Minnesota Musicians ofthe Cultured Generation Heinrich Hoevel German Violinist in Minneapolis and Thorson's Harbor The appeal ofAmerica 1) Early life & arrival in Minneapolis 2) Work in Minneapolis 3) Into the out-of-doors 4) Death & appraisal Robert Tallant Laudon Professor Emeritus ofMusicology University ofMinnesota 924 - 18th Ave. SE Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 (612) 331-2710
[email protected] 2002 Heinrich Hoevel (Courtesy The Minnesota Historical Society) Heinrich Hoevel Heinrich Hoevel German Violinist in Minneapolis and Thorson's Harbor A veritable barrage ofinformation made the New World seem like an answer to all the yearnings ofpeople ofthe various German States and Principalities particularly after the revolution of 1848 failed and the populace seemed condemned to a life of servitude under the nobility and the military. Many of the Forty-Eighters-Achtundvierziger-hoped for a better life in the New World and began a monumental migration. The extraordinary influx of German immigrants into America included a goodly number ofgifted artists, musicians and thinkers who enriched our lives.! Heinrich Heine, the poet and liberal thinker sounded the call in 1851. Dieses ist Amerika! This, this is America! Dieses ist die neue Welt! This is indeed the New World! Nicht die heutige, die schon Not the present-day already Europaisieret abwelkt. -- Faded Europeanized one. Dieses ist die neue Welt! This is indeed the New World! Wie sie Christoval Kolumbus Such as Christopher Columbus Aus dem Ozean hervorzog. Drew from out the depths of