Biodiversity of the Bregalnica River Watershed

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Biodiversity of the Bregalnica River Watershed Project Report “Ecological Data Gap Analysis and Ecological Sensitivity Map Development for the Bregalnica River Watershed“ Dekons-Ema and Macedonian Ecological Society Book 2 Biodiversity of the Bregalnica River Watershed Final Report Program coordinator: prof. Slavcho Hristovski, PhD. Director: Menka Spirovska Skopje, December 2015 Project Report: Ecological Data Gap Analysis and Ecological Senstivity Map Development for the Bregalnica River Watershed Project implementation: Dekons-ema and Macedonian Ecological Society Project financier: Centre for Development of East Planning Region Editors: Slavcho Hristovski and Robertina Brajanoska Authors: Slavcho Hristovski Vladimir Dzabirski Ljiljana Tomovic Robertina Brajanoska Vlado Matevski Metodija Velevski Aleksandar Sarov Daniela Jovanovska Mitko Kostadinovski Aleksandar Stojanov Despina Kitanova Natalija Melovska Bogoljub Sterijovski Dime Melovski Nikolcho Velkovski Valentina Slavevska- Gjorgje Ivanov Svetlana Pejovic Stamenkovic Evgenija Jordanovska Sonja Ivanovska Vasko Avukatov Zlatko Levkov Ljupcho Melovski Katerina Rusevska Citation: Hristovski, S., Brajanoska, R. (eds) (2015). Biological diversity of the Bregalnica River Watershed. Final project report “Ecological Data Gap Analysis and Ecological Sensitivity Map Development for the Bregalnica River Watershed”, Book 2, Skopje. Dekons-Ema Environmental Management Associates Ul. Metropolit Teodosij Gologanov 44/4 1000 Skopje Macedonian Ecological Society Ul. Vladimir Nazor 10 1000 Skopje The report Biodiversity of the Bregalnica River Watershed has been developed as part of the project “Ecological Data Gap Analysis and Ecological Sensitivity Map Development for the Bregalnica River Watershed”, based on Contract (No. 0205-145/10 of 16.06.2014), signed by the Center for Development of the East Planning Region, represented by Dragica Zdraveva, Manager of the Center and Ecological Consulting Society “Dekons-Ema” Ltd. from Skopje, represented by Menka Spirovska, manager. The project "Ecological Data Gap Analysis and Ecological Sensitivity Map Development for the Bregalnica River Watershed" is implemented within the Nature Conservation Programme in Macedonia, project of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), coordinated by Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation and Farmahem. Biodiversity of the Bregalnica River Watershed Contents 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 7 2 Geographic Characteristics ............................................................................................................. 10 2.1 Geographic Range ................................................................................................................. 10 2.2 Administrative Division ......................................................................................................... 12 2.3 Climate Characteristics ......................................................................................................... 13 2.4 Geological characteristics ..................................................................................................... 16 2.5 Geomorphological Characteristics ........................................................................................ 19 2.5.1 Basic Geomorphological Characteristics ....................................................................... 19 Mountains ................................................................................................................. 19 Valleys and Fields ...................................................................................................... 20 Bregalnica River Valley .............................................................................................. 21 2.5.2 Specific Geomorphological Structures .......................................................................... 22 2.6 Hydrology .............................................................................................................................. 26 2.6.1 Hydrographic network .................................................................................................. 26 2.6.2 Ecological integrity of the watercourse ........................................................................ 26 3 Socio-economic characteristics ...................................................................................................... 29 4 Land use .......................................................................................................................................... 31 5 Ecosystem Services ......................................................................................................................... 36 6 Forests and Forestry ....................................................................................................................... 40 6.1 Forest associations ................................................................................................................ 40 6.2 Forestry ................................................................................................................................. 45 7 Hunting and fishing ........................................................................................................................ 49 7.1 Hunting .................................................................................................................................. 49 7.2 Fishing ................................................................................................................................... 50 8 Biogeographical characteristics ...................................................................................................... 52 3 Report: Bregalnica River Watershed Biological Diversity 8.1 Biomes (biogeographical provinces) ..................................................................................... 52 8.1.1 Zonobiome of the Mediterranean Semi Deserts .......................................................... 52 8.1.2 Zonobiome of Sub-Mediterranean Balkan Forests ....................................................... 53 8.1.3 Zonobiome and Orobiome of the Balkan Central European Forests ............................ 54 8.1.4 Orobiome of the High-altitude Rocks, Tundra and High-altitude Mountain Pastures . 54 8.2 Climate-vegetation-soil zones ............................................................................................... 55 9 Agrobiodiversity ............................................................................................................................. 56 9.1 Plant Agrobiological Diversity ............................................................................................... 56 9.1.1 Cereals ........................................................................................................................... 56 9.1.2 Legumes ........................................................................................................................ 57 9.1.3 Vegetable crops ............................................................................................................ 59 9.1.4 Industrial crops ............................................................................................................. 61 9.1.5 Forage crops .................................................................................................................. 62 9.2 Biological Diversity in Domesticated Animals ....................................................................... 62 10 Biological Diversity of Species ................................................................................................... 67 10.1 Plant Diversity ....................................................................................................................... 68 10.2 Fungi Diversity ....................................................................................................................... 75 10.3 Diatom Algae Diversity .......................................................................................................... 81 10.4 Mammal Diversity ................................................................................................................. 83 10.5 Bird Diversity ......................................................................................................................... 86 10.6 Herpetofauna Diversity ......................................................................................................... 91 10.7 Ichthyofauna Diversity .......................................................................................................... 94 10.8 Diversity of Select Groups of Invertebrates .......................................................................... 95 10.8.1 Ground Beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) ...................................................................... 96 10.8.2 Daily Butterflies ............................................................................................................. 98 10.8.3 Aquatic Inverterbrata Diversity ................................................................................... 101 Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonata) .............................................................. 103 10.9 Habitats ..............................................................................................................................
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