European Conference of Ministers of Transport Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Japanese Government 2-3 March 2005 Akasaka Prince Hotel, Tokyo IImmpplleemmeennttiinngg RRooaadd aanndd CCoonnggeessttiioonn PPrriicciinngg-- LLeessssoonnss ffrroomm SSiinnggaappoorree Jeremy YAP Ministry of Transport Singapore Name : Jeremy Yap Evan Gwee Title : Deputy Director, Assistant Manager, Land Transport Division, Planning Department, Ministry of Transport, Land Transport Authority, Singapore Singapore Address : 460 Alexandra Road, #39-00 460 Alexandra Road, #24-00 Singapore 119963 Singapore 119963 Tel : +65-63752534 +65-63757612 Fax : +65-62768081 +65-63757213 e-mail :
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT Singapore has enjoyed rapid economic growth and intensive urbanisation over the last few decades and this has translated into an increase in travel demand. To support the increased travel demand, the Singapore government has over the years planned and put many measures in place to ensure that our transport system is adequate, sustainable and relevant. Our overall land transport strategy hinges on four key areas namely integrating land use / transport planning, providing a quality public transport system, developing a comprehensive road network and maximising its capacity and managing demand of road usage through ownership and usage measures. Our transport philosophy is to maintain a proper balance between the use of private and public transport and increases the efficiency of traffic flow on our roads. While most cities adopt the first three components, Singapore is one of the very few cities to have pursued travel demand management for the past 30 years and with a degree of success, as is evidenced by the respectable speeds along the city roads and expressways.