[email protected] Therapeutic Horticulture (TH) is the purposeful use of plants and plant-related activities to promote health and wellness for an individual or group. A TH program leader is trained to use horticulture to promote well-being but goals and outcomes for individual participants are not clinically documented (Canadian Horticultural Therapy Association, n.d. https://www.chta.ca/about_ht.htm) Horticulture for Health: Defining the Paradigm Text and photos by Lesley Fleming, HTR TABLE OF CONTENTS The scope of nature-based, horticulture-focused programs, organizations and trends that promote human health and well-being has grown exponentially in the last number of years. Often, these have been focused on their own domain with limited crossover or 1 Horticulture for Health: integration. Within health services, education, food production, business, landscape Defining the Paradigm architecture and green industry, the role of horticulture used for improving health outcomes has dramatically expanded. Several societal trends have influenced this shift 4 The Benefits of including a technology accelerated pace of life and a greater understanding of how the Gardening & Nature- natural world can address health challenges. Based Activities No one label has been used to capture the multi-disciplined, multi-faceted philosophy 6 Past, Present and Future: that is emerging across sectors. Horticulture for health© may be a term broad enough to The Evolution of a refer to this paradigm, referencing the term landscapes for health coined by Naomi Sachs Therapeutic Garden (2017). in Long Term Care The philosophical foundation that is common to all of the horticulture for health initiatives 9 Indoor Trees That Do is the connection to nature as an essential element, a pathway to improving human Double Duty health and well-being through engagement with it.