Warilla High School Newsletter Keross Avenue Barrack Heights NSW 2528 9 May 2016 T: 02 42963055 F: 02 42972817 E:
[email protected] FB: /WarillaHigh Issue 1 – Term 2 – Week 3 W: http://www.warilla-h.schools.nsw.edu.au Principal’s Message Welcome back to what will no doubt be another very hectic term which will include the annual NAPLAN Assessment on 10,11 and 12 May; a debriefing between Year 12 and their respective teachers on the basis of their half yearly results from the end of term 1, NAIDOC Week festivities and the plethora of learning opportunities that will be made available both within and beyond the classroom. Again, the holiday period has seen some significant infrastructure upgrades occur, including sandstone seating adjacent to the sail-covered outdoor area; the completion of the B Block Café; a Video Conferencing facility in the seminar room of the library and the upgrading of the section backing onto this to accommodate collaborative classroom teaching styles; a clean out of the D Block courtyard and the freshening up of the gardens around the school. I would be most appreciative if you could impress upon your child that these new learning spaces need to be appreciated and that this is best done by keeping them clean and graffiti free! Indeed, the school has embarked on an ambitious and exciting project being named as 1 of only 15 schools across NSW to be involved in the Schools of the Future project. This will see schools trial new learning spaces and configurations; set up access to technology which is reliable and user-friendly; explicitly address the 21st learning skills employers now demand, but most importantly, jettison outmoded teaching strategies and resources in favour of those that engage students, challenge their capacity to learn and to be able to apply this learning in a range of new and complex settings.