AMERICAN CONIFER SOCIETY coniferVOLUME 33, NUMBER 4 | FALL 2016 QUARTERLY PAGE 15 ACS REFERENCE GARDEN DENVER BOTANIC GARDEN SAVE THE DATES: National ACS Meeting • August 17–19 (20), 2017 • Syracuse, NY TABLE OF CONTENTS 15 04 18 06 Virginia’s Gardner Memorial Gardens The American Conifer Society Bill Blevins 04 14 2016 Scholarship Awards Gerald Kral 2017 Collectors’ Conifer of the Year ACS Reference Garden: Dennis Lee 06 15 Denver Botanic Gardens Ann Frazier Save The Dates: ACS Central Grounds For Sculpture New York Style 08 18 Ron Elardo for Maud Henne Gerald Kral Newark, Ohio: Hidden Lake Gardens 2016 National Meeting 11 21 Propagation Seminar Ron Elardo Gerry Donaldson In His Own Words Of Eggs and Witches Jack Wikle 13 23 Bob Iglesias Fall 2016 Volume 33, Number 4 CONIFERQuarterly (ISSN 8755-0490) is published quarterly by the American Conifer Society. The Society is a non- CONIFER profit organization incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and is tax exempt under Quarterly section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Service Code. You are invited to join our Society. Please address Editor membership and other inquiries to the American Conifer Ronald J. Elardo Society National Office, PO Box 1583, Minneapolis, MN 55311,
[email protected]. Membership: US & Canada $38, International $58 (indiv.), $30 (institutional), $50 Technical Editors (sustaining), $100 (corporate business) and $130 (patron). Steven Courtney If you are moving, please notify the National Office 4 weeks David Olszyk in advance. Advisory Committee All editorial and advertising matters should be sent to: Tom Neff, Committee Chair Ron Elardo, 5749 Hunter Ct., Adrian, MI 49221-2471, (517) 902-7230 or email
[email protected] Sara Malone Ronald J.