從柏林國立圖書館東亞部看德國國家東亞 研究資料資源 the East Asia Department of the Berlin State Library: German National Resource for East Asian Material
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從柏林國立圖書館東亞部看德國國家東亞 研究資料資源 The East Asia Department of the Berlin State Library: German National Resource for East Asian material ! ҂ा! !Їొֲڌϲဦ३ᐡ઼ڒᇇ઼ߦ Matthias Kaun Head of the East Asia Department of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Germany E-mail: [email protected] Keywords(關鍵詞):National Resources; East Asian Materials; Trends ; Germany 【Abstract】 For more than 50 years the East Asia INTRODUCTION Department of the Berlin State Library has been The history of German libraries and their hosting a special interest collection on East- and historical networks is quite different from other Southeast Asia. Integrated into a federal network European or American libraries. Germany is of German libraries, supervised and in part historically and politically a decentralized country financed by the German Research Foundation with 16 federal states which exercise their (DFG – Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), this sovereign rights on cultural and educational affairs. collection has become the largest of its kind in For historical reasons the German National Europe. The East Asia Department supplies Library started to collect mainly material in the German and European libraries with publications German language in the beginning of the 20th in East Asian languages through a special century. Material in other languages was and still inter-library loan service. Since 2002 the Berlin is collected by other federal libraries and State Library has offered access to electronic traditional university libraries. In order to offer resources like databases and electronic journals access to all relevant material in all languages from the East Asian region via the virtual library more than 20 German libraries assumed CrossAsia. Furthermore the East Asia responsibility for special research collections in Department has become an access point to East the whole field of research interest and sciences. Asian databases for European consortia. These collections are supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)1 by means of acquisition grants. The Berlin State Library is in charge of different ဦ३ᐡጯᄃྤੈࡊጯ 33Ğ2ğĈ9 – 18 Ğϔ˝Ȉ̱ѐ十͡ğ 9 special research collections such as law, Slavonic nor the "Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz" studies and literature, foreign newspapers, (West) and are still scattered over Cracow, Moscow, topographic maps, cartography and East and St. Petersburg, and other parts of the world. Southeast Asia. Over the past ten years libraries Since 1951 the special collection East and had to change their traditional structures and Southeast Asia ("Sondersammelgebiet SSG 6,25")6 patterns since collection building, licensing, was established at the Berlin State Library, supported consortia, cataloguing, metadata, organising and partly funded by the German Research access to the collections, digitalization, new Foundation.7 Within this framework, the collection readers’ services, acquisition and integration of of the East Asia Department8 is nowadays the largest electronic resources necessitated new approaches. collection of East Asiatica in Europe. Wolfgang Increasingly they have to provide new push- Seuberlich, former Director of the East Asia instead of pull-services. Technical details and Department, states in his above-mentioned article, knowledge about them are more important in a that the Berlin collection is purely like a library for library ever since.12 For collections related to the use and has no ambitions to be a museum. The East East Asian languages and scripts the situation is Asia Department of the Berlin State Library is even more complicated as they have to deal with responsible for the acquisition and indexing of both different scripts and different data encodings. This Western publications on East Asia and all printed paper tries to offer both – a short overview on the matter in the languages of the East Asian countries, collection and the activities in the whole field of such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, the integration of East Asian electronic resources Tibetan, Uyghur, as well as the "minority" languages into an emerging traditional collection and the of China. Furthermore, literature concerning the East development of new readers’ services on a and Southeast Asian region is being acquired. national level.3 In co-operation with the Oriental Department, "Amongst the leading German research libraries, the East Asia Department supplies German and the Berlin State Library4 – part of the Prussian European libraries with publications in East Asian Cultural Heritage Foundation – is the only one languages by means of a special nationwide maintaining an independent East Asia Department. inter-library loan service ("Blauer Leihverkehr", Thereby it follows the example of various modern i.e. inter-library loan service for literature in the scientific institutions – especially in the United East Asian languages). This service is being States –, which have recognised the distinct cultural offered to the departments of the respective and ethnic autonomy of the East Asian countries universities. and have found similar pragmatic solutions."5 On a national basis, the Bayerische Collecting East Asiatica has a long tradition of Staatsbibliothek (Bavarian State Library in the Berlin State Library. Since the founding of the Munich) also offers a comprehensive stock of "Churfürstliche Bibliothek zu Berlin" in the year Sinica in addition to the Berlin collection. 1661, Chinese material and later on the East Asiatica (Manjurica, Japonica etc.) have been an Internationally, the collections of Sinica of the important part of the collection. The first printed Bodleian Library in Oxford, the University catalogue of the Berlin Library was the catalogue of Library Cambridge, the British Library, and the its Chinese collection ("Katalog der Sinesischen School of Oriental and African Studies (both Sammlung"), which still gives proof of the situated in London) must be highlighted. In the collection development policy and the facilities of Netherlands, the Institute for Sinological Studies at acquisition in the 17th century. After having been the Leiden University has a considerate collection. removed from storage during the World War II, the In France, the Bibliothèque Nationale as well as larger part of the collectibles have never been several faculty and research libraries (primarily in returned to the "Deutsche Staatsbibliothek" (East) Paris and Lyon) collect East Asian material. This 10 Journal of Library and Information Science 33(2):9 – 18(Oct., 2007) also applies to smaller libraries in Scandinavia, Subjects like engineering, medicine, economics, Switzerland, Austria, and Italy.9 natural sciences, and agricultural sciences are represented throughout bibliographies and publications about regional history. The central ACQUISITIONS libraries in the respective countries are responsible Usually, East Asian material for research and for collecting the whole range of material. teaching is acquired in the faculty and seminar Exceptions are specific regional trends within libraries in Germany. Changes in academic staff culture and science such as acupuncture, history of sometimes result in a slightly different medicine, and natural sciences. Additionally, in the collection development policy and therefore field of economics and agricultural sciences, different emphases within the collection. monographs are collected in the East Asian Unfortunately, most of the institutes are shortly languages, as far as social sciences are involved. staffed. Sometimes, the material itself is Due to the necessary and cost intensive linguistic problematic to handle. East Asian literature can competence, only the "German National Library only be found and clearly identified in for Science and Technology" in Hannover10 as a catalogues if it is registered and listed in the central subject library is able to acquire and original script (most of all Chinese, Japanese, process East Asian literature. Korean – CJK). From the European point of The following area subjects mentioned in the view, the transcription of the respective script is special collection’s programme ("Sondersammelgeb only done for cataloguing or indexing reasons. ietsprogramm") are acquired for the collection: With the establishment of Unicode as a standard, language and literature, history including social these difficulties can hopefully be overcome in history and economic history, politics, constitution, the near future. Since the year 2002, the East administration, publications concerning political Asia Department offers a Unicode-based online parties, labour unions, and similar organisations, catalogue which lists the recent acquisitions. anthropography, folklore and regional geography, Since the fields of study within the East Asian previous and early history, ethnology, educational sciences have always been widespread – and systems and higher education, academic institutions, more so due to the stronger emphasis being put information, book and library science, journalism, on research concerning present times – the cinema, broadcasting, television, religion and collection building policy covers all areas of philosophy, arts, music, theatre, dance, law, and interest. All countries of this region are included: mathematics, cultivation, medicine, natural sciences PR China (with Manchuria, Inner Mongolia, and technology (all of these in their traditional Tibet, Hong Kong and Macao), Taiwan, characteristics typical to the region) as well as official