The Concept of Biblical Inspiration
THE CONCEPT OF BIBLICAL INSPIRATION When the President of your Society graciously asked me to read a paper on the topic of biblical inspiration, he proposed that I review and assess the significant contributions made to it in con- temporary research, and that I suggest some areas in which work might profitably be done in the future. Accordingly, I shall simply devote the time at our disposal to these two points. With regard to the first, I believe that many new insights have been provided during the last decade by the studies of Pierre Benoit,1 Joseph Coppens,2 Karl Rahner,3 and Bernhard Brink- mann; * and I shall attempt to present their work in summary form. As regards further possible theological speculation, I wish to amplify a suggestion made recently by my colleague, the Reverend R. A. F. MacKenzie. "Since the theory of instrumental causality has been so usefully developed, and has done so much to clarify—up to a point—the divine-human collaboration in this mysterious and won- derful work, what is needed next is fuller investigation of the efficient and final causalities, which went to produce an OT or NT book." B You will have observed that, since the days of Franzelin and La- grange,6 treatises on inspiration have tended to emphasize the *Paul Synave-Pierre Benoit, La Prophétie, Éditions de la Revue des Jeunes, Paris-Tournai-Rome, 1947. Benoit has a shorter essay on inspiration in Robert-Tricot, Initiation Biblique? Paris, 1954, 6-45; for further modifi- cations of his theory, cf. "Note complémentaire sur l'inspiration," Revue Bib- lique 63 (1956) 416-422.
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