European Instıtute Jean Monnet CentrE of Excellence THE REDISCOVERY OF THE BALKANS? A BOSNIAK-TURKISH FIGURATION IN THE THIRD SPACE BETWEEN ISTANBUL AND SARAJEVO Thomas Schad 2015 Working Paper No: 8 İstanbul Bilgi University, European Institute, Santral Campus, Kazım Karabekir Cad. No: 2/13 34060 Eyüp / ‹stanbul, Turkey Phone: +90 212 311 52 60 • Fax: +90 212 250 87 48 e-mail:
[email protected] • Table of Contents Preface 5 Introduction 7 1. Bosniak Muhacirlik in literature 10 2. The neo-Ottomanist soft power of Turkey’s cultural diplomacy 13 3. Turkish cultural diplomacy and the Bosnian war 15 4. Bosniaks in Bayrampaşa 17 5. Bekir’s story: security under the crescent 20 6. The hometown association and the quarter 22 Conclusion: a bridge of cooperation in the third space 23 References 27 PREFACE This Working Paper delienates the construction of diasporic spaces by Bosniak communities re- siding in İstanbul and İzmir. Based on an ongoing multilocal anthropological field research con- ducted by Thomas Schad, a PhD Candidate in Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and So- cieties, Free University Berlin, this research extensivey discusses the rediscovery of the Balkans by the contemporary Turkish State and the AKP Rule. Deriving from the findings acquired in ethnographic field studies in three Bosniak neighborhoods and hometown associations in İstanbul and İzmir, this research explores the emerging “third space” between Turkey and Bos- nia. It investigates the role of late and post-Ottoman Muslim migration (Muhacirlik) in Turkish cultural diplomats’ rediscovery of the lost Ottoman lands, and how contemporary neo-Otto- manism, conversely, is perceived by Bosniaks in Turkey and beyond.