EASTINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Email: [email protected] ~ Tel: 01453 799616

I hereby give notice that the Meeting of Eastington Parish Council will be held in Eastington Village Hall on Thursday 10th October 2019 at 7.00pm.

Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of transacting the business as set out below. All residents of the Parish are welcome to attend and a 20-minute period of time is set aside for members of the public to raise questions.

Julie Shirley, Clerk to Eastington Parish Council 4th October 2019

AGENDA 1. To note attendance and apologies for absence 2. To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda 3. To receive Chairman’s announcements 4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 12th September 2019 5. To review outstanding actions from previous meeting. 6. To consider changes to the order of business. (All Items 1-6: 10 mins)

The meeting may be adjourned at this point for members of the Public to speak. (20 mins) Members of the public are welcome to speak for up to 3 minutes each regarding any matter on the agenda or any items they wish to bring to the attention of the Parish Council; the Parish Council is not permitted to make any decisions during the public session. Members of the public are not permitted to address the meeting once the public session is concluded.

Welcome Martin Hutchings from Rural Community Council, presenting the final Housing Needs Survey for Eastington. To receive a report from the County Councillor (5 mins) To receive a report from the District Councillors (5 mins)

7. Planning (30 mins) 7.1. To consider the following planning applications: S.19/1833/ADV Parcel H1-H4 7 no. flags, 1 no. freestanding triangular sign and 1 no. freestanding Land WoS banner sign S.19/2069/FUL Units 3 To 6, Proposed new windows, doors & fire escape stair. Minor alteration to Eastington roof to form lift overrun shaft. Trading Estate

7.2. To note the following planning decisions made by Council: S.19/1512/FUL – St Catherine’s, Bath Road – replacement dwelling. PERMIT 10/09/19 S.19/1582/MINAM – Parcels H6 & H7 Great Oldbury – materials change. APPROVED 17/09/19 7.3. To discuss the Housing Needs Survey report prepared by GRCC 7.4. To consider draft letter to Stroud DC as drafted by E-CLT and to consider that the Eastington Neighbourhood Development Plan will need to be updated following Local Plan review, for example references to policy numbers as a minimum. 7.5. To receive the noise assessment report (not released to the public until discussed by Council).

8. Groups / Meetings / Reports (15 mins) 8.1 To receive a verbal update from the Getting Around Group 8.2 To receive a verbal update from the Churchyard & Burial Ground Group 8.3 To receive recommendations from the Snakey Park Working Group regarding ground erosion repairs. 8.4 To discuss overgrown hedges at Chipmans Platt. 8.5 To note the theft of the defibrillator at Westend Suites and to receive an update from the Clerk on replacement.

9. Finance / Procedures (45 mins) 9.1 To approve the latest bank reconciliations and budget versus spend report for the 2019/20 accounts. 9.2 To approve the payment of expenses for September 2019. 9.3 To receive the staff timesheets for September 2019 (confidential and not for circulation). 9.4 To carry out the annual review of the following policies (changes in green ink):  Communications Policy (with Community Engagement Policy merged into this policy)  Expenses Policy EASTINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Email: [email protected] ~ Tel: 01453 799616

 Health & Safety Policy  Social Media Policy. 9.5 To note that the first draft of the 2020/21 budget will be presented at the next meeting and for the Council’s Committees and Working Groups are requested to submit their budgets for inclusion. 9.6 To authorise the purchase of plants for the village gateways. 9.7 To consider improvements to the planting at Alkerton Cross roundabout. 9.8 To discuss how to engage with new residents at Great Oldbury, for example increased circulation of the community news, installation of notice board, community event etc. Council to note there is £646 community infrastructure levy available that can be allocated to community engagement. 9.9 To consider the request from Stroud District Council to make voluntary contributions to the emptying of three dog-bins in the parish at an annual total of £159.72. 9.10 To consider the Solar Grant application from OHMGC. 9.11 To consider signing the Canal Phase 1B Partnership Agreement. 9.12 To consider the request from Eastington Community Land Trust to name the new road of affordable housing “Puddleworth Close” 9.13 To ratify the payments made between meetings:

Inv Date Payee Details Net VAT Gross Budget 30/09/19 Salaries & Expenses Salaries & Expenses Sept 2019 £1882.11 £19.91 £1902.02 Admin

9.14 To approve the accounts for payment: Inv Date Payee Details Net VAT Gross Budget ONLINE PAYMENTS 0 05/10/19 HMRC PAYE & NI September 2019 £359.13 £0 £359.13 Admin 30/09/19 AJ Loveridge Ground maintenance £1155 £0 £1155 Grounds September 2019 Maint 01/09/19 Eastington Village Hall Hire August 2019 £35.00 £0 £35.00 Admin Hall Charity 26/09/19 Waterplus Ltd Burial Ground standtap £11.24 £0 £11.24 C&BG 18/09/19 PATA (UK) Payroll services July-September £53.90 £0 £53.90 Admin 2019 31/08/19 Boyer Planning Ltd Planning Consultancy ref £750 £150 £900 Planning Ecotricity application 30/08/19 Stuart Michael Noise Assessment ref Ecotricity £2573 £514.60 £3087.60 Planning Associates Ltd application 24/09/10 Wellers Law Group Common Land letters and £475 £95 £570 Prof LLP advice Fees DIRECT DEBITS/STANDING ORDERS £0 04/10/19 Nest Pension Pensions September 2019 £111.72 £0 £111.72 Pensions 25/10/19 Vodafone Office mobile September 2019 £32.45 £6.49 £38.94 Admin 21/10/19 PWLB Loan repayment £2761.48 £0 £2761.48 Loan TOTAL £9084.01

10. To discuss arrangements for council meeting on 28th November to be held at Eastington Primary School to mark the 125th anniversary of the parish council 11. To agree Planning Clerk training as follows:  Clerk Networking including MAIDeN presentation 27th November @ £20  Clerk’s Knowledge Essentials 22nd January @ £40  Clerk’s Knowledge Finance 26th February @ £40 12. To receive a list of the previous month’s correspondence for information. 13. To consider nominations for the GAPTC Executive Committee.

Any matters for the next agenda?

Notice: The next meeting of Eastington Parish Council will be on Thursday 14th November 2019. Anybody with an item they wish to bring to the attention of the Council, should forward details, in writing, to the Clerk to the Parish Council, no later than 9am on Wednesday 6th November 2019. EASTINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Email: [email protected] ~ Tel: 01453 799616

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12th September 2019 at 7.00pm in Eastington Village Hall

1. Attendance and apologies for absence In attendance Cllrs Bullock (Chair), Bomberg, Chatterley, Corrie, Farnden, Loveridge and Simmons. Apologies noted from Cllr Wells. Also present Clerk Mrs J Shirley, Planning Clerk Mrs Hayes, County Cllr Williams, District Cllr Jones, District Cllr Davies and 4 members of the public. Absent: Cllr Cozens. 2. Declarations of interest in items on the agenda Cllr Loveridge declared an interest in item 9.5 and 9.14 (receipt of payment). Cllrs Bullock, Farnden and Loveridge declared an interest in item 9.5. 3. Chairman’s announcements None 4. Approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd August 2019. It was proposed by Cllr Chatterley, seconded by Cllr Corrie and Council RESOLVED to accept the minutes of 22nd August 2019. 5. To review outstanding actions from previous meeting: AED installation for Staytes Services still to be actioned. 6. Changes to the order of business None

The meeting was adjourned for members of the public to address the council.

A resident noted that the hedge on Bath Road has been cut on the inside, but the outside is overhanging the pavement.

A resident was present to answer any queries on item 9.12. Another resident was present to address queries on several items; the Chairman will invite comments at those items.

Report from the County Councillor – Cllr Williams gave an update from County Council; Cllr Williams has requested a motion for County Council to consider planting two trees for every resident. There is a working group looking at single-use plastics and how to remove from the County Council. Mr Low asked if there would be a budget for tree-planting. Mr Davies asked that the County Council don’t fell trees.

Report from the District Councillors – Cllr Davies noted that there have been prosecutions for illegal bonfires including one in Eastington. Stroud DC has won an award for the amount of recycling it does. Ecotricity sports stadium application has been submitted but there are discussions about whether enough changes have been made to constitute a new application. The earliest that this application will be considered by Development Control Committee is December 2019; efforts are being made to ensure this delay does not affect the canal restoration project. Gloucestershire Highways has changed its advice on the application and has concerns about car parking that will overspill into Great Oldbury. Cllr Davies is unable to attend the next Eastington PC meeting. Cllr Jones noted that a new Neighbourhood Warden has been allocated to Eastington. Works on the A38 is due to start next month.

7. Planning 7.1. Council considered the following planning applications: App ref Address Details EPC Comments S.19/1715/HHOLD Sage House Proposed single storey rear extension, porch No comment Middle Street to front elevation and render finish to entire building

S.19/1783/ADV Phase 1 Land Totem style advertisement One objection; West of decision of council is Stonehouse no objection.

Signed ...... - 224 - Date ...... EASTINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Email: [email protected] ~ Tel: 01453 799616

7.2. Council received an update from the Planning Clerk regarding the recent Stroud District Council Open Space and Green Infrastructure Study; it is clear from the findings that there is no need for additional sports pitches within either Eastington parish or the Stonehouse cluster. The Parish Council-commissioned noise assessment has been completed and noise measurements taken in a bedroom at William Morris College, a bedroom at Duxbury Close (Great Oldbury) and on the ridgeline behind Bradestones Way. The Planning Clerk is querying some of the information and we have requested via Stroud District Council that Ecotricity input the collected data on their LAmax model. Cllr Davies has requested that Stroud District Council change their noise consultant, has requested the noise reports, and asked what condition can be placed on the application that details the noise mitigation.

8. Groups / Meetings / Reports 8.1 Cllr Chatterley gave a verbal update from the Getting Around Group; Gloucestershire Highways is meeting with Cllr Chatterley to visit Bath Road and Spring Hill to see what work is required to reclaim the pavements. Cllr Chatterley thanked the volunteers that helped with the Lorry Watch; 3 lorries were noted as being over the weight limit. Cllr Chatterley has contacted all 3 companies, and all took the matter seriously. A parishioner took a photo of a lorry that travels through the village regularly, however this lorry was not in breach of the weight limit. A large lorry does not necessarily mean it is breaching the weight limit if has an empty load and therefore permitted to travel through the village. Cllr Chatterley proposed a digital “lorry watch” using a small dash-cam type camera on the side of the village hall; this will need to be agreed by the Village Hall Committee. Action: Cllr Chatterley to price up a camera and report back to Council. 8.2 Cllr Farnden gave a verbal update from the Churchyard & Burial Ground Group; the grounds are looking tidy and noted some ivy growing on the inside of the stone churchyard wall that will need removing by the contractor. 8.3 Council received an update following the meeting with Public Rights of Way and developers regarding the diversions of footpaths 24, 34 and 36 at Great Oldbury. The Developers have offered additional public rights of way in addition to the footpath diversions which Council felt was a good outcome and agreed to withdraw its objection to the diversions. Action: Clerk to advise all parties.

Cllr Davies left the meeting.

8.4 Council received the latest monthly inspection report for Snakey Park. Council wished to convey thanks to the volunteer that carries out the inspections. 8.5 Council received an update from the Clerk on the Gloucestershire Chartered Parishes Meeting.

9. Finance / Procedures 9.1 Council approved the latest bank reconciliations and budget versus spend report for the 2019/20 accounts. 9.2 Council approved the payment of expenses for August 2019 for the Clerk and Planning Clerk. 9.3 Council received the staff timesheets for August 2019. 9.4 Council noted that the external audit 2018/19 had been completed with no items for actions.

Cllrs Bullock, Farnden and Loveridge left the room. Cllr Corrie took the Chair for the next item.

9.5 Council considered applications to the Solar Grant Fund:  E-CLT. Mr Low was invited to address the meeting regarding the E-CLT application for £8,000 funding. Following a short discussion, Cllr Corrie proposed granting the £8,000 in principle for E-CLT to draw down when needed. Cllr Bomberg seconded, all agreed. Action: Clerk to confirm in writing.

Cllrs Bullock, Farnden and Loveridge returned to the room. Cllr Bullock re-took the Chair.

 Snakey Park (EPC). Turned down the application as Council felt it more appropriate that the costs to improve Snakey Park should come from the Parish Council’s budgeted funds rather than Solar Fund.

9.6 Council received a report from E-CLT regarding footpath 48 and request to replace 3 stiles on the footpath. Mr Low was invited to address the meeting on behalf of E-CLT. The request for 3 stiles to be put forward to the 2020/21 budget consideration later this year. There was a discussion about the stile that still needs replacing at top of Broadfield Road; Cllr Chatterley to find out ownership so that consent to replace the stile can be requested. Action: Cllr Chatterley.

Signed ...... - 225 - Date ...... EASTINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Email: [email protected] ~ Tel: 01453 799616

Cllr Jones left the meeting. Cllr Williams left the meeting. Cllr Simmons left the meeting.

9.7 Council carried out the annual review of the following policies and adopted them with minor amendments:  Absence Management  Cookie Policy  Data Protection for Staff  Data Protection for the Public  Disciplinary Procedure  Grants Policy  Privacy Policy  Staff Appraisal Policy  Training Policy  Tree Policy

The Social Media Policy will be revisited in October and Cllr Chatterley will assist with wording to make the policy clearer in places. Action: Cllr Chatterley/Clerk.

9.8 Council reviewed the updated 3-year Strategic Plan. Reinstatement of the pathway at the burial ground to be included in the 2020/21 budget. Lorry Watch has been completed. Action: Clerk to update the Strategic Plan. 9.9 Council discussed the quotes received to repair the eroded ground at the play park. Council deferred making a decision and requested that the Working Group look at the matter in detail and report back to Council. Action: Working Group. 9.10 Council agreed to the replacement of worn parts on the aerial runway at the play park at a cost of £178.20 (parts) plus £395 (installation) plus VAT. Action: Clerk. 9.11 Council received an update from the meeting with contractor regarding the memorial garden. It was agreed to accept the additional works offered free of charge and once complete, Council will pay the invoice on completion.

Council suspended Standing Order 3(x) to continue the meeting beyond 9pm.

9.12 Council considered the request to support the “works on common land application” to the Secretary of State for Westend Green and noted the guidance from Defra. There were 5 councillors against supporting the application and 1 councillor in favour of supporting the application. Action: Clerk to advise the applicant. 9.13 Council ratified the payments made between meetings: Invoice Payee Details Net VAT Gross Budget Date Amount Amount 30/08/19 Salaries & Expenses Salaries & Expenses August 2019 £1867.98 £0 £1867.98 Admin

9.14 Council approved the accounts for payment: Invoice Payee Details Net VAT Gross Budget Date Amount Amount ONLINE PAYMENTS 0 05/09/19 HMRC PAYE & NI August 2019 £400.93 £0 £400.93 Admin 31/08/19 AJ Loveridge Ground maintenance August £1245 £0 £1245 Grounds 2019 & High Path Maint / R&T 01/08/19 Eastington Village Hall Hire June and July 2019 £35.00 £0 £35.00 Admin Hall Charity 26/07/19 Waterplus Ltd Burial Ground standtap £17.29 £0 £17.29 C&BG 31/07/19 Smith’s Annual Duty of Care (£45+VAT) £53.59 £10.72 £64.31 C&BG (Gloucester) Ltd Waste bin collection (£8.59+VAT) 19/08/19 PKF Littlejohn LLP Annual Audit 2018/19 £300 £60 £360 Audit

Signed ...... - 226 - Date ...... EASTINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Email: [email protected] ~ Tel: 01453 799616

02/09/19 Community Annual Support 4 defibs £504 £0 £504 Defib Heartbeat Trust DIRECT DEBITS/STANDING ORDERS £0 30/08/19 Nest Pension Pensions August 2019 £111.72 £0 £111.72 Pensions 24/09/19 Vodafone Office mobile August 2019 £32.45 £6.49 £38.94 Admin TOTAL £2777.19

Cllrs Corrie and Bullock will approve the online payments.

Cllr Farnden left the meeting.

10. Council received a list of the previous month’s correspondence for information.

Items for next meeting: Alkerton Cross improvement Hedgerows on Chipman’s Platt

Meeting closed at 9.11pm.

Notice: The next meeting of Eastington Parish Council will be on Thursday 10th October 2019. Anybody with an item they wish to bring to the attention of the Council, should forward details, in writing, to the Clerk to the Parish Council, no later than 9am on Wednesday 2nd October 2019.

Signed ...... - 227 - Date ...... S.19/1833/ADV 7 no. flags, 1 no. freestanding triangular sign and 1 no. freestanding banner sign (378549 - 206322) | Parcel H1 - H4 Land West Of Stonehouse

These adverts are said to be proposed until 1/9/2022 which is anticipated to be when the houses are all sold. All adverts are already in situ on site.

Suggested Parish Council comments:

The application is retrospective and the agent has not acknowledged the existing bus teardrop in this area which conflicts with the proposal and as the scheme is retrospective the plans are wrong. The plans also fail to acknowledge the other adverts in the immediate area, including S.19/1783/ADV which was for a totem sign within the bus teardrop (not shown on the plan) and not yet erected.

The totem advert as already approved could accommodate the banner sign regarding the 'help to buy scheme' and in doing so reduce the amount of clutter to the benefit of visual amenity and highway safety. Concern is raised that in particular the triangular advertisement on the junction of Alfred Underwood Way with the spine road, together with adverts at the teardrop and other signs locally cause visual clutter of advertisements on the road junction and will harm visual amenity and highway safety. There is further concern that the flags are in fact fabric rather than a tough vinyl and therefore are not static but have some mobility directly outside of new residents’ houses.

S.19/2069/FUL Proposed new windows, doors & fire escape stair. Minor alteration to roof to form lift overrun shaft. Units 3 To 6 Eastington Trading Estate Churchend Eastington Stonehouse Gloucestershire GL10 3RZ The building isn’t listed but is a large two and three storey old mill building in the Industrial Heritage Conservation Area. The proposals would be visible from the adjacent footpath running alongside the river but not prominent from Springhill. There is no change proposed to the use of the building which appears to be all ARC. The proposed spiral staircase would stand proud of the side of the southern side of the three storey part of the building closest to the river and would replace the external fire escape route and stone steps currently in that location. This would be a galvanised finish (ie. grey). The steps appear to be an addition/part of the evolution of the building as they block original arched openings. Some of the window and door openings are proposed to be amended and where this is occurring more uniformity is being instilled in the building. There is a mixture of age and forms of window on the building but the majority appear to be crital glazed. The use of powder coated aluminium windows would smarten up the building. A modest alteration to the roof is proposed to house a lift head on the lower of the two roofs. This will be visible but not intrusive as it would be only as high as the lower ridgeline. There is no other extension and the limited proposals are considered not to conflict with the NDP EP4 (siting and design of the new development and conservation) or EP6 (Business and employment). Recommendation No objection Report to Parish Council 10th October 2019 Joint Letter by EPC and ECLT regarding SDC Planning Strategy 1. Background Stroud DC are conducting a review of their 2015-2031 Local Plan. This will include a number of revisions which both benefit and threaten Eastington’s ability to implement it’s Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP). It is proposed that Council, together with ECLT, provide a letter of clarification to Mark Russell, Planning Strategy Manager, Stroud DC to gain the benefits of the proposed changes in the Local Plan and, at the same time, avoid the potential threats. On 12th September Mr Russell wrote:

“It would be helpful if the Parish Council and CLT could confirm by email/letter the expected programme for delivery of exception sites up until 2031 (and beyond if possible) as this would be useful support to our Draft Plan strategy. An update on revision of the NDP would also be helpful. If it can be done before 24 October 2019 that would be great.”

2. Potential Threats to NDP Interpreting new government legislation, Stroud DC propose to categorise Alkerton settlement as Tier 3A. This would have the effect of requiring Stroud DC to allocate one or more strategic housing sites adjacent to Alkerton. The NDP states that only affordable housing should be built around Alkerton, given that the West of Stonehouse strategic development is already providing 1350 homes, mostly in Eastington Parish. ECLT have successfully planned a site of 23 affordable homes and are due to embark on a further equivalent sized site, following the 2019 Housing Needs Survey. It would appear that Eastington is keeping to it’s NDP and as such deserves to be left to proceed without hinderance of further commercial housing.

3. Mr Russell’s alternative Alkerton is the only Tier 3A settlement with an approved NDP. Provided Mr Russell is given written assurances that progress on the NDP is on track, he will be able to make an exception for the Parish. The two components of those assurances are: - ECLT confirms that it has started 23 affordable homes and has plans in place for a second scheme in accordance with the NDP and with Stroud DC policy HC4. - Parish Council resolves to update the NDP in line with the Stroud DC Local Plan revision for 2022-2040. The latter can be as simple as modifying the NDP to reflect new policies cross-referred to in the NDP e.g. CP15 and HC4. This not an onerous commitment and, critically, would not require a referendum in the Parish. Should Council resolve at some later date to conduct a more in-depth review of the NDP, it would be free to do so, since that would only re-enforce the undertaking given in the attached draft letter.

4. Recommendation Council are recommended to support the letter drafted at Appendix A, with the implication that a minor clerical modification of the NDP is budgeted into 2021/22.

Tom Low, Secretary ECLT October 2019

Appendix A – Draft response to Mr Russell’s initiative Dear Mr Russell Progress on Eastington’s NDP in relation to Tier 3A classification

Thank you for your e-mail of 12th September, requesting a progress report on the Eastington NDP, specifically the provision of housing. Parish Council can confirm that the first ECLT scheme for 23 affordable homes, on an exception site, has full planning approval, representing 25% of the provision anticipated in the 2016-2031 NDP. This is in proportion to the elapsed 3 years of the NDP. ECLT can confirm that it has advanced plans for a second project of a similar scale, to meet the demands identified in the 2019 Housing Needs Survey. This too will be an exception site (complying with Stroud DC Policy HC4 and the NDP Policy on preferred location. A Homes England grant of £143,750 has been sought to support this project through to Planning Approval. This would maintain the pace of progress required to implement the NDP. Parish Council has now resolved to revise the NDP in parallel with the Stroud DC revision of the Local Plan, purely on a clerical basis i.e. to ensure that policies modified by the Stroud DC plan 2022-2040 remain cross-linked to NDP policies such as the current CP15 and HC4. Please let us know if you require further clarification. Yours sincerely

Julie Shirley ….. Tom Low MA DMS Clerk to the Parish Council Secretary, ECLT BANK RECONCILIATION 2019-20

BANK BALANCES 30 SEPTEMBER 2019 Lloyds Bank – Treasurer's Account (current) £92,364.99 Lloyds Bank – Business Instant Access £72,114.33 BarclaysAccount Bank - Solar Farm Grant Fund £8,165.78 TOTAL MONIES IN BANK £172,645.10



Opening Balance at 01/04/19 £125,723.15 Receipts year to date £81,874.39 Sub-total £207,597.54 Expenditure year to date £34,952.44 BALANCE AT 30/09/19 £172,645.10

Signed Clerk …………………………………………….. Date…………………. Name

Signed Chairman ………………………………………. Date………………… Name BUDGET compared to SPEND year ending 31 MARCH 2020

Payments to Expenditure Budget 2019-20 30/09/19 Balance Parish administration 29,300.00 15,426.47 13,873.53 Planning Advice 6,000.00 500.00 5,500.00 Housing Needs Survey 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 Insurance 1,500.00 839.22 660.78 Hall hire 400.00 152.75 247.25 Ground Maintenance Contracts 10,600.00 6,797.50 3,802.50 Loan Repayments - OHMG, Alkerton 5,525.00 2,761.48 2,763.52 Severn Trent Water 55.00 0.00 55.00 Audit & Legal Fees 700.00 593.10 106.90 S137 Grants & Donations 500.00 250.00 250.00 Subscriptions 800.00 35.00 765.00 Training 650.00 59.00 591.00 Repair projects (historic monuments) 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 Churchyard & Burial Ground Repairs & Remedial Work 500.00 169.30 330.70 Professional Representation Fund 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 Getting Around including Highways & PROW 3,500.00 993.03 2,506.97 Phone box power / AED Management 1,200.00 800.16 399.84 Contingency 500.00 0.00 500.00 Tree surveys & maintenance 750.00 1,768.00 -1,018.00 Play ground inspection & maintenance 2,000.00 1,224.50 775.50 Solar Fund Grants 6,000.00 0.00 6,000.00 Bus Shelters 3,500.00 0.00 3,500.00 Burial Ground Pathway Project & Memorial Garden 7,000.00 0.00 7,000.00 Fireproof filing cabinet / IT equip for GDPR 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 Earmarked reserves expenditure 0.00 1,423.75 -1,423.75 From reserves below (reserve adjusted at year end)

TOTAL BUDGET 85,480.00 33,793.26 51,686.74

Earmarked Reserves: as at 1st April 2019 Play/Skate Park Project 6,190 Planning advice 20,461 OHMG Road Repairs 1,500 Roads & Transport 11,486 Churchyard & Burial Ground Repairs 1,080 Play Park maintenance 2,261 Repair projects (historic monuments) 1,863 Ecology Projects 4,200 Defibrillator Fund from donations in 2016/17 1,222 50263.43 Use Code Vehicle Cubic Office Use EPC Travel and Expenses Claim E-essential Registration Capacity Rate/ Name JULIE SHIRLEY C-casual Lump sum Address C 45p per mile ……………………………………………………………………………………

Date Destination Details Miles Parking Fares Miscellaneous - Specify Amount 01/09/2019 Home Office Allowance (4 weeks September) 16 09/09/2019 Eastington Meeting with Westend Suites 20 9 02/10/2019 Hinkley Island SLCC Conference & return 140 63

For Office Completion Only Total Misc. £ Total Fares £ Total Parking £ Total ( Miles x Rate) £ Lump Sum (if applicable) £

TOTAL 88.00

I certify that: (a) Where I have used the above motor vehicle(s) on official business my policy of motor insurance indemnifies the EPC against any third party claims arriving out of use of that vehicle. (b) The particulars in this claim are correct and I have incurred expenditure additional to that which I would normally have incurred. I attach receipts where applicable. (c) I understand that the mileage allowance is at the current Local Government mileage allowance rate.

Signed (Claimant)…………………………………………….. Date……………….... Signed (Chair/Vice-Chair)…………………………………………….. Date……………….. Use Code Vehicle Cubic Office Use EPC Travel and Expenses Claim E-essential Registration Capacity Rate/ Name Kevin Dalby C-casual Lump sum Address C-casual 1 ……………………………………………………………………………………

Date Destination Details Miles Parking Fares Miscellaneous - Specify Amount Combination lock for Snakey Park 9.97 Replacement Padlock for Snakey Park 11 Bolt for storage for Snakey Park 7.42

For Office Completion Only Total Misc. £ Total Fares £ Total Parking £ Total ( Miles x Rate) £ Lump Sum (if applicable) £

TOTAL 28.39

I certify that: (a) Where I have used the above motor vehicle(s) on official business my policy of motor insurance indemnifies the EPC against any third party claims arriving out of use of that vehicle. (b) The particulars in this claim are correct and I have incurred expenditure additional to that which I would normally have incurred. I attach receipts where applicable. (c) I understand that the mileage allowance is at the current Local Government mileage allowance rate.

Signed (Claimant)……………… …….. Date……………….... Signed (Chair/Vice Chair)…………………………………………….. Date……………….. Use Code Vehicle Cubic Office Use EPC Travel and Expenses Claim E-essential Registration Capacity Rate/ Name Karen Hayes C-casual Lump sum Address C-casual 1 ……………………………………………………………………………………

Date Destination Details Miles Parking Fares Miscellaneous - Specify Amount 02/09/2019 home office 4 09/09/2019 home office 4 16/09/2019 home office 4 23/09/2019 home office 4

For Office Completion Only Total Misc. £ Total Fares £ Total Parking £ Total ( Miles x Rate) £ Lump Sum (if applicable) £

TOTAL 16.00

I certify that: (a) Where I have used the above motor vehicle(s) on official business my policy of motor insurance indemnifies the EPC against any third party claims arriving out of use of that vehicle. (b) The particulars in this claim are correct and I have incurred expenditure additional to that which I would normally have incurred. I attach receipts where applicable. (c) I understand that the mileage allowance is at the current Local Government mileage allowance rate.

Signed (Claimant)……………………………………………..Karen Hayes 29/9/2019 Date……………….... Signed (Chair/Vice Chair)…………………………………………….. Date……………….. EASTINGTON PARISH COUNCIL



To establish clear, easy to use channels of communication between the Parish Council and the Parishioners, and vice versa.

To provide information on important matters in an appropriate manner so as to facilitate and encourage informed comment from interested individuals and groups. Eastington Parish Council aims to be an open and transparent Council who listen to their electorate and try to make a difference to their community within its power and financial constraints.


Each Parish Councillor has a duty to represent, without bias, the interest of the whole community. They will endeavour to do their best and are available to help parishioners with regard to matters relating to the parish of Eastington. They may be contacted by email or telephone and a contact list is displayed on the Parish Council noticeboards around the village.

If the matter is important, then contact the Parish Clerk by letter or email to ensure that the matter is brought before the Parish Council and dealt with in a suitable and professional manner.


Parish Councillors are there to listen and represent the views of the community. Parish Councillors are provided with an official Parish Council email address which is used for all Council communications.

It is the Parish Council’s intention to comply with the schedule as below.


 The Parish Council will meet at 7.00pm on the second Thursday of the month.

 The Planning Committee will meet at 7.00pm on the fourth Thursday of the month.

 The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will be the May meeting when Councillors will elect the Chair and appoint the Vice Chair for the forthcoming year.

 The Annual Parish Meeting (a meeting of the electorate) will take place in May in each year.

 The Parish Council will meet in Eastington Village Hall, unless otherwise notified.

 A 20-minute discussion period for parishioners will be held near the beginning of the Parish Council Meeting (10 minutes is allocated at Committee meetings).

Policy Adopted: 8th September 2015 Page 1 of 4 Reviewed Annually Next review: September 2020 EASTINGTON PARISH COUNCIL


Normally only the Parish Clerk and Chair issue press releases and comments to the local media, however when Parish Councillors provide information to the local media it needs to be made clear whether they are speaking on behalf of the Parish Council or as individuals.


Where appropriate the Parish Council has and will continue to liaise with other various organisations such as neighbouring parishes, District and County Councils, Gloucestershire Association of Parish and Town Councils, Gloucestershire Rural Community Council, Police safety teams etc.


The following items will be displayed permanently:

 Parish Councillors with contact details  Parish Council meeting dates for the year

Notice of the annual audited accounts will be displayed when appropriate.

The Parish Council meeting notice will be displayed at least five days in advance of the meeting.

Notices for Parishioners will be displayed as and when appropriate.


The Clerk or Chair will provide Council updates for the Eastington Community News.

Appropriate notices will be published as and when required.

SOCIAL NETWORKING (Twitter, Facebook etc)

The Parish Council has a Facebook page (EastingtonPC) and a Twitter account (Eastington_PC); both are managed by the Parish Clerk who has delegated authority to issue updates and news on behalf of the Parish Council.

The Parish Clerk can share news and information to the wider parish audience through the Facebook group “Love Eastington”, however it is recognized that this is done with the Clerk’s personal Facebook account as it is not technically possible for the Parish Council page to share information or post in Facebook Groups as “Eastington PC”.

Members of staff or Parish Councillors using social networking through their personal or professional lives must not comment on the activities of the Parish Council to ensure that the Code of Conduct is not breached. Please refer to the Social Media Policy for further guidance.

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The Parish Clerk will monitor the Parish Council’s social media channels but constant monitoring is not possible and the Clerk will not be able to reply individually to all messages or comments received. However, the Clerk will endeavour to ensure that any emerging themes or helpful suggestions are passed to the relevant people or authorities.

In order to ensure that all discussions on the Council page are productive, respectful and consistent with the Parish Council’s aims and objectives, please follow these guidelines:

 Be considerate and respectful of others. Vulgarity, threats or abusive language will not be tolerated.  Differing opinions and discussion of diverse ideas are encouraged, but personal attacks on anyone, including the Councillors or staff, will not be permitted.  Share freely and be generous with official Parish Council posts but be aware of copyright laws; be accurate and give credit where credit is due.  Stay on topic.  Refrain from using the Council’s Facebook page or Twitter site for commercial purposes or to advertise market or sell products.

Sending a message/post via Facebook or Twitter will not be considered as contacting the Council for official purposes and we will not be obliged to monitor or respond to requests for information through these channels. Instead, please contact the Parish Clerk and/or Councillors by emailing direct.

The Council retains the right to remove comments or content that includes:

 Obscene or racist content  Personal attacks, insults, or threatening language  Potentially libellous statements.  Plagiarised material; any material in violation of any laws, including copyright  Private, personal information published without consent  Information or links unrelated to the content of the page  Commercial promotions or spam.

The Parish Council’s response to any communication received not meeting the above criteria will be to either ignore, inform the sender of the policy or send a brief response as appropriate. This will be at the Council’s discretion based on the message received, given our limited resources available. Any information posted on the Facebook page not in line with the above criteria will be removed as quickly as practically possible. Repeat offenders will be blocked from the Facebook page. The Council may post a statement that ‘A post breaching the Council’s Social Media Policy has been removed’. If the post alleges a breach of a Council’s policy or the law the person who posted it will be asked to submit a formal complaint to the Council or report the matter to the Police as soon as possible to allow due process.


The following items will be permanently available:

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 Parish Councillors names  Parish Council meeting dates for the year  The approved Parish Council Minutes (uploaded within one week of approval)  The Council’s Publication Scheme (a document which details information which can be requested from the Parish Council).

The Parish Clerk will ensure that all Parish Council information included on the Website is regularly updated. Please see the Website Policy for more information on how the Council manages its website.


All correspondence relating to the Parish should be addressed to the Parish Clerk in the first instance. This will ensure that the matter is recorded and passed to the relevant person or organisation as soon as practicably possible.

If a Parishioner wishes a matter to be formally discussed at a Parish Council meeting, then the Parish Clerk must be notified in writing at least 7 days prior to the meeting to enable the item to be placed on the Agenda.


The Annual Parish Meeting is held so that parishioners can have the opportunity to listen to the progress of the Parish Council over the last year and have the opportunity to debate local issues and celebrate local events and activities.


The Parish Council will provide information in other formats on request, eg audio, large print, other written languages etc.


Please refer to the Parish Council’s policies on GDPR for more information on how your personal data is managed.


Any comments or queries regarding this document should be made to the Parish Clerk.

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Eastington Parish Council will make reimbursement for all or some of the expenses the Clerk and other staff, and the Chair or Parish Councillors may meet on its behalf when incurred in performing the duties required by the Council, such as attending training or meetings on behalf of the Council.

All expense claims must be submitted using the Travel and Expenses Claim form and accompanied by receipts.

1. Staff Expenses Employees of the Parish Council will be able to claim the following expenses:  Travelling and associated travel expenses on journeys on council business to include mileage at current NJC rates and parking.  Subsistence which may include overnight accommodation and meals incurred in the performance of Parish Council business (“other expenses”) provided that the other expenses have been receipted and approved by the Parish Council.  Small purchases such as postage or supplies in accordance with Financial Regulations.  A fixed rate for expenses associated with home-working as set out by HMRC. This has been set at £4.00 per week by HMRC and is un-receipted. To be paid monthly.

2. Chair’s Expenses The Chair can be allocated a small annual allowance to defray the expenses of his/her office, for example attending lunch with a neighbouring parish council chairman. In 2019/20, this budget was zero.

3. Parish Councillors’ Expenses Parish Councillors are unpaid and only elected councillors may receive an annual allowance if agreed by the Parish Council.

Parish Councillors (including the Chair) may be reimbursed for expenses for travel and subsistence on Parish Council business outside the parish:  Travelling and associated travel expenses on journeys on council business to include mileage at current NJC rates and parking.  For the purpose of making mileage claims, councillors are permitted to claim for “allowable journeys” only – made with the prior approval of the Parish Council.  All claims are to be made promptly to the Parish Clerk (within 2 months of expenditure) and where relevant MUST be accompanied by a receipt.

Parish Councillors may be reimbursed for purchases made on behalf of the Parish Council – made with the prior approval of the Parish Council

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Eastington Parish Council believes that Health & Safety performance is an integral part of the efficient and cost effective discharge of its duties and is fully aware of its responsibilities under the “Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974” and other statutory provisions. The Parish Council therefore intends to meet those responsibilities as far as is reasonably practicable by incorporating good health & safety management within all its operations.

The objective of the Parish Council policy is to minimise risks to health, safety and welfare of its employees, voluntary workers, general public and others affected by its activities and to minimise risks to the environment. All reasonable measures will be taken to ensure that a safe working and community environment is created.

Members of the Parish Council have the responsibility for implementing this Policy and must ensure health and safety considerations are always given priority in planning and day-to-day supervision of work. All employees and voluntary workers are expected to co-operate in carrying out this policy throughout the Parish Council’s activities and must ensure that their own work, so far as is reasonably practicable, is carried out without risk to themselves or others.

All employees, voluntary workers and contractors associated with any works carried out by the Parish Council will be made aware of this policy and the importance of commitment to its objectives. The organisation and arrangements for implementing the Policy are set out in the Policy document. The Policy will be kept up to date in response to changes in legislation or best practice. To ensure this, the Policy and the way in which it has operated, will be reviewed annually or as the need arises.

Duties and Responsibilities of Parish Councillors All Parish Councillors are jointly responsible for the implementation of this Health & Safety Policy, for monitoring the day-to-day administration of the Parish Council’s affairs, and ensuring that all insurance policies are in date. In doing so, they will ensure that:

 A copy of this policy is circulated to all employees and voluntary workers on appointment. Opportunity will be given, if requested, to discuss this policy on an individual basis to ensure that it is fully understood and implemented;  The Parish Council's activities are monitored to ensure that the objectives of the Health & Safety Policy are being complied with;  Contracts of employment include compliance with statutory and company health, safety & environmental requirements;  All staff have adequate competence and training for carrying out their specific jobs and for ensuring the health, safety and welfare of themselves and those around them;  Employees and voluntary workers are aware of the hazards which may exist within the operation of their tasks, and that they fully understand and observe all aspects of the Parish Council's Health & Safety Policy;  No employee or voluntary worker shall be engaged in any work activity where technical knowledge or experience is necessary to prevent danger or injury unless he or she possesses such knowledge or experience, or is under supervision of a competent person having regard to the nature of the work;  Safe methods of work are adopted.

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 All suppliers comply with Section 6 of the Health & Safety at Work Act (HASAWA) in supplying articles and substances that are safe and without risk to health when properly used and to provide information to enable them to be properly used;  Any accidents arising out of the Parish Council’s activities are recorded, reported and investigated as detailed in the accident reporting procedure;  Regular inspections of equipment are carried out and necessary records kept;

Duties and Responsibilities of all Employees and Voluntary Workers  Employees and voluntary workers have a responsibility to conform to the Parish Council policy and with the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and associated legislation.  Employees and voluntary workers have a statutory duty to take reasonable care of the safety and health of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions and to cooperate with the company to enable it to fulfil statutory obligations. They should also ensure that they are physically fit and technically responsible for the work requested of them.  Employees and voluntary workers have responsibility for properly using any safety devices involved in their work. They will not recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety and welfare.  All accidents and near miss incidents shall be reported to the Parish Clerk, and recorded on a Parish Council accident form as soon after the event as possible. Employees and voluntary workers will also cooperate with the management in investigating all accidents and near misses.  Employees and voluntary workers must request assistance or advice about any area of work that they are not familiar with.

Duties and Responsibilities of all Contractors Contractors must comply with the following:  Any contractors employed by the Parish Council shall be responsible for conducting themselves safely at all times and in complying with the Parish Council’s Health & Safety Policy.  Any work carried out must be fully in compliance with statutory legislation and Codes of Practice to ensure the health and safety of their own employees and others on and off site.  All tools and equipment that they bring onto site must be safe and in sound working order. All necessary guards and safety devices must be in place and necessary certificates must be available for checking.  Any injury sustained whilst on site must be reported to the Parish Clerk immediately.  All electrical equipment must have a valid Portable Appliance Test certificate.  The contractor must carry public liability insurance of £5,000,000.  Contractors must provide written risk assessments and method statements where necessary, before commencing work for or on behalf of the Parish Council.

Duties and Responsibilities to all Visitors The Parish Council owes a duty of care to visitors to the Parish Council controlled areas of the village. Parish Councillors will ensure so far as is reasonably practicable that safe access is available and that areas are maintained in a safe condition.


Enforcement agency The enforcement agency for Local Authorities is the Health & Safety Executive. Any site visit carried out by Statutory Inspectors shall be co-ordinated with the full co-operation of Parish Councillors and any recommendations carried out as soon as reasonably practicable.

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Risk Assessments Generic risk assessments will be co-ordinated by the Parish Clerk for all public areas and village assets controlled by the Parish Council. These assessments will be recorded, monitored and reviewed where necessary.

Accident Reporting The Parish Clerk must be notified immediately if an accident occurs to anyone whilst on Parish Council business. This includes Parish Councillors, employees, voluntary workers, visitors, contractors etc. The Parish Clerk will provide an accident form which must be completed and returned to the Parish Clerk. The Parish Clerk will ensure that the requirements of RIDDOR (The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995) are complied with. Where required, accidents and near misses shall be investigated by the Parish Clerk and remedial actions recommended to the Parish Council where necessary. Where the activity which gave rise to the accident is under the control of a nominated Parish Councillor then that person shall assume the responsibilities of the Parish Clerk in the preceding paragraph.

Provision and Use of Work Equipment If equipment provided by the employer is damaged or faulty the employee is responsible for the immediate return or report of such equipment to the employer for repair or replacement (Provision and use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998). If the equipment is lost or damaged through negligence, there is an onus on the employee to report such loss or damage immediately.

Procurement of Materials, Equipment & Contractors Anyone who purchases or hires materials, equipment or contractors on behalf of the Parish Council must ensure that they have read and fully understand this health and safety policy. All suppliers are asked to provide full information on any hazards associated with the equipment or materials supplied and any precautions required. This information must then be passed on to the Parish Clerk in order to be recorded.

Violence/Personal Safety So as to avoid violence and aggression from members of the public or contractors, all employees and Parish Councillors should avoid getting into a confrontational situation. Always remain polite, but back off from situations that are potentially dangerous. Any incidents should be reported to the Parish Clerk who may call the police, if it is considered necessary.

Inspections & Documentation Review An annual inspection of village assets will be carried out and the findings recorded. Any serious defects / items for attention must be actioned immediately. Activity risk assessments, the health and safety policy document and all other health and safety documentation will also be reviewed annually taking into account any changes in personnel, procedural or physical changes.

Legislation The following legislation may affect Eastington Parish Council employees, voluntary workers, visitors and contractors:


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This is not a definitive list, other legislation may be relevant.

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INTRODUCTION The objective of this policy is to provide Councillors, staff and volunteers an overview of Social Media and outlines the Parish Council’s position on various aspects of their use. In addition, it includes guidelines on Officer and Councillor responsibilities when using such channels of communication.

DEFINITION OF SOCIAL MEDIA Social media is a term for websites based on user participation and user-generated content. They include social networking sites and other sites that are centred on user interaction.

Social media has the following characteristics: • Covers a wide variety of formats, including text, video, photographs, audio • Allows messages to flow between many different types of device; PCs, phones and tablets (e.g. iPad) • Involves different levels of engagement by participants who can create, comment or just view information • Speeds and broadens the flow of information • Provides one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many communications • Lets communication take place in real time or intermittently

Examples of popular social media tools include: Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia, You Tube, Pinterest, Snapchat, Whatsapp, Linked In and Google Plus. Groupings of interest are a natural feature of the development of such systems with people with similar interests being attracted to share information.

PITFALLS Whilst these tools are very useful to share information quickly with other people, there are some pitfalls to be aware of:  The information in most cases is shared in the public domain and can be viewed by anyone in the world. You do not even need to register in many cases to view the content. Registering is only required should you wish to participate and post to the site.  Groups on specific themes can set up easily and posts then edited by the owners of that group to reflect their single interest, ensuring theirs is the only voice heard. There is no guarantee of truth and ill-informed comment and gossip is as likely to be found there as useful information.  The nature of these tools is that information is shared immediately, and it is all too easy to respond instantaneously which can result in unintentionally inflaming a situation. Information can then be shared with other sites and be spread far beyond the intended audience. Friends of Friends may not be our Friends

It is also very easy to spend a lot of time viewing and responding to messages that would outweigh the value gained in the first place.

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PURPOSE OF THE POLICY Social media provides the Parish Council with the opportunity to communicate to a wide audience instantaneously on a range of subjects relating to its activities, providing updates, news, and information and passing on relevant information from other sources. It also provides an opportunity to communicate with the younger age group, the business community and hopefully the harder to reach groups.

The Parish Council make use of approved social media tools to quickly disseminate information but carefully control its use in order to minimise the risks as stated above. In the first instance this will include Facebook and Twitter.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Social media can be used by the Parish Council as an effective and measurable way to achieve resident engagement and attract publicity.

The aim of this Policy is to ensure: • Engagement with individuals and communities and successful promotion of Parish Council- based services through the use of social media • A consistent approach is adopted and maintained in the use of social media • That Parish Council information remains secure and is not compromised through the use of social media • That users operate within existing policies, guidelines and relevant legislation • That the Parish Council’s reputation is upheld and improved rather than adversely affected • That communication by use of social media is effective, timely, appropriate, useful, engages with a wider audience and utilises cross-promotion of other Parish Council communication tools (e.g. website, community magazine, linking Facebook to Twitter account etc)

Social media activity isn’t something that stands alone, to be effective it needs to integrate as part of the general communications mix. Any planned campaigns, promotions and activities can be plugged in to social media platforms to increase reach and exposure. Refer to the Parish Council’s Communications Policy.

POLICY STATEMENT It is acknowledged that there is considerable potential for using social media which can provide significant advantages. The responsible, corporate use of social media is actively encouraged. The following applies equally to Officers and Members.

This policy provides a structured approach to using social media and will ensure that it is effective, lawful and does not compromise Parish Council information or computer systems/networks.

Users must ensure that they use social media sensibly and responsibly and ensure that its use will not adversely affect the Parish Council or its business, nor be damaging to the Parish Council's reputation and credibility or otherwise violate any Parish Council policies.

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As a representative of Eastington Parish Council using social media for official updates and responses, the following guidelines will apply to online participation and set out the standards of behaviour expected as a representative of Eastington Parish Council: • Be aware of and recognise your responsibilities identified in the Social Media Policy. • Remember that you are personally responsible for the content you publish on any form of social media. • Never give out personal details of others such as home address and telephone numbers. • Ensure that you handle any personal or sensitive information in line with the General Data Protection Regulations. • Know your obligations: you must comply with other Parish Council policies when using social media. For example, you should be careful not to breach Parish Council confidentiality and proprietary information policies. • Show respect to all. You should be respectful of the authority and employees. • Derogatory comments are always wrong. • Use of the Parish Council’s Facebook account must always reflect the Parish Council’s position/decisions on a matter and in no circumstances must it be used to express personal opinion, particularly when used by a Councillor. If unsure, say nothing.

Councillors are at liberty to set up personal accounts using any of the tools available but should ensure they are clearly identified as personal and do not in any way imply that they reflect the Parish Council’s view. When using social media in a personal context, be aware that readers may associate your comments with your role as parish councillor particularly when posting in shared-interest groups such as “Love Eastington”.

Councillors should at all times present a professional image and not disclose anything of a confidential nature. Comments of a derogatory, proprietary or libellous nature should not be made and care should be taken to avoid guesswork, exaggeration and colourful language. It may help to use a disclaimer. When using social media for personal purposes, you must not imply you are speaking for the Parish Council. Avoid use of the Parish Council e-mail address, logos or other Parish Council identification. Make it clear that what you say is representative of your personal views only. Where possible, you should include a standard disclaimer, such as: "Statements and opinions here are my own and don't necessarily represent the Parish Council's policies or opinions".

RESPONSIBILITIES The Parish Clerk is the designated owner of the Parish Council social media channels agreed by the Parish Council. Councillors officially appointed by the Parish Council may assist the Parish Clerk to disseminate information. However, all must ensure they follow this policy. No account details may be changed without the permission of the Parish Clerk.

Individual Councillors are at liberty to set up their own accounts but they should ensure they comply with this policy and ensure the ‘personal view’ disclaimer is used.

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ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE FOR COUNCILLORS - social media and meetings The Parish Council encourages Councillors to keep residents informed of Eastington issues and the use of social media can help with this. Below are some extra guidelines for Councillors to consider for the use of social media during meetings: • Handheld devices and laptops are permitted for use during meetings to allow environmentally friendly and effective use of meeting papers. The use of such devices is intended to improve communication and not to interrupt or distract anyone taking part in the meeting. Ensure the volume on all electronic devices is turned to 'mute'. • Councillors' tweets/blogs during Parish Council meetings should refer to the discussions which are taking place at the meeting - tweeting/blogging about other subjects will show the public and other attendees at the meeting that you are not engaging properly in the meeting. • Councillors have a responsibility to take Parish Council business seriously and it is not appropriate for members to use social media to tease or insult other members. Eastington residents expect debate and to be informed about Parish Council business, not witness petty arguments. • Remember that if you break the law using social media (for example by posting something defamatory), you will be personally responsible.

FACEBOOK/TWITTER STRATEGY Social networks are rapidly growing in popularity and are used by all ages in society. The most popular social networks are web-based, commercial, and not purposely designed for Parish Council use. They include sites like Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, and Xanga. For individuals, social networking sites provide tremendous opportunities for staying in touch with friends and family. For the Parish Council the sites provide a modern alternative means to communicate with residents of the Parish.

Facebook, for example, offers a rich platform allowing you to share unlimited content, including images and videos.

Example activity: • Share articles / blog posts / expertise • Start discussions and ask questions to encourage interaction • Create surveys to encourage participation from visitors • Upload images and videos • Generic news – what’s happening in the area.

One of the hallmarks of online networks is the ability to “friend” others – creating a group of others that share interests and personal news. Care should be exercised when accepting invitations to friend others within personal social networking sites.

Good practice guidelines for the use of Facebook and Twitter by the Parish Council as a body or Councillors as individuals are: • As a Parish Council, we have a professional image to uphold and how we conduct ourselves online impacts this image. • Remember that people classified as “friends” have the ability to download and share your information with others.

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• Post only what you want the world to see. It is not like posting something to your web site or blog and then realising that a story or photo should be taken down. On a social networking site, once you post something it may continue to be available, even after it is removed from the site. • Do not disclose confidential matters or criticise Parish Council policies or personnel. • Set your profile’s security and privacy settings carefully. • All activity on the Parish Council Facebook and Twitter pages must follow the Council’s agreed statement of purpose and outcomes for the use of the networking tool. • Do not post images that include young people without parental permission. • Pay close attention to the site's security settings and allow only approved personnel full access to the site. • Only add statements approved by either Full Council or the Parish Clerk. • Do not use commentary deemed to be defamatory, obscene, proprietary, or libellous. Exercise caution with regards to exaggeration, colourful language, guesswork, obscenity, copyrighted materials, legal conclusions, and derogatory remarks or characterisations. • Weigh whether a particular posting puts your effectiveness at Eastington Parish Council at risk. • To reduce security risks, do not install any non-productive external applications that work with the social networking site. Examples of these sites are calendar programs and games. • Maintain updated anti-virus and malware protection to avoid infections of spyware and adware that social networking sites might place on your computer.

Please stay informed and cautious in the use of all new networking technologies.

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA At this stage it is not intended to use any other forms of social media for official use by Eastington Parish Council. However this could be open to review in the future.

Councillors are entitled to use any form of social media they wish to but must abide by this policy at all times when so doing.

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Section 1: Tell us about you and the organisation

Full name of organisation: Owen Harris Memorial Ground Charity (OHMGC)

Address of organisation: Eastington Community Centre Owen Harris Memorial Ground Snakey lane Eastington GL10 3AQ

Name of person making this application: Mrs Gill Glover

Position held within organisation: Secretary to the Management Committee

Contact address if different from organisation address: Lynton House, Alkerton Eastington GL10 3AA

Email address: [email protected]

Telephone number: 01453 838782

Please describe the purpose of your organisation and what it does: The object of the charity is the provision and maintenance of a recreation ground and community and social centre for the benefit of the inhabitants of the area of benefit, without distinction of political, religious or other opinions, including use of meetings, lectures and classes and for other forms of recreation and leisure time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants.

Do you have a constitution / set of rules and regulations for your organisation? Yes Attached

Do you have a bank account in the organisation’s name which requires at least 2 signatories? Yes EASTINGTON PARISH COUNCIL

Section 2: Tell us about the project

What is the Project Title: Renew field side decking at Eastington Community Centre

Write a brief description of the project that you wish to use the grant for: Renew the 54’ x 7’ decking at the south facing side of the centre as it is now rotten (see photos) and posing a health and safety risk. Replace the supporting joists and decking with new.

Describe how it will benefit the community (either economically, socially and/or environmentally) and who it will benefit: The decking is used by and for the benefit of all those who resort to the site for the purposes of recreation, leisure and sport.

What are the proposed start and end dates of the project? Should the application be successful the project will commence within a matter of weeks and take approximately one week to complete

How much will the project cost? £3,364

How much are you applying for? £3,364

Please list all other sources of funding, including applicants own funds (please attach evidence of efforts made to match funding): The OHMGC are unable to contribute any funding towards the decking project at present due to major external maintenance currently being undertaken to replace the upper floor cladding and windows which are also rotten. The cost of the current works has been quoted at £10,585.80, a major part of the cost being the scaffolding. The replacement windows and cladding will be of composite materials and therefore should last indefinitely and require no future maintenance.

If the project will have ongoing running or maintenance costs in the future, please indicate how these will be met/funded: The existing decking has lasted for the 10 years of the buildings existence. It is therefore anticipated that the new decking will also have an equal lifespan.

Please attach copies of the previous year’s audited accounts for the applicant organisation.

If your application is successful payment will be made by cheque to the applicant organisation (unless otherwise specified). DATED



relating to


PARTIES STROUD DISTRICT COUNCIL of Ebley Mill, Stroud, GL5 4UB (‘the Council’) and THE PARTNERS comprising • Brimscombe & Thrupp Parish Council • Cainscross Town Council • Chalford Parish Council • William Morris College • Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation • Cotswold Boatmobility • Creative Sustainability CIC • Eastington Parish Council • Parish Council • with Saul Parish Council • Gloucestershire Orchard Trust • Gloucestershire Society for Industrial Archaeology • Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust • Rodborough Parish Council • Stonehouse Town Council • Stroud Town Council • Stroudwater Navigation Archive Charity • Stroud Valleys Project • The Inland Waterways Association • Parish Council

BACKGROUND (A) On the 29th November 2017 a number of Partners entered into the First Partnership Agreement for the purpose of submitting a bid to the then National Heritage Lottery Fund (NHLF) for development stage funding for the Project. (B) The bid was submitted on the 30th November 2017 and subsequently NHLF confirmed that the bid had been successful and awarded a sum of £842,800.00 for the purpose of developing the Project to the point where a further bid for full funding of the delivery stage of the Project could be submitted.

1 (C) The Core Partners are now in the process of preparing the bid for the delivery stage of the Project (and undertaking other required actions) with the intention of submitting the same as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event not later than 24th April 2020. (D) The Partners recognise that the First Partnership Agreement is no longer appropriate for the purposes of the current work on the Project or for the delivery stage thereof and wish to replace the First Partnership Agreement with this agreement. (E) The Partners have therefore entered into this agreement which affirms their support for delivery of the Project in the event of the delivery stage bid being successful


1. INTERPRETATION The following definitions and rules of interpretation apply in this agreement.

1.1 Definitions:

Accountable Body: means Stroud District Council (SDC)

Canal Project Manager: means the holder from time to time of the post of Project Manager in respect of the Project and other projects related to the restoration of the Cotswold canals and employed by SDC

Contributions: means the contributions and commitments to the Project to be provided by the specific Partners set out in Schedule 1 to this agreement

Core Partners: means the parties to the Core Partnership Agreement

Core Partnership Agreement: means an agreement dated ...... a copy of which agreement is annexed hereto at Schedule

First Partnership Agreement: means an agreement between the parties hereto dated 29th November 2017 for the purpose of submitting a bid to the then NHLF for development stage funding for the Project and which set out therein the governance and other arrangements which would apply in respect of that purpose

Force Majeure Event: means an event beyond the reasonable control of a party which renders the performance of this agreement impossible whether temporarily or otherwise which (without prejudice to the generality of this definition) may include orhibitive government regulation, flood, extreme weather conditions,, fire, explosion, malicious damage, industrial action or lockouts, terrorism, war, civil commotion, military operations, riot, national emergency, the act or omission of any third party not being a that party’s

2 agent or sub-contractor or any change in the law or in the interpretation of the law by the courts

Grant Conditions: means any terms and conditions specified by the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) in respect of funding for the delivery stage of the Project

NLHF Grant: means the amount of funding which NLHF confirms it will provide towards the Project in response to the bid referred to in recital (C) of this agreement

Project: means the restoration/re-creation of the western four miles of the Stroudwater Navigation between Saul Junction and The Ocean Stonehouse and other associated works and facilities as described in the bid for development stage funding and as will be set out in greater detail in the bid for delivery stage funding


The First Partnership Agreement shall cease and determine absolutely in accordance with Clause 2 of the Core Partnership Agreement


The parties hereby agree that each of them will:

3.1 Support and provide reasonable assistance to the Accountable Body and the other Core Partners in undertaking their obligations under the Core Partnership Agreement.

3.2 Co-operate and use all reasonable endeavours to ensure the successful completion of the Project

3.3 Act in good faith and in a spirit of co-operation with all parties involved in the carrying out of the Project

3.4 Comply in all material respects with the Policies and Strategies listed in Schedule 2 to this agreement

3.5 Ensure that all communications are constructive, comprehensive, timely and open

3 3.6 Promptly raise and use all reasonable endeavours to resolve any issues, difficulties, or problems and take advantage of any opportunities that arise in respect of the carrying out of the Project.

3.7 Aim to achieve and promote consensus in decision making for the benefit of the Project 3.8 In respect of the Partners referred to in Schedule 1, provide the Contributions specified in that schedule.


4.1 The Accountable Body shall be entitled to terminate this agreement by giving to all of the other Partners not less than 1 month’s notice in writing to that effect in circumstances where the Core Partnership Agreement has been terminated in accordance with its terms.

4.2 Any party (other than a Core Partner) shall be entitled to withdraw from this agreement by giving 1 month’s notice. Upon expiry of the Accountable Body’s notice pursuant to clause 4.1 this agreement shall cease and determine absolutely save in respect of any antecedent breach of any of its terms by any of the parties.


If any dispute or difference arises between the parties including with regard to the interpretation of any of the terms of this agreement then the parties shall in good faith use reasonable endeavours to resolve the matter in dispute or difference; if the parties are unable after a reasonable period (taking account of the particular circumstances) to resolve the dispute or difference then any of the parties may refer the matter to either (i) mediation by a mediator agreed by the parties or in default of agreement appointed by the Accountable Body or (ii) arbitration by decision of a single arbitrator to be agreed upon by the Partners or in default of agreement to be appointed by the President for the time being of the Law Society in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Acts 1950 to 1996


6.1 If the performance by any Partner of any of its obligations under this agreement is prevented or delayed by a Force Majeure Event then that party shall be excused from the performance of that obligation for the duration of the Force Majeure Event subject to giving notice as set out in clause 6.2 below.

6.2 If a Partner becomes aware of a Force Majeure Event that is likely to give rise to a delay to the progress of the Project or have a materially adverse affect on it then the party shall notify the Accountable Body of the nature of the said event and of its likely duration and the Accountable Body shall report to the Project Board with recommendations on actions it proposes to take to mitigate the impact of the event and maintain progress of the Project to completion.


7.1 No change or variation to this agreement will be effective unless and until agreed in writing and signed by all of the parties


8.1 Each of the parties hereto undertakes to the other parties that it will in all respects comply with (i) the terms of this agreement (ii) all laws and regulations applicable to the Project including (but without limitation) the Data Protection Act 2018 and any regulations made under or applied by that Act (iii) the terms and conditions of any licence or consent required in connection with the Project AND that it will not act (or omit to act) in any way so as to put the Accountable Body or any other party to this agreement in breach of any agreement with any third party entered into for the purposes of the Project

8.2 Except as may be otherwise expressed in this agreement no party shall be liable to another for loss of actual or anticipated profits or any economic loss or loss of revenue arising out of or in connection with this agreement whether for breach of contract, negligence or otherwise.

8.3 No party seeks to exclude or limit its liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence or for fraudulent misrepresentation made by it or on its behalf, or for such other matters where exclusion of liability is constrained or prohibited by operation of law


9.1 No failure or delay or grant of indulgence by a party to exercise or enforce any right power or remedy available to it will operate or be construed as a waiver of such right, power or remedy under this agreement or otherwise, nor will any partial exercise preclude any further exercise of the same or of some other right, power or remedy.


10.1 If any court or other competent authority finds that any part or provision of this agreement is void, unlawful or unenforceable then that part or provision will be deemed to have been severed from this agreement and shall have no force or effect. The remaining provisions of this agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law and the Partners shall in good faith settle terms of a mutually acceptable and satisfactory alternative part or provision which is valid lawful and enforceable.


11.1 This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and subject to the agreed provisions in respect of alternative dispute resolution the Partners agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales regarding any claim or matter arising under this agreement



Creative Sustainability CIC Will host the posts of.... , who will be fully dedicated to the Project and whose general duties will be delivery of the Activity Plan specified in the March 2020 bid to the Heritage Fund.

Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust Will host the post of Canal Environment Manager, who will be fully dedicated to the Project and whose general duties will be delivery of the Biodiversity elements specified in the March 2020 bid to the Heritage Fund, working with the Stroud Valleys Project. The Trust will also host the post of Project Officer (0.8 FTE dedicated to the Project).

6 Inland Waterways Association Via the Waterway Recovery Group will deliver the Oldbury Aqueduct and Westfield Lock project as specified in the Engineering chapter of the March 2020 bid to the Heritage Fund.

Stroudwater Navigation Archive Charity Will be responsible for delivery of the archive and education elements of the project as specified in the March 2020 bid to the Heritage Fund. Provide a representative to the Management Team.

Stroud Valleys Project Will host the post of Project Assistant (0.2 FTE dedicated to the Project) whose general duties will be supporting delivery of the Biodiversity elements specified in the March 2020 bid to the Heritage Fund, under the leadership of the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust.

SCHEDULE 2 Policies and Strategies

1. Policies 2. Responsibility Contract & Procurement Procedures SDC Tourism Strategy SDC Safeguarding Policy SDC Health & Safety Policy SDC Volunteering Policy SDC Enterprise & Regeneration Policy SVCC Communications Plan SDC Inclusion and Participation (incl. equal opps) Policy CS Privacy/ Data Protection Policy (GDPR) SDC Environmental Policy SDC Conflict Resolution Policy SDC Whistle Blowing Policy SDC









Date From Details Action 1 09/09/2019 SDRSG Next meeting of road safety group 18th Sept Forwarded to GAG 2 09/09/2019 SDRSG Mobile VAS update / available for use in parish Forwarded to GAG 3 10/09/2019 Stroud DC Homelessness Prevention & Rough Sleeping Strategy Forwarded to all Cllrs 4 10/09/2019 Eastington Primary School Confirming school available for 28th Nov council meeting For Oct agenda 5 10/09/2019 Stroud DC No Dogs information Forwarded to all Cllrs 6 10/09/2019 GAPTC Working Together protocol Forwarded to Chair 7 10/09/2019 Stroud DC Second half of precept 2019/20 due to be paid For information 8 10/09/2019 Stroud DC Request for Council to contribute to dog-bin emptying costs For Oct agenda 9 11/09/2019 Highways Reclaiming pavements - site meeting date Forwarded to Cllr Chatterley 10 11/09/2019 Glos Playing Field Assoc Invitation to AGM 8th October Forwarded to all Cllrs 11 12/09/2019 Stroud Hospitals League of FriendsInvitation to Annual Church Service Forwarded to all Cllrs 12 12/09/2019 Stroud DC Emails re updating NDP following Local Plan review For Oct agenda 13 12/09/2019 GAPTC Clarification on funding ANPR cameras For information 14 12/09/2019 Gloucestershire CC Road works weekly bulletin Forwarded to GAG 15 12/09/2019 Stroud DC Reminder: Green Infrastructure, Sports & Recreation Studies event For information 16 12/09/2019 Boyer Planning Updated comments on Sports Provision study For information 17 13/09/2019 Resident Nastend Green grass cutting Forwarded to Chair/Vice Chair Emails re Highways Development Management consideration of Ecotricity 18 13/09/2019 Glos Highways application For information 19 14/09/2019 GAPTC Working Together protocol meeting details Forwarded to Chair 20 14/09/2019 Westend Suites Emails re theft of defib For information 21 16/09/2019 Stroud DC Brexit briefing Forwarded to all Cllrs 22 17/09/2019 Stroud District Road Safety GroupFeedback regarding TRO from Glos Highways Forwarded to GAG 23 18/09/2019 Stroud DC Carbon neutral by 2030 information session Forwarded to all Cllrs 24 19/09/2019 Stroud DC Be a Councillor event advertising posters Forwarded to Chair for notice board 25 19/09/2019 GAPTC Policy Consulation briefing re 5G mobile coverage in rural areas Forwarded to all Cllrs 26 23/09/2019 OHMGC AGM Forwarded to all Cllrs 27 23/09/2019 GAPTC Training update Forwarded to all Cllrs 28 23/09/2019 Stroud District Road Safety GroupMinutes of meeting held on 18th September Forwarded to GAG 29 24/09/2019 Resident Live electrical wire on public right of way Forwarded to GCC PROW 30 25/09/2019 Stroud DC Planning application Broadfield Road, Eastington Forwarded to all Cllrs 31 26/09/2019 Gloucestershire CC Road works weekly bulletin Forwarded to GAG 32 27/09/2019 Stroud DC Code of Conduct training dates Forwarded to all Cllrs 33 29/09/2019 Resident Memorial Garden Forwarded to C&BG Group 34 30/09/2019 Knights Brown A419 progress update Forwarded to all Cllrs 35 30/09/2019 Stroud DC Canal Phase 1B Partnership Agreement 2019 For Oct agenda 36 30/09/2019 GAPTC Nominations for Executive Committee at GAPTC Forwarded to all Cllrs 37 01/10/2019 Stroud DC Confirmation of footpath diversion orders footpaths 24, 34, 36 For information 38 01/10/2019 Gloucestershire CC Chartered Parishes Meeting 4th December 2019 Forwarded to all Cllrs 39 01/10/2019 Gloucestershire CC Councils Connected newsletter Forwarded to all Cllrs 40 01/10/2019 Stroud DC Neighbourhood Warden Newsletter Forwarded to all Cllrs 41 02/10/2019 Stroud DC SDC Enews Forwarded to all Cllrs 42 03/10/2019 Gloucestershire CC Road works weekly bulletin Forwarded to GAG