Annual Policy Report 2008
Annual Policy Report 2008 produced by the European Migration Network March 2011 The purpose of EMN Annual Policy Reports is to provide an overview into the most significant political and legislative (including EU) developments, as well as public debates, in the area of asylum and migration, with the focus on third-country nationals rather than EU nationals. This EMN Synthesis Report summarises the main findings of National Reports produced by twenty-three of the EMN National Contact Points (EMN NCPs) from Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The EMN Synthesis Report, as well as the twenty-three National Reports upon which the synthesis is based, may be downloaded from http://emn.intrasoft-;?entryTitle=02. Annual Policy Report 2008 Several of the National Reports are also available in the Member States‟ national language, as well as in English. EMN Synthesis Report – Annual Policy Report 2008 CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Methodology followed ........................................................................................ 7 2. POLITICAL AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS ........................................ 9 2.1 General political developments ...........................................................................
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