Ambuja Cement ACL:SEC: August 23, 2018 The Secretary National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., Bombay Stock Exchange Limited Plot No. C/1'G Block Phiroz Jeejeebhoy Towers, Bandra - Kurla Complex Dalal Street, Bandra East, Mumbai- 400 023 Mumbai 400 051 BSE Scrip Code: 500425 NSE Scrip Code: AMBUJACEM Deutsche Bank Societe de la Bourse de Luxembourg, Trust Company Americas A venue de la Porte Neuve Winchester House L-2011 Luxembourg, 1 Great Winchester Street B.P165 London EC2N 2DB "Luxembourg Stock Ex-Group ID" Ctas Documents <
[email protected] <
[email protected]> Dear Sir, Sub : Intimation of Schedule of Analyst I Institutional Investor Meetings under the SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements ) Regulations, 2015. We wish to inform you that pursuant to Regulation 30(6) of the Securities & Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, the Schedule of Analyst or Institutional Investor Meetings with the Company is as under: Date Meetings 24th August, 2018 ICICI Roadshow 27th August 2018 Motilal Oswal Annual Investor Conference The schedule may undergo change due to exigencies on the part of investors/ company. The tentative list of the investors attending the meeting is attached. Kindly take the same on record and acknowledge receipt. Thanking you, Your Faithfully, For AMBUJA CEMENTS LIMITED ~ \ ~~ RAJIV GANDHI COMPANY SECRETARY Membership No. A11263 AMBUJA CEMENTS LIMITED Elegant Business Park, MIDC Cross Road 'B', Off Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai 400059. Tel. : 022- 4066 7000 /6616 7000, Fax: 022- 6616 7711 /4066 7711. Website: Regd. Off. : P. 0 . Ambujanagar, Taluka- Kodinar, Dist.