Final Project Plans Data Gathering Former F.E

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Final Project Plans Data Gathering Former F.E February 2002 20717-000-0000-05003 FINAL PROJECT PLANS DATA GATHERING FORMER F.E. WARREN AIR FORCE BASE ATLAS "EM MISSILE SITE NO. 12 WINDSOR, COLORADO Preparedfor U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OMAHA DISTRICT Prepared by aker Baker Environmental, Inc. Coraopolis, Pennsylvania 200-1 e B08CO039302 03.02 0002 a Work Plan February 2002 20717-000-0000-05003 FINAL SECTION I WORK PLAN DATA GATHERING FORMER F.E. WARREN AIR FORCE BASE ATLAS "E" MISSILE SITE NO. 12 WINDSOR, COLORADO Preparedfor Prepared by U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OMAHA DISTRICT aker Baker Environmental, Inc. Coraopolis, Pennsylvania TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF ACRONYMS iii 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1-1 1.1 Purpose 1-1 1.2 Document Organization 1-2 2.0 BACKGROUND AND SETTING 2-1 2.1 Background Information 2-1 2.2 Previous Investigations 2-2 2.2.1 Water Sampling 2-2 2.2.2 UST Closures 2-2 2.2.3 Site Investigation 2-3 2.2.4 Remedial Investigation 2-6 Surface Soil Sampling 2-7 Subsurface Investigation 2-8 On-Site Supply Well Sampling 2-8 Sump Sampling 2-8 Surface Water Sampling 2-8 Indoor Air Quality Sampling 2-9 Site Hydrogeologic Conditions 2-9 Nature and Extent of Contamination 2-11 RI Conclusions 2-17 2.2.5 Streamlined Risk Evaluation 2-18 Human Health SRE Conclusions 2-18 Environmental SRE Conclusions 2-19 3.0 FIELD SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN 3-1 3.1 Mobilization/Demobilization 3-1 3.1.1 Well Inventory Mapping 3-2 3.1.2 Wastewater Sump Drainage Verification 3-2 3.2 Water Well Location Confirmation and Well Sampling 3-2 3.3 Wastewater Sump Drainage Verification 3-3 3.4 Potentiomerric Surface Study 3-3 3.5 UST Subsurface Soil Sampling 3-3 3.6 Investigation Derived Waste Management 3-3 3.7 QA/QC Samples 3-4 4.0 SAMPLE DESIGNATION 4-1 5.0 INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES 5-1 5.1 Water Well Sampling 5-1 5.2 Potentiomerric Surface Study 5-2 5.3 UST Subsurface Soil Sampling 5-2 5.4 Field Equipment Calibration 5-4 5.5 Decontamination 5-4 5.6 Investigation Derived Waste Management 5-4 H:\_USACE_Oimha_20717\WindsonvorkpIans\DataGalhering_FINAL\Woit PUiADataGathWF-12 doc TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 6.0 SAMPLE HANDLING AND ANALYSIS 6-1 6.1 Sample Preservation and Handling 6-1 6.2 Chain-of-Custody, Sample Packing and Shipping 6-1 6.3 Field Logbooks 6-1 7.0 SITE MANAGEMENT 7-1 7.1 Field Team Responsibilities 7-1 7.2 Reporting Requirements 7-1 8.0 SUMMARY DATA GATHERING REPORT 8-1 9.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND STAFFING 9-1 10.0 PROJECT SCHEDULE 10-1 11.0 REFERENCES 11-1 LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1 Distribution of Solid Environmental Samples and Associated QA/QC Samples Table 3-2 Distribution of Aqueous Environmental Samples and Associated QA/QC Samples Table 4-1 Sample Designation and Rationale for Aqueous and Soil Samples Table 6-1 Summary of Sample Containers, Preservation, and Holding Times LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 Site Location Map Figure 2-1 Site Map Figure 3-1 Well Inventory Map Figure 5-1 Soil Boring Location Map Figure 9-1 Project Organization Figure 10-1 Project Schedule LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment A Well Inventory Records Attachment B Forms H:\_USACE_Omaha_20717\Windsorworkplans\DalaGathering_FINAI-WoritPlan\DataGathWP-l2.doc ii LIST OF ACRONYMS AFB Air Force Base AFCEE Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence Baker Baker Environmental, Inc. BTEX benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes CBSG Colorado Basic Standards for Groundwater CDPHE Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment CEMRD Corps of Engineers Missouri River Division CEMRO Corps of Engineers Missouri River - Omaha District CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act COC Chain of Custody COE Corps of Engineers COPC Contaminants of Potential Concern CSEO Colorado State Engineers Office DCA 1,1-dichloroethane DCE dichloroethylene DERP Defense Environmental Restoration Program DNAPL Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids DOD Department of Defense DQOs Data Quality Objectives DRO Diesel Range Organics ECB USAGE Environmental Chemistry Branch EPA Environmental Protection Agency FS Feasibility Study FSAP Field Sampling and Analysis Plan FUDS Formerly Used Defense Site GPS Global Positioning System GSA General Services Administration HASP Health and Safety Plan HEW Department of Health Education and Welfare HI Hazard Index HTW Hazardous and Toxic Waste IAQ Indoor Air Quality ICBM Intercontinental Ballistic Missile IDW Investigative Derived Waste IEUBK Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Lead Model INPR Inventory Project Report IRIS Integrated Risk Information System H:\_USACE_Omaha_20717\Windsorworkplans\DataGathCTing_FINAL\WoricPlaii\DalaGath\VP-12.doc iii LIST OF ACRONYMS (Continued) kg kilograms L Liters LQM Laboratory Quality Manual m meters MCL Maximum Contaminant Level MDL Method Detection Limit mg milligrams mg/kg milligrams per kilogram mL milliliter MS/MSD Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate MSL Mean Sea Level NAPL Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids NCP National Contingent Plan NIOSH National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health NPL National Priorities List OIS Oil Inspection Section OSWER Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response PCBs Polychlorinated Biphenyls PCE Tetrachloroethylene PID Photoionization Detector PPM Priority Pollutant Metals including: antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, magnesium, manganese, mercury, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium and zinc ppm parts per million QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan RAC Remedial Action Category RBC Risk Based Concentration RfD Reference Dose RI Remedial Investigation RME Reasonable Maximum Exposure SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act SCS Soil Conservation Service SI Site Investigation SOP Standard Operating Procedures SOS Scope of Services SRE Streamlined Risk Evaluation STL Severn Trent Laboratory SVOCs Semivolatile Organic Compounds H:\_USACE_Omaha_20717\Windsorworkplans\DauGathHing_FlNAL\Woric Plan\DaaOathWP-12.doc iv LIST OF ACRONYMS (Continued) TCA Trichloroethane TCE Trichloroethene TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons USAGE United States Army Corps of Engineers USAF United States Air Force USCS United Soil Classification System USDA United States Department of Agriculture USEPA United State Environmental Protection Agency USGS United States Geologic Survey UST Underground Storage Tank VOCs Volatile Organic Compounds WCR Weld County Road °C Centigrade (o.g/L micrograms per liter |j.g/kg micrograms per kilogram H:\_USACE_Omaha_20717\Wmdsonvorkplans\DauGalhering_FINALWVork PlarivDauGathWP-12.doc V 1.0 INTRODUCTION This Data Gathering Work Plan (Work Plan) is an addendum to the previous Remedial Investigation/Streamlined Risk Evaluation (RI/SRE), Field Sampling and Analysis Plan (FSAP), Work Plan, Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), and Health and Safely Plan (HASP) prepared for work completed at the former Atlas "E" Missile Site 12 near Windsor, Colorado (Figure 1-1). The Work Plan has been prepared to allow Baker staff and subcontractors employ the appropriate procedures and protocols for collection and analysis of environmental samples and evaluation of the resulting data. The Work Plan also describes the management and staffing of this project as well as the project schedule. Information concerning the operational history, waste characteristics and quantities, site description, and previous investigations summarized in the Work Plan is presented in detail in: • Revised Draft Final Remedial Investigations/Streamlined Risk Evaluation, F. E. Warren AFB Atlas "E" Missile Site 12, Windsor, Colorado (Baker, June 2001). • Final Site Investigation Report, F. E. Warren AFB Atlas "E" Missile Site 12, Windsor, Colorado (Baker, April 1998). 1.1 Purpose The primary purpose of this work is to collect additional data prior to the initiation of a Feasibility Study based on the recommendations of the RI/SRE, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), US Army Corps of Engineers-Omaha District (USAGE) and USEPA Region VIII. The Work Plan outlines the tasks that will be implemented to support the future development and evaluation of appropriate remedial alternatives for various areas of concern at Site 12. The Work Plan provides guidance for field activities by describing in detail the sampling and data collection methods to be used to implement the various field tasks. The Work Plan also helps to ensure that sampling and data collection activities are carried out in accordance with regulatory guidance and accepted professional practice so that data obtained during the field activities are of sufficient quantity and quality to evaluate the nature and magnitude of contamination in various media and determine which areas may require further action. H:\_USACE_Oniaha_20717\Windsorworlcplans\DaiaGathCTing_FINAL\WorkPlan\DataGathWP-12.doc 1-1 1.2 Document Organization The Work Plan generally follows the previous work plans for Site 12; however, this Work Plan has been modified (streamlined) slightly to take into account the information available in the Site Investigation (SI) and Remedial Investigations/Streamlined Risk Evaluation (RI/SRE) Work Plans and the Revised Draft Final RI/SRE Report. Section 1.0 of the Work Plan identifies the purpose and the contents of the plan. Section 2.0 provides general background information. Section 3.0 provides the Field Sampling and Analysis Plan (FSAP) including a description of the sample locations and frequencies and provides a general technical approach for specific field and QA/QC activities. Section 4.0 provides the sample designation procedure. Detailed investigation procedures and sample handling and analytical requirements are provided in Section 5.0 and 6.0, respectively. Section 7.0 describes the site management and field reporting requirements. Section 8.0 describes the Summary Data Gathering Report. Section 9.0 describes the project management and staffing. Section 10.0 includes the project schedule and references are provided in Section 11.0.
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