Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Legislative
COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSY LVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL TUESDAY , APRIL 25 , 2006 SESSION OF 2006 190TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 26 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE BILLS The House convened at 10:30 a.m., e.d.t. INTRODUCED AND RE FERRED No. 2624 By Representatives T. STEVENSON, THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE ARMSTRONG, BAKER, CALTAGIRONE, CAPPELLI, (MATTHEW E. BAKER) PRESIDING CRAHALLA, CREIGHTON, DENLINGER, GEIST, GINGRICH, GOODMAN, GRUCELA, KOTIK, O’NEILL, PRAYER PALLONE, PAYNE, PHILLIPS, PISTELLA, PYLE, SAINATO, E. Z. TAYLOR, THOMAS, TURZAI, WALKO, REV. T. GLEN BAYLY, Chaplain of the House of WATSON and WILT Representatives, offered the following prayer: An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of Shall we pray together: the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for aggravating circumstances in the sentencing procedure for murder of Our graci ous Heavenly Father, we come before You today to the first degree. recognize Your presence in this place, to honor You, to give You thanks for Your many blessings. We recognize that all Referred to Commit tee on JUDICIARY, April 25, 2006. good and perfect gifts come down from You, and we want to give You thanks today. We than k You for the nation that we No. 2625 By Representatives HARPER, ARMSTRONG, live in, for the freedoms that we share, and we thank You that LEH, YOUNGBLOOD, CRAHALLA, BELFANTI, BEYER, those who founded our nation and the leaders throughout our BOYD, CALTAGIRONE, CAPPELLI, GEIST, GINGRICH, history have always recognized Your presence, the need to rely GOODMAN, HARRIS, HERSHEY, KILLION, LEDERER, and trust upon You, and so we would conti nue to do that today.
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