News about the Republican Candidates for Assembly Excerpts The Real Republican for Assembly

Dr. Lynn Gabriel joins with Governors George Deukmejian and Pete Wilson in Jan. 30, 2004 Excerpts saluting President .

GOPs abuzz over alleged remark Some Republicans say Wilcox offended blacks in statement at political forum, which he denies.

By Ryan Carter, News-Press

LA CAÑADA FLINTRIDGE - A local political forum this week at a restaurant for a pair of Republicans campaigning to Pasadena Star News Feb 4, 2004 unseat Assemblywoman Carol Liu (D-La Cañada Flintridge) in the November election left some with a bad taste in their mouths - not from the food, but the discourse. ...But the issue still remains: Republicans must nominate and unite Local Republican Dave Wilcox, a contender for Liu's seat, said that "some blacks are very moral people, if you can behind electable candidates. Wilcox's showboating style, his past believe that," according to Martin Truitt, president of the Pasadena Republican Club and a supporter of Lynn Gabriel, attempts at flooding the local editorial pages, his disingenuous the other Republican contender for Liu's seat. personal attacks and misrepresentations have alienated many people Wilcox and his supporters vehemently denied he said it. But others said the remark left attendees gasping and others in disbelief. in this area, and in my view, rendered him unelectable. "How can you be a leader in the Assembly and say these things and not get the wrath of the Legislature?" said Paul Jaszewski, central committee spokesman. His ridicule of Carol Liu for authoring the “rice cakes bill” smacked "He's saying that, believe it or not, I guess there are good people who are black. Believe it or not, I guess there are of racism and cultural intolerance and forever alienated him with a scientists that don't know what they are talking about." key constituency in this district that uses said rice cakes in religious Jaszewski was referring to Wilcox's career in aeronautical engineering. ceremonies. Talk about “dropping bombs” on yourself. But Wilcox, a local Republican activist and founder of the Foothill Republican Club, said he could have said, "...and you can believe that," but not "if." He was trying to explain how he is the best candidate to reach out to Democratic voters, he added.

On March 2, cast a vote for a REAL REPUBLICAN. Vote for Lynn Gabriel. LYNN Presorted Std LYNN GABRIEL US Postage PAID REPUBLICAN FOR STATE ASSEMBLY Victory Mail Gabriel for Assembly, P.O. Box 60215, Pasadena, CA 91116 GABRIEL (626) 795-0053

Lynn Gabriel has helped re-elect Congressman David Drier. Opposes Prop 56 on the March Ballot Lynn Gabriel... Proven Liberal Democrats have Republican Leader put a measure on the ■ LYNN GABRIEL ballot to change the state Past Chairman, Pasadena Republican Club THE REAL REPUBLICAN FOR ASSEMBLY ■ Chairman, Tri-Cities Lincoln Club constitution and reduce ■ Board of Governors, Los Angeles County the vote required to pass Lincoln Clubs Dr. Lynn Gabriel has been a Republican Party Leader for over 20 years! the state budget and tax ■ State Central Committee Member, hikes from a 2/3 vote to a Republican Party She is the leader of our local Lincoln Club, helping elect Republicans to 55% vote. This political ■ Golden Circle Member, California national, state and local office. She has Chaired the Pasadena Republican Club dirty trick is an effort to Republican Party and is a member of the California Republican Party State Central Committee. make Republicans ■ Member, Pasadena Evening Republican completely irrelevant and Women Federated Just this month, Dr. Gabriel was chosen by President George W. Bush to serve will give total control to as a delegate to the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York City. Lynn was a key supporter of former the Democrats. Congressman James Rogan. Lynn Gabriel… Positive The other candidate for Assembly is a member of the National Libertarian Party. He failed to support Governor Community Leader Schwarzenegger in the recall election and has alienated scores of local voters with his outrageous comments. Opposes Efforts to Water Down Prop 13 The legislature and many leading Democrat activists are ■ Foothill area resident for over 30 years Cast your vote for Lynn Gabriel for Assembly. The Real Republican. attacking Proposition 13 by advocating a split-roll system ■ Owner of Pasadena Optometry Center for (basically a giant tax hike for businesses) and other changes 25 Years that would result in a multi-billion dollar tax hike on the back ■ Board Member and Past Chair, California of state property owners. Philharmonic Orchestra ■ Past College Trustee, Southern California Opposes Drivers Licenses for Illegal Immigrants College of Optometry Providing licenses to illegal immigrants is rewarding and legitimizing illegal behavior and is a threat to national Opposes Expansion of ■ Appointed by Supervisor Mike security. There is no proof that by providing licenses the streets would be safer or that auto insurance rates State Bureaucracy Antonovich to the Los Angeles County would be reduced. & Regulations Housing Commission One of the key moves made by Opposes Tax Increases Governor Schwarzenegger on Lynn Gabriel is the ONLY It’s time for the State of California to make some tough choices and cut unnecessary state programs and root his first day in office was to Republican candidate for out waste and fraud. The problem with the state budget is not a lack of income, it is the unfettered spending freeze the expansion of state habits of the Democrats controlling the State Legislature. bureaucracy and stop the Assembly who: implementation of any new ✔ supported Governor Arnold state regulations until their fiscal Supported the Roll Back of the Car Tax Schwarzenegger and will be part of impact could be determined. Lynn Gabriel, pictured here with Gray Davis’s tripling of the Vehicle License Fee hit every Californian in his team to turn California around. While it is vital that we protect President , has been a the pocket book at a time when they could least afford it. We must proven Republican Leader for decades. the quality of life in California, insure that this type of 300% tax hike is never allowed to take place in ✔ is a mainstream conservative who will many state regulations are simply social engineering by big- the future. fight to fix our education system, government activists within state bureaucracy. streamline state bureaucracy, and protect taxpayers. Supports the Spending Cap on the March Ballot Fighting Crime and Gangs in our Region A mandated spending cap that ties state spending to increases in ✔ has supported ALL local, state and population and inflation is key to making California the golden state national Republican party nominees Lynn Gabriel will fight to insure that local law enforcement again! As the economy rebounds, we must tie the hands of the liberal in the name of party unity. agencies have the resources they need to fight the scourge of tax-and-spend Democrats to stop the runaway spending. violent crime and street gangs in our region. That's why she has been endorsed by Los Angeles County District Attorney

Lynn Gabriel will be part of the . LYNN GABRIEL Schwarzenegger team in Sacramento. REPUBLICAN FOR STATE ASSEMBLY