t The Friends’ bookle > Winter 2015 autumn Exhilaration and glorification.

Visit our website www.becomeafriend.be to be kept informed of the latest activities and events of the Friends and take full benefit of the advantages offered to you!

Editor Christiane Waucquez Rue du Musée 9, 1000

Contact Friends of the RMFAB Rue du Musée 9, 1000 Brussels T +32 (0)2 511 41 16 [email protected] / www.becameafriend.be Becomeafriend

Design www.indekeuken.org

This booklet has been created and printed with the help of Treetop.

Dear Friends,

After a colourful season, it’s harvest time… The Chagall exhibition attracted over 150,000 visitors, a well deserved success! More than 5,000 copies of the “Fables de La Fontaine” illustrated by the artist were sold during the exhibition. And the Friends can boast without blushing of having increased the number of members by more than 10%. Congratulations to the 60 volunteers working both at the welcome desk and in the office for achieving such a great job! In September, we would like to invite you to... 2050! The world of today and tomorrow illustrated through 8 themes and more than 70 contemporary artists. Innovative and fascinating! (p 6-9) By browsing through the 32 pages of the 4th edition of the Friends Booklet, you will discover no less than 8 activities “More For Friends” (p 18-19) and 11 trips and excursions (p 20-25), available to you between September 2015 and March 2016. The more we are, the greater our support to the Museums (p 26-27). Think about offering a membership card to your friends as a lasting gift! Thank you to our 2,935 Friends and our 103 patron members (p 28-29) for your loyalty and your vital support in times of political uncertainty in cultural matters. We hope to see you soon again in our museums!

The Team of Becomeafriend. 3 Friends’ Private Evening

4 Tuesday 22.09 2015 at 17:30 & 19:00

Une exposition étonnante et innovante en partenariat avec Le d’après l’œuvre de Jacques Attali « Une brève histoire de l’avenir ». Les 35 prochaines années et leurs défis vus au travers d’œuvres d’artistes contemporains de renommée Guided tours internationale. followed by drinks

To register for this event, send your payment of €10 per person (€17 for non-members) into the account BE46 3100 4042 4636 – BBRUBEBB, mentioning the date, hour and language (French or Dutch).

Registration and payment before 12 September 2015 (no confirmation will be provided and no refund in case of absence)

Entrance through the : Place Royale / Koningsplein 1, 1000 Brussels 5 2050. A Brief History of the Future When contemporary art takes you to 2050!

The Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium and the Louvre present a new and innovative project inspired by Jacques Attali’s book “A Brief History of the Future”. It takes the form of two independent but complementary exhibitions around the same questioning of the future. The Louvre with a look at the past and Brussels with a prospective approach, illustrate the great dynamics that span and animate humanity, from its origins to 2050. According to Jacques Attali, human civilization can be told as the succession of three major political orders: a religious order, a military and a mercantile order, the latter still prevailing today. The mercantile order speaks the language of Money and is organized around a single centre, a core which gathers a creative society characterized by an appetite for newness and a passion for discovery. Until today the market order has had 9 successive stages. You can label them each either by the name of their core city (Bruges, Venice, Antwerp, Genoa, Amsterdam, London, Boston, New York, Los Angeles) or by the technology extending their merchandise field (stern rudder, caravel, printing, accounting, boat flute, steam engine, internal combustion engine, electric motor, microprocessor). Moreover, according to Attali, the future will take place in five waves: the relative decline of the American Empire, the emergence of a polycentric world, a “super empire”, a “super conflict” and finally a “super democracy”. The exhibition in Brussels begins with the ninth core – the city of Los Angeles, near the Pacific Ocean, and microprocessors. Eight themes will be developed: Los Angeles, polycentrism, 6 2016 11.09 2015 > 24.01

hunga, , Kimbembele I Bodys Isek Kingelez (detail), 1994. 130 × 330 × 210 cm © CAAC – The Pigozzi Collection, Geneva. Photo: Marc Halevi 7

. Heavenly City n°8, 2008 Yang Yongliang . © Yang Yongliang / Afdrukken 164 × 150 cm courtesy Galerie –Beijing threatened planet, overconsumption, super empire (poverty- wealth and inequality, market domination), super conflict (war, terrorism, religion, peace and knowledge), selling time and transforming one’s own body and utopias (the power of good and altruism). They will be discussed and illustrated by works of internationally renowned contemporary artists: Sugimoto, Boetti, Francis Alÿs Louise Bourgeois, On Kawara, Marie-Jo Lafontaine, Hans Op de Beeck, Lachapelle... In total nearly 70 artists will deliver to you their visions of the present and of the future of the planet. Through these works that illustrate the major issues of society, the visitors are invited to reflect on the future they want to shape.

Many activities are organized around the exhibition: Tuesday conferences, meetings with artists at the Museum Brasserie on Saturdays at 3:30 pm…

For more information, visit our website: www.becomeafriend.be and the museum’s website: www.fine-arts-museum.be

The Friends from the RMFAB have free access to the exposition “A Brief History of the Future” at the Louvre between the 24th of September and the 8th of October.

. Heavenly City n°8, 2008 Yang Yongliang . © Yang Yongliang / Afdrukken 164 × 150 cm courtesy Galerie Paris–Beijing 9 Denizens of Brussels – Andres Serrano Andres Serrano in Brussel “I use photography in the way that a painter uses his canvas” – Andres Serrano, 1996

Andres Serrano, born in New York in 1950, is one of the great iconic artists of contemporary photography and is the guest of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium where a large retrospective will be devoted to his work in March 2016. From 28 February to 10 March 2015, Andres Serrano drove the streets of Brussels and produced a series of photographs of homeless people. This is similar to what he did in New York in 2014 and we’ve asked him to describe his work in Brussels: “I always ask people if they agree to be photographed, I pay them a little, it’s a working relationship, the same as if I was working with other models. Even if they sleep, they know that I photograph them.” “In Brussels, the situation is more extreme than in New York, some people live in cardboard boxes in the subway, there are people from very different backgrounds, some almost adopt an actor’s behavior”. Through his photographs, Andres Serrano shows us the lives of those we do not see or do not want to see. On several occasions, we had the chance to meet this artist who has a very original view of the world. Didn’t he tell us, for example, that his best audience is children and people “who understand nothing about art” – they don’t assume and they look at a work without prejudice. The photographs “Denizens of Brussels” will be presented in some metro stations and streets of Brussels, during the retrospective Andres Serrano taking place in March 2016.


Denizens: noun: a person, animal,or plant that lives in or often is found in a particular place or region. (Merriam– Webster Dictionary) soble (The Denizens Andres Serrano. Ahmed O of Brussels), 2015. 139,7 × 165,1 cm. © Andres Serrano 11 Coup de cœur Become a Friend

aphne, 1681. pollo Chasing D Carlo Maratta, A Oil on canvas 22,1 x 224 cm. © RMFAB. Photo: Piaggio Strandlund & Ilan Weiss 12 Museum of the Future

The Friends met Jennifer Beauloye, Doctor of Art History, postdoctoral researcher in museology and new technologies, project manager for the Bruegel Box, co-curator of the exhibition “2050 A Brief History of the Future”. We asked her about the Museum of tomorrow. If the museums missions remain the same, to preserve, disseminate and educate, the tools are changing. New tech- nologies facilitate interaction between the artworks and the public. With smartphones and geolocation, it will become easier to find your way around the museum. Image recognition, for example, could provide a more comprehensive explanation on a painting and one could imagine that a guidance system (iBeacon...) could warn the visitors when they approach a major work in the museum. Visitors will deepen their knowledge of one or several works by immersing themselves in very detailed projections of these; they will be placed at the heart of an artwork and will be able to scrutinize each element of its composition. New technologies support scientific research and enable us to engage directly with the audience on an interactive basis. Moreover, they are being put at the service of art. Indeed, conditions for the storage and exhibition of artworks have become so demanding that it is no longer possible to transport paintings which are too fragile, and that is where the new technologies will enable a broader audience to approach the works in a different way. By autumn 2015, the Bruegel Box (Boël room) and the exhibition “2050 A Brief History of the Future” will give us a preview of what the Museum of tomorrow could be. aphne, 1681. pollo Chasing D Carlo Maratta, A Oil on canvas 22,1 x 224 cm. © RMFAB. Photo: Piaggio Strandlund & Ilan Weiss 13

This Autumn in in-de-siècle! the Museum f

Guillaume Vogels. , rainy morning, 1883 Oil on canvas 104 × 152 cm. © RMFAB. Photo : Daniel Piaggio Strandlund & Ilan Weiss 14 On 1 October, the Fin-de-Siècle Museum will be exceptionally open until 9pm.

Reviews and poems by great writers and artists from the 19th century will be read in the museum. They will be commented on and matched with the works. Balzac, Flaubert, Zola, Baudelaire, Verhaeren, Maeterlinck, Ensor... will give you another perspective on the major artistic movements of the time. 15 places are reserved for the Friends on 1 March 2016. (p 18-19)

More information on www.fine-arts-museum.be

24.11 2015 12:30, 13:30 & 14:30 Récital Fin-de-Siècle : Du naturalisme au symbolisme, l’envol de l’imagination. Mise en espace : Jacques Neefs avec l’ensemble poétique du Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles.

26.01 2016 12:40 Félicien Rops ou la vie moderne. Correspondances. Avec les comédiens du Théâtre de Poche suivi d’une séance « Art par les textes » au Musée Fin-de-Siècle à 14h.

01.03 2016 12:40 Verlaine au secret : à l’écoute du temps carcéral. Par Myriam Wathee Delmotte avec Alisée Frippiat à la harpe et Clara Inglese, soprano. Suivi d’une séance « Art par les textes » au Musée Fin-de-Siècle à 12h30.

For visiting, remember to bring your guidebook Museum in a nutshell – Fin-de-Siècle. If you don’t already have it, please Guillaume Vogels. Ixelles, rainy morning, 1883 note that the guidebook is free for the Friends (1 copy per Friend). Oil on canvas 104 × 152 cm. © RMFAB. Photo : Daniel Piaggio Strandlund & Ilan Weiss 15

Fashion as a mirror of society

16 Partnership between the Museum Fin-de-Siècle and the Museum of Costume and Lace Being and Appearing

A number of activities related to the theme of fashion and appearance are planned for this year. These activities will help you to discover or rediscover two Museums, through guided tours, workshops, family Museums… What do the appearance and the dress tell us about a person and his time? Getting dressed is a basic requirement, but clothes are also an important nonverbal way of communicating. Appearances can sometimes be misleading; nevertheless, it does reveal the true face of a society. Through these visits, the crinolines, bustle dresses, balayeuses… will have no more secrets for you!

More information on www.fine-arts-museum.be and www.extra-edu.be.

Special tours for the Friends: Sunday 13 December 2015 and Saturday 12 March 2016. (p 18-19)

17 m More ! For Friends

More for Friends 2015-2016

Nocturne: 2050. A Brief History of the Future 1! Tuesday, 22 September 2015, at 17:30 or 19:00 (p 4-5)

Visit of the exhibition “Behind the Numbers” Tuesday, 6 October 2015: at the Brussels Stock Exchange 2! followed by a walking dinner (20 places offered).

Visit of the exhibition “Behind the Numbers” 3! Tuesday, 27 October 2015, at 19:30: at the Brussels Stock Exchange followed by a walking dinner (20 places offered).

Yoga session in the Hall 4! Friday, 13 November 2015, from 12:00 to 13:15 (20 places available).

Being and Appearing 5! Sunday, 13 December 2015, at 13:30 at the Museum Fin-de- Siècle Visit the Museum Fin-de-Siècle and the Museum of Costume and Lace on the theme Being and Appearing (15 places available). ! Brafa at Tour & Taxis 6 Tuesday, 26 January 2016, at 11:00 (places offered).

Art by the texts 7! Tuesday, 1 March 2016, at 12:30: « Verlaine au secret :

18 à l’écoute du temps carcéral ». Par Myriam Wathee Delmotte avec Alisée Frippiat à la harpe et Clara Inglese, soprano. Suivi d’une séance « Art par les textes » au Musée Fin-de-Siècle à 14h (15 places offertes).

Andres Serrano – Nocturne 8! Tuesday, 22 March 2016, at 17:30 and 19:00

More information on www.becomeafriend.be

Reservations required at [email protected] mentioning the date of the activity and your membership number. A confirmation email will be sent.

+ 2 private Nights a year for the Friends.

+ Guided tours, special offers from our partners (Brafa, RMAH…), travels and day trips for our Friends.

+ Free access to the six Museums and the temporary exhibitions. Discount at the Museum Shop. Invitations to unique events.

19 he Friends Travels for t

of the RMFAB September 2015 – June 2016

20 30.09 2015 > WATTEAU AT VALENCIENNES Ref. 2918 – € 85 (coach, lunch, entrance fees and guide) The Museum of Fine Arts marks its reopening with an exceptional exhibition “Antoine Watteau and the French landscape painters in the 18th century” and a new display of its remarkable collection of Flemish paintings. Seneffe Castle is organizing an exhibition on “The pleasures of the gardens in the 18th century.” and their influence on society during the Enlightenment society.

05–08.10 2015 > THE VENICE BIENNALE Ref. 2919 – € 1485 (plane, half-board accommodation, entrance fees and guide) 53 countries exhibit, in the pavilions of the Giardini, of the Arsenale and in various places in Venice, contemporary works on the theme “All the World’s Futures” that invites artists to take a fresh look at the state of the world today, a world whose concerns are related to disruptions and disasters of the past two centuries.

22.10 2015 > THE GLORY OF SAINT GEORGE AT THE GRAND HORNU Ref. 2920 – € 85 (coach, lunch, entrance fees and guide) The Mac’s exhibits paintings, sculptures, drawings, illuminated manuscripts... around the themes “Man, the Dragon and death”, St George depicting the battle against hostile forces but especially against himself with the affirmation of its destiny. David Claerbout, Giuseppe Penone, Angel Vergara, Luc Tuymans and others demonstrate how topical the myth is today. The new center Keramis welcomes us to La Louvière.

26–29.10 2015 > PRAGUE Ref. 2972 – € 1395 (plane, coach, half-board accommodation, entrance fees & guide) The city of a thousand faces where Gothic charm mingles with Baroque, Cubism and . Churches and museums complement each discovery: Cranach at the Convent of St. Agnes, Bruegel and Velázquez at the Lobkowicz Palace, Klimt and Schiele at the Museum of , Mucha in the St. Vitus church and Kup- ka, the pioneer of abstraction, on the peninsula of Kampa.

19.11 2015 > “BRIEF HISTORY OF THE FUTURE” AT THE LOUVRE Ref. 2298 – € 150 (Thalys, coach, entrance fees and guide) The Friends of the Louvre invite us to discover the twin exhibition of the one in our own Museums: it is a dialogue between exceptional works of the past and contemporary works to enlighten our view of the future. At the Grand 21 Palais, “Picasso.mania” illuminates the fruitful confrontation that contemporary artists have carried out with the work of Picasso.

26.11 2015 > THE VILLA CAVROIS CLOSE TO LILLE Ref. 2996 – € 85 (coach, lunch, entrance fees and guide) In 1932 the architect Robert Mallet-Stevens creates a masterpiece of modernist art for the industrial entrepreneur Paul Cavrois. The villa has regained its original splendour after 14 years of restoration. With “Where the day begins”, the LAM Villeneuve-d’Ascq offers a journey towards possible futures through a wide selection of works from the 60s to the present.

12–13.12 2015 > MAJOR EXHIBITIONS IN LONDON Ref. 2973 – Price to be determined (Eurostar, coach, half-board accommodation, entrance fees and guide) The British Museum devotes a significant exhibition to Celtic culture. The Queen’s Gallery at Buckingham Palace presents «The Masters of the Everyday, Dutch artists in the Age of Vermeer.» The Tate Britain studies the influence of the British Empire on the Arts and the National Gallery presents portraits by Goya.

12.01 2016 > EUROPALIA TURKEY IN GENT Ref. 2987 – € 85 (coach, lunch, entrance fees and guide) SMAK confronts the perception of space of the Turkish visual artist Ayşe Erkmen with the sensory experience of our compatriot Ann Veronica Janssens. The Design museum juxtaposes 200 years of decorative art in Belgium and the Netherlands, from Empire to Art Deco and contemporary design.

19–23.01 2016 > JEWELS OF ANDALUSIA Ref. 2988 – € 1295 (plane, half-board accommodation, entrance fees and guide) From the harmonious Antequera and its all white heart, we discover the Alham- bra and the Generalife in Granada, at the foot of the snowy silhouette of the Si- erra Nevada, the Mezquita in Cordoba along the river Guadalquivir, the Alcázar and the Cathedral of Sevilla together with its remarkable museum of Fine Arts. In Malaga, the Picasso Museum confronts works by the artist with those of his German contemporaries.

17.02 2016 > EXCURSION TO LIER Ref. 2989 – € 85 (coach, lunch, entrance fees and guide)

22 Lier seduces by its beautiful beguine convent, the gothic Collegiate church St. Gommaire, the Town Square and its belfry, the Zimmer tower and its astronom- ical clock. The Stedelijk Museum presents «Saint³. The power of habits « which focuses on religious traditions, processions, fairs, pilgrimages... through works from the Museum of Fine Arts of Antwerp and communal Museums of Lier.

16–19.03 2016 > SOULAGES AT RODEZ, FABRE IN MONTPELLIER Ref. 2990 – Price to be determined (train, coach, half-board accommodation, entrance fees and guide) The new museum of Rodez beautifully presents the complete work of the master of abstraction who works with black on black from 1946 to 2012. The old city of Montpellier revives Jacques Coeur. Its Fabre and Atger museums present paintings and drawings from southern (Midi) and northern schools. The 18th century Mogère Castle presents some fine furniture and superb paintings (Brueghel, Rigaud, David...).

15–22.04 2016 > MINOAN AND BYZANTINE CRETE Ref. 2991 – Price to be determined (plane, coach, half-board accommodation, entrance fees and guide) This paradise island is full of fabulous testimonies to the civilizations that have succeeded each other: Minoan with the ruins at Knossos, Phaestos... and the masterpieces of the Heraklion Museum, Byzantine with the churches and their beautiful frescoes and icons. Not to mention the Venetian influence in the fortresses and the Cretan Renaissance through paintings of Damaskinos and El Greco.

12.05 2016 > “OUTDOOR” AT LIEGE Ref. 2992 – € 85 (coach, lunch, entrance fees and guide) As part of the transformation of the old Liege Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MAMAC) in an ambitious new Boverie museum, an inaugural exhibition is organized in collaboration with the Louvre: «Outdoor» brings together Renoir, Manet, Monet, Evenepoel, Pissarro, Boudin, Van Gogh... A great opportunity to visit the historical heart of the city.

24–28.05 2016 > DUBLIN AREA Ref. 2993 – Price to be determined (plane, coach, , half-board accommodation, entrance fees and guide)

23 We will discover the Book of Kells at Trinity College, the Celtic treasures of the National Museum, the great masters of the National Gallery, the exceptional collections of the Chester Beatty Library, the Impressionists of the Dublin City Gallery, the dynamic Museum of Modern Art and some great neighbouring Palladian villas: Russborough House and Castletown House.

07.06 2016 > “GODS, GENIES AND DEMONS OF EGYPT” AT MARIEMONT Ref. 2994 – € 85 (coach, lunch, entrance fees and guide) Through objects from major European collections, this exhibition will take you to meet Osiris, Anubis, Hathor, Sobek or Isis, in the world of Egyptian myths, gods, genies and demons.

22–25.06 2016 > COPENHAGEN Ref. 2995 – Price to be determined (plane, coach, half-board accommodation, entrance fees and guide) Cristal clear, swept by the sea wind, the city is home to castles, museums and modern architecture: from the prestigious Glyptotheque to the eclectic museum of Fine Arts. The East Coast sees in succession the Ordrupgaard villa with the Hansen Impressionists collection, the home of Karen Blixen and the famous Louisiana Museum with its Giacometti gallery and sculpture garden with sweeping views of the sea.


September 2016 > Florence and Tuscany October 2016 > Miró and “Modernismo” in Majorca

For one day excursions, you need to register by mail or by post (Name, Reference, number of participants, fee). The fee has to be paid on the account of Preference – Travel Team with the same information in the communication section: IBAN: BE76 1911 5948 0995 SWIFT/BIC: CREGBEBB

For travels, contact Preference Travel Team: 77 rue de l’Abbaye Tel.: +32(0)2 647 30 00 www.becomeafriend.be 1050 Brussels E-mail : [email protected] www.preference.be 24 There is always something happening at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium!

Discover, create, philosophize, experiment, visit, be guided. On your own, with someone, in a group, with a family, with the Friends.

Visit our websites www.extra-edu.be and www.fine-arts-museum.be to find all the information on:

Tuesday Conferences Courses for children and adults Saturday visits and discussions Yoga at the museum Midis du cinéma Midis de la poésie Guided tours

The Friends help the Museums

The Friends support the Museums by managing the nearly 100 volunteers who assist the museums in a wide range of activities:

• welcoming the visitors in the lobby; • serving in the museums shops; • managing the archives; • supporting the Educateam activities; • operating the library; • helping in the Digital museum; • translating into Dutch and English; • managing the Friends’ back office. 26 A huge thank you to all the volunteers!

In 2015, the Friends fund the development of the Gao Xingjian room and the editing and printing of the guidebook Museum in a nutshell – Old Masters. They also participate in the purchase of a work by the artist David Altjmed. The Boël Fund finances the project Free Guides: free guided tours for all, in dialogue with today’s world. In 2014 and 2013, the Friends acquired for the Museum the work by Marcel Broodthaers “Magritte”, and funded the publishing and printing of the guidebook Museum in a nutshell – Fin-de-Siècle. They also funded the lighting of Jan Fabre’s work in the royal staircase.

All these projects, dear Friends, can only be achieved thanks to your support!

We need you more than ever!

27 ur protectors members O 2014 & members honor

M. et Mme P. Baillieux • M. et Mme Ivan & Hélène Beghin • M. et Mme A. Philip Bentley-Bausier • M. et Mme Jacques & Christiane Berghmans • Mme Chantal Blanchoud • M. et Mme Michel Boël • M. et Mme Harold Boël • Mme Andrée Caillet • M. Guy Cammermans • De heer Corneille • Dhr. H ugo Cra u wels • Stéphane Davidts-Douillet • Dhr. en Mw. Michel & Annemie De Brauwer-Breugelmans • M. et Mme Christian de Chateauvieux • M. Philippe Delusinne • Thierry de Looz- Corswarem • Prince et Princesse Amaury & Nathalie de Merode • Mme Claude de Selliers de Moranville • M. et Mme A. De Solages • Vicomte et Vicomtesse Nicolas de Spoelberch • M. et Mme Defforey • M. Frederic Delmot • M. et Henry & Bernadette Mme Delwaide-De St Leger • M. et Mme Philippe Demonceau • M. Michel Draguet – Directeur Général des MRBAB • M. Philippe de Schoutheete • M. Alain de Waele • Comte et Comtesse Baudouin du Parc • M. et Mme Raoul Dutry • M. et Mme Pierre & Francine Gamet-Sorel • Baron et Baronne Roland Gillion Crowet • Mme Jacqueline Green-Boël • M. et Mme Herman & Marina Goossens-Boerjan • M. Ronald 28 Guttman • Baron et Baronne Hughes van der Straten Waillet • Dhr. en Mw. Luc Indekeu • Mme Philippe Jadot • Baron et Baronne Paul-Emmanuel Janssen • Mme Jacqueline Juge • Dhr. en Mw. Wessel & Bianca Kooyman-Baumler • M. Dominique Lambot • M. Christian Lepage • M. et Mme Haegelsteen-Lhoist • M. Marc Luyckx-Coelis • Dhr. en Mw. Luc Marroyen • Mme Christiane Martroye de Joly • M. et Mme Éric Mathay • Mme Jeanne Huguette Mathieu • M. et Mme Pierre Opdebeeck • M. et Mme Jean & Isabelle Rillaerts • Baron Philippe Roberts-Jones • M. et Mme Samir & Florence Sabet d’Acre-Pucci • M. et Mme Jean-Marie Schmitt • Mme Magda Schockaert • M. René Spitaels • M. et Mme Sprangers-Hubrechts • M. et Mme Jan & Cécile Terlinck-Octors • M. et Mme Thierry de Saint Rapt • M. et Mme Takashi & Mitsuko Tomomoto • Mme Sinette Tonneau-Paul • Mme Eline Ubaghs • M. Emmanuel van de Putte • M. et Mme van der Straten Waillet • Dhr. en Mw. Paul Vandepitte-Briers • Chevalier et Mme Nicolas van Outryve d’Ydewalle • Mme Ursula von Zitzewitz • M. Paul Waucquez • M. Patrick Wielemans • M. Guy Wilwertz 29 new!

Family 2 (grand) parents +2 (small) children

30 www.becomeafriend.be Registration Form Choose your category and fill in the form below.

Associate Member – € 50/year Associate Member & partner (2 membership cards) – € 75/ year Full Member – € 100/ year Full Member & partner (2 membership cards) – € 150/ year Patron *– € 100/ year + a donation of at least € 150 Patron & partner * (2 membership cards) – € 150/ year + a donation of at least € 150 Family: proof of ID required – € 85/year Young Member (18–25): proof of ID required – € 20/ year

* Full members who, in addition to their membership dues, remit a donation of at least € 150 on the account of Fonds des Amis des Musées, BE81 6790 7542 9624/PCHQBEBB, will be recognized as Patrons of the Museums. Membership fee BE32 3631 2340 9302 / BBRUBEBB Donation BE81 6790 7542 9624 / PCHQBEBB

First name | Last name


Post code | City

Tel. | E-mail

Date | Signature

Send to the Friends of the RMFAB: Rue du Musée 9, 1000 Brussels Photo: Daniel Piaggio Strandlund & Ilan Weiss, 2015

www.becomeafriend.be 32