
by Sarah Tardiff October 16, 2017

HOW THE WING DEVELOPED ITS SIGNATURE INTERIOR DESIGN STYLE Yet their brand new Soho location has a design identity all its own.

The Wing isn't into uniformity. Although the co-working and community space for women is growing faster than co-founders and Lauren Kassan could have ever imagined — with their second location opening in City's Soho neighborhood, plus and D.C. on the way in winter 2018 — thoughtful aesthetics have been a huge key to their success. In other words, cookie-cutter interiors aren't on the menu.

"We always want the spaces that we find to feel like they're indigenous to the neighborhood, so we looked for a while to find the perfect Soho dream loft," says Gelman. You're immediately greeted by stark white walls and soaring ceilings, broken up by massive warehouse-style windows. Each room is punctuated with custom-made furniture in a range of pastels and jewel tones and the eclectic art collection every 20-something dreams about (curated by Wing member Lolita Cros). Dream loft, indeed.

The vibe at the brand new location is distinctly The Wing, yet it has matured quite a bit. "We've evolved the decor a lot, the color palette has a lot more richness and texture," Kassan says. They collaborated on the design with interior designer Chiara de Rege and architect Alda Ly, both Wing members, of course.

"We really wanted to emphasize the bones of the space and how special they are," Gelman adds.

With plenty of collaboration, plus a newfound obsession with Pinning interiors, The Wing Soho is proof that they've gotten their design style down to a science — without being too predictable.

Much like the original location in the , the space is made up of plenty of different seating areas, a locker room-style beauty space, pump room, and cafe. "We really want our members to have access to both public and more private spaces for working, getting ready, and having business meetings," says Kassan.

This location also has a few unique additions, like a freak-out room ("Or you can nap, meditate, whatever you need!" says Gelman) and The Perch, a cafe with a massive overhead skylight that has a fabulous selection of food and drink options. Whatever nook you decide to hunker down in for the afternoon, you'll be bathed in sunlight and surrounded by a distinct creative energy that only The Wing knows how to foster through design.

"It was all very collaborative, from the cocktail menu to the wallpaper," Gelman says. "It's really fun because we meet so many women who are doing creative, interesting things and working with them on new projects is one of the main reasons we love what we do."

Tour the rest of The Wing's new Soho location below and stay tuned for their forthcoming locations — and the design identities that will come with them.