoorrrmmaatttiiioonn aabboouuttt ttthhiiiss eexxcciiitttiiinngg rrreeccoorrrddiiinngg!!! 1 CHORISTER AWARDS THE RIGHT REVEREND ACTION MAN Part 2 When the Dean upgraded Charles Forshaw to Senior Bishop Walter Baddeley Chorister in October he said, “Charles Forshaw is clearly one of by OC BRYAN LAMB the up and coming characters of the choir. Though still young – not yet thirteen – he and others will be carrying a huge weight of In the first part of the responsibility in the near future for the average age of the account of our hero-bishop, choristers is so Walter Baddeley, Bishop young. However, of Blackburn from 1954- we are confident 1960, OC BRYAN LAMB that Charles and told how WB had won his fellow senior medals for heroism in choristers are up WW1 and risen to the rank to the job – and it of acting Lieutenant is a great delight Colonel, at the age of only to raise him 25, before returning as a tonight to the student to Oxford.