Danced Management of Maliau Basin Conservation Area Sabah, Malaysia TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE REPORT No. 38 LAKE LINUMUNSUT (I)The Herpetofauna and Freshwater Fishes of Linumunsut Lake, Maliau Basin, Sabah (II) Diversity and Abundance of Birds Community at Linumunsut Lake, Maliau Basin, Sabah April 2002 Authors: Maklarin lakim, Alim Biun & Paul Yambun Sabah Parks, Research & Education Division P.D.Box 10626, M& 88806 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Phone +60 88 211881, Fax +60 88 211001 Hans Skotte Moeller Drnis Consult ltd., Vesterbrogade 140,2 DK 1620 Copenhagen V, Denmark Phone: + 4533318464 Fax: + 4533247599 E-mail:
[email protected] THE HERPETOFA UNA AND FRESHWATER FISHES OF LINUMUNSUT LAKE, MALIAU BASIN, SABAH. Maklarin B.Lakim & PaulYambun Researchand EducationDivision SabahParks. ABSTRACT. Abundance and diversity of reptiles, amphibians and freshwater fishes in LinumunsutLake and its surroundingareas were surveyed.Sixteen species of reptiles,32 speciesof amphibian and 8 speciesof freshwaterfishes were obtained from various survey techniques employedduring the fieldwork. Herpetofaunaof Linumunsutare representativeof the Bornean lowland forests species.A majority of the amphibianspecies are primary forest inhabitants.The freshwaterfishes representedfish communitiestypical to rivers and streamsin the westernpart of Sabah.The record of speciescomposition is slightly greaterthan that from previous surveys in interior parts of Maliau Basin ConservationArea. This showsthe outstandingvalues of the Maliau Basin ConservationArea in tenns ofherpetofaunaand freshwaterfishes communities. 1. INTRODUCnON The Maliau Basin Conservation Area is a pristine wilderness region located in the remote south central part of the state of Sabahin Malaysia. Covering some 58,840 hectares, the area encompasses a diverse assemblage of forest types, comprising mainly lower montane forest, rare montane heath or kerangas forest, lowland and hill dipterocarp forest.