EASTINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Email: [email protected] ~ Tel: 01453 799616 I hereby give notice that the Meeting of Eastington Parish Council will be held in Eastington Village Hall on Thursday 10th October 2019 at 7.00pm. Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of transacting the business as set out below. All residents of the Parish are welcome to attend and a 20-minute period of time is set aside for members of the public to raise questions. Julie Shirley, Clerk to Eastington Parish Council 4th October 2019 AGENDA 1. To note attendance and apologies for absence 2. To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda 3. To receive Chairman’s announcements 4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 12th September 2019 5. To review outstanding actions from previous meeting. 6. To consider changes to the order of business. (All Items 1-6: 10 mins) The meeting may be adjourned at this point for members of the Public to speak. (20 mins) Members of the public are welcome to speak for up to 3 minutes each regarding any matter on the agenda or any items they wish to bring to the attention of the Parish Council; the Parish Council is not permitted to make any decisions during the public session. Members of the public are not permitted to address the meeting once the public session is concluded. Welcome Martin Hutchings from Gloucestershire Rural Community Council, presenting the final Housing Needs Survey for Eastington. To receive a report from the County Councillor (5 mins) To receive a report from the District Councillors (5 mins) 7. Planning (30 mins) 7.1. To consider the following planning applications: S.19/1833/ADV Parcel H1-H4 7 no. flags, 1 no. freestanding triangular sign and 1 no. freestanding Land WoS banner sign S.19/2069/FUL Units 3 To 6, Proposed new windows, doors & fire escape stair. Minor alteration to Eastington roof to form lift overrun shaft. Trading Estate 7.2. To note the following planning decisions made by Stroud District Council: S.19/1512/FUL – St Catherine’s, Bath Road – replacement dwelling. PERMIT 10/09/19 S.19/1582/MINAM – Parcels H6 & H7 Great Oldbury – materials change. APPROVED 17/09/19 7.3. To discuss the Housing Needs Survey report prepared by GRCC 7.4. To consider draft letter to Stroud DC as drafted by E-CLT and to consider that the Eastington Neighbourhood Development Plan will need to be updated following Local Plan review, for example references to policy numbers as a minimum. 7.5. To receive the noise assessment report (not released to the public until discussed by Council). 8. Groups / Meetings / Reports (15 mins) 8.1 To receive a verbal update from the Getting Around Group 8.2 To receive a verbal update from the Churchyard & Burial Ground Group 8.3 To receive recommendations from the Snakey Park Working Group regarding ground erosion repairs. 8.4 To discuss overgrown hedges at Chipmans Platt. 8.5 To note the theft of the defibrillator at Westend Suites and to receive an update from the Clerk on replacement. 9. Finance / Procedures (45 mins) 9.1 To approve the latest bank reconciliations and budget versus spend report for the 2019/20 accounts. 9.2 To approve the payment of expenses for September 2019. 9.3 To receive the staff timesheets for September 2019 (confidential and not for circulation). 9.4 To carry out the annual review of the following policies (changes in green ink): Communications Policy (with Community Engagement Policy merged into this policy) Expenses Policy EASTINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Email: [email protected] ~ Tel: 01453 799616 Health & Safety Policy Social Media Policy. 9.5 To note that the first draft of the 2020/21 budget will be presented at the next meeting and for the Council’s Committees and Working Groups are requested to submit their budgets for inclusion. 9.6 To authorise the purchase of plants for the village gateways. 9.7 To consider improvements to the planting at Alkerton Cross roundabout. 9.8 To discuss how to engage with new residents at Great Oldbury, for example increased circulation of the community news, installation of notice board, community event etc. Council to note there is £646 community infrastructure levy available that can be allocated to community engagement. 9.9 To consider the request from Stroud District Council to make voluntary contributions to the emptying of three dog-bins in the parish at an annual total of £159.72. 9.10 To consider the Solar Grant application from OHMGC. 9.11 To consider signing the Canal Phase 1B Partnership Agreement. 9.12 To consider the request from Eastington Community Land Trust to name the new road of affordable housing “Puddleworth Close” 9.13 To ratify the payments made between meetings: Inv Date Payee Details Net VAT Gross Budget 30/09/19 Salaries & Expenses Salaries & Expenses Sept 2019 £1882.11 £19.91 £1902.02 Admin 9.14 To approve the accounts for payment: Inv Date Payee Details Net VAT Gross Budget ONLINE PAYMENTS 0 05/10/19 HMRC PAYE & NI September 2019 £359.13 £0 £359.13 Admin 30/09/19 AJ Loveridge Ground maintenance £1155 £0 £1155 Grounds September 2019 Maint 01/09/19 Eastington Village Hall Hire August 2019 £35.00 £0 £35.00 Admin Hall Charity 26/09/19 Waterplus Ltd Burial Ground standtap £11.24 £0 £11.24 C&BG 18/09/19 PATA (UK) Payroll services July-September £53.90 £0 £53.90 Admin 2019 31/08/19 Boyer Planning Ltd Planning Consultancy ref £750 £150 £900 Planning Ecotricity application 30/08/19 Stuart Michael Noise Assessment ref Ecotricity £2573 £514.60 £3087.60 Planning Associates Ltd application 24/09/10 Wellers Law Group Common Land letters and £475 £95 £570 Prof LLP advice Fees DIRECT DEBITS/STANDING ORDERS £0 04/10/19 Nest Pension Pensions September 2019 £111.72 £0 £111.72 Pensions 25/10/19 Vodafone Office mobile September 2019 £32.45 £6.49 £38.94 Admin 21/10/19 PWLB Loan repayment £2761.48 £0 £2761.48 Loan TOTAL £9084.01 10. To discuss arrangements for council meeting on 28th November to be held at Eastington Primary School to mark the 125th anniversary of the parish council 11. To agree Planning Clerk training as follows: Clerk Networking including MAIDeN presentation 27th November @ £20 Clerk’s Knowledge Essentials 22nd January @ £40 Clerk’s Knowledge Finance 26th February @ £40 12. To receive a list of the previous month’s correspondence for information. 13. To consider nominations for the GAPTC Executive Committee. Any matters for the next agenda? Notice: The next meeting of Eastington Parish Council will be on Thursday 14th November 2019. Anybody with an item they wish to bring to the attention of the Council, should forward details, in writing, to the Clerk to the Parish Council, no later than 9am on Wednesday 6th November 2019. EASTINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Email: [email protected] ~ Tel: 01453 799616 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12th September 2019 at 7.00pm in Eastington Village Hall 1. Attendance and apologies for absence In attendance Cllrs Bullock (Chair), Bomberg, Chatterley, Corrie, Farnden, Loveridge and Simmons. Apologies noted from Cllr Wells. Also present Clerk Mrs J Shirley, Planning Clerk Mrs Hayes, County Cllr Williams, District Cllr Jones, District Cllr Davies and 4 members of the public. Absent: Cllr Cozens. 2. Declarations of interest in items on the agenda Cllr Loveridge declared an interest in item 9.5 and 9.14 (receipt of payment). Cllrs Bullock, Farnden and Loveridge declared an interest in item 9.5. 3. Chairman’s announcements None 4. Approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd August 2019. It was proposed by Cllr Chatterley, seconded by Cllr Corrie and Council RESOLVED to accept the minutes of 22nd August 2019. 5. To review outstanding actions from previous meeting: AED installation for Staytes Services still to be actioned. 6. Changes to the order of business None The meeting was adjourned for members of the public to address the council. A resident noted that the hedge on Bath Road has been cut on the inside, but the outside is overhanging the pavement. A resident was present to answer any queries on item 9.12. Another resident was present to address queries on several items; the Chairman will invite comments at those items. Report from the County Councillor – Cllr Williams gave an update from County Council; Cllr Williams has requested a motion for County Council to consider planting two trees for every resident. There is a working group looking at single-use plastics and how to remove from the County Council. Mr Low asked if there would be a budget for tree-planting. Mr Davies asked that the County Council don’t fell trees. Report from the District Councillors – Cllr Davies noted that there have been prosecutions for illegal bonfires including one in Eastington. Stroud DC has won an award for the amount of recycling it does. Ecotricity sports stadium application has been submitted but there are discussions about whether enough changes have been made to constitute a new application. The earliest that this application will be considered by Development Control Committee is December 2019; efforts are being made to ensure this delay does not affect the canal restoration project. Gloucestershire Highways has changed its advice on the application and has concerns about car parking that will overspill into Great Oldbury. Cllr Davies is unable to attend the next Eastington PC meeting. Cllr Jones noted that a new Neighbourhood Warden has been allocated to Eastington.
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