1 USE LIVE WEB MEETINGS There are many free live web meeting apps and software: Zoom, Google Duo, , , , Marco Polo, FaceTime, Messenger, etc. Use one of these free ways to connect with your team or prospects. If you’d like to arrange a special live web product education meeting with Jeff Tuttle or business opportunity meeting with Dave Taylor, contact customer service.

2 STAY INFORMED Stay informed about what’s going on with LIV by checking in daily on our Facebook pages.

When you see interesting product posts, click “share” and share them to your personal Facebook feed. Always add your personal testimony and say: “message me for more information.” 3 NETWORK USING FACEBOOK You may not be able to interact live in groups where you would normally connect with people, but you CAN use the world’s BIGGEST SOCIAL GROUP to interact with others. • Post actively, and only 20% of the time post about LIV. • When you see interesting product posts on LIV Facebook groups, click “share” and share them to your public Facebook feed. Always add your personal testimony and say: “message me for more information.” • Like and comment on your friends’ posts. • Go through your current Facebook friends. Send and re-connect. Show interest in how they and their families are doing. Let them know you have a solution to strengthen their immune systems. • Think about other people you might know, and if you’re not connected with them on FB, send them a friend request – and start chatting. • Add 3 new friends a day (not more). Click on your friends, then +new friends. FaceBook will give you a list of people you might know. Connect, re-connect, meet new people, chat. • Join relevant Facebook groups. These groups can be from citizens in your area or people connecting over a specific topic. Like and comment on posts within in the group. Offer solutions to people asking about -ex tra income opportunities or health questions. Just remember to stay within the groups guidelines usually mention at the top of the group page. 4 PHONE CONTACTS Go through your phone contacts and re-connect with people via text or phone call. Show interest in how they and their families are doing. Let them know you have a solution to strengthen their immune systems. 5 USE YOUR LIV WEBSITE Send people to your LIV website to do the health survey and follow up: Your replicated site address is found on the landing page of your livoffice in a green box/background

“Hey, I’m on a mission to help people with their health and help them strengthen their immune systems. I represent an amazing company that provides nutritional supplements that are really helping me! Would you like to take a health survey to assess your needs? I’ll send you a link and check back with you tomorrow.”