Additional Records of Fruit-Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) from India

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Additional Records of Fruit-Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) from India ISSN 0375-1511 Rec. zool. Surv. India: 113(Part-l): 159-168,2013 ADDITIONAL RECORDS OF FRUIT-FLIES (DIPTERA: TEPHRITIDAE) FROM INDIA KAUSHIK KR. BHATTACHARYA, P. PARUI AND DHRITI BANERJEE* Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata-700053 E-mail: [email protected] INTRODUCTION which Philophylla indica is endemic to India. This Members of family Tephritidae include family can be distinguished from all other several economically important pest species families of Diptera by the combination of well across the globe. Various species of fruit fly cause developed mesoclinate frontal setae and damage to fruit and other plant crops, some fruit subcostal vein bent sharply anteriorly at right flies are used as agents of, thereby reducing the angle before the apex, weakened or evanescent populations of pest species. Most fruit flies lay beyond the bend. In addition, the costa has three their eggs in plant tissues, where the larvae find breaks viz., costal, humeral and subcostal their first food upon emerging. The adults usually (Hardy, 1973, 1974), vein Rl dorsally with have a very short lifespan. setulae; wing usually with colour pattern; cell bcu usually with an acute extension (White and Fruit flies of the family Tephritidae Elson-Harris, 1992). comprise 4,500 species, 500 genera under six subfamilies namely Blepharoneurinae, Dacinae, Family TEPHRITIDAE Phytalmiinae, Tachiniscinae, Tephritinae and Subfamily PHYTALMIINAE Trypetinae, Korneyev (1999). Among the species Tribe ACANTHONEVRINI reported worldwide, 325 species of fruit flies are Genus Rioxa Walker known to occur in the Indian subcontinent, of which 243 in 79 genera are from India alone 1856. Rioxa Walker, J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Land., Zoo I., (1857), under four subfamilies, namely Dacinae, 1: 35. Type species: Rioxa lanceolata Walker. Phytalmiinae, Tephritinae and Trypetinae Rioxa sexmaculata (Wulp) (Agarwal and Sueyoshi, 2005; David and 1880. Ptilona sexmaculata Wulp, Tijdschr. Entomol., 23: Ramani, 2011). Bezzi (1913, 1915, 1916), Brunetti 185. Type-lac: Sumatra. (1917), Senior-White (1922, 1924), Munro (1935, Material examined: 11-, Cinchona, Anamalai 1938, 1939), Perkins (1938), Hering (1938, 1941, Hills (3500 ft),l.iv.1956, colI. p.s. Nathan. 1956), Hardy (1971), Kapoor (1971,1993), Kapoor et al., (1980), White and Hancock (1997) and Diagnosis: Predominantly yellow species; Hancock and Drew (2005) studied the tephritid upper superior fronto orbital bristles yellow; face fauna of the Indian subcontinent. Drew and yellow, except for a prominent subshinning dark Raghu (2002) reported 21 species of dacines from brown spot on each side; hind femur with two the Western Ghats. Taxonomic keys are of prominent preapical dorsal bristles; wings brown paramount importance in the identification of with a hyaline spot in cell Rl just beyond vein Rl, the species. The present paper is based on old a small spot in apical portion of cell R3 just beyond collections present in Zoological Survey of India. R2+3, apical portion of cell R5 hyaline, a small nd 11 Species under 9 genera recorded here of hyaline spot on apex of 2 M2 and also at apex of cell M4, crossvein r-m situated near apical % of 160 Rec. zool. Surv. India cell r t M2; abdomen brown with a broad median Material examined: 1 1-, dist. Jabalpur, Jabalpur band extending from base over 5th tergum down (1600 ft.), 1.ix.1957, colI. P.5. Nathan. to middle, 6th tergum brown, tinged with yellow at Distribution: India: Madhya Pradesh, base. (Fig. j, plate IV) Karnataka. Elsewhere: Nil. Distribution: India: Tamil Nadu, Arunachal Remarks: This species is being reported for the Pradesh, Karnataka, West Bengal. Elsewhere: first time from Madhya Pradesh. China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Thailand. Subfamily TEPHRITINAE Remarks: This species is being reported for the first Tribe DITHRYCINI time from Tamil Nadu. Genus Platensina Enderlein Subfamily TRYPETINAE 1911. Platensina Enderlein, Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Geogr. BioI. Tiere, 31: 453. Type species, Platensina Tribe TRYPETINI sumbana Enderlein. Genus Philophylla Rondani Platensina acrostacta (Wiedemann) 1870. Philophylla Rondani, Bull. Soc. Entomol Ital., 2: 9. Type species, Musca caesio Harris. Material examined: 11-, Dist. Balsar, Umbergaon, 12.xi.1973, colI. P.T. Cherian. Key to the species Diagnosis: Face and genae entirely yellow, 1. Wing with apical portion hyaline; dark brown with a faint tinge of brown on the latter; thorax basal portion; body black and shining; wing with covered with grey pollen, humeri, mesonotum posterior apical band from R4+5 to M absent and venter of scutellum yellow, pleura yellow, ..................................................... Philophylla indica Hancock & Drew. (Fig.c, plate I) tinged with brown and densely grey pollinose; legs entirely yellow; wings lacks hyaline spot in Wing with isolated posterior apical band from apical portion of cell R1and two hyaline spots in r t R4+5 to M present. .................. Philophylla fossata M2; abdomen black, yellow on sides of r t two (Fabricius). (Fig. h, plate III) terga, 2nd yellow with yellow color extending over Philophylla fossata (Fabricius) the middle of terga 3 and 4, 5th tergum shinning 1805. Tephritis fossata Fabricius, Syst. Antliat., p. 320. black. (Fig. i, plate III). Type-locality: India (Kerala: Tranquebar). Distribution: India: Gujarat, Karnataka, Material examined: 41-, Cinchona, Anamalai Kerala, Meghalaya, Orissa, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Hills, 1.v.1957, colI. P.5.Nathan; 11-, loco Cinchona, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal. Elsewhere: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand. Anamalai Hills, 1.iv.1956, colI. P.5. Nathan; 11-, dist. Coimbatore, Coimbatore, 1.vii.1957, colI. P.5. Remarks: This species is being reported for the Nathan. first time from Gujarat. Distribution: India: Tamil Nadu, Arunachal Tribe PLIOMELAENINI Pradesh, Assam, Karnataka, Kerala. Elsewhere: Genus Pliomelaena Bezzi Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, New 1918. Pliomelaena Bezzi, Bull. ent. Res., 8: 220. Type Ireland, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, species, Pliomelaena brevifrons Bezzi. Solomon Islands, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam; Japan, Korea, Papua New Guinea; Australia. Pliomelaena zonogastra (Bezzi) Remarks: This species is being reported for the Material examined: 11-, dist. Sanand, Kalot, first time from Tamil Nadu. 5.xii.1973, colI. P.T.Cherian; 11-, dist. Ahamedabad, Khan, 12.ii.1974, colI. P.T. Cherian. Philophylla indica Hancock & Drew 1994. Philophylla indica Hancock & Drew, Raffles Bull. Diagnosis: Head and thoracic bristles yellow, Zool., 42(3): 581. Type-locality: India (Karnataka: anterior dorsocentral bristles situated in line with Western Ghats: Kemmannugundi, near Tarikere). supraalars, gena setose; thorax black, grey BHATTACHARYA et al. : Additional Records of Fruit-Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) from India 161 pollinose, scutellum dark brown but yellow Diagnosis: Body shinning black, grey pollinose around margin; legs yellow to rufous; Wing on mesonotum; wings dark brown with hyaline normal in shape, mostly brown with hyaline base, one hyaline wedge on anterior margin in wedges on both margins, vein R4+5 setose to 1/2 middle of wing and four hyaline wedges on distance to r-m crossvein; abdomen brown, tinged posterior margin of wing, vein R4+5 bare, r-m rufous of first two terga and yellow at apex of 5th crossvein is situated about its own length from m tergum. (Fig. d, plate II). crossvein; sixth tergum of female shorter than fifth and basal segment of ovipositor almost equal in Distribution: India: Gujarat, Andaman & Nicobar Island, Assam, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, length to terga 5+6. (Fig. k, plate IV). Karnataka, Orissa, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Uttar Distribution: India: Gujarat, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh. Elsewhere: China. Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand, West Bengal. Remarks: This species is being reported for the first time from Gujarat. Elsewhere: Widespread Oriental, Russia, Japan; Australia, New Britain & Oceania, China, Genus Sunderesta Hering Korea, Malaysia, Moluccas, New Caledonia, 1953. Sunderesta Hering, Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, Taiwan, Thailand. 64: 78. Type species, Sunderestahilaris Hering. Remarks: This species is being reported for the Sunderesta malaisei (Hering) first time from Gujarat. Material examined: 1'f., Loc. Kewzing (Alt. Tribe TEPHRITINI 1800m), 19.v.1962, colI. G.Ramakrishna. Genus Campiglossa Rondani Diagnosis: Black in ground colour; Face concave, epistoma projected; head yellow, brown 1870. Campiglossa Rondani, Bull. Soc. Entomol. Etal., 2: 121. Type-species, Tephritis irrorata Fallen. colour with grey pollen, arista short pubescent; thorax grey pubescent with a faint brown spot on Key to the species each side at level with suture in line with 1. Wing entirely dark brown with numerous hyaline dorsocentrals; legs yellow; third costal section of spots along periphery, cell r4+5 with a hyaline spot wing about 3/5 as long as 2nd section, two costal at apex ............................. Campiglossa cribellata spines present at subcostal break, vein R4+5 Bezzi (Fig. a, plate I) setose through entire length, r-m crossvein near Posterior region of wing brown with numerous apical % of cell r t M2; abdomen grey pubescent hyaline spots, cell r 4+5 without an apical hyaline with a pair of antero basal submedian brown spots spot .......................................... Campiglossa deserta each on terga 2-5, apex of 5th tergum yellow. (Fig. f, (Hering) (Fig. g, plate III) plate II). Campiglossa cribellata Bezzi Distribution: India: Sikkim,
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