

- - - - - Soft tissue: depending on the degree of exposure


Lateromedial and caudolateral view craneomedial oblique (30 °)

The chassis is positioned medially in the region of the stifle flow and dorsal as possible, with caution because it is a sensitive area on the . The beam is directed parallel to the ground laterally and centered on the patella. Depending on the temperament of the horse sometimes can not be fully appreciated in this view of the distal femur and patella. The side view oblique (caudolateral oblique craneomedial) permte appreciate osteochondral lesions of the medial condyle and the lateral edge of the trochlea on the distal femur.

View caudocranial

The chassis is positioned superiorly in the area of the stifle and the beam is focused on the concave region is seen in the soft tissues of the . Sometimes it is useful to perform two projections with varying degrees of exposure in order to appreciate all structures.

View proximodistal ("skyline")

Depending on the temperament of the horse can do this by extending or flexing view the . The chassis is held pressed against the proximal tibia and cranially and the beam is directed vertically proximal and lateral to the lumbar region. We extend the in maximum amplitude caudally leading him, and put the frame parallel to the ground supporting it the joint. The beam perpendicular to the ground 70 cm. dorsal to the stifle.


• Osteochondrosis • In the area of the lateral trochlear ridge of the femur and the patella articular surface is where we find most often an osteochondral defect with separation. • Irregularities in the articular surface of the patella. • cysts subchondral • Fisitis • Degenerative Joint Disease (EDA) periarticular osteophyte formation, flattening of the articular surface, subchondral bone sclerosis, radiolucent areas in the subchondral bone tibiofemoral joint space narrowing. • Fractures of the patella, femur, tibia and fibula • Damage of soft tissue: collateral , menisci, cruciate ligaments, synovial capsule •

Vista LM

Vista CaLCrM

Vista Skyline

Author: Pablo Adrados/Alvaro Vázquez EQUISAN Veterinaria Equina Integral