Exploring the Social, Moral, and Temporal Qualities of Pre-Service

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Exploring the Social, Moral, and Temporal Qualities of Pre-Service

Exploring the Social, Moral, and Temporal Qualities of Pre-Service Teachers’ Narratives of Deirdre Hahn Division of Psychology in Education, College of Education, Arizona State University, PO Box 878409, Tempe, Arizona 85287 [email protected] Sarah K Brem Division of Psychology in Education, College of Education, Arizona State University, PO Box 870611, Tempe, Arizona 85287 [email protected] Steven Semken Department of Geological Sciences, Arizona State University, PO Box 871404, Tempe, Arizona 85287 [email protected]

ABSTRACT consequences of accepting evolutionary theory. That is, both evolutionists and creationists tend to believe that Elementary, middle, and secondary school teachers may accepting evolutionary theory will result in a greater experience considerable unease when teaching evolution ability to justify or engage in racist or selfish behavior, in the context of the or life sciences (Griffith and and will reduce people's sense of purpose and Brem, in press). Many factors may contribute to their self-determination. Further, Griffith and Brem (in press) discomfort, including personal conceptualizations of the found that in-service science teachers frequently share evolutionary process - especially evolution, the these same beliefs and to avoid controversy in the most controversial aspect of evolutionary theory. classroom, the teachers created their own boundaries in Knowing more about the mental representations of an curriculum and teaching practices. evolutionary process could help researchers to There is a historical precedent for uneasiness around understand the challenges educators face in addressing evolutionary theory, particularly given its use to explain scientific principles. These insights could inform and justify actions performed in the name of science. educators of alternative methods in providing support Guthrie (1998) suggested examples of gross misuse of and assistance. In this study, we examined pre-service science related to an exploitation of the principles and teachers' conceptual representations of an evolutionary language used to describe evolution: the "Kallikak bad process through their personal narratives of evolution seed" philosophy of human reproduction; Tuskeegee for an imaginary humanoid species on a far-off planet. non-consented research on Black men; government The imaginary creature participants described tended to sanctioned sterilizations performed in prisons and resemble in both form and evolutionary history. mental institutions; and testing used to The narratives had a tendency to link evolutionary extend "racially inferior" labels to Native Americans and changes with social and moral consequences. Those Mexican Americans. whose narratives closely paralleled human evolution Post-World War I American was marked with also seemed to have difficulty envisioning evolutionary disillusionment and fear regarding human progress in changes that would take the species past current human the face of violence and worldwide conflict (Moore, 1998, development and into their evolutionary future. The 1999). American and European biologists, alike, believed connection among social and moral issues, evolution, early interpretations of Darwin's concept of natural and difficulties envisioning the future may provide selection was distorted by the German militarism to important clues into pre-service teachers' promote and create war (Farber, 1994). Moore claimed conceptualizations of human evolution. Addressing that post-WWI American culture developed a personal barriers and misunderstandings that might "...nostalgia for the relative simplicity of prewar life, impede geoscience education may become an effective combined with a perceived decline in morality [that] led tool for teaching scientific principles. many people to rely increasingly on their religious faith for stability and comfort" (p. 487). The 1925 Scopes trial exemplifies the public INTRODUCTION treatment of evolutionary theory following the first World War whereby human evolution became tied to Few people remain indifferent about teaching ideas of evil, bigotry, morality, atheism, and images of evolutionary theory in America (Dennett, 1995). monkeys turning into man (Moore, 1998, 1999). The Research regarding the teaching and learning of atrocities committed by the Nazis during World War II evolutionary theory has focused heavily on student further stigmatized evolutionary theory in the public comprehension and misconceptions (Bishop and eye. Postwar America saw an even deeper resurgence of Anderson, 1990; Cobern, 1994; Dawkins, 1976; Demastes faith and morality, particularly by American et al., 1995; Moreland and Reynolds, 1999; Piburn et al., fundamentalists, who turned to education and politics to 1986; Zimmerman, 1987), or on curricular and policy strengthen the image of morality. Today, fears of issues (Shankar and Skoog, 1993; Skoog, 1984). Less abandoned faith, unethical scientific practices, concern attention has been given to the social and personal for human morality, and a loss of purpose continue to be consequences that arise from the complex and coupled with evolutionary theory (Brem et al., 2003; controversial relationship between evolutionary theory Dawkins, 2003; Gitt, 1995; Ham, 1998). and issues such as racism, social Darwinism, eugenics, Wolpoff and Caspari (1997) reveal that evo lu tion ary and other ethical dilemmas (Farber, 1994; Franklin, 1991; bi ol ogy is frequently cat e go rized as the study of human Moore, 1998, 1999; Griffith and Brem, 2003; Moreland race or hu man types. Thus, when theo ries of evolu tion and Reynolds, 1999; Wolpoff and Caspari, 1997). are re duced to mere ra cial differ en ti a tion, ex ist ing un - Brem, Ranney and Schindel (2003) found that when ease be tween those teaching sci en tific prin ci ples of hu - people accept evolutionary or creationist accounts of life man or i gin and those that feel threat ened by it becomes on Earth, they tend to have a negative perception of the ex ac er bated. By compar i son, the value of col lect ing per -

456 Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 53, n. 4, September, 2005, p. 456-461 sonal nar ra tives on a con tro ver sial topic such as evolu - Extracting participant models of evolution, especially tion rests in how research ers can pro vide partic i pants human evolution, is challenging. In addition to the safety in tran scend ing the po ten tial dis com fort of report - discomfort participants may experience by "going on the ing. The his tor i cal evi dence that non-scientists tend to record" with personal beliefs about a controversial frame evolu tion ary the ory in so cial and moral terms sug- subject even anonymously, accounts of actual gests adher ing to such percep tions involves the use of evolutionary processes do require specific prior frag mented and sim plis tic in ter pre ta tions of mean ings in knowledge. Participants may become hesitant or change over time. For this reason, telling an evo lu tion ary embarrassed if unfamiliar with the details of these story may provide re search partic i pants a creative and processes, even if evolutionary theory by itself causes no non-judgmental op tion of re veal ing per sonal inter pre ta - discomfort. tions of evo lu tionary change and time with out earthly One possible solution to this dilemma is to ask limi ta tions. participants to construct an evolutionary narrative about Conceptually, understanding evolution through a fictional "humanoid" species. Genet (1998) developed a “deep time” (McPhee, 1981) is difficult because it is college course that explored the concept of "epic explained after the fact and is affected by complex, evolution," suggesting students would better stochastic events. The odds that things would turn out understand science as a story. His curriculum details similarly if we could re-run evolution of the universe or epic evolution as scientifically objective, culturally life on Earth are infinitesimally small (Dennett, 1995; relative, and as meeting the need for personal Gould, 1989). In a forward time scale, evolutionary understanding of a complex theory. This method also theory may appear to have very limited predictive appears to tie people to the future. Creativity research power for some people and it may create discomfort for shows that people tend not to move far from their actual humans to visualize prospective natural events in the experience and beliefs when creating "novel" characters, future. while prior knowledge and current beliefs constrain Alternatively, human dependence on cognitive innovation, especially when specific examples are memory for interpreting a time scale of events to provided (Costello and Keane, 2000; Ward and Sifonis, understand what the future may bring (Suddendorf and 1997, Smith et al., 1993). Our rationale for asking Corballis, 1997) could interfere with our capability to participants to invent a new humanoid species within a visualize vast time scales. An unwillingness of teachers storyline was to relieve hesitation in responses that may to engage meaningfully with evolution may derive from be due to internal conflict or lack of knowledge. the great difficulty of comprehending the geologic time Participants would not have to make claims about frame in which biological evolution takes place. human beings directly, yet we still expected them to Although the magnitude of deep time is readily apparent draw heavily on existing personal conceptions of human from observations of geological processes and features evolution to answer the open-ended questions. (Palmer, 1989; Zen, 2001), attaching evolutionary Although this cannot fully address all discomfort principles onto deep time has proven challenging for associated with such a task, we believed it would students, teachers and even for many scientists to grasp provide the teacher participants with "breathing room" (Dennett, 1995; Trend, 2000). while still getting at the basic questions of how they Given the available evidence in how educators conceptualize the evolutionary process of humans or conceptualize human evolution we observe two central, human-like species. Moreover, inventing this narrative yet often overlooked elements in people's discomfort does not require prior knowledge of specific species or with evolution: a tendency to associate evolutionary events, nearly eliminating the problems associated with principles with historical ethical and moral a lack of expertise in the evolutionary sciences. consequences, and considerable difficulty imagining the We did not begin this research with any prior future on the immense evolutionary time scale. In this assumptions of what responses would constitute a study, we chose to explore these elements with "correct" interpretation of evolution by the pre-service pre-service teachers. teacher participants. We did not expect that thematic Research by Shankar and Skoog (1993) showed patterns in their collected responses would necessarily teachers in Texas avoided teaching evolution even after map directly onto any existing classifications, such as the legal proceedings affirmed their right to teach the "creation/evolution continuum" of Scott (2000). Instead, subject. Griffith and Brem (2003) illustrated that teachers we simply anticipated that thematic differences shared many of the same ethical and moral concerns of a identified within the narratives would reflect differing layperson about evolution, while cognitive research conceptions of the evolutionary process. maintains that deep time is a difficult notion even for individuals with significant scientific training (Dennett, Participants - Our study focused on pre-service teachers 1995). In short, teachers have the power to influence the in order to capture fundamental conceptions of development of novel beliefs and attitudes for students evolution without the influence of the more mature around evolutionary concepts. Examining pre-service techniques that experienced in-service teachers utilize. In teachers' beliefs and attitudes may reveal how beginning essence, pre-service teachers have not learned to adapt to teachers can affect science-learning outcomes when there the challenges of teaching evolution. We intentionally exists a genuine unease surrounding evolution. Thus, recruited a range of different majors in education and not examining pre-service teachers also permits us to collect just those planning to teach science, in order to determine longitudinal data regarding the development of a more general set of attitudes toward understandings of scientific beliefs after they enter the workforce. This evolutionary theory. paper reports on the first wave of data collection with The participants were 40 pre-service teachers at this pre-service teacher population. Arizona State University. A total of 20 participants finished all three humanoid scenarios and one METHOD participant completed two scenarios. This was lower than anticipated because incomplete and illegible

Hahn et al. - Pre-service Teachers’ Narratives of Evolution 457 Demographic Data and Questions N’s reporting Responses Age (M=23.38) Male = 1 Gender 21 Female = 20 Asian = 4.8% Ethnicity 21 Latino/Hispanic = 9.5% White = 81% What is your major in the Teacher Education Program? 21 Elementary Ed = 90.5% Secondary Ed = 9.5% Math = 14.3% English = 4.8% Social Studies = 9.5% What subjects do you plan to teach? 10 All subjects = 4.8% Science = 14.3% Unkown = 47.6% 2 to 3 courses = 52.4% Number of completed high school science courses. 21 4 to 4 courses = 47.6% 0 to 1 courses = 4.8% 2 to 3 courses = 76.2% Number of completed college science courses. 21 4 to 5 courses = 9.5% 5 + courses = 9.5% Have you ever had a course that taught evolution? 12 Yes = 41.7 No = 58.3% Yes = 66.7% Do you believe in a supreme being? 21 No = 19.0% Don’t Know = 14.3% Christian = 88.9% What is your religious affiliation? 18 Non-Christian = 11.1%

Table 1. Participant profile. handwriting eliminated many of the surveys. combinations of phrases written within a box printed the Participants who indicated that they did not intend to size of one-half of letter-sized white paper. A total of 438 pursue teaching careers were not included. Table 1 phrase responses were analyzed from the 21 provides a summary of demographic data on the 21 participants. pre-service teacher participants. Rater-coder - We used a content analysis to examine Design - Pre-service teachers responded to a story where possible patterns of the type of humanoid within each they were asked to imagine being space travelers scenario based on similarity of language used in journeying to a distant planet populated by live descriptions. This was done using raters who sorted the humanoid creatures. Across a 200,000-year time period, descriptions. The raters were five graduate students who participants were asked to imagine and describe the independently examined each individual phrase and evolution of humanoids on a far-off planet. Participants then attempted to categorize the phrases into general were instructed to describe: (a) the first (Early) groupings. For example, each rater received a set of humanoids encountered on the planet; (b) the second individual phrases printed on strips of paper for each of (Middle) humanoids that had evolved for 100,000 years; the three scenarios (Early, Middle and Late), and were and (c) a mutated (Late) species that had evolved an instructed to group the phrases within scenarios into additional 100,000 years. Each set of responses was an categories. As with any qualitative coding procedure, opportunity to examine participant cognition about a what we are inevitably reporting is not the patterns humanoid evolutionary process decoupled from direct produced by the participants, but the patterns produced reference to human beings or other life on Earth. Most by the participants and raters interacting. The coders responses took the form of bulleted lists, narratives, or reached a consensus, with disagreements resolved illustrations, while some participants used athrough discussion. Examples of participant answers combination of these formats. and rater-coder categories are given in Table 2. Analysis - Responses were examined at the level of short RESULTS phrases and bulleted points. Phrases were considered groups of words that started with a capital letter and According to the rater-coders, the humanoids the ended with blank space or a punctuation mark. Other participants invented tended to either be unusual beings phrases were defined as groups of words preceded by with forms and abilities markedly different from those of some type of bulleted mark and ending with blank space humans (i.e., lighter than air, no corporeal form, psychic or punctuation. Whole responses to scenarios were the communication), or they resembled common stereotypes

458 Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 53, n. 4, September, 2005, p. 456-461 100,000-year old 200,000-year old Rater-coder categories First Humanoid (Early) Humanoid (Middle) Humanid (Late) looking, not upright, Upright, modern man, less large head, hairy, thick muscular, fatter, less hair, Floating with no form skin, muscular, long smooth and light skin, tall, Bodies engineered by science has Small teeth, no hair, white fingernails, dark in color, skin, good eyes, fast Physical Description needs teeth to eat meat Clothed, shaves 4 arms, 4 legs, eyes on back Hairy, no beauty, long Larger brain of head, no skin, less body fingernails Humanoids can choose Big brain Single celled, no features, physical traits Supreme beings no hair, smooth Multi-celled Religious identity Mentally inferior due to No identity, no Builds, problem solver, science Intelligence intelligence, not advanced machines, tools, jobs Analyze, curious, explores Tool user, solves Technology problems, learns Uses technology advance begins, Alien-like human cloning Increased verbal Telepathy Minimal communication, Communication communication Advanced complex not advanced in language Computers communication No hunting, food accessible, manufactured Hot Environment provides food Environment diet, eats meat, vegetables, Explores oceans and skies cave dwellers No hunting needed, not Adapts to new dependent on environments environment to survive Minimal, no social No social interactions Social Skills hierarchy, cave-dwellers, Thrive in social groups small groups small Larger population Small groups population Family unit important Lazy Selfish Aggressive, Angry Ill-mannered Behaviors hunter/gatherers Resentful Ignorant Relationships only for Aggressive reproduction Disregards others and Warring cares just for family Violent

Table 2. Examples of participant answers and rater-coder categories. of human evolution. This latter sort of narrative was far resentment. Participants seemed to have more difficulty more common, suggesting that participants tended to in describing the Late humanoids, those farthest in the use human evolution as their model, as we had expected, future. These narratives were generally shorter, and and we concentrate on this model for the remainder of likely to repeat or overlap with the Middle narratives. this paper. We saw a trend for partic i pants to link their evolu - The Early humanoids commonly had human-like tion ary timeline de scrip tions with nega tive/cau tion ary teeth, large heads, muscular bodies and long fingernails, char ac ter is tics (i.e., greedy, selfish, un healthy), or pos i- survive in a hostile environment, and depend on tive/opti mal char ac ter is tics (i.e., happy, caring, healthy scrounging and hunting for food. They ranged from diet). Cau tion ary nar ra tives began with the ear li est hu - having no intelligence to being able to solve problems man oids de picted as cave dwell ers who led a simple life, and learn; some had the ability to communicate and and were usually happy and healthy. They fall victim to frequently exhibited a need for social interaction in small technol ogy, greed, and mecha ni za tion. In the Late group, groups. the caution ary hu man oids were selfish, ill man nered, The Middle humanoids were mostly upright and and lacked empa thy; they subsisted on junk food and seemed to have taken on a dominant role in society. They were often obese, or reverted back to caveman status. were no longer as hairy, lost the long fingernails, and Likewise, the optimization narratives began with developed skin that was smoother, lighter and less cave dwellers who were brutish, struggle for survival, muscular. Their brains were larger than those of the and have animal-like appearances and behaviors. Over earliest humanoids. They practiced religion, solved time, technology, greater intelligence, and ability problems, had jobs, and built machines and homes. They allowed the Middle humanoids to create a happier and no longer hunted for survival, as food was readily more productive existence. By the end of these accessible. They thrived on social interactions and narratives, the Late optimized humanoids were caring, appeared to express emotions such as anger and had elaborate acts of ritual and expression, ate a varied,

Hahn et al. - Pre-service Teachers’ Narratives of Evolution 459 healthy diet, and had moved closer to the of misconceptions in the ongoing relationships of modern humans. Physically, they usually had less body social/moral consequences and evolution; (b) learning to hair and modern teeth and nails. envision the future; and (c) understanding the For each type of timeline, Late characterizations unification of biological and geological evolution. were the least descriptive, perhaps an indicator of the Attention to these areas could significantly reduce difficulties participants had in projecting evolution into unease and hesitation for pre-service teachers who will the future. Overall, the three timeline descriptions eventually address or explain evolutionary concepts to generally followed a moralistic and apparent students while in-service. dichotomous theme (greedy versus happy; selfish versus This research program is in its infancy and we caring; unhealthy versus healthy) in conceptualizing an acknowledge a more diverse participant sample, evolution process. including gender balance and an expanded ethnic background, would benefit outcome clarification. DISCUSSION Further, comparisons of personal narratives to quantitative examination of attributes, belief systems, The tendency for participants' narratives to take on a and values may verify the extent to which engaging in dichotomous cautionary or optimization direction evolutionary theory might affect future teachers. We informs the potential social and moral uncertainty that need to determine whether a connection can be made may color our understanding of evolutionary theory. between the narratives teachers create and the level and The trend of adhering to an "either/or" approach to the nature of their unease around teaching evolution. The origin of life creates an internal choice not readily relationship of a fictional, far-off humanoid species apparent in just knowledge evaluation alone. In the narrative to humans on Earth must also be further participants' narratives, the species is rewarded or explored. Nevertheless, we believe these initial findings punished for its excesses or achievements, giving provide important clues about pre-service teachers' evolution an either positive or negative ethical and conceptualizations of human evolution and personal moralistic tone. Also, as we predicted, participants' barriers that might impede ongoing, effective science descriptions of the humanoids farthest in the future were education. the least detailed. This outcome is consistent with other research regarding the difficulties many people have in ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS grasping deep time, and illustrates how participants' creativity may become constrained by their limited This research is supported by National Science knowledge of extreme time frames - ultimately the Foundation grant REC-0133446 to the second author. All human future is unknown. opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations Differences between mid-time (Middle) and future presented in this publication are those of the authors and (Late) humanoids yielded similar descriptions. In other do not necessarily reflect the views of the National words, scenario responses generally indicated the Science Foundation. The authors wish to thank Angelica evolution of the imaginary humanoids reached a stage Prado-Stern, Sian Proctor, Luis Fernando Romero, Joyce roughly equivalent to the current state of actual humans. Van Walsum and Debbie Zambo for their support and This finding suggests participants share a belief that contribution to this research. contemporary human beings are at the evolutionary pinnacle of our species, which is in line with general REFERENCES anthropocentric beliefs about human evolution (Wolpoff and Caspari, 1997). More recent research conducted with Bishop, B.A., and Anderson, C.W., 1990, Student undergraduate students suggests a general belief that conceptions of and its role in geologic change also "stops" in the present (Libarkin et evolution, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, al., 2005). 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Hahn et al. - Pre-service Teachers’ Narratives of Evolution 461

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