WEDNESDAY, November 25, 2020 FREE charlestown PATRIOT-BRIDGE Two developers THANKSGIVING DISTRIBUTION Heritage Club gets unexpected offer proposals rebuke, rejection from BCB for Building 108 By Seth Daniel I’m going ahead here in Town on my own,” said John late last week, redevelopment The Cannabis Board after the rejection vote. “This time (BCB) pulled a surprise on The with guidance from the Councilor By Seth Daniel Heritage Club last Wednesday, (Edwards), which I’m excited Nov. 18, rejecting their applica- about.” Two qualified developers have tion outright and telling them to Suprey didn’t respond to an submitted very different proposals go back to the community and e-mail seeking comment on the for the Navy Yard Power Plant do more work on traffic and the matter. (Building 108) property redevel- Sullivan Square location – which The drama couldn’t be more opment – one looking to build on one Commissioner said she felt melodramatic for the Town’s first the research and development uses was not appropriate. license. nearby, and they other looking to The 5-0 vote featured a round Apparently, Councilor Edwards add a residential complement to robin of rebukes on the appli- and John had a lunch meeting the RopeWalk project a stone’s cation – the first Charlestown just prior to the Nov. 18 BCB throw away. Volunteers Carolina Comella (above application to go before the BCB meeting without Suprey. Edwards The proposals from Power right) and Robin Moody hand out rice – and led to the breakup of the apparently convinced John, who House Partners and Vision and pasta, while Bob Burton (photo partnership between owners and owns 51 percent of the company, Development will be hashed out right) took turkey duty on Tuesday high school friends Nike John and to seek a deferral from the vote in a community meeting online afternoon for the annual Harvest on Vine Thanksgiving Distribution ahead Maggie Suprey. on Nov. 18 instead of going for- Dec. 3 at 6 p.m. with the Boston of turkey day. Harvest on Vine Director “Maggie actually has a differ- ward. The councilor supported Planning and Development Tom MacDonald said this year, amidst ent location she’s interested in but Agency (BPDA). COVID-19 and the economic fallout, (BCB Pg. 4) “I think we’re excited to be the need was far greater than ever bringing this out to the commu- before. This year, MacDonald said they nity,” said Devin Quirk of the had a hard time simply finding enough turkeys to purchase. He said they went SWORN TO SERVICE BPDA. “We’re also really excited all the way to Fall River and Clinton to to have a conversation and get secure enough birds for those in need. Former Johnnie’s Foodmaster GM On Veterans Day week, Liam Kevin Perno came through big, he said, as did Sysco. Nolan was sworn into the U.S. All in all, more than 16,000 pounds of food were distributed to hundreds (Proposals Pg. 13) Army and will report to the ser- of need Charlestown resident Tuesday. See Page 5 for more photos vice when he graduates college in 2022. He is shown here taking the oath last week at The Citadel Reviving an Industry in South Carolina, where he attends college. Nolan is the son of Gregg and Kim Nolan. His Research restores info about Charlestown pottery grandparents are Nippy and Ann

By Seth Daniel Charlestown during the Big Dig Thomas presented his mes- Nolan and his sister is Abigail – and never really catalogued yet – sage, and his book, ‘The Dawn Nolan. He has held the rank While the Battle of Bunker Thomas found other examples in of Independence, the Death of Cadre (Leader) and Platoon Hill was a feather in the cap of other parts of the country and was of an Industry: The Pottery of Sargent at The Citadel. He’s on Charlestown patriots, it was also able to trace trade routes and fine Charlestown, ’ in an Deans List and plays for The the absolute death of the famous examples of the lost industry. online program of the Charlestown Citadel Bulldog Hockey team as and burgeoning Charlestown pot- “There were other endeavors in Historical Society on Nov. 19, to well. tery industry – an industry that Charlestown before 1775, but this great interest. disappeared after the battle and was the big industry Charlestown Bringing back the industry has only recently been rediscov- was known for,” he said. “Because involved a labor of love over a The Independent ered through detailed research. of the Battle of Bunker Hill dec- period of eight years, Thomas Newspaper Offices Author and researcher Justin imating the area, that industry said. He first got permission from Thomas – with the help of Boston was lost to history. I was surprised Bagley to catalog and photograph will be closed Archaologist Joe Bagley – has it took 35 years for people to thousands of pieces of pottery now brought back to life the research and find this and bring it unearthed in the Big Dig, and here- Thanksgiving Day, famed industry that once brought back…It disappeared in 1775, and tofore, unexplored by researchers. Nov. 26th and Charlestown renown up and down was unearthed in the 1980s. It had Thousands of boxes of historical th the coast of Colonial America. disappeared from history for 200 Friday, Nov. 27 Using resources unearthed in years.” (Pottery Pg. 3) Have a Happy & Safe Thanksgiving! PAGE 2 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE November 25, 2020 editorial


Thanksgiving is a uniquely American holiday, tracing its roots back almost 400 years to the Pilgrims, long before there was even a thought of a of America. Thanksgiving is the ultimate family-centered holiday. It has no reli- gious meaning, no national-celebration connotations, and no required gift-giving. It lacks the commercialism, religiosity, solemnity, and politi- cal overtones of all of our other national observances.

It is the only day on the calendar when we have no obligation other than to spend the day with those who mean the most to us. It asks noth- ing more from each of us (other than for the person who is doing all the cooking!) beyond just showing up and enjoying the company of our family and friends and then having a great meal. Even amidst this time of a raging pandemic in our country, we all can agree that Thanksgiving makes us aware of what we have to be thankful for. Despite our present trials and tribulations, Americans are remarkably fortunate to be where we are. Thanksgiving is a national celebration that serves to remind us how blessed we are at a time when circumstances are so cruel for so many others in a world in which there Guest Op-Ed are more refugees than at any time since the end of World War II. Thanksgiving serves as a rare day for relaxation, reflection, and inevi- tably -- at least for some of us -- a post-dinner nap or early night of sleep. Thanksgiving 2020; home, but not alone In a time when so many of us are connected 24/7 to some instrument of By Karen Lee Sobol face. Social isolation was self-pro- Perhaps order your dinner from communication, it truly is a relief to have a day when we can just shut tection, so I left home only to go to a local restaurant to help keep it all off. Has your sense of time shifted the hospital or take solitary walks, cooks and staff employed. Per- We wish all of our readers a happy -- and restful -- Thanksgiving. lately? Does avoiding people feel a scarf wrapped over my nose haps donate to a local food bank bizarre, and has Purell become and mouth. Holding a vision of or shelter so those less fortunate your new best friend? Do you myself as cancer-free and healthy, have meals to nourish them. Per- ENJOY THE spot beauty in surprising places, as though I already were, I felt that haps, in recognition of the historic and feel the rhythm of your breath a brighter future was just a matter roots of the day, contribute to an HOLIDAY SAFELY inside your mask? of time. organization like the Indigenous I’ve lived through this before. In a normal year, my family’s Environmental Network which Then, I was solo. Now, I’m one We would be remiss if we did not remind our readers to enjoy the Thanksgiving tradition might start provides desperately needed food of seven billion, living through it by serving a mid-day meal to guests and emergency COVID-19 relief holiday weekend, but to do so safely. again, with you. Both times, with at a local shelter, then welcoming funds to Native Americans. The pandemic is spreading like widlfire across our nation, shattering little advance notice, a deadly dis- family and friends to dinner in With challenge comes opportu- previous records of infection on a daily basis and requiring all of us to ease became a dire threat. Then, our home. But for us 2005 was nity. We have the chance to stem take every precaution to ensure that we do not spread the coronavirus in 2005, I was diagnosed with a no normal year and exposing me COVID-19’s spread, and we have among our friends and family members. non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma defined to other people wasn’t an option. the chance to spread compassion. as rare and incurable. Now, in Instead, we ordered in dinner for Compassion nurtures healing and 2020, we all risk infection by three—my husband, our teen-aged hope. Its intangible energy creates The virus does not take a holiday -- and each of us must act accord- COVID-19, a wildly contagious daughter, and me—and felt grate- real results. ingly. novel coronavirus with no known ful. We connected with people by When the twelve weeks of my cure. My blood cancer was so phone, and their intangible energy clinical trial ended, I was frail and rare it’s called an orphan disease. helped sustain my nuclear family exhausted, but signs of cancer had COVID-19 is so universal it’s through our crisis. decreased dramatically, and five called a pandemic. For us all, 2020 is no normal months later, the disease was gone. Thinking about the Thanksgiv- year. Together we face the poten- It took two years and four months ing holiday usually energizes us. tially deadly risk of COVID-19. for my immune system to rebuild Plans often include travel, time And we’re tired of social isola- and I was able to resume normal with family and friends, and meals tion. But what opportunities we life. With the welcome news that shared. This year, the dangers of have, including the opportunity to a vaccine will likely be available c harlesTown spreading or contracting COVID- keep ourselves, our families, and within the next few months, I feel 19 trigger anxiety and dread. our friends, safe, and to share our optimistic that our collective time- PATRIOT-BRIDGE What to do? resources more widely. line will be much shorter. In 2005, I faced a similar Remember what they say before I believe in medical science and The Charlestown Patriot-Bridge, dilemma. I was in the midst of a an airplane takes off? “If the oxy- I believe in the power of holding a vision of good health. Now, as Phone: 617.241.8500 © 2008 Independent Newspaper Group. clinical trial with a monoclonal gen masks drop down, put your antibody. Because the drug had own mask on before assisting oth- then, I think of my favorite equa- Email: [email protected] • Web Site: annihilated my immune system, ers.” tion ever: Hope = Belief + Expec- tation. I believe, and I fully expect, Newsstand Price: Free / Subscription price: $75 annually every germ and virus, whether it This Thanksgiving, if you’re came from another person or nat- lucky enough to have a home, we can and we will stop COVID- 19. President - Stephen Quigley - [email protected] urally lived inside my body or on please stay there. Being alone my skin, could pose a lethal threat. doesn’t have to mean being lone- Imagine a world free of Marketing Director - Debra DiGregorio - [email protected] I washed and sanitized my hands ly. Consider safe, helpful ways to COVID-19 as if it already exists, Reporter - Seth Daniel - [email protected] obsessively and never touched my support and connect with people. (Op-Ed Pg. 9) November 25, 2020 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE PAGE 3

Pottery (from pg. 1)

CLERGY VIEWPOINT artifacts still exist at Bagley’s office In the Town were stores where From the Charlestown Clergy Association and have yet to be fully explored. they would sell the pottery locally, Thomas set out to find examples including in City Square near the of Charlestown pottery, which he Three Cranes Tavern – which is Maranatha did, noting that “this stuff was where a lot of the unique pieces By Very Reverend James Ronan, VF – Pastor, St. Mary-St. Catherine of Siena Parish pretty distinct.” of pottery were found during the Then he was able to get a log Big Dig. From the earliest of times, People looked for one to save, to humble of circumstances for His book from the most famous maker “There were dozens of pottery the Israelite community looked deliver, to protect and care for birth. pulls us into the essence of in the Town, John Parker. He was businesses in Charlestown and all toward the arrival of the prom- them. The greater the suffering, the God Who is Love. Focusing able to use the log book to track had their own docks to ship it,” he ised Messiah. The prayer for the the more intense the longing and on this truth and mystery not only the locations of the pottery kilns, said. “It was going all over New speedy arrival of the Lord was hope. opens us to receiving the Love of what was being made and where England. Parker’s was the biggest often uttered in two Aramean So what about us in this the Child Jesus but also impels it was shipped. The log book cov- operation. It is noteworthy that words, Maran’athah. As time Advent, 2020? Without question us to imitate that love in our lives ered 14 years of business and was he did use African American and passed, the word continues to be our community, nation and world with one another. very telling of the export routes Native American slaves to make used in song and verse with the are overwhelmed by this pandemic Praying Maranatha is the first that Charlestown pottery traveled. his pottery.” meaning, “Come Lord Jesus.” causing deep suffering among all step toward an encounter with our “I was able to document pottery What was mostly made were On November 29, we begin the people, especially the most vul- Savior, our King and Redeemer. going to Nova Scotia and down to items of utility in a distinct style four-week Advent journey toward nerable. The prayer, Maranatha, “Going” to Bethlehem and later to South Carolina and all points in with a red and yellow glaze and the celebration of the birth of Come Lord Jesus, has never been Nazareth and throughout Galilee between,” he said. “Most of the wavy markings with circles. The Jesus. Yet this year the holy season more timely and needed. toward Jerusalem will offer each stuff was destroyed in the Battle of items most commonly found were of preparation and waiting seems What do you suppose it will of us everything we need to live Bunker Hill. Because of the archae- chamber pots, pans, jars, pitchers dwarfed by the crippling effects of look like as The Lord answers that fruitfully through this pandemic ology records we discovered, we and crocks. the pandemic. Everything that is prayer? I do not think it means and beyond. were able to identify pieces else- Thomas said the pottery has now normative for the Christmas sea- you will find yourself humming For me, Maranatha is not a where that actually survived.” become known as Charlestown son seems at risk from Christmas Jingle Bells throughout the day or one-time prayer offered as Advent Charlestown actually was origi- Redware, and there has been a parties to visits to Santa. Advent stringing extra sets of Christmas begins. It is a mantra, a simple nally laid out in an English fashion find recently in the North End. liturgies, Masses, singing, prayer lights around your home or neigh- and profound invitation to the to accommodate a major pottery That said, he said Charlestown is groups and more are all changed borhood. Lord Jesus to accompany me in industry. Kilns were hot and so unique because people in the Town to virtual or canceled. Opening our minds and hearts my days. Join me as together we they were spaced out from one find the pottery in their backyards Through the ages, the longing to the Christ Child, the unfath- humbly pray through the crises of another and from residences. Most all the time. for the Messiah-King was prompt- omable mystery of God becoming these times the prayer that gives of the pottery industries were “It’s hidden beneath the ground ed by persecution and suffering. human and choosing the most birth to Hope. Maranatha. located along the waterfront in the all through Boston,” he said. Navy Yard and Paul Revere Park. Paid advisory board will be part of next Charlestown Resiliency effort

By Seth Daniel up around Menino Park and video presentation with a poll that Charlestown Navy Yard and the would be available for two weeks. As the City readies to embark North Washington Street Bridge. That is just one example, but she on a new effort to look at coast- We’ll want to talk about the fre- said all types of engagement and al resiliency in Charlestown this quency and locations of flooding meetings would be run through winter, they will be looking for with the new CAB, with residents the CAB first to make sure it is community member to join a new, and with those who work there. consistent with the neighborhood paid Community Advisory Board The idea is to design solutions to needs. (CAB) to champion the cause. protect the neighborhood from sea A second part of the CAB Last month, Climate Ready level rise.” would be acting as ambassadors Boston announced detailed plans That plan is part of Mayor for climate resiliency and the plan from a study they did on down- Martin Walsh’s overall directive unfolding for Charlestown, so any town Boston, the North End and to activate the water’s edge using nominee needs to be passionate Dorchester. Now, they are mov- techniques that also can provide about this issue. ing on to Charlestown and East flood storage and protection. “We would see the Board mem- Boston – the place where one of What is extremely new will bers as Climate Ambassadors to the first Resiliency efforts began in be the CAB and the top order the community going forward,” 2017. Though that effort focused of business is to get nominations she said. mainly on the backside along and applications for that new The deadline at the moment for the Mystic River and Schrafft’s, board. Jones said they are budget- nominations or applications for Director Peyton Siler Jones said ing for about 10 members of the the Charlestown CAB is Dec. 7. they will now be looking closer at Charlestown CAB, and she reiter- However, Jones said they would be other parts of the waterfront. ated they will be compensated. open to taking applications after “In 2017, Climate Ready did “Basically, we’re adding a new the process starts due to the fact work in Charlestown and East element for the Climate Ready that in COVID-19 times, many Boston,” she said. “That first Boston planning process,” she might not have Climate Resiliency phase organized around distinct said. as a top priority right now. parts of the geography – mostly The CAB’s primary focus would To apply for the CAB go the coast of the Mystic River. be to advise Climate Ready Boston online to The second phase will focus on on engagement, such as moving a departments/environment/cli- the Little Mystic Channel and meeting from a large Zoom to a mate-ready-charlestown. Researcher and author Justin Thomas has brought back to life the Charlestown pottery industry in his new book. The industry was destroyed during the Battle of Bunker Hill and was lost to history for PLEASE RECYCLE 200 years. PAGE 4 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE November 25, 2020 USS Constitution Museum will be temporarily closed for Thanksgiving The USS Constitution public earlier this week. that’s sure to educate and enter- the high seas when they virtu- renowned artist Stephen Biesty Museum temporarily closed “The USS Constitution tain.” ally enlist as sailors on board and lively text of award-winning Saturday, November 21, and will Museum proudly continues The Museum’s online audi- USS Constitution and travel author Richard Platt. remain closed through Sunday, to fulfill its mission to engage ence can play A Sailor’s Life for back in time to prepare for the Virtual Museum visitors can November 29 in response to all ages in the stories of ‘Old Me, an award-winning dynam- War of 1812. explore more on its social media the rise in coronavirus cases Ironsides’ through its Virtual ic game and educator resource Families at home can also channels, including Facebook, T and the Centers for Disease Museum,” said Museum that gives people of all ages a enjoy hands-on activities on Control and Prevention’s rec- President & CEO Anne Grimes chance to step into the shoes of our “Fun + Games” page, witter, Instagram, and YouTube, ommendation not to travel Rand. “Whether you’re a curi- an 1812 sailor. Students, fam- including the Museum’s “Old and website The con- over Thanksgiving weekend. ous student or an armchair sail- ilies, and educators are invited Ironsides” Activity Book, which tent includes programs, activi- USS Constitution closed to the or, we offer compelling content to join the fight for freedom on utilizes the rich illustrations of ties, videos, and blog posts.

BCB (from pg. 1) that move, and John made the Walsh’s office – the BCB was not ing on Nov. 12 – where BCB months can be improved,” said for filings that would explain it request last-minute to the Board about to grant the deferral and Commissioners asked standard Joyce. “I think that requires more in depth and consistently so it ahead of the meeting. instead called the Lost Village questions and didn’t seem sur- community process. I think there doesn’t feel like the Board is hear- It was to no avail. location inappropriate and chose prised by any of the answers. are real significant differences ing one thing, and the community In a meeting that saw busy to reject the proposal altogether. There was, however, wide com- between what we’ve seen in their is hearing another thing. locations on Boylston Street That action came as a sur- munity opposition at that hear- application, what we heard last She also said she felt strongly (Little Steve’s Pizza) get an up vote prise to many after the quiet and ing, as well as a now-famous and week and those of the other equity about not giving the deferral. despite wide community opposi- somewhat muted deliberations of animated speech in opposition by applicants we’ve had before us in “I feel very strongly they have tion – including Mayor Martin the BCB at the applicant’s hear- Councilor Lydia Edwards – nota- the last couple of months.” to go back and meet with the com- bly opposing an equity applicant Commissioner Darlene Lombos munity again and figure out what for which she has helped to craft said a Traffic Study isn’t some- we find out from the traffic,” she ADVERTISEMENT special rules that give preference thing they usually require, but said said. “They were given the oppor- to such applicants. it did make some sense here. tunity to defer until they had that REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Chair Kathleen Joyce said she “I was going to ask about the info before and they chose not to Request for Proposals for the sale and redevelopment of was aware of the deferral request, Transportation Study because we defer and I think based on these Parcel C-2A-5 in the Charlestown Urban Renewal Area, but preferred to reject Heritage haven’t required that before, but things – and it’s not in a putative Project No. Mass. R-55, and ask them to return to the it does seem like there is a need way – but I feel really strong about located at 516R 522 Main Street & Main Street, Charlestown community to gain more support. for it given all the public comment the community meeting.” “Our staff reached out last about it,” she said. She made the motion to reject The Boston Redevelopment Authority (“BRA”), doing business as the Boston week (Nov. 12) and offered them a She also said she felt there was without prejudice, and that was Planning & Development Agency (“BPDA”), is soliciting responses to a deferral before they even appeared probably wisdom in rejecting the approved. The action means that Request for Proposals (“RFP”) for the redevelopment of Parcel C-2A-5, vacant land located in the Charlestown Urban Renewal Area, Project No. Mass. R-55 before us for last week’s hear- matter and sending it back. Heritage – if they get their ducks (the “Property”), and also referred to as 516R 522 Main Street and Main Street ing,” she said. “They have met “Similarly, I think it would in line very quickly – could be (Assessor’s Parcel Identification Numbers 02-02624-000 and 02-02624-040), requirements of ours for filing a be good to go back and talk in front of the Board again in Charlestown. The Property is approximately 6,126 square feet. This public complete application…There are to community members about it December given they are an equi- offering is made available to all interested parties who have the ability to significant concerns in the neigh- and in particular the Councilor ty applicant. If things take more undertake the redevelopment and complete it without undue delay. The most borhood about traffic. There are (Edwards),” she said. time, that could drag out into advantageous proposal from a responsive and responsible proponent, taking more concerns about an emerging Member Alejandra St. Guillen 2021 some time. Heritage, how- into consideration price and other evaluation criteria set forth in this RFP, shall industry like this and the impact said she agreed with Joyce, but ever, will be moving on with just be recommended to the BPDA Board for Tentative Designation as the redevel- oper of the Property. This RFP offers proponents an opportunity to submit pro- it will have on this neighborhood. also wanted to clarify the new John at the helm taking direc- posals to redevelop the Property for the creation of a mixed-use development These are real quality of life issues. concept of requiring a Traffic tion and queues from Councilor consisting of housing and commercial and / or retail space; any proposal must I think this application presents Study, as it’s something that could Edwards, she said, and they will include the core and shell of space compatible for government or community an opportunity to better under- be requested of nearly every appli- have to submit a new application use that shall be delivered to the BPDA at no cost. A disposition price of the stand what these impacts would cant in many of Boston’s congest- to the BCB higher of $1,225,000 or $200.00 per gross square foot developed, which is be on this neighborhood and I ed neighborhoods. One other comment by Joyce the appraised value, is being sought for the Property. The Property is being think that would be solved by a “There were a lot of positive served as a warning to Heritage, offered as is, without warranty of any kind, express or implied. If concerned about the Property’s condition, legal or physical access and the maintenance Traffic Study. Not all applicants aspects of this application, but and also to the other applicant thereof, property lines or boundaries or any other matter affecting the Property, that appear before us need to have definitely thought in a location on Cambridge Street – Resilient prospective proponents should investigate and conduct whatever due diligence a Traffic Study, but this location like this a traffic study would be Remedies brought by Jack Kelly and inspection they deem necessary. the traffic issues we heard about necessary and moving forward, and investors Dot Joyce and Kevin and the traffic we know about in it might be something for the Joyce. Commissioner Kathleen RFP availability: The RFP package will be available starting Wednesday, this area, I feel it’s absolutely with- Council to decide who and when Joyce finished her comments by November 25, 2020 on the BPDA Procurement Portal at in our purview that the applicant and where Traffic Studies should saying the Cambridge Street loca- work-with-us/procurement ; if unable to access the RFP package through the go back and do the Traffic Study.” be required. I think there are a lot tion wasn’t a good location. Given BPDA Procurement Portal, contact Reay L. Pannesi, Senior Real Estate Devel- opment Officer, at (617) 918-6239 or via email to: [email protected] Joyce added that Heritage need- of areas in Boston where it would that both Charlestown applicants in order to make alternative arrangements. ed to do a better job with their be necessary to make sure it would find their home on Cambridge process. Their time from appli- work for the community.” Street, it was certainly noteworthy. Completed proposal applications must be submitted as instructed and returned cation to hearing took only three Joyce was also adamant about “I’m not convinced this loca- directly to the attention of: Teresa Polhemus, BPDA Executive Director / months, she noted, while other the ownership situation with tion is right for this type of busi- Secretary, c/o Municipal Protective Services Desk, 12 Channel Street 1st Floor, applicants on the agenda Nov. 18 Heritage, and said it would likely ness,” Joyce said. , by Friday, April 23, 2020, no later than 12:00 PM. Late proposals had been in process sometimes for be an example for all equity appli- Heritage Club did have the sup- will not be accepted. two years already. cants to spell out exactly what port of Mayor Walsh’s Office. Proposal submission fee: A Ten Thousand Dollar ($10,000.00) submission fee “I do think the process they their ownership situation is and is required, payable by certified/ treasurer/cashier check; made payable to the went through in the last three what they hope it to be. She called Boston Redevelopment Authority; and enclosed with the submitted proposal. For more information about this Request for Proposals contact Reay L. Pannesi, Senior Real Estate Development Officer, TO ADVERTISE PLEASE CALL at (617) 918-6239 or via email to: [email protected]


Volunteer Pat Cohout was an Volunteer Nancy Martinez, presi- Chris Breen of the BPDA Volunteer Trisha Butler fills bags Colin Whitley breaks into another expert at moving heavy boxes and dent of the Charlestown Residents and Chris Smith of Sen. Sal with coffee for those in need. pallet of onions. getting things organized. Association (CRA). DiDomenico’s office.


Councilor Lydia Edwards and State Rep. Dan Ryan Volunteers Ryan Walsh and Richard Johnson were ready to Volunteer PJ Preskenis with Director Tom MacDonald. were on potato duty. lend a helping hand. I WANT TO WISH ALL BOSTONIANS A HEALTHY AND SAFE THANKSGIVING. While this year the holidays will look different than what we are used to and our gatherings will be smaller than usual, we are all still in this together. This has been a year that gives us a new perspective on gratitude, and I am more grateful than ever for this City’s ability to come together even while keeping our distance in the battle against COVID-19. Today, let’s all take time to honor the frontline workers who have fought to keep our City safe and moving forward through this pandemic. Let’s show them thanks by wearing our masks, practicing social distancing, washing our hands, and getting tested. I know that if we stay vigilant this holiday season, we’ll be able to fit all of our loved ones around the table at this time next year. I wish everyone a safe and healthy Thanksgiving, and I am thankful for our everyone who has kept Bostonians safe during this pandemic. Together, we will get through this stronger and more grateful than ever before.

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS PAGE 6 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE November 25, 2020 USS Constitution Museum honors first woman USAF Thunderbird Pilot, COL Nicole Malachowski

The USS Constitution achievements, but her resiliency Museum honored Colonel in the face of challenges and her Nicole Malachowski (USAF, advocacy on behalf of veterans Ret.) at Salute to Service, a virtu- and those battling serious health al Leadership Speakership Series issues,” said USS Constitution Event, on Wednesday, November Museum President & CEO 18, in an online forum. Anne Grimes Rand. “The USS During her exemplary career, Constitution Museum is proud COL Malachowski broke barriers to honor COL Malachowski and as a combat jet fighter pilot and the have the opportunity to share her first woman USAF Thunderbird stories with our community.” pilot, and now she serves as a The program included remarks speaker and advocate for veterans from Ms. Rand, Museum Chairman and patients suffering from Lyme Paul George, and an introduction disease and tick-borne illnesses. from COL Malachowski’s friend “Colonel Malachowski’s life is and 74th Commanding Officer of full of inspiration,AoU-NE_W181590_BWH-MGH-BMC_Diversity not just for her USS Constitution,Newspaper Ad_3.998w CDR x Robert5h_Color_WCROP_Print_V2_072320_HF.pdf S. 1 7/27/20 1:33 PM

TSgt Justin Pyle, USAF photo First Woman USAF Thunderbird Pilot, COL Nicole Malachowski (USAF, Ret.).

Gerosa, Jr. (USN, Ret.). McKinsey & Company, TigerRisk, recovering from a debilitating tick- This event was made possible and Willis RE. borne illness in 2017, she regained by presenting sponsor Liberty Colonel Nicole Malachowski strength in Boston and regularly Mutual Insurance, along with is an inspiring veteran, advocate, visited USS Constitution for inspi- many generous companies and and pioneer. She breaks barriers – ration. With indomitable spirit, individuals, including Asurion, as a combat jet fighter pilot, first she exemplifies leadership, resil- Cognizant, Commodore Builders, woman Thunderbird pilot, White iency, and determination. C Why have some communities not Eaton Vance, EY, MathWorks, House fellow, and speaker. While M been a part of medical research?

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139009_NPA233814-0001 Black Friday NED Perf Pro 10.25x13 V1.indd 1 11/10/20 6:41 PM PAGE 8 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE November 25, 2020 Happy Thank You The Harvest on Vine Food Pantry wants to take this Thanksgiving! opportunity to thank our friends and neighbors for your overwhelming generosity this year. from everyone As we here at the Pantry gather with our families and ‘Up at the Club’ friends in celebration of Thanksgiving, we will be remembering you and yours for your continuous Charlestown generosity and caring for your less fortunate neighbors. Thank you. Boys and Girls Club Tom MacDonald, Director

Wishing everyone in Charlestown A Safe & Happy Thanksgiving Thanksgiving

This giving season, we ask for you to support “e” inc., their work, and mission. “e” inc. science programs are delivered for free in elementary schools in and around Charlestown. to support this work visit and donate online! Happy Holidays! John L. Tobin, Esquire MGH Charlestown HealthCare Center One Thompson Square, Suite 105 73 High St. 617-724-8135 617-242-7881 Stay safe by practicing social distancing, wearing a mask and washing hands. Attorney & Real Estate Broker on the web at

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Family coming to Charlestown for the holidays? Use promo code “A3P” on to receive 15% off! November 25, 2020 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE PAGE 9

HarborWalk on Pier 6 to close during winter for repairs May your Thanksgiving & all the days ahead be filled with happiness, peace & prosperity By Seth Daniel There will be a detour around Any questions or concerns the construction taking pedestri- can be directed to the Marina The owners of the Charlestown ans from Pier 7 to Pier 8 away Manager Chris Giroux at 617- John F. Kennedy Marina reported they will be clos- from the waterfront. It is the 242-2020. The marina office is ing the HarborWalk on Pier 6 – first upgrade to this part of the open Mon- Sat 9am-5pm. Family Service Center between Piers 7 and 8 – beginning HarborWalk in at least 40 years. 23A Moulton St. Dec. 7 for major repairs to the walkway. We hope you will consider us on #GivingTuesday Ann Lagasse of the Marina said they wanted to do the work in the winter and hopefully re-open with a brand new Boardwalk on April 1- of course contingent with what HAPPY THANKSGIVING they find beneath the surface. “Is it ideal to do it in the dead NANCY KUENY of winter? No,” said Lagasse. “But Gibson Sotheby’s International Realty we know it’s so heavily used that [email protected] we didn’t want to do this work at any other time. We’re going to rip it up and look at what’s 617.697.9819 going on under there…Part of the HarborWalk is over water and we don’t know what the underpin- nings are going to look like.” The HarborWalk on the south side of Pier 6 has been mostly completed, and Lagasse said the Pier 6 portion will look the same. HAPPY While the goal was to have the THANKSGIVING new Pier 6 Marina project and HarborWalk done by late sum- to Our Friends and Neighbors mer, supply issues and COVID-19 in Charlestown delays kept them from meeting that goal, she said. Also, recently Pier 6 restaurant From the students, faculty, and staff at owner Charlie Larner informed MGH INSTITUTE OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS Lagasse that his restaurant will Charlestown Navy Yard hibernate for the winter, re-open- ing in April. So, Pier 6 will also be closed during the winter to allow for a staging area to complete the The finished product for the HarborWalk between Piers 7 and 8 will look much like the new HarborWalk on Pier 6. HarborWalk construction.

Softball (from pg. 1) and hold this vision with me. sity—earth’s wondrously varied to us. Imagine a world in which we care habitats and the countless species Now we know. Good health is for ourselves and each other as one who thrive in them—we take a global health. family. giant step to keeping hundreds of Karen Lee Sobol lives in Boston Now expand the vision to thousands of viruses in the plant MA and is Artist and Author of embrace the planet. If we active- and animal kingdoms where they Twelve Weeks: An Artist’s Story ly protect and preserve biodiver- belong, and where they won’t leap of Cancer, Healing, and Hope.

STATE REPRESENTATIVE DAN RYAN PAGE 10 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE November 25, 2020 ABCD kick off annual Fuel Assistance program in Charlestown with plea for additional funding

DIRECTORY of businesses New By John Lynds ties of color where long-standing lines can be found at https://www. What do you need today? Many merchants and health disparities make residents service providers are adapting to the current With temperatures in highly vulnerable to the virus ments-heating-assistance/. crisis with new shopping options. Check here for Charlestown expected to dip into Drew said escalating unemploy- For example, Charlestown fam- ways to safely shop from your own home. the 20s at night this week and not ment has led to mounting distress ilies living at or below the federal PLACE YOUR AD IN THE DIRECTORY TODAY! exceed 50 degrees for the next few as many make the decision to poverty level of $26,200 for a GREAT introductory specials! days many residents and seniors either buy food, heat their home family of four would receive the Deb DiGregorio - [email protected] or pay for necessary medications. maximum fuel assistance benefit Sioux Gerow [email protected] will find it hard to pay their heat- ing bill this winter. Drew said on November 5, the of $600. A person living alone at The COVID-19 pandemic has federal Department of Health & or below the federal poverty level caused even more uncertainty in Human Services (DHHS) released of $12,760 would receive that the neighborhood as job loss, food $3.36 billion to fund LIHEAP same benefit. insecurity and loss of income has nationwide. Massachusetts But those with incomes above become more prevalent in recent received $123 million – up about poverty level are also eligible. months. $9 million from last year. Federal Drew said years ago the state However, there’s relief from CARES Act funding designated expanded eligibility levels in order paying those high New England for fuel assistance increases the to keep those slightly above pov- heating costs for hundreds of Massachusetts allocation to $150 erty from slipping through the low-income residents in the neigh- million. cracks. For example, under the borhood. Right now the maximum fuel current benefit levels, a family of At the beginning of November, assistance benefit is $600 for four earning 60 percent of the Action for Boston Community Charlestown families, with ben- state’s median income or $75,200 Development (ABCD) kicked efits scheduled to be increased can receive $430 in fuel assistance. off the annual Fuel Assistance soon. Last year the maximum ben- A single person earning $39,105 Program at ABCD’s 55 Bunker efit was $1,140. also receives $430. Hill St. office and the John F. “We thank our Congressional ABCD also offers qualifying Kennedy Family Services Center delegation for their tireless advo- families a comprehensive range at 23 Moulton St. in Charlestown cacy for fuel assistance and appre- of energy services to keep families $160/month or save 10% and prepay $1728/year. and workers say that the program ciate the work of HHS in getting warm, safe and healthy including 12 month lease, get your spot now! is in full swing and are encourag- the funds released as bitter cold repair and replacement of inoper- ing residents to sign up. descends on America’s northern able or highly inefficient heating For more information email Joanie Walls: ABCD administers the fed- tier,” said Drew. “With COVID- systems, utility discounts, weather- [email protected] eral Low Income Home Energy 19 surging and no sign of Congress ization, programs to improve ener- or call directly at (617) 936-2119 Assistance Program (LIHEAP) passing a second sweeping virus gy conservation, and much more. for income-eligible residents in relief bill that would keep unem- ABCD is grateful for any pri- Boston, Brookline, Newton and ployed workers and small busi- vate donations to home heat- PORTSIDE TRUCK & AUTO REPAIR seven communities north of nesses afloat and make it possible ing fuel assistance or the ABCD Boston. Last year ABCD provid- for struggling families to survive, COVID RELIEF NOW campaign. ed fuel assistance to more than the elders and families served by Donations can stop a family from PUBLIC WELCOME 25,000 households. ABCD face a desperate situation.” turning to dangerous heating sub- MA Inspection Station #4498 According to ABCD President ABCD’s Fuel Assistance stitutes, prevent illness, and dra- Open Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 3:45 p.m John Drew, this year the need for Program opened for applications matically improve the quality of heating assistance is greater than on November 1 and takes applica- life. To donate, please call 617- 617-242-5782 ever as COVID-19 continues to tions through April 30. There is a 348-6559, email give@bostonab- take a huge toll on low-income wide range of eligibility based on or visit 100 TERMINAL ST. neighborhoods and communi- income and number of household donate. CHARLESTOWN members. The elgibiliuty guide- Golden Age Center taking appointments for in-person assistance Before you make another move, “Now I do have approval That is exactly the issue with contact MC Realty Staff Report to have in-person advocacy by advocacy as well, she said. BUYING - SELLING - RENTING Golden Age Center Director appointment,” she said. “If some- “The advocacy piece is so Meaghan Murray announced this one needs to fill out an appli- important now,” she said. “Now week that she has been approved cation, MassHealth paperwork, City Hall can be a challenge to take appointments for in-per- Medicare forms – any kind of the because so many departments are son assistance to senior citizens at advocacy I used to do in person closed or by appointment only. the Main Street facility. before we closed – I can now Even getting a residential park- (617) 915-4286 The appointments would be for take in-person appointments to ing sticker is difficult to do…We matthewcollinsre [email protected] one person at a time, and there do now. That’s kind of huge…We have tried to do things over the want people to know the Golden will be no walk-ins allowed. All phone with seniors, but it’s nearly Age Center is still here for them.” social distancing precautions will impossible to do over the phone. One of the unheralded disas- new inventory for cyber monday! be taken and masks are required, Most of the applications are based ters of COVID-19 has been the Murray said. on personal information and you when you shop with us you: isolation and loneliness for senior The approval marks a mile- citizens who are trying to keep need signatures too.” shop sustainble stone as the Center hasn’t been safe and staying at home for long Appointments can be made shop local able to have any programming periods of time. Murray said they over the phone, and those com- or help seniors with issues since haven’t been able to do anything ing in will have to participate in support science March. After asking recently to in person, and they have been try- a brief screening and masks are This cyber monday shop smart, be able to help seniors in-person ing to do things online for seniors. required. There are no walk-ins, A shop with a mission shop “e” inc. science emporium online. with paperwork, applications and However, many don’t have com- she reiterated. other issues in the office, it was puter access or training to be able To make an appointment, call approved. to get online for those resources. (617) 635-5175. November 25, 2020 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE PAGE 11 Nonprofit Fresh Truck in Charlestown on Thursdays

By John Lynds center had no way of solving for the fact that patients didn’t have Fresh Truck Program access to the food they needed Coordinator Stephen James was to stay healthy. It was this expe- motivated to help families take rience that inspired Fresh Truck on personal challenges with the to rethink the traditional grocery philosophy of starting each day store model, make it mobile and with proper food access to live a bring food closer to the people healthy lifestyle. that need it the most. Fresh Truck Program Coordinator In Charlestown and across In 2018, Fresh Truck expanded Stephen Jame. Boston, James helps the Fresh its efforts to address health dispar- Truck, which is in the neighbor- ities by developing Fresh Connect, for health care providers to pre- hood on Thursdays, connect with a platform that makes it possible scribe food as medicine. volunteers, customers, and many partners in the community. James was at a community 24/7 EMERGENCY CARE | FREE PARKING meeting recently to discuss Fresh Stuck looking for Truck and promote it as another quality veterinary care in your area? option for those facing food inse- Fresh Truck is in Charlestown on Thursdays at 38 O’Reilly Way. curity. “We are a mobile market that Angell is is currently stocked with over 30 Incentives Program (HIP) for EBT/ enrolled in the program,” said prepared • 24/7 Emergency • Internal Medicine fruits and vegetables,” said James. SNAP clients. James. & Critical Care “We are another resource for fam- James explained that the HIP The Fresh Truck is at the • Neurology to help! • Acupuncture • Nutrition ilies like local farmers markets and program helps families or individ- Charlestown Boston Housing • Anesthesiology • Oncology grocery stores and my goal here uals buy more fruits and vegeta- Authority at 38 O’Reilly Way on • Avian & • Ophthalmology bles for their household through Thursdays from 2:30 pm-5:00 pm. Exotic Medicine tonight is to share this informa- • Pathology an incentive program. • Behavior tion and even if you are not food Fresh Truck was started by Josh • Pain & • Cardiology insecure you may know someone Residents can use their SNAP Trautwein while he was working Palliative Care • Dentistry in the community that may be in benefits to buy fruits and vegeta- as a health educator at the MGH • Physical need.” bles from a HIP authorized farm Charlestown Healthcare Center. • Dermatology Rehabilitation James pointed out that food or vendor like Fresh Truck and He kept hearing from his families • Diagnostic • Surgery Imaging insecurity in Massachusetts has they will receive $1 for each dollar that it was difficult to shop for doubled from 8 percent to 16 per- spent on eligible fruits and vegeta- healthy food — at that time, the cent due to the COVID-19 pan- bles, up to a monthly limit. only grocery store in the neigh- • Management of Chronic Diseases (such as kidney demic so the more food access “Any family or individual that borhood was shutting down for a disease, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease) options out there for families the has an EBT/SNAP card is already year-long renovation. The health • Direct Access to Angell’s board-certified specialists better. • Weekend & Evening Appointments One program Fresh Truck par- • Geriatric Medicine Friends of the Charlestown Navy Yard present Friends of the Charlestown• Free On-Site Navy Parking Yard invites you join us ticipates in is the state’s Healthy onCompassionate, Tuesday, December 8th at 7:00 for a virtual talk with A virtual talk on the current state of the MBTA, 350 South Huntington Avenue | Boston, MA Comprehensive Care 617-522-7282 | with JimBHNS Aloisi, Open House former AD Dec4-Jan11 Massachusetts 4x5.pdf 1 11/16/2020 9:58:22 Secretary AM of A short story about a Transportation, to motorcycle. Jim Aloisi And a sudden turn. Former Massachusetts . Jim is currently a Lecturer of Public Policy and Planning at When she was a young college student, Secretary of Transportation Elisabeth Marra had a serious motorcycle MIT and is also a writer, transit advocate and strategic accident that ultimately changed her life. Tuesday, consultant. He played a central role in the creation of Two years after the crash, her painful open fractures had failed to heal. Then she heard December 8th Boston’s Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway. In addition to about a new and complex surgery pioneered serving as Secretary of Transportation in the Administration of by a surgeon who used a patient’s own stem at 7:00 PM cells to concentrate the healing process. This Governor Deval Patrick, Jim’s public service includes service time, her surgery and subsequent therapy Jim is a Lecturer of Public Policy and Planning at MIT. on the Boston Human Rights Commission, the were successful. He played a central role in the creation of Boston’s Rose Virtual Elisabeth’s experience caused her to re- Massachusetts Transportation Finance Commission, and the direct her own career aspirations. Inspired by Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway. Jim’s public service BEACON HILL Coffee the medical professionals who helped her C Massachusetts Port Authority Board. includes the Boston Human Rights Commission, the th th reclaim her active lifestyle, she changed her NURSERY SCHOOL Dec 4 & Jan 11 major to study physical therapy—a Massachusetts Transportation Finance Commission, M 9:30-10:30am profession where her own experience could and the Massachusetts Port Authority Board. help other patients prevail through difficult Y As Massachusetts Transportation Secretary, Jim guided a recoveries. CM landmark transportation reform and restructuring initiative and We tell Elisabeth Marra’s story here to Jim is the author of four books, including The Big • Ages 2 - 6 illustrate two of the most profound messages Dig, The Vidal Lecture, and Massport at 60, and is a MY authorized a pioneering effort to release• Play-based a complete MBTA we know. Don’t give up, and remember to data set at no cost, to improve transparency and encourage give back. If reading it inspires just one more regular contributor to Commonwealth Magazine. He CY learning person to achieve something special, then its serves on the Board of TransitMatters, a Boston development of web-based and mobile• Two applications. onsite He also telling here has been well worth while. CMY based transit advocacy group. established Boston’s Silver Line 4 serviceplayscapes using federal K stimulus funds to improve transit connectivity• Registration and social You can purchase The Big Dig here required equity. For details on how to join the talk, email Big-Dig-Remembers-Robert-Allison/dp/1889833827. [email protected]. Join us for this timely talk! E-mail [email protected] for details on how to join the talk. Celebrating 74 Joy Street, Boston, MA 02114 Human Healing 617.227.0822 • PAGE 12 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE November 25, 2020 Bunker Hill developers pledge $1 million to fund future solutions

By Seth Daniel money as well. That, however, by the BPDA. It was the fifth and Center, and hoped the develop- several mature trees on the Bunker would be a decision for another final working meeting of the IAG, ment team would designate them Hill site. In an effort to get things started day, Grady said. with a wrap up meeting scheduled now to give some level of certainty The initial filing with state envi- without delays, the development The other $500,000 would for early December. The comment to their organization. They have ronmental regulators called for team for the Bunker Hill redevel- come in the Community Benefits period has been extended to Dec. been operated out of temporary saving 12 trees on the site, and opment pledged $1 million in two Fund, provided by the developers 1, and the developer hopes to get spaces for their social services and now they have looked more care- funds to help support non-profits, and handed over to the Boston approvals soon that would allow COVID responses due to COVID fully and found ways of saving parks and to study future trans- Planning and Development Agency the first two buildings in Phase 1 to restrictions at the Boston Housing 81 trees. In particular, they will be portation solutions to mitigate the (BPDA). That fund would be split start in the summer of 2021. Authority (BHA) building they able to save some quality trees on project in future years. in half, with 50 percent used for COMMUNITY CENTER used for years. That building is Medford Street. In the category of ‘don’t bite improvements to parks within COULD COME SOONER slated to be demolished in a future “Because of your advocacy, we off more than you can chew,’ one-quarter of a mile from the Another amenity to the commu- phase, giving a level of uncertain- did look more closely at the trees the developers first pledged development – with Barry Field nity as part of the project includes ty to the Kennedy Center about here and were able to make a mod- $500,000 towards an Additional (The Oilies) identified as a poten- a 14,000 sq. ft., $7 million com- where they will operate that half ification to the open space to pre- Transportation Study and tial target for the money. The other munity center slated to be built of their services. serve more trees than the previous Improvement Fund in order to 50 percent would be for off-site in Phase 4. That Center would Grady said they would look to plan allowed,” said Grady. identify other ways to mitigate public amenities – like the commu- be within the development, but speed that up and put it into earlier Arborist Andrew Arbaugh said potential traffic caused by the mas- nity center pool – and non-profits open to the entire community. It phases, but made no promises. a study by Bartlett Tree Service sive development – improvements within a half-mile of the project. is funded through payments into a “We are looking at ways to showed 340 trees on the site, with that they said would take too long “That’s $1 million together and fund as units are brought online – do that sooner,” she said. “We’ve 81 tagged for removal. Of those to hash out in further depth prior it would be administered by the which is why they have slated it to been looking at things with the remaining, 109 were in good con- to Phase 1. BPDA with the community and start construction in Phase 4. That, CRA and BHA to try to find ways dition, and 133 in fair condition. “We just don’t have time to the BPDA deciding how it would Grady said, is when they felt they to finance it so we can do it sooner. Of those 81 that were saved, figure all these things out and not be spent,” said Grady. “We can be would have enough money in the It’s a $7 million contribution from much of that came through shift- delay the start of the project,” said a part of that, but we don’t have to “kitty” to fund the Center. the project.” ing open space in Building L on Adelaide Grady, executive director be. The goal is to empower those “By Phase 4 we believe we’ll be In addition, the Center would Medford Street from one side to of the Bunker Hill team. who make these decisions and who able to leverage that money that have a set programmatic budget the other. In doing so, an addition- That fund could potentially are most impacted. It’s just import- gets put into the kitty to construct amounting to $1.1 million per year al eight trees were saved. look at a coordinated, consolidat- ant we don’t delay getting a shovel that community center,” she said. in contributions from the proj- “There are some major honey ed shuttle service to Community in the ground while we debate the Recently, however, there has ect annual. Each unit contributes locusts and elms on that site,” he College T Station, pilot studies to merits of several worthy causes… been some major pushback by the about $420 per year for the dura- said. “It’s not just preserving more improve peak service on the #92 This is all our cards on the table Kennedy Center to get the Center tion of the 99 year lease, and that trees but we’re getting better trees and #93 MBTA bus routes, and and this is what the project can constructed or programmed ear- number does increase annually for and it’s one place we identified that a proposed Transit Signal Priority support given the restrictions.” lier in the process. The Kennedy cost of living increases. can make a big difference.” system at the City Square traf- The pledge came at the Nov. Center said two weeks ago they “For 99 years, this is a signifi- Through the entire project, fic lights. Other things could also 18 Impact Advisory Group (IAG) believe they would be a great fit cant investment going back into the more than 500 trees will be plant- be suggested to explore with the meeting, which was held online for the lead agency at the new community for this Community ed and in a fashion that will allow Center operations and program- them to grow to full health and ming,” she said. maturity. That, however, will take SAVING THE TREES 15 to 20 years for them to grow to Through strong advocacy from maturity. the community, in particular res- “Ultimately this urban forest ident Johanna Hynes, scores of will benefit from the care we’ve trees on the site will now be saved. taken in planning here and that Hynes and a number of residents will allow them greater growth,” were unhappy at several meetings said Grady. DOMINO about the lack of interest in saving LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Decree and Order and for such return day, action may be COMMONWEALTH other relief as requested in taken without further notice OF MASSACHUSETTS the Petition. to you. THE TRIAL COURT The Petitioner requests that: UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRA- LungSUGAR Cancer • Other Cancers PROBATE AND Candida M. McCarthy of TION UNDER THE MASSACHU- FAMILY COURT , MA be appointed SETTS UNIFORM PROBATE Suffolk Probate as Personal Representative(s) CODE (MUPC) Special trusts have been set up by vendors and suppliers and Family Court of said estate to serve Without A Personal Representative 24 New Chardon St. Surety on the bond in an appointed under the MUPC in of the Domino Sugar plant to pay asbestos victims. You can make Boston, MA 02114 unsupervised administration. an unsupervised administra- a claim without ever leaving your home. (617)788-8300 IMPORTANT NOTICE tion is not required to file an CITATION ON You have the right to obtain inventory or annual accounts If you ever worked at the Domino Sugar plant before 1982 you may have been exposed a copy of the Petition from with the Court. Persons inter- to asbestos - and not even know it. You could be entitled to multiple cash settlements without PETITION FOR FORMAL the Petitioner or at the Court. ested in the estate are entitled even leaving your house, going to court, or filing a lawsuit. ADJUDICATION You have a right to object to notice regarding the ad- If you ever worked at the Domino Sugar plant, you were likely exposed to Docket No. to this proceeding. To do so, ministration directly from the asbestos. If you have been diagnosed with Lung Cancer (even if you are a smoker) - or SU20P2020EA you or your attorney must Personal Representative and Esophageal, Laryngeal, Pharyngeal, Stomach, Colon, Rectal Cancer or Mesothelioma, or Estate of: file a written appearance and may petition the Court in any know someone who died from one of these cancers, call Geraldine Ann objection at this Court before: matter relating to the estate, Martinez 10:00 a.m. on the return day including the distribution of Date of Death of 12/28/2020. assets and expenses of admin- 09/15/2020 This is NOT a hearing date, istration. To all interested persons: but a deadline by which you WITNESS, Hon. Brian J. Dunn, A Petition for Formal Ad- must file a written appearance First Justice of this Court. and objection if you object to Date: November 16, 2020 judication of Intestacy and Free Claims Appointment of Personal this proceeding. If you fail to Felix D. Arroyo Analysis Nationwide Service Representative has been filed file a timely written appear- Register of Probate ance and objection followed 11/25/20 Birmingham, Alabama attorney Robert Norris helps injured claimants, nationwide, collect cash benefits from Asbestos Trusts. “No represen- by Candida M. McCarthy of tation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.” Roslindale, MA requesting by an affidavit of objections CT that the Court enter a formal within thirty (30) days of the November 25, 2020 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE PAGE 13

Proposals (from pg. 1)

BPDA. “We’re also really excited to have a conversation and get feedback. Before we get into our evaluation, we want to hear com- munity feedback. That will be the purpose of this meeting.” Quirk and Project Manager Morgan McDaniel said the BPDA would be approving a contract at its December meeting to go forward with the remediation and demolition of the Power Plant site – which has significant contamination issues. The BPDA will likely approve the $5 million cleanup effort and start the job in A development group known as Power House Partners is proposing a The developers of the RopeWalk building next door to Building 108 December, with the goal of having research and development use for the Power House (Building 108) in are proposing 78 units of housing and an extensive outdoor courtyard it all removed this summer. That the Navy Yard. campus in Building 108 to complement what they have already done. will clear the way for picking a preferred developer and staring the Article 80 public review. The jected strong market demand for sq. ft.) would be fully research and cial activities compatible with the that also serves as a connector hope is that by 2022 one of the R&D and Lab space, in close development uses. Charlestown Navy Yard and the to Building 107,” read the letter. projects would be able to break proximity to the finest healthcare There is no parking associated waterfront; building for balanced “The public courtyard is envi- ground on construction. institutions in the world, strongly with the proposal, but it is eligible growth along Boston’s shore- sioned to be a communal outdoor Getting two good proposals is supports our proposed redevel- to use the Building 199 garage. line; and creating public spaces space for personal reflection, meet- a victory, Quirk and McDaniel opment use and program for the The Vision Development and pathways that encourage an ing neighbors or small activations said, as they had put out an RFP site.” (Robert Shaffer and Clayton active and thoughtful connec- such as art installations or outdoor in 2019 and got one applicant – While housing has been popu- Turnbull) proposal seeks a resi- tion between the Charlestown exhibit space.” which was later deemed not to lar in the Navy Yard, and needed dential use and comes from the Neighborhood and the Boston The total development program have a good enough inclusion and in Charlestown, the development development team that is at the Harbor.” consists of 120,494 sq. ft. of new diversity plan. team said they were confident moment bringing the RopeWalk The Vision proposal looks to space. After the re-issue this year of research and development was the building, located next door, to the build a new apartment building Both concepts will be premiered the RFP, Power Plant came back right approach for this property. market for unique apartment rent- abutting the RopeWalk that would at the meeting on Dec. 3, and with a better proposal and Vision “When making this decision, als. By acquiring the building, they have 78 units of housing, with Quirk and McDaniel said one submitted its first effort. Both have the Team took into account recent would be able to create a campus 12 units being affordable. There thing to note is that both develop- been deemed qualified. and nearby residential develop- of residential uses and outdoor would also be 5,200 sq. ft. of new ers came in with extensive diversi- Power House is a group made up ment such as Navy Yard 33, the courtyard spaces as well – poten- ground floor commercial space, ty and inclusion plans that raised of Conroy Development (Geoffrey Starboard at 45 First Avenue, and tially also acquiring Building 107 and 44 parking spaces on two the bar. Lewis and Louis Cabral), Bruner/ the Ropewalk; in addition to sev- from the National Parks Service levels. “I think we’re excited to report Cott Architects, Lee Kennedy eral recent developments and pro- and looping that in as well. The exterior plans, however, that request and the message was Construction and Dain-Torpy- posed projects in the Charlestown “Our proposal will not only are the heart of the project for the received,” Quirk said. LeRay-Wiest & Garner attorneys. neighborhood,” read the filing. meet but exceed where possible public, though, the plan stated. Said McDaniel, “I think devel- They have done previous work in “Most significantly, the opportu- the BPDA’s stated development Outside, the Company will cre- opers want to be committed to this the Navy Yard and are proposing nity to acquire Building 107 from objectives and design guidelines ate a welcoming, beautiful, and ideal of diversity and inclusion and a 67,000 sq. ft. building with the National Park Service creates for the Building 108 site through visually interesting courtyard pro- we needed only to be clear about active uses at ground level and the opportunity for additional res- shared objectives, including pro- viding an attractive outdoor pub- our expectations for that.” research and development in the idential development to balance moting residential and commer- lic pathway and activation space space above – building on the the commercial growth created by research and development uses by Building 108.” Mass General nearby. The program would include “Power House Partners’ pro- 28,015 sq. ft. on the first floor Real Estate Transfers posal is heavily influenced by the with a restaurant/retail spaces presence of the existing uses in occupying about 18,000 sq. ft. BUYER 1 SELLER 1 ADDRESS PRICE the Navy Yard, including Partner’s and 10,000 sq. ft. being used for Healthcare and Spaulding research and development. The Kim, Doo Y Singh, Arti R 42 8th St #5506 $870,000 second floor (28,015 sq. ft.) and Rehabilitation Hospital,” read Hickman, Taylor Crotty, Alexandra D 64 Chestnut St #4 $760,000 their submission letter. “The pro- third and fourth floors (both 5,400 Oddy, Paul M Mahoney FT 13 Cross St $1,416,000 LOCAL STUDENTS May, Matthew Demerle, Richard C 17 Elm St #2 $729,000 EARN ACADEMIC HONORS Parkinson, Davd A Jessica E Raposa LT 20 Lexington St $1,555,000 WASNIEWSKI EARNS courses during the spring 2020 Mujtaba, Propa Tringali-Malone FT 56 Monument Ave #2 $916,000 DEAN’S AWARD semester earn the Dean’s Award with Distinction. Pouravelis, Justine Whelan, Timothy 14-1/2 Mount Vernon St #2 $970,000 Attabelle Wasniewski, a mem- ber of the Colgate University Colgate is a leading American Butler, Joseph W Goldstein, Marc D 29 Russell St $1,375,000 Class of 2020, has earned the university for students who want spring 2020 Dean’s Award with classes with rigor, faculty with pas- Cholakis, Nicholas Macnally, Jonathan 12 Sackville St #1 $815,000 Distinction. sion, and confidence in knowing Wasniewski is a Economics they will learn how to thrive in 253 Main St. • Charlestown • 617-241-5566 major from Charlestown, and is a work and life. Colgate offers 56 graduate of Dana Hall School. majors and supports 25 Division Students who receive a term I athletic teams on a campus of Sales • Rentals • Free Market Analysis grade point average of 3.6 or high- about 3,000 students in central Elite Certified Buyer Agents er while completing at least three New York. PAGE 14 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE November 25, 2020 Stories from the : USS Monadnock

By Mike Manning - Chair - during the Civil War. These war- twin 1,400 horsepower coal-fired Friends of the ships were named after the chief steam engines. These engines were of the Narragansett - a native built by John Ericsson, the design- American tribe of New England. er and builder of the US Navy’s In terms of name recognition, These were the only ironclads built first ironclad, the USS Monitor. the USS Monadnock is a less- in US Navy and not at After commissioning, the er known vessel but represents privately-owned shipyards. Monadnock steamed to her home a significant first at the Boston After the pivotal and indus- base at Port Norfolk, Virginia Navy Yard (in Charlestown). try-transforming battle of iron- as the port had been re-cap- The Monadnock, named after clads at Hampton Roads, Virginia tured by Union forces in May the Abenaki word for “isolat- in March 1862, shipyards were 1862. In mid-December, she was ed mountain”, was launched on scrambling to build these new assigned to the North Atlantic March 23rd, 1863 and commis- state-of-the-art warships. The Blocking Squadron and steamed sioned on October 4th, 1864. Monadnock and her sister ships towards Fort Fisher - just south of Images courtesy of ibiblio She was the first ironclad built were constructed with wooden Wilmington, North Carolina. The USS Monadnock in the - but framing and hull, sheathed with 12- squadron consisted of a wide array not the first ironclad built in to 14-inch thick wooden planks, of nearly 60 Union warships. and armored with multiple layers With Port Norfolk in Union Boston. That honor goes to the colonies, such as Bermuda or the harmlessly over the fort and land- of one-inch thick wrought-iron hands, the port of Wilmington had USS Nahant built a year earlier in Bahamas, were forced to avoid ed in the Cape Fear River. A land- plates. Whereas previous models become one of the most strategic South Boston. the Union naval blockade barring ing of Union troops was equally of ironclads were built with single ports for the Confederacy. British Designed by John Lenthall of entry to all major southern ports. unsuccessful. A second bom- turrets, this class of monitors had smuggling vessels called “block- the US Navy’s Design Bureau On Christmas Eve, 1864, the bardment began on January13th, two - each turret housing two age runners” brought shipments of of Construction and Repair, the Monadnock and other squad- 1865 and continued without 15-inch caliber Dalgren cannon. munitions, armaments, clothing, Monadnock was one of four ron vessels began shelling the interruption for two days. At The redundant propulsion system, textiles, and foodstuffs and were Miantonomoh-class monitors fort. Unfortunately, the gunfire this point, most of the fort’s main designed to improve reliability and exchanged for cotton and tobacco. commissioned by the US Navy was ineffective as most shells flew cannon had been silenced. In a speed, powered each monitor with These vessels coming from British coordinated effort, Union forces landed at multiple points around the fort. In what may have been the largest amphibious assault Record by Union forces to that date, For nearly 10,000 marines and troops •SUPER SITES FOR BPS MEALS of a Common Victualler (Restricted) 7 Day walks can continue until December 1. The came ashore, seized the fort, and Beginning October 26, BPS Super Sites All Alcoholic Beverages License has peti- City will also waive application fees for the accepted its surrender on the eve- open for Mondays through Thursdays, 10 tioned to change the d/b/a of the licensed use of outdoor propane heaters in dining ning of the 15th. Fort Fisher’s a.m. to 6 p.m. BPS families can pick up free business - From: Madera 83 To: Street areas. Restaurants will still need a permit surrender in effect closed the port breakfasts and lunches. Some locations also Bistro. from the Fire Department, and safety reg- of Wilmington, the last port avail- provide free toiletries and free groceries on •TANGIERINO LOUNGE, INC. 73 ulations around their use will remain in able to the Confederacy, for the select days. Thanksgiving schedule applies MAIN St. Holder of a Common Victualler place. Restaurants can use electric heaters remainder of the war. The South this week. (Restricted) 7 Day All Alcoholic Beverages without a permit, as long as no cords are was now cut off from all global *Edwards Middle School – 28 Walker License has petitioned to change the d/b/a crossing sidewalks. trade – its lifeline from the begin- St. of the licensed business - From: Tangierino ning of the conflict. *Harvard/Kent Elementary – 50 Bunker To: Boston Cigar Club. •REPORTING WORKPLACE SAFETY After her successful mission Hill St. •SULLIVAN’S PUB OF CONCERNS at Fort Fisher, the Monadnock CHARLESTOWN, INC. D/B/A: Workers in any size organization have was transferred to the South CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE SULLIVAN’S PUB, 85-87 MAIN St. options if they feel they are being pressured Atlantic Blocking Squadron and ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS Holder of a Common Victualler 7 Day into an unsafe situation. Attorney General steamed to Charleston, South WORKING SESSION: A working session All Alcoholic Beverages License has peti- Maura Healey has created resources for Carolina. The city surrendered on Dec. 1, 12:30 p.m., regarding an ordi- tioned for a change in Officer/Director/ workers to report safety concerns during a month after her arrival. Once nance establishing a Civilian Review Board Stockholder. Secondly, has petitioned reopening. They include an online form the city was secured by Union in Boston. This matter was sponsored to change the Manager – From: John at the Attorney General’s website and a forces, she took part in the final by Councilors Andrea Campbell, Ricardo T. Sullivan Senior To: John T. Sullivan dedicated Fair Labor hotline at 617-727- assault on the Confederate capi- Arroyo, and Julia Mejia. It was referred to Junior. Lastly, has petitioned for a change 3465. People can also find those resources tal - Richmond, Virginia, which the Committee on July 29, 2020. of Stock Interest. by calling 311. surrendered on April 3rd, 1865. In less than a year’s service, the From the Dec. 1 Boston School CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE •HOW TO REPORT A PROBLEM Monadnock had fought in three Committee Nominating Panel, 2:30 p.m., ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS PROPERTY significant land-sea battles culmi- online via Zoom: HEARING: The Committee will hold a Since taking office in 2014, Mayor nating in the capture of the heart •Review list of applicants to interview Dec. 3, 10 a.m., hearing for a special law Walsh has made fixing quality of life issues of the Confederacy. •Interview applicants for one four-year re: Preference for Boston High School a priority in his administration. From After her service in the term beginning on 1/4/21 and for the Graduates for the Position of Police Officers investing in Public Works to making sure Civil War, the Monadnock left remainder of the term of Michael Loconto in the City of Boston. The Chair of the community policing is a staple in every Philadelphia on October 5th (term expires 12/31/21) Committee is Councilor Lydia Edwards. neighborhood, we are making sure every with the USS Vanderbilt, USS •Public comment The sponsor of the docket is Mayor Martin neighborhood is clean, safe and a great Tuscarora, and USS Powhatan. •Discuss candidates and interviews J. Walsh. place to live and work in. Unfortunately This was an incredible voyage some properties in Boston need more help since the ships’ top speed was a From the Dec. 2 License Board Hearing, 1 •The Mayor announced an extension than others, and that’s why we are here. If paltry 10 knots. After stopping at p.m., online via Zoom (HTTPS://US02WEB. of the Outdoor Dining Program beyond you know of a property that fits one of the various South America ports-of- ZOOM.US/J/87184178172?PWD= its original end date of October 31. following criteria: multiple calls to 911, one call, the Monadnock maneuvered Y2ZZVU1LYXHOU2 Restaurants using private outdoor space that’s blighted or just a general concern, we through the Strait of Magellan JMS0JXK0TZWWDHUT09): can continue to do so for the duration of encourage you to reach out to your neigh- in March 1866 and continued •FIRST ATLAS LIONS, LLC. D/B/A: the public health emergency. And restau- borhood liaison. northward to Valparaiso, Chile MADERA 83, 73 - 83 MAIN St. Holder rants using public space on streets and side- and finally Acapulco, Mexico.

(Shipyard Pg. 15) November 25, 2020 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE PAGE 15

N e i g h b o r h o o d R o u n d U p

Friends of the Navy four books, including The Big toy to their order for our younger Free Fall Story The virtual art studio provides Yard host virtual Dig, The Vidal Lecture, and neighbors in need. engaging virtual art labs and Massport at 60, and is a regular All the funds “e” inc. collects at and Art for Children discussion with The Charlestown Branch of the resources for parents and fami- contributor to Commonwealth the Emporium are used for its mis- lies who are looking for ways to Jim Aloisi Magazine. He serves on the sion to teach children and youth and Essem Friends of the Charlestown Art Studio are happy to present introduce more art and creative Board of TransitMatters, a Boston the science driving the planet and practices at home. Every week, Navy Yard invites you join us on based transit advocacy group. the skills to make a difference. “e” a FREE Fall Story + Art series. Tuesday, December 8th at 7:00 Children’s Librarian, Mrs. Eileen new art labs and creative prompts You can purchase The Big Dig inc. students have been helping the are added to the growing online for a virtual talk with Jim Aloisi, here planet for over 15-years. Thanks Whittle will read a selected book former Massachusetts Secretary and local artist, Sophia Moon, will catalog. You can enjoy a free 7 Big-Dig-Remembers-Robert- to all of the new shoppers during day trial of the virtual art program of Transportation, to discuss the Allison/dp/1889833827. For our sale.​ Your gift shopping helps​ present a family/sibling friendly art current state of the MBTA, its project that can be modified for now. Visit for details on how to join the talk, to support this local non-profit. more information! proposed reduction in service, email [email protected]. Visit the “e” inc. Emporium online little artists as young as 2 years and thoughts on how the T can at: old (with adult guidance). Every Charlestown move forward beyond the pan- “E” Inc Emporium – Click on the Science Emporium Wednesday at 10am, the installa- Solidarity on Zoom demic. Jim is a Lecturer of Public on the “e” inc. home page and tion will launch on the Facebook Policy and Planning at MIT and Cyber Monday Launch page of the Charlestown BPL, and The 6th Charlestown Race and On Cyber Monday, November you’re there! a writer, transit advocate and on Essem Art Studio’s virtual Art Equity Discussion will take place 30th - “e” inc. EMPORIUM will strategic consultant. He played Winter Clothing Drive Studio ( virtually on Zoom on Monday, be unveiling its fantastic holiday November 30th at 5:30p.m. Join a central role in the creation of As temperatures drop, please merchandise that includes many City Councilor Lydia Edwards, Boston’s Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy help people in need. In Memory of Free Virtual Art great new purveyors and a slew neighbors, youth and police for Greenway. In addition to serving John Collier, Sr., The Charlestown Studio Trial of hands-on activities, games, kits, the continuing discussion on race, as Secretary of Transportation in Coalition and Turn it Around are Essem Art Studio launches a etc. policing and equity in the neigh- the Administration of Governor having a winter clothing drive. virtual art studio with monthly Visit the site on November borhood. For the zoomlink please Deval Patrick, Jim’s public ser- There will be a donation box at subscriptions to continue spark- 30th to view what’s new. Send us email Gabriela Coletta, closer to vice includes service on the Boston Monument Restaurant & Tavern, ing joy and cultivating creative your order any week by midnight the date at: gabriela.coletta@bos- Human Rights Commission, the 251 Main St. until November power in little artists (age 2-10) Thursday for Friday pick-ups. At Massachusetts Transportation 28th. Collecting:hats, scarves, and families with young children. our website you can also learn Finance Commission, and the gloves, socks, masks and toilet- about our Secret Santa program Massachusetts Port Authority ries. Please only make donations of that lets our community friends Board. Jim is the author of brand new items. • Revere • Everett • Winthrop • Lynn • • Chelsea • Charlestown share their largesse by adding a

Shipyard (from pg. 14) Lynn BUSINESS DIRECTORY Independent Newspaper Group REaL EstatE Sales • Rentals She arrived at her final destina- rEvErE Call: EvErEtt 781-485-0588 Land • Commercial tion, San Francisco, in early June RECRuItmENt ChELsEa Fax: ek For Hi Professional • Medical 1866. r Winthrop e consultant ava e JOHN J. RECCA CharLEstoWn 781-485-1403 General • Services Gmputer ilable fo After her relatively short service Co me or business r East Classified ho . Boston Classified More Than 100,000 Readers Each Week • Auto Sales • Yard Sales life, the Monadnock was decom- PAINTING 7 Communities ServiceS include: Interior/Exterior • Miscellaneous missioned on June 30th. She Commercial/Residential remained at the Mare Island Navy • PC support & networking of all types with focus on secure Internet access (wired & wireless), Fully Insured Yard, just north of San Francisco, • broadband router & firewall technology, Quality Work ROOM and was regrettably allowed to • virus detection/prevention, HELP deteriorate at her pier for the next • spam control & data security/recovery. Reasonable Rates WANTED eight years. At this point, she was Free Estimates FOR RENT beyond repair. The vessel’s wood- 617-241-9664 [email protected] 617-515-2933 en framing and hull, not her layers DRIVERS WANTED-DEPENDABLE of armor plating, set in motion 781-241-2454 ROOM FOR RENT her eventual demise. In 1874, the IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Winthrop Monadnock was broken up just Ryan Busy Revere Based transportation Extra small room in quiet home ten years after her initial commis- company. All shifts available, trans- Fully furnished, 50-inch TV w/ inter- sioning. Masonry porting passengers, net. Off street parking, near bus line However, on paper, the Chimneys • Fireplaces Our cars/our gas/our clients, call Kitchen and yard access Monadnock remained on the Cellar Floors • Restoration Licensed & insured active naval vessel register. A new French Drains • Repointing Ricky 781-913-6613 or 781-284-1000 Available now Complete electrical services vessel, of the same name, began office (leave name and #) Call Carl to take shape at a shipyard in Free Estimates, Lic. & Ins. Local geographical knowledge and good 781-426-5454 Vallejo, California, under the guise driving record a must. Local References [email protected] of “repairs” to the original vessel ------$800/month + heat of 1863. The Navy Department Phil - 617-230-3490 ǿǺȀɍǼǻǹɍȀȀǹǼ ------evaded the Congressional refusal to order new ships by claiming DEADLINES: For classified line ROOM FOR RENT that the Civil War-era ship was LICENSED PLUMBERS ads, deadlines are Monday by 4 Chelsea being repaired while building a WANTED p.m. Call 781-485-0588 Available Now new monitor of the same name. Spacious Private Fully Furnished This subterfuge lasted through- Boston residents preferred ------TO ADVERTISE Room out the building of the “new” Start immediately. Monadnock. She was launched PLEASE CALL ------3 floors, 3 Bathrooms in 1883 but languished through Call 617-212-2268 LOOKING FOR Great Results? Call our Landry in Building multiple construction starts and for more information. 781-485-0588 Next to Bus, Train Station, stops. This “new” Monadnock classified department. Call 781-485- was eventually commissioned 0588 or fax the ad to 781-485-1403 Supermarket in 1896 and saw service in the PLEASE RECYCLE $850/Month Includes Utilities Spanish-American War. Call Maria 617-312-9467 PAGE 16 THE CHARLESTOWN PATRIOT-BRIDGE November 25, 2020


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