Understanding the Energy Interdependence Between the EU and Russia: Case of the Baltic Sea Region
Understanding the Energy Interdependence Between the EU and Russia: Case of the Baltic Sea Region Master Thesis in International and European Relations 2016 Supervisor: Professor Jenny Palm Author: Svetlana Izosimova 881002-T165 LIU-IEI-FIL-A--16/02123--SE 1 2 Abstract This study is conducted with the purpose to unfold hidden sides of the EU – Russian energy cooperation and to shed a liGht on possible reasons for existinG problems that have rarely been voiced before. This study provides an alternative view on the role of the Baltic Sea region in the overall EU – Russian enerGy dialoGue and its current situation. In this research the historical observation of the enerGy interdependence reGime development is examined and the crucial turninG points in the enerGy interdependence like the EU enlarGement 2004, the Gas cut offs 2006 and 2009, and crises 2014 are reconsidered. The enerGy security policies of the EU and Russia are analyzed by adoptinG the realist approach and applied to the case of the Baltic Sea reGion. Furthermore, based on the reGional complex security theory and interdependence theory, the way how interstate Gas relations in the Baltic Sea reGion affect the EU – Russian interdependence is discussed. Key Words: European Union, Russia, Baltic Sea reGion, natural Gas, energy, realism, liberalism, reGional security complexes, interdependence, conflict, security Word count: 22 859 3 Acknowledgements This work is devoted to my parents and beloved ones. I want to thank my parents, SerGuey Izosimov and Marina Izosiomova, for providinG me a lifelonG support, for beinG the best example of excellence and main drivers for reachinG the aims, for their patience and love they have been GivinG me.
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