
PART I – COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES ...... 11 I – PLENARY MEETINGS ...... 11 1. 29th Plenary meeting – May 20 ...... 11 2. 30th plenary meeting - September 23 (open to civil society) ...... 16 3. 31st plenary meeting - December 10 ...... 22 II – WORKING GROUP MEETINGS ...... 29 1. Preparation for the defense of the 5th national report on the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ...... 29 2. Human Rights Indicators working group ...... 29 3. Business and Human Rights working group ...... 30 III - OTHER NCHR ACTIVITIES ...... 31 1. Cooperation with civil society ...... 31 2. Cooperation with other countries ...... 32 3. The institutional page online and on Facebook ...... 33 4. Digital conferences ...... 35 5. Training ...... 37 6. Institutional matters...... 38 PART II ...... 40 GOOD HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES DEVELOPED BY NCHR MEMBERS ...... 40 I – ECONOMY AND DIGITAL TRANSITION ...... 41 II – FOREIGN AFFAIRS ...... 43 III – PRESIDENCY – CITENSHIP AND EQUALITY ...... 44 IV – PRESIDENCY – INTEGRATION AND MIGRATIONS ...... 46 V - FINANCES ...... 48 VI –NATIONAL DEFENCE ...... 49 VII - HOME AFFAIRS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 51 VIII- JUSTICE ...... 53 IX – STATE MODERNIZATION AND PUBLIC SERVICE ...... 54 X - CULTURE ...... 55 XI – SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND HIGH EDUCATION ...... 57 XII - EDUCATION ...... 58 XIII– WORK, SOLIDARITY AND SOCIAL SECURITY ...... 60 XIV - HEALTH ...... 62






Having assumed the functions of Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation on December 15, 2020 and, inherently, the Presidency of the National Committee for Human Rights (NCHR), I am today honored and pleased to present this report, which describes, in a detailed way, the actions developed by the NCHR in 2020.

Before highlighting some of the main lines of NCHR´s activities over the past year, I would like to salute and thank the leadership and commitment of my predecessor, Teresa Ribeiro, who, from 2015 to December 14, 2020, chaired the NCHR in an exemplary manner. Teresa Ribeiro was able to guide and stimulate the NCHR in maximizing its performance, optimizing its potential and strengthening its mandate. A paradigmatic example of this is the emblematic and structuring initiatives launched by NCHR over the past year, in an extremely difficult and challenging context, which will extend well beyond the period covered by this report. I am sure, therefore, that the members of the NCHR join me in this tribute to Teresa Ribeiro.

In retrospect, we will remember 2020, above all, as the year in which the new coronavirus invaded our lives and deeply affected the daily lives of each of us and the way our societies work. The challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, both in the medical-sanitary terms and in the various socio-economic dimensions, inevitably ended up guiding all government action and, consequently, the activities of the NCHR. However, despite these challenges of an unprecedented scale, opportunities also emerged that the NCHR knew how to take advantage within the scope of its mandate, demonstrating the capacity for adaptation and innovation in pursuing its objectives and in the performance of its functions, in favor of the national commitment in promoting , protecting and defending human rights.

Coincidentally, in 2020, the NCHR celebrated 10 years of existence. Established in April 2010, after the national commitment made during the first Universal Periodic Review at the United Nations, in 2009, the creation of the NCHR aimed above all to ensure “inter-ministerial coordination both with regard to the preparation of Portugal's position in international organizations in human rights, as well as with respect to the fulfillment of international obligations assumed in this matter ”(Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 27/2010, of April 8).


Portugal's performance in terms of human rights in the international organizations of which it is a part, especially in the United Nations and the Council of Europe, is a central and constant vector of its foreign policy, within the framework of the promotion of effective multilateralism, something that is widely recognized by our partners and was considered by the UN as a good practice, something that honors us. The NCHR is a National Mechanism for Implementation, Reporting and Monitoring (NMIRF) that increasingly assumes a central role in promoting public debate, at different levels, and equally the availability and circulation of diverse content, informative and formative, thus contributing to the realization of human rights.

One of the most important initiatives carried out by the NCHR in 2020 was the launch and organization of the cycle of digital conferences “Conversations in times of a pandemic”, dedicated to the theme “Human Rights and COVID-19”, whose first phase ran between July and December. This cycle of conferences aimed to stimulate and deepen the dialogue with civil society, promoting a reflection on the protection of human rights during the pandemic. Representatives of the Government, the academic world and civil society participated in each of its five sessions, which contributed to public reflection and debate on topics of relevance in the area of human rights, namely, freedom and confinement, privacy in the digital era, mental health, children's rights and migration. With the attendance of around 500 participants over the course of the 5 sessions, these conferences constituted an important milestone in the action of the NCHR, bringing it closer to new audiences, making them aware of its existence and mandate, and more attentive to its activities and performance.

Also noteworthy is the production and dissemination of the document “Portugal and the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Times of the Pandemic of COVID-19”, by the NCHR. This work made it possible to bring together the measures implemented by the different governmental areas, giving a comprehensive and systematic view of the main actions developed in the context of the first wave of the pandemic in Portugal, from the perspective of the promotion and protection of human rights, while serving as a repository of information. The document, which is available for consultation on the NCHR website (, in Portuguese and English, has been the subject of international recognition, namely by the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, Maria Pejčinović Burić.


In 2020, NCHR's training activity also started, with an action dedicated to “Writing techniques for the preparation of international reports in the area of Human Rights”, in partnership with the Diplomatic Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). This training was aimed at senior civil servants placed in the various public bodies or services called on to participate in the drafting of national human rights reports to be submitted to international treaty bodies, and was open to the participation of representatives of Portuguese-speaking countries, having counted with more than 100 trainees. Such influx is very revealing of the demand of quality training on these themes, something in which the NCHR will continue to invest in 2021, with new training proposals.

In short, 2020 was a year of getting closer to civil society, of building bridges with new audiences and new players, in which innovative avenues were opened and explored.

Portugal develops daily and with the greatest commitment and dedication actions in the promotion, protection and defense of human rights at national and international level, which is important to make known to society in general, so that we can all share in the pride for the work done and, together, we can go further in the common goal of promoting a culture of citizenship, founded on respect for human rights.

It is, therefore, with great satisfaction that I present the report of the activities of the NCHR for the year 2020. We will certainly have many challenges ahead, but, for now, we must remember the path already taken and face the future with courage.

Francisco André President of the National Committee for Human Rights



The purpose of this NCHR activity report is to inform about the work developed over 2020, both nationally and internationally, regarding human rights.

The first part describes the activities developed, namely plenary meetings, working group meetings, as well as other important activities, such as cooperation with civil society, international cooperation and presence on the Internet.

In 2020, 3 plenary meetings of the NCHR were held, as established in the Regulations, one of which open to the participation of civil society, namely non-governmental organizations operating in the area of human rights that have been showing growing dynamism in the contributions and interventions in the matters under discussion.

2020 was also the year in which the NCHR Human Rights Indicators Working Group resumed its activity. Created in 2012, this Working Group was a pioneer in transposing the models proposed by the United Nations into 4 national human rights indicators in the areas of education, health, freedom and individual security and the prevention and fight against violence against women. This work was then recognized as another good national practice by the High Commissioner for Human Rights, having even been translated into English and Russian, the latter for training in Kazakhstan. The Group's objective will be to implement, in 2021, another human rights indicator and update the rest.

The Working Group on Business and Human Rights was also reactivated. This issue has been gaining prominence on the global human rights agenda at both the United Nations and the European Union. Therefore, the definition of a national position on the subject is becoming more and more urgent, allowing the coordination and structuring of the action of different governmental areas in several discussion fora.

Formal cooperation was established between the NCHR and the Parliament, which has already appointed a focal point, and, with the same purpose, proceeded to send invitations to the Governments of the Autonomous Regions of the Azores and Madeira, whose indication of representatives is still awaited.

As a result of the Committee´s international projection, the then President of the NCHR met, in July, with the Secretary General of the Permanent Supreme Committee for Human Rights of


the Arab Republic of Egypt with the purpose of sharing good national practices. Following this meeting by videoconference, two opportunities for the participation of the Executive Secretariat of the NCHR were defined: the first in a digital seminar promoted by Egypt, with the representatives of Paraguay and Mexico, regarding the monitoring of the implementation of the recommendations of the international human rights mechanisms and monitoring systems; the second in an online meeting with the experts of the Supreme Committee on the development and implementation of national human rights indicators.

The NCHR was visited by the EuroMed Feminist Initiative (EFI) in September 2020, with the aim of promoting women's rights and gender equality, as well as sharing different experiences of political transition, building democracy and collecting good practices. EFI is a network that covers women's rights organizations in the Mediterranean and Caucasus regions.

At the United Nations, the NCHR ensured, in March 2020, the demanding dialogue with the Human Rights Committee on the 5th national report on the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It were also submitted the 5th report of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the 18th and 19th reports of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and the additional information requested by the Committee against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT), following the discussion of the 7th national report, held in November 2019.

At the United Nations Human Rights Council, Portugal presented two resolutions: Mental Health and Human Rights and Renewal of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education.

At the 3rd Committee of the 75th United Nations General Assembly, Portugal committed itself to the defense of strong language related to resolutions on gender equality, which were the target of particularly damaging attempts at weakening in this session.

As for the Council of Europe, Portugal's reply was sent to the 3rd questionnaire of the Group of Experts in Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) in February 2020. In September 2020, it was sent the state of implementation of the specific and priority recommendations mentioned in the European Committee's report against Racism and Intolerance, following the 2017 visit to Portugal. On November 13, Portugal's comments on the recommendations issued by the Committee of the European Convention for the Prevention of


Torture and Inhuman and Degrading Treatments (CPT) were published, following the visit to our country in 2019.

In the year that celebrated the 70th anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights, despite the restrictions imposed by the pandemic of COVID-19, some members of the NCHR programmed activities to mark this event in the cultural, justice, national defence areas and trafficking in human beings, widely disseminated by the Executive Secretariat of the NCHR. Other initiatives were postponed to 2021.

In 2020, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, was also scheduled to visit Portugal. Due to the pandemic, the visit was replaced by virtual meetings in a restricted format, which took place between December 15-17. The Commissioner met with representatives of civil society and the Ombud office , as well as with the Minister of State and Foreign Affairs, the Minister of State and the Presidency, the Minister of Home Affairs and the Minister of Justice, having discussed issues related to racial discrimination and violence against women.

Within the European Union, Portugal supported the drafting of the Action Plan for Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024, the Global Sanctions Regime on human rights and the Council Conclusions on Priorities for Cooperation with the Council of Europe for the 2020-2022 period. In these Conclusions, Portugal fought for a strong reference on the Council of Europe Convention for the Prevention and Combat of Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence.

The NCHR also participated in key moments in the promotion of human rights, namely in the celebration of the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (May 17) and the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (November 25), publicizing the campaigns of the Committee for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG) and associating itself with initiatives carried out abroad, through Portugal's diplomatic missions.

The second part of this report presents good human rights practices of the members of the NCHR, within the framework of their competences, referring to the areas of Economy and Digital Transition, Foreign Affairs, Citizenship and Equality, Integration and Migration, Finance, National Defence, Home Affairs, Justice, Culture, Science, Technology and Higher Education, Education, Labour, Solidarity and Social Affairs, Health, Environment and Climate Action, Infrastructure and Housing, Agriculture and the Sea.


At the 29th plenary meeting of the NCHR (May 20, 2020), a new model of simplified reporting table of good practices was approved. It is intended to ensure, as far as possible, a correspondence between what is planned to be done in one year and the report on the implementation of measures at the end of that year. This will also make it possible to better identify any deviations between the proposed and the implementation, and the associated reasons.




In 2020, 3 digital plenary meetings were held due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

1. 29th Plenary meeting – May 20

On May 20, 2020, the 29th plenary meeting of the NCHR was chaired by videoconference chaired by the then Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (SENEC), Teresa Ribeiro. In addition to the representatives of the various governmental areas, the Secretary of State for Justice (SEJ), Anabela Pedroso, and the Advisor to the Directorate-General for Social Affairs, Virgínia Brás Gomes, were also present.

On this occasion, the following points were addressed:

(i) The promotion and protection of human rights in times of the COVID-19 pandemic

SENEC stressed that Portugal responded promptly to the call by the United Nations Secretary- General, António Guterres, for a global response to the problems posed by the pandemic, with the Portuguese State donating more than one million euros to United Nations agencies and other international organizations, in what was an extraordinary voluntary contribution. She stressed that Portugal has strictly fulfilled its international obligations and that our country is part of the United Nations Organization's honour roll, in terms of paying States of the respective contributions.

She also underlined Portugal's firm commitment at the multilateral level in supporting the action of international organizations, in particular the World Health Organization (WHO), International Organization for Migration (IOM), United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), the World Food Program (WFP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), with which our country had contributed to the implementation of projects and actions specially targeted for African Portuguese Speaking Countries (PALOP) and in Timor-Leste.


She also stressed Portugal's financial contribution to the European initiative “Coronavirus Global Response”, so that a vaccine against COVID-19 could be developed and made available, without restrictions and to all countries in the world, as a global good.

She also said that the statement by the High Representative, Josep Borrell, on behalf of the European Union, on human rights in times of pandemic, published on May 5, constitutes an important manifesto of the values we defend.

SENEC stressed that Portugal implemented several positive measures to promote and protect human rights during the pandemic, with special notice at international level for the legislation approved for the regularization of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers with cases pending at the date of the declaration of the state of national emergency, allowing access to health care, social benefits, signing of lease and work contracts and opening of bank accounts. The Portuguese State was highly praised for this decision.

She also highlighted Portugal's commitment to gender equality and the defense of women and girls, manifested by its support for the resolution of the 74th United Nations General Assembly “Women and girls in response to COVID-19”, introduced by Spain, and for the co-sponsorship of the joint Declaration "Protect Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Promote the Response to Gender Issues in the COVID-19 Crisis". She also recalled that Portuguese was one of the Declaration´s drafting languages, gladly highlighting this fact.

SENEC said that the Secretary-General of the United Nations has been publishing policy briefs regarding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on persons in the most vulnerable situations, subsequently shared by the NCHR. She also informed that Portugal endorsed all statements in support of these briefs.

She said that the COVID-19 co-financing line, which was created to support Portuguese Non- governmental organisations´ projects, also incorporated references regarding these groups.

The NCHR agreed to share the measures and good practices adopted in the promotion and protection of human rights during the pandemic.

(ii) Commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic


SEJ presented this point recalling that the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) was signed on November 4, 1950. In commemoration of its 70 years, she recalled the importance of signing this document on a continent that had just experienced the horrors of war, genocide and authoritarianism. The rights expressed therein constitute an essential milestone and guarantee for 830 million people living in a common legal space, with the possibility of last resort to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

She then mentioned that the Council of Europe had scheduled a number of activities commemorating the anniversary, whose compilation was contained in a table circulated before the meeting, and that some national activities to commemorate the 70 years of the ECHR were scheduled for 2020, in particular by the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of National Defence. However, these and other initiatives would naturally have to be readjusted due to the pandemic.

SEJ encouraged NCHR members to look for alternative, creative and safe ways to carry out the commemorative initiatives of the 70 years of the ECHR through, for example, digital media.

(iii) National experts on Council of Europe Committees

SENEC stressed the importance of the work carried out by the Portuguese experts who participate in the various committees of this organization.

She recalled that, from a political point of view, the Portuguese Mission to the Council of Europe, in addition to defending national interests and promoting the objectives of our foreign policy in this organization, also collaborates and supports national experts from intergovernmental groups, that is , experts not elected for independent terms.

SENEC stressed that the Portuguese Mission to the Council of Europe was naturally available to collaborate with Portuguese experts on whatever was necessary.

(iv) Obligations of Portugal regarding human rights conventions within the scope of the United Nations and the Council of Europe

a. Result of the last dialogue with the Human Rights Committee on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (March 2020)


SENEC recalled that on March 5 and 6, 2020, the 5th report on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which was presented to the United Nations on October 31, 2018, was discussed before the Human Rights Committee. SENEC said that the dialogue went smoothly and the members of the Committee who intervened had been well prepared.

b. Deadlines for the delivery of the next reports and the next defenses

SENEC mentioned that in 2020 the following documents would have to be delivered to the United Nations: 5th Report on the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR); update of Portugal's core document; additional information regarding the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

In relation to 2021, taking into account the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, she said that every effort was being made so that the discussions of the reports would not take place in the first half of the year, so as not to coincide with the Presidency.

(v) NCHR future

a. NCHR´s cooperation and international contacts

SENEC expressed her satisfaction that the work carried out by NCHR is praised by other countries and international organizations, namely in the United Nations universe. As an example, she recalled that Cape Verde expressed interest in the NCHR model, a country where the NCHR participated in a seminar recently, and that, in 2019, a delegation from Mozambique came to learn about the functioning of the NCHR.

With the objective of investing more and more in cooperation with other countries, the members of the NCHR would proceed in their international contacts to disseminate the action and functioning of the NCHR, as well as its availability and capacity to cooperate with similar entities, existing or in creation phase, from other countries.

b. Human rights indicators


As for human rights indicators, the guest, Virgínia Brás Gomes, highlighted the work developed by NCHR over the years, which has been worthy of several international references in terms of good national human rights practices.

Then she clarified that the illustrative lists of indicators were created by the OHCHR for the purpose of objectively measuring human rights and filling information gaps. The various lists of indicators contained civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights indicators, giving universality to this analysis, and it is up to the States to adapt these lists to their national reality. Virgínia Brás Gomes identified the two moments of future intervention in the NCHR: 1st, to evaluate the existing lists and 2nd, to reflect and, eventually, to propose new lists of indicators for “new rights”, confirming the structuring nature of this project.

SENEC thanked this proposal and reinforced that the project of the indicators should be revitalized, suggesting that the coordination of the same should be attributed to Virgínia Brás Gomes in the manner indicated, with the collaboration of the Executive Secretariat of the NCHR, which was consensual.

c. NCHR´s activities report - discussion of new model

The NCHR decided to start using a new model for the II part of the Activities Report, related to human rights good practices.

(vi) Other subjects

SENEC stressed that it is important that all Ministries collaborate in the feeding of Facebook pages and the NCHR website, given their increasing visibility, sending news about their activities.


2. 30th plenary meeting - September 23 (open to civil society)

On September 23, it took place the 30th plenary meeting of the NCHR opened to civil society chaired by the then Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (SENEC), Teresa Ribeiro. In addition to the representatives of the various governmental areas, the Secretary of State for Justice (SEJ), Anabela Pedroso, was present and as a guest Vera Ávila, former Head of the Human Rights Division and Director for Multilateral Political Organizations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, between 2011 and 2019.

On this occasion, the following points were addressed:

(i) Celebration of NCHR's 10 years of existence (2010-2020)

Vera Ávila thanked the invitation to be present at this session and recalled that the decision to create the NCHR resulted from the commitment assumed by Portugal at the Human Rights Council, in Geneva, on December 4, 2009, on the occasion of the presentation of the 1st UPR report.

She recalled that before the creation of the NCHR, Portugal had a backlog in the submission of seven human rights reports to the United Nations, the drafting of which was an ad hoc task, shared between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Attorney General's Office.

The creation of the NCHR made it possible to catch up on the submission of reports, to develop inter-ministerial coordination in terms of human rights, to contribute to the international recognition of the NCHR as good practice by the United Nations, and to further promote the growing link with civil society, through the implementation of several initiatives such as the online conference cycle “Conversations in Time of a Pandemic”, held in 2020.

The guest also mentioned that alongside the growth of the NCHR, some difficulties also arose, such as the confusion between the role played by the NCHR and the responsibilities of the Ombud office. In fact, the NCHR does not have the legal competence to respond to individual complaints from citizens, as it is an intergovernmental structure for coordinating policies in the area of human rights, and forwards these complaints to the competent governance areas according to the matter, with the objective to collect their responses.


Vera Ávila also recalled that Portugal's visibility in the United Nations, namely in the campaign for the election to the Security Council, depends on its performance in different dimensions, especially in terms of human rights.

In this regard, SENEC intervened stressing the importance of the separation of powers and action between the NCHR and the Ombud office and added that the debate on human rights will continue to live, at an international level, in the near future, and it is up to Portugal to maintain the centrality of human rights in Portuguese foreign policy.

(ii) The promotion and protection of human rights in times of the COVID-19 pandemic a. Cycle of virtual conferences “Conversations in Time of a Pandemic”

SENEC introduced this point stating that, in order to stimulate and deepen the dialogue with civil society and to promote a reflection on the protection of human rights in the exceptional period of the pandemic, the Executive Secretariat of the NCHR has been organizing a cycle of online conferences entitled “Conversations in Time of a Pandemic”, dedicated to the theme “Human Rights and COVID-19”.

The "Conversations in Time of a Pandemic" included a first cycle of five sessions dedicated to the themes: "Freedom and Confinement" (in July); “The right to privacy in the digital age and disinformation in times of a pandemic” (in September); “The Importance of Mental Health” (in October); “The Rights of the Child” (in November) and “Safeguarding the Rights of Migrants and Refugees” (in December). This initiative involved representatives of public institutions, academia and civil society in the joint debate on these topics.

On July 15, 2020, the first session of the cycle of these virtual conferences took place. The Minister of State and Foreign Affairs, , spoke as the keynote speaker. The panel also included the participation of Patrícia Galvão Teles, professor at the Autonomous University of Lisbon and member of the International Law Commission and Pedro Neto, Executive Director of Amnesty International in Portugal. The session was moderated by Eunice Lourenço, a journalist for Rádio Renascença. During the session, a video message was also shown by the Director of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the


Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Ingibjörg Gísladóttir, who stressed the need to protect human rights defenders at risk.

On the September 15, the 2nd session of this cycle of conferences was held, dedicated to the theme “The right to privacy in the digital age and disinformation in times of pandemic”. The Minister of Justice, , spoke as the main speaker, through a recorded message. The panel of speakers was composed by Gustavo Cardoso, full professor at ISCTE and lawyer João Marecos, co-author of the digital page "Os Truques da Imprensa Portuguesa". The moderation was led by journalist Paulo Pena, from the European consortium Investigate Europe. Videos of Vice-President of the European Commission, Vera Jourová, responsible for the “Values and Transparency” portfolio, and of the Director of the OECD's Department of Science, Technology and Innovation, Andrew W. Wyckoff, were also shown, recorded especially for the occasion.

SENEC pointed out that the digital seminars were being very well attended by the audience, which reflects well the importance and timeliness of the topics proposed for debate. All information regarding digital seminars was available for consultation on the NCHR website, in addition, of course, to the dissemination made directly to NGOs, both before and after each of these seminars.

She also informed that the 3rd online session of “Conversations in Time of a Pandemic”, dedicated to the theme “The importance of mental health”, would take place on October 14, 2020.

b. The publication of the document "Portugal and the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic"

SENEC recalled that Portugal implemented several measures aiming at the promoting and protecting of human rights during the pandemic.

As decided at the last plenary session of the NCHR, all areas of governance sent detailed information to the Executive Secretariat on the measures taken to promote and defend human rights during the pandemic, with the aim of being compiled into a document that would provide a comprehensive and systematization of the main actions developed in the context of the


pandemic from the perspective of the promotion and protection of human rights, while serving as a repository of information on this matter.

This document was widely disseminated by international organizations and the external network of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

SENEC said that the elaboration and availability of this document by the NCHR was cause for international recognition, namely by the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, Maria Pejcinovic Buric, who, through the letter she addressed to the Permanent Mission of Portugal, considered the document “a testament to Portugal's commitment to the values and norms of the Council of Europe”, having at that time reiterated the organization's determination to continue to support national authorities in order to ensure that measures taken to combat the pandemic are in line with the legal obligations assumed by Member States.

SENEC reported that the document “Portugal and the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic” was available for consultation, in Portuguese and in English, on the website

(iii) Obligations of Portugal regarding International Human Rights Conventions within the scope of the United Nations and the Council of Europe a. Common Core document

The new Head of the Human Rights Division of the Directorate-General for Foreign Policy of the MFA (CdD DH), Ana e Brito Maneira, presented this point, clarifying that the Common Core document contains an overview of the demographic, economic, legal, social structure and policy of the State under analysis and which must also contain information of a general and factual nature.

b. Deadlines for the submission of the next reports and next dialogues

CdD DH reported that, in 2021, due to the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Executive Secretariat had made efforts to ensure that the interactive dialogues with the Treaty Bodies did not take place in the first half of the year. In addition, given the exceptional circumstances experienced since March 2020, the functioning and work of international institutions had been affected, including in the United Nations, leading to the


cancellation of dialogues. She clarified that, although this does not affect the expected reporting obligation by the States, this delay would inevitably end up having an impact on the dates for carrying out the dialogues, so that in 2021 Portugal would hardly discuss the recently submitted reports regarding the Convention on the Elimination of All the Forms of Discrimination against Women, submitted in November 2019; International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, submitted in February 2020; and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, submitted in June 2020.

Thus, the NCHR would have to wait for the schedules of the dialogues carried out by the United Nations, so it was hoped that an updated calendar regarding these discussions could be circulated soon.

Additional information regarding the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) should be sent, by December, 6 2020, to the respective Committee.

(iv) Updating the civil society contact list

SENEC started this point by saying that the NCHR Executive Secretariat regularly disseminates, electronically, relevant information to civil society organizations. This dissemination aims to strengthen collaboration with this sector and collect their contributions in the most different matters related to human rights. However, it was found that many e-mails were returned as undeliverable, which could mean that relevant information would not be reaching the recipients, as would be desirable.

In this sense, SENEC asked civil society representatives to send updated information regarding national human rights NGO for the dissemination of information and the collection of contributions by the NCHR.

(v) Other subjects

SENEC noted that during the previous plenary meeting it was agreed to revitalize the national human rights indicators project, which started in 2012.


The national indicators developed so far could be consulted on the website of the NCHR and referred to the following areas: education, health, freedom and individual security, and prevention and combating violence against women.

SENEC reported that, in October 2020, the 1st meeting of the NCHR Working Group dedicated to the development of new sectoral lists of indicators based on the model of the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights (ACDH) would take place.


3. 31st plenary meeting - December 10

On December 10, the 31st plenary meeting of the NCHR was held by videoconference chaired by the then Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (SENEC), Teresa Ribeiro. In addition to the representatives of the various governmental areas, the Secretary of State for Justice (SEJ), Anabela Pedroso, and the Secretary of State for Innovation and Administrative Modernization, Maria de Fátima Fonseca, were also present.

On this occasion, the following points were addressed:

Previous point - Balance of mandate and farewell to the President of the NCHR

Following the approval of the agenda, the President of the NCHR reported that she had recently been appointed to the position of Media Freedom Representative of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), so she would soon be leaving the Portuguese Government.

In this sense, she took stock of her administration, which began in 2015, as President of the NCHR, recalling how much had been achieved in these 5 years and whose milestones are reported in the previous reports of the plenary meetings.

She then gave the floor to CdD DH, Ana e Brito Maneira, who chaired the rest of the meeting.

(i) Preparation of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union (PPUE)

CdD DH recalled that Portugal would assume on January,1 2021, for the 4th time, the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

The Portuguese Presidency succeeds the German and precedes the Slovenian, countries that make up the 2020/2021 Presidency Trio, which established the 18-month program from which Portugal defined its priorities, also taking into account the European Committee's work program for 2021. The Trio program is influenced by the commitment to tackle the COVID-19 crisis and post-pandemic recovery and is based on the main priorities defined in the Strategic Agenda 2019-2024. Portugal will work for a more resilient, social, green, digital and global European Union.


CdD DH reported that at the level of human rights the priorities identified in the PPUE program are:

• As a cross-cutting priority - the promotion of equal opportunities and the fight against all forms of discrimination;

• As specific priorities - combating poverty, discrimination and social exclusion; the guarantee of minimum income; the bet on social economy and innovation; the empowerment of vulnerable adults; the inclusion of persons with disabilities; and promoting the rights of the child.

As for the Human Rights Working Group (COHOM), of the Council of the EU, the priority is the implementation of the Action Plan for Human Rights and Democracy of the European Union 2020-2024, standing out in this context: the abolition of death penalty; the promotion, protection and realization of economic, social and cultural rights; the rights of the child; combating racial discrimination; and the promotion of gender equality.

The CdD DH asked NCHR members to regularly send the Executive Secretariat information on the human rights initiatives to be carried out by the respective areas during the Portuguese Presidency, underlining the importance of maintaining close articulation and coordination on these matters within the NCHR.

(ii) State of play regarding Council of Europe events

a. Implementation of cooperation priorities between the European Union (EU) and the Council of Europe 2020-2022

CdD DH recalled that the Council Conclusions on the European Union's cooperation priorities with the Council of Europe for the period 2020-2022 had been adopted in July 2020, having been developed around the three pillars of the Council of Europe (Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law).

Among these priorities, she highlighted the promotion of gender equality under the Istanbul Convention; promoting freedom of expression and the press; combating disinformation; the protection of human rights defenders; the implementation of the European Green Deal; the fight against discrimination; and cooperation in matters of asylum and migration.


She also highlighted the promotion of social rights, through the European Social Charter of the Council of Europe and the European Social Pillar of the European Union, which is also one of the priorities of the Portuguese Presidency and the Union's commitment to resume negotiations for accession to the European Convention on Human Rights.

Since Member States are now called upon to share actions that are being put in place to implement these priorities, members of the NCHR were asked to provide the Executive Secretariat with information on relevant initiatives in this area.

b. Visits by members of the Council of Europe Committees to Portugal and reporting

CdD DH noted that certain Council of Europe conventions require the regular presentation of national reports and their discussion in Strasbourg, as well as a commitment to receive visits by expert groups from the Committees that monitor the implementation of these conventions.

Portugal will have to report to the Group of Independent Experts responsible for monitoring the application of the Istanbul Convention (GREVIO) on the implementation of the recommendations contained in this report by January 30, 2022.

Portugal responded to the 3rd questionnaire of the Expert Group on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) in February 2020. The expert group's assessment visit was postponed due to the pandemic. Thus, it is possible that the report with the recommendations will not be presented by GRETA in March 2021, the date initially foreseen.

The European Committee against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) published the 5th report on Portugal in October 2018. Two years after this publication, it asked Portugal to send responses on the status of implementation of two recommendations, which were sent last September 11.

Following the ad hoc visit to Portugal of the Committee of the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman and Degrading Treatments or Punishments (CPT), held in December 2019, the report of the visit was made known to Portugal in July 2020. On November 13, both the recommendations and the national responses were published.

As part of the 4th cycle of monitoring the national implementation of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, the Committee envisaged a follow-up visit to Portugal on April 16, 2020, which ended up only taking place on September 29 (good


practice recognized by the Executive Committee). Portugal's 5th reporting cycle requires the presentation of a new report on September 1, 2023.

CdD DH requested the collaboration of the Ministries that ensure the representation of Portugal in the various bodies of the Council of Europe in the sharing of information regarding reporting and evaluation.

The Executive Secretariat of the NCHR was responsible for preparing a table for monitoring the drafting of reports and visits by expert groups of the Council of Europe Committees to Portugal, similar to the table that already exists for the United Nations.

c. State of play of signatures and ratifications of Council of Europe Conventions

CdD DH recalled that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs conducts the processes of signing and ratifying international conventions and protocols, namely from the Council of Europe, among which some correspond to human rights matters, in relation to which the monitoring is done by the NCHR Executive Secretariat.

Portugal currently has five Council of Europe instruments in the process of being signed and seven in the process of being approved in the domestic legal order, a necessary precondition for these multilateral instruments to be legally binding on the Portuguese State.

(iii) Portugal's obligations under United Nations human rights conventions

a. “Business and Human Rights” - state of play

CdD DH said that the theme “Business and Human Rights” - that is, the definition of minimum standards of behavior that guarantee respect for human rights in the scope of business activity - has been gaining prominence in the global human rights agenda, over the past few decades. For this reason, a Working Group (WG) dedicated specifically to this topic had been set up a few years ago within the NCHR.

The WG met on October 21, 2020, to preparing the 6th negotiating round of the Draft Convention on the matter under discussion in Geneva, and it was considered necessary to draw up a National Action Plan resulting from a inter-ministerial collaboration process, in


consultation with civil society and the Ombud office. In this sense, the Ministry of Economy has committed itself to share a project with the other members of the WG.

b. Forecast of interactive dialogues with the Committees for 2021

Given the exceptional pandemic circumstances experienced since March 2020, the functioning and work of international institutions was ultimately affected, including at the United Nations, leading to the postponement of the planned dialogues.

In any case, the NCHR should prepare the submission of the following information:

• National response to the list of questions prior to the consideration of the 10th report on the application of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW);

• Additional information on the recommendations in § 33, 37 and 41 of the final conclusions regarding the national application of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

c. Simplified procedure for reporting to treaty bodies

CdD DH recalled that the ratification by Portugal of the vast majority of international human rights conventions, both of the United Nations and of the Council of Europe, translates into multiple reporting obligations. The treaty bodies have proceeded to simplify this process, through a simplified reporting mechanism. The reports are built on the basis of a list of questions, sent by the respective Committee, without requiring further questions to be presented until the report is discussed. Portugal asked the Committees to adhere to this reporting model for 5 of the 8 United Nations human rights conventions subscribed to date.

CdD DH informed that the Executive Secretariat of the NCHR intends to request the application of this reporting model to the remaining (3) Committees at the time when the dialogues of the respective reports are carried out, expectedly in 2021, namely:

• Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR);

• Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD);

• Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).


NCHR members did not oppose the procedure.

(iv) Human Rights Indicators Working Group

CdD DH recalled that at the 29th plenary meeting, held on May 20, 2020, the revitalization of the national human rights indicators project started in 2012 was agreed, with Virgínia Brás Gomes coordinating it, with the collaboration of the Executive Secretariat of the NCHR. The national indicators developed until 2015, published on the NCHR website (, refer to the following areas: education; health; individual freedom and security; and preventing and combating violence against women.

On October 20, 2020, the first meeting of the new Human Rights Indicators WG was held. As the development and updating of the indicator lists can have a political impact, it is up to each area of governance to decide on the opportunity to do so.

After the debate on this topic, CdD DH concluded by noting that the work of the Human Rights Indicators WG would be resumed globally only in September 2021, but that nothing would prevent the Ministry of Culture from moving forward, in the first half of 2021, with its exploratory work in cooperation with Virgínia Brás Gomes and the representative of the Statistics Portugal (INE). This will be a pioneer task, since there is no predefined list with indicators on the right to culture.

The CdD DH also requested Virgínia Brás Gomes and the Statistics Portugal representative to work together in the construction of a strategic document referring to human rights indicators to be presented in September 2021 in the Human Rights Indicators WG.

(v) State of play of the 2020 Activity Report and 2021 Activity Plan of the NCHR

NCHR members were asked to send contributions to the NCHR's 2020 activity report and NCHR's 2021 activity plan to the NCHR Executive Secretariat.

(vi) NHRC´s future

a. Collaboration with the Autonomous Regions of the Azores and Madeira


As decided at the last meeting of the NCHR, the CdD DH reported that the Autonomous Regions of the Azores and Madeira, through their respective Regional Governments, were invited to designate representatives to participate as observers at the NCHR, pending a response.

b. NCHR training actions

CdD DH said that the Executive Secretariat advanced in 2020 with a set of actions fulfilling its purpose of disseminating the theme of human rights at the national level, through the dissemination of information and carrying out training actions, and that in 2021 it wishes to make these actions a routine activity.

NCHR members were asked to send, in writing, the training actions that could be developed at NCHR headquarters.

(vii) Other subjects

To extend the recipients of the list of information dissemination to NGOs, a permanent highlight was placed on the homepage of the NCHR website, informing that organizations interested in cooperating with the Committee can proceed with the respective registration. NCHR members were asked to disclose this information to their networks of contacts with civil society.



In 2020, three working group meetings were held.

1. Preparation for the discussion of the 5th national report on the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

On February 7 and 19, meetings of the working group (WG) were held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the aim of preparing the dialogue with the Human Rights Committee regarding the 5th national report. This dialogue took place in Geneva on March 5 and 6.

All representatives who took part of the national delegation were present, including Judge Counselor Lopes da Mota, who led the delegation at technical level.

2. Human Rights Indicators working group

As part of the process of evaluating human rights indicators, and as agreed at the 29th plenary meeting of the NCHR, a meeting of the working group on human rights indicators (WG) was held on a hybrid format on October 20.

This meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministries of Economy and Digital Transition, National Defence, Home Affairs (online), State Modernization and Public Administration, Culture, Education, Labour, Solidarity and Social Affairs, Health and Statistics Portugal (online), with Virgínia Brás Gomes coordinating it.

Virgínia Brás Gomes clarified that human rights indicators do not have a purely statistical function, but that of measuring the realization of human rights. She said that the NCHR, in partnership with Statistics Portugal, had a pioneering role in terms of indicators and that the Ministries, between 2012-2015, chose to follow the model of the United Nations because they had no other experiences to be based on. The development and updating of the lists of indicators can have a political impact, so it is up to each Ministry to decide on the opportunity to do so. She considered that given the relevance and timeliness of the “digital rights” theme expressed by different Ministries, a working group should be created to work on these rights, such as access to the internet and the protection of discriminated groups.


The representative of the Ministry of Culture maintained her interest in developing indicators on cultural rights (access, inclusion of minorities, etc.).

The Head of the Human Rights Division concluded the meeting, indicating the importance of:

• Receiving responses from the Ministries involved in the development of national indicators referring to “Individual Freedom and Security” and “Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women”, namely from the Ministry of Justice and the Committee for Citizenship and Gender Equality, regarding the questions asked;

• Each Ministry to study the contribution it could make to the joint development of digital rights;

• The NCHR Executive Secretariat provide thematic information to the Ministries regarding the indicators they intend to develop.

3. Business and Human Rights working group

As part of the process of defining a national position on the topic “Business and Human Rights”, and following the request for confirmation of participation in the NCHR Working Group (GT) on Business and Human Rights held at the 30th plenary meeting of the NCHR , the Ministries of Economy, Justice and Labour, Solidarity and Social Affairs, the Commission for Equality and the Ombud office (observer) expressed interest in joining this WG.

The meeting of this WG took place on October 21 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to prepare the 6th negotiating round of the Draft Convention on the matter under discussion in Geneva.

During the meeting, the need to draw up a National Action Plan that resulted from a process of inter-ministerial collaboration, in consultation with civil society and the Ombud office, was manifest.

In this sense, the Ministry of Economy committed itself to share the project with the other members of the WG, as soon as possible.



1. Cooperation with civil society

The NCHR is a forum for broad and privileged debate on human rights, increasingly recognized as an important and useful interlocutor of international and national non-governmental organizations (NGOs) active in this area.

Throughout 2020, the NCHR continued to actively promote the dissemination and information on actions taken to promote and protect all civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights.

According to information available on the homepage of the NCHR website (, any NGO can send an email to the NCHR email address ([email protected]) and ask to be registered on the dissemination list of the Committee. In 2020, a necessary update of this list of dissemination with NGOs was carried out, ensuring that the information reaches those who, effectively, have an interest in dialoguing with the NCHR.

In addition to participating in Committee meetings, some civil society institutions also met bilaterally with the Executive Secretariat of the NCHR to address various human rights issues, at national and international levels.

On September 10, the then Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Teresa Ribeiro, as President of the NCHR, participated in a meeting with the EuroMed Feminist Initiative (EFI), who accompanied a delegation made up of six Syrian activists.

The meeting took place at the Queen's Library of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was attended by several members of the NCHR, namely representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Presidency, National Defence, Justice, Education and Labour, Solidarity and Social Affairs.

Helena Barroco, Coordinator of the Global Platform for Syrian Students, an initiative of former President of the Republic Jorge Sampaio, who also participated, spoke about the Platform's action in facilitating the continuation, in Portugal and in other countries, of courses in higher education that Syrian students had to interrupt due to the civil war in the country.

EFI representatives addressed the critical situation facing Syrian women in the face of the consequences of the armed conflict, in particular the millions of refugees and internally


displaced persons. The need to reinforce support for these vulnerable communities was also addressed, as well as the dialogue with the Syrian regime in order to establish peace.

SENEC described the action of the NCHR as an inter-ministerial coordination body, emphasizing the importance that Portugal attaches to the promotion and protection of human rights. In this context, she expressed empathy with the situation of the Syrian population, especially women and children, recalling that Portugal has received refugees from that country and has supported the negotiations for a political solution between the parties, to achieving a lasting sustainable peace. Likewise, she underlined the importance of the work of these activists, and other civil society organizations, to ensure a peaceful future not only for Syrian women, but also for the entire population of the country.

EFI's main objectives are to protect and promote women's rights as universal human rights, the value of gender equality and the use of non-violent means to resolve conflicts.

2. Cooperation with other countries

On July 8, a videoconference took place between the then Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Teresa Ribeiro, in her capacity as President of the NCHR, and Ambassador Gamal Eldin, then Secretary General of the Supreme Permanent Committee on Human Rights of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

The purpose of the meeting, requested by Egypt, was to exchange views on the functioning of the NCHR and its Egyptian counterpart, addressing technical issues related to the preparation and discussion of national reports on the matter, as well as the implementation of the recommendations emanating from the Working Group of the Human Rights Council (HRC) on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).

The Portuguese delegation also included the Portuguese Manuela Franco, Ambassador to Cairo, Patrícia Galvão Teles, Professor at the Autonomous University of Lisbon and a member of the United Nations Committee on International Law, and other officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On the Egyptian side, the delegation was composed by the Egyptian Ambassador in Lisbon, Adel El Alfy, by the Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cairo, Omnia Adel, and by other officials of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Following this meeting, the Executive Secretariat of the NCHR participated in the digital seminar promoted by Egypt, together with the representatives of Paraguay and Mexico, regarding the monitoring of the implementation of the recommendations of the international human rights mechanisms and systems of follow-up.

Then there was a discussion, with the Egyptian counterpart, on best practices in terms of creating and monitoring human rights indicators, through a videoconference held on October 22, in which Virgínia Brás Gomes also participated. The occasion was an interesting exchange of experiences between the two countries.

3. The institutional page online and on Facebook

In 2019, the institutional page of the NCHR was launched with a renewed image on the internet, with an abbreviated version in English. The NCHR website is part of a broader domain, gathering relevant information in this area at

The institutional website contains news, reports, activity plans and a wide range of other useful information for those who follow matters related to human rights.

The NCHR Facebook page, in operation since December 2014, gained several followers in 2020, as a result of the almost daily publication of news reporting on events, national and international human rights campaigns, interviews, announcements of training actions promoted by NCHR, among numerous other publications of interest. 1499967800269518/ The Facebook page, on December 31, 2020, had almost 2990 followers, that is, 955 more than in 2019.


Example of a post published, on November 5, 2020, on the Conference “Conversations in Time of a Pandemic” dedicated to the theme “The rights of the child”:


4. Digital conferences

In 2020, a cycle of digital conferences entitled “Conversations in Time of a Pandemic” was organized, dedicated to the theme “Human Rights and COVID-19”, consisting of 5 sessions that took place between July and December 2020.

This cycle followed an assumption underlying the NCHR's action, which is the promotion of regular, transparent and inclusive discussions on current and relevant issues in terms of human rights, approaching civil society and fostering greater involvement of the academy.

The conferences, open to all interested parties, were widely disseminated on the websites and Facebook of NCHR and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the diplomatic and consular missions and representations of Portugal abroad, as well as the NCHR dissemination list with its members, NGOs, the academic community and foreign embassies accredited in Lisbon.

The first session was held on July 15, dedicated to the theme “Freedom and Confinement”. It was presented by the then President of the NCHR, Teresa Ribeiro, and had as guest speakers the Minister of State and Foreign Affairs, Augusto Santos Silva, the Professor at the Autonomous University of Lisbon and a member of the United Nations International Law Committee, Patrícia Galvão Teles, and the Executive Director of Amnesty International in


Portugal, Pedro Neto. The videoconference was moderated by Rádio Renascença journalist, Eunice Lourenço.

The second session was held on September 15, dedicated to the topic “The right to privacy in the digital age and disinformation in a time of pandemic” and was presented by the then President of the NCHR, Teresa Ribeiro, with the Minister of Justice, Francisca van Dunem, Full Professor at ISCTE-IUL, Gustavo Cardoso, and the co-author of the digital page "Os Truques da Imprensa Portuguesa", João Marecos. The videoconference was moderated by the journalist from the European consortium Investigate Europe. Paulo Pena. Videos were also shown of the Vice-President of the European Committee, Vera Jourová, and of the Director of the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation of the OECD, Andrew W. Wyckoff.

The third session was held on October 14, dedicated to the theme “The importance of mental health” and was presented by the then President of the NCHR, Teresa Ribeiro, with the invited speakers: Minister of Health, , the retired professor from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, José Miguel Caldas de Almeida, the President of FamiliarMente, Joaquina Castelão, and the founder of the Manicómio Project, Sandro Resende. The videoconference was moderated by Lusa journalist, António Pereira Neves. Videos of the World Health Organization's QualityRights Initiative Coordinator, Michelle Funk, and the former United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to physical and mental health, Dainius Puras, were shown.

The fourth session was held on November 20, dedicated to the theme “The rights of the child”, and was presented by the Secretary of State for Justice, Anabela Pedroso, replacing the then President of the NCHR, Teresa Ribeiro. The speakers were the Minister of Education, Tiago Brandão, the former Representative of the UN Secretary-General on violence against children, Marta Santos Pais, the Director of the Portuguese ProChild CoLAB Collaborative Project against Poverty and Social Exclusion, Manuel Sarmento, and Sofia Oliveira on behalf of the Student Climate Strike. The videoconference was moderated by Expresso journalist Christiana Martins. Videos were shown of the former Member of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, Jorge Cardona Llorens, the Director of the UNICEF Innocenti Project, Gunilla Olsson, and the Portuguese Ambassador to UNESCO, António Sampaio da Nóvoa.

The fifth session was held on December 15, on the topic “Safeguarding the rights of migrants and refugees”, having been presented and moderated by the then President of the NCHR, Teresa Ribeiro. The Minister of State and the Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, the Director-


General of the International Organization for Migration, António Vitorino, the Permanent Representative of Portugal to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva, Ambassador Rui Macieira, Member of the Board of Directors of the High Commission for Migration, José Reis, Coordinator of the Global Platform for Higher Education in Emergencies, Helena Barroco, and researcher Bárbara Matias. Videos were shown of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, of the Director for the Health of Migration of the World Health Organization, Santino Severoni, and of the Mayor of Palermo, winner of the North-South Council Prize of Europe 2019, Leoluca Orlando.

The 5 sessions had a total attendance of around 500 persons, showing the interest in these matters and the search for information from credible sources and with quality.

The summaries of the 5 sessions were published in Portuguese and in English on the NCHR website, where videos recorded especially for these occasions by international speakers are also available for viewing, as well as videos with the full recordings of the digital sessions. The permanent availability of this material not only allows anyone, at any time, to have access to quality information on the topics under discussion, but also increases the visibility of the NCHR's website regarding other news.

5. Training

The promotion and protection of human rights occupies a central place in national policy, which is manifested, namely, in the fact that Portugal is a State party to the most significant human rights international instruments.

In 2020, the Executive Secretariat of the NCHR put forward a series of actions fulfilling its purpose of disseminating human rights related issues at the national level, having carried out a training action dedicated to the topic “Writing techniques for the preparation of international reports in the area of human rights.

This training, approved at the 29th plenary meeting of the NCHR, aimed to identify the type of information that the various Treaty Bodies of the United Nations expect States to provide in their reports, to avoid the most common errors in terms of over or under information and, also, enable a more effective, simple and focused drafting of national reports.


This training action took place on September 17, in partnership with the Diplomatic Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which also certified it. The training was free of charge and aimed at senior civil servants placed in the various services who are called upon to participate in the drafting of national human rights reports to be submitted to the Treaty Bodies. The invitation was also extended to the participation of representatives from other member states of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries.

In total, this training action had an audience of 111 participants, including trainees from Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde and Timor-Leste.

The training action was presented by the then President of the NCHR, Teresa Ribeiro, and by the Director of the Diplomatic Institute, Ambassador Freitas Ferraz.

The trainers were Virgínia Brás Gomes, Advisor to the Directorate-General for Social Affairs, Member of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (2003 to 2010 and 2012 to 2018), President of the Committee (2017/2018) and co-rapporteur of General Comments of the Committee on the Right to Social Security and the Right to Fair and Favorable Conditions of Work, as well as Raquel Tavares, jurist of the Department of Judicial Cooperation and International Relations of the Attorney General's Office.

Virgínia Brás Gomes presented the theme “Reporting to the United Nations Treaty Bodies: transparency and effectiveness”. Raquel Tavares presented the “Reporting to the United Nations human rights organizations - practical aspects”.

In 2021 the NCHR intends to make training activities a routine activity, considering that there is a considerable disproportion between the registered demand and the relative scarcity of the training offer currently available in Portugal in these areas.

6. Institutional matters

Within the framework of the XXI Constitutional Government, as Vice-President of the NCHR and alternate representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Committee, the Deputy Director-General for Foreign Policy, Francisco Alegre Duarte, was responsible for multilateral issues on human rights matters, a role he held until October 18, 2019.


In March 2020, the new Deputy Director-General for Foreign Policy, Cristina Castanheta, responsible for multilateral human rights issues, assumed the role of Vice-President of the NCHR and alternate representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Committee.

On December 4, 2020, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Teresa Ribeiro, also President of the NCHR, was appointed, by consensus of the Ministerial Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), representative for the Freedom of the media of that organization.

It is the first time that Portugal occupies one of the top positions of the OSCE, in a clear recognition of her professional and personal competence for the performance of functions in an international position of the greatest relevance for the defense and promotion of freedom of expression and the media.

At the same time, the new Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Francisco André, assumed the Presidency of the NCHR, on December 15.



The second part of this report describes the activities related to human rights conducted by members of the NCHR during the year 2020, listing, when possible, the results achieved.

Up to a maximum of four good practices implemented by each member of the NCHR during the reference period of the report were selected, which are divided here by thematic areas, in accordance with article 4 of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers 27/2010 which created the NCHR.

For each selected good practice, a description of the activity and the results achieved is included.


Government Measures of the Good practices Activity description Results achieved area 2020 Activity Plan The Directorate-General for Economic Activities (DGAE), in collaboration with Disseminate and the Portuguese Association of share good practices Distribution Companies, shared and Publication on the DGAE website of the Library of regarding the disseminated good circular economy Good Practices of Circular Economy of Distribution importance of Actions related to the practices implemented by the and Retail, which currently contains 75 examples of adopting standards circular economy in distribution and retail sectors, the good practices in Circular Economy. of Responsible companies and with

analysis of non-financial barriers Organization of 4 thematic workshops aimed at Business Conduct consumers. limiting the development of a more public entities and relevant economic operators, and respect and circular economy within the activity with an average of 60 participants. protection of human developed by these sectors and rights. consumer awareness of sustainable

consumption. TRANSITION Selection, evaluation, storage and Donation of 1.3 tonnes of meat, meat products and Continue the policies management of seized vegetables, 135 units of various food supplies (eg, for donating goods assets for future ASAE made a total of 46 donations in DIGITAL olive oil, honey, milk) and 10936 units of clothing, seized in the context donation, as well as mainland Portugal until December 18, footwear and accessories to non-profit entities,

of criminal and raising the awareness 2020. The value of these donations AND AND

mostly Private Social Solidarity Institutions (IPSS)

Y administrative of judicial entities, in reached 217 262 €, of which 99% to support children and young persons, support for offenses instituted the act of decision in (215 176.5 €) are related to non-food families and communities, public institutions for by the Food and the context of criminal products and the remaining 1% (€ social reintegration, associations for humanitarian Economic Security proceedings, for the 2,085.5) for food products.

and social assistance, support and defense of ECONOM

Authority (ASAE). donation at the

– animals and psychiatric hospitals.

destination to be given I I to the seized assets. The Directorate-General for Publications with the themes “Play and swim Carrying out Continuing consumer Consumers (DGC) raised awareness safely”, “Valentine's Day”, “Carnival in safety”, information and education and on the health and safety of “Happy Easter”, “Reading the label”, “Campaign - awareness actions training initiatives to consumers, through the preparation Back to school”, “COVID-19 protection masks” aimed, in particular, at protect their health of brochures, information campaigns, were published” on the DGC website, Facebook the most vulnerable and safety. information leaflets and and YouTube channel, as well as with the partners consumers. recommendations. that make up the Consumer Protection System.

The DGC, the Directorate-General for The September session was attended by 60 Education and DECO held on teachers and is available for viewing at the 9/30/2020, an outreach session for Carrying out following links: teachers called “Talking about information and education for consumption”. awareness actions 89457297765618/ e On December 9, 2020, the DGC held a directed, in particular, publicity session in the Lisbon to schools. educacao-para-o-consumo “Education and consumption” theme, The December session was attended by 90 at a school in Lisbon, addressed to students. 8th grade students.


Government Measures of the 2020 Good practices Activity description Results achieved area Activity Plan The report was published on the NCHR Disseminate the work Prepare the NCHR activity Compilation of the work carried website and disseminated widely on carried out within the scope report, complying with the out over a year by the members NCHR's Facebook page and through the of the NCHR as an stipulations of paragragh 18 of of the Committee in an activity Ministry of Foreign Affairs network and interministerial coordination the Resolution of the Council report, presenting the most through the NCHR's dissemination list body in the field of human of Ministers no. 27/2010, relevant initiatives undertaken. among members of the NCHR, NGOs, and rights. which creates the NCHR. foreign embassies accredited in Lisbon. This cycle of conferences had a total 5 sessions, open to the public, attendance of around 500 persons in between July and December, 2020. The abstracts in Portuguese and Conduct the cycle of digital dedicated to the theme “Human English, as well as the videos of the conferences “Conversations in rights and COVID-19”, with sessions, were made available for time of a pandemic”. speakers from the governmental consultation on the NCHR website, area, the academic world and allowing a wide consultation by all, at any civil society. time.

Raise awareness of human The training action was attended by 111 FOREIGN AFFAIRS FOREIGN

rights related topics at the Training event “Techniques for participants, including representatives – national level sharing

I the preparation of international from other CPLP member states,

I Conduct a training action. information and carrying reports in the area of human contributing to the dissemination of NHRC out training actions. rights” on 9/17/2020. also in the area of international training in human resources.

Regular placement of news, celebrations of commemorative NCHR's Facebook page, on December 31, Feeding of NCHR's website and dates, national and international 2020, had almost 2990 followers, that is, Facebook campaigns, among other events 955 more than in 2019. in the area of human rights.


Measures of the Government 2020 Activity Good practices Activity description Results achieved area Plan The new instruments to combat domestic The new instruments were developed and violence standardize performance assumptions released on June 26, 2020. and define coordinated procedures among the Coverage of RNAVVD was guaranteed in 95% Implement the various agents involved, in fundamental of the national territory, the first Victim Resolution of the dimensions of intervention, in line with the Support Office was implemented at CNAIM in

Council of Ministers recommendations of the Group of Experts to Lisbon, three procurement processes were

no. 139/2019, of Combat Violence against Women and Domestic launched for the creation of residential August 19, to prevent Violence of the Council of Europe. Increase the structures for older women victims of Implement the and combat domestic responses of the National Support Network for domestic violence, two new temporary National Strategy violence. Victims of Domestic Violence (RNAVVD), to emergency responses were opened (with EQUALITY for Equality and ensure coverage of the entire territory, create more than 100 vacancies) for victims of Non-Discrimination specialized responses and new emergency domestic violence, responding to the needs 2018-2030. responses within the scope of the pandemic. arising from the pandemic context. Celebration of an Addendum to the Protocol to The Addendum to the project protocol extend the Project "Healthy Practices: End "Healthy Practices: Ending Female Genital Strengthening the Female Genital Mutilation", 5 new Health Mutilation" was signed on February 6, 2020.

TENSHIP AND TENSHIP prevention and fight Center Groups in the Greater Lisbon area Celebration of the protocol for the 6th edition CI

against female genital (Cascais, Tagus Estuary, Central Lisbon, West of the Graduate Program in Female Genital – mutilation in Portugal. Lisbon and Oeiras, and Northern Lisbon). Mutilation, which will take place at the Promote a new edition of the Graduate National School of Public Health, with an

ENCY Program in Female Genital Mutilation. improved and in-depth program. Implement the The Barometer was launched on March 6 and

Barometer of The Barometer is intended to be a tool to is available in PRESID

Remuneration support reflection, monitoring and promotion The

– Ensure compliance Differences between of equal pay for women and men for equal balance of Program 3 in Line was presented

III III with the laws of Women and Men and work or work of equal value, within the scope in the conciliation tripartite working group balanced present the balance of Law No. 60/2018, of August 21. and published in representation, sheet of the “3 in Line The balance of the execution of the “3 in Line - parity and equality. - Program for the Program for the reconciliation of professional, cacao/documento?i=balanco-da-execucao- reconciliation of personal and family life 2018-2019” was do-3-em-linha-programa-para-a-conciliacao- professional, personal presented on January 27, 2020. da-vida-profissiona-pessoal-e-familiar-2018- and family life”. 2019


Implement the “Engineers for a day” The “Engineers for a day” Program aims to The 4th edition of “Engineers for a day” was Develop projects to project and involve deconstruct gender stereotypes related to the launched in October 2020 and a program prevent and higher education areas of engineering and ICT, encouraging website was created combat sexual institutions in more girls to participate in these areas. segregation in programs to The “Gender Research 4 COVID” contest was The “Gender Research 4 COVID” contest was educational and deconstruct gender launched through FCT, to support projects that launched between May 15 and June 2, 2020. professional stereotypes that limit choices. the educational analyze the gender impacts of the COVID-19 ovid19/ choices of children crisis on the labour market, among others. and young persons.


Measures of Government Good the 2020 Activity description Results achieved area practices Activity Plan The conference counted on the interventions of the Secretary of The online conference “Religious State for Integration and Migration, Cláudia Pereira, of the High Freedom and Interreligious

Commissioner for Migration, Sónia Pereira, of the Vice-President of Dialogue: New Challenges in the Religious Freedom Committee, Fernando Soares Loja, and of Hold the Times of (more) Uncertainties” Promote the Full Professor of the Faculty of Law of the Universidade Nova Congress on took place on June 22 and served interreligious de Lisboa, Jorge Bacelar Gouveia. It counted on the interventions Interreligious to mark the National Day for dialogue. of several religious leaders and representatives of different Dialogue. Religious Freedom and IGRATIONS religious confessions, members of the Working Group for Interreligious Dialogue, Interreligious Dialogue. The recording of the conference is still celebrated for the first time in available on the Youtube platform, where it has more than 1000 Portugal. views. Maintenance of face-to-face

TION AND M AND TION Disseminate monitoring by ACM translators in information in direct actions on the ground, with 47 actions were carried out. several various communities, together DGS information has been regularly made available on the ACM languages to with other government areas,

Facebook page and in several languages since March 2020. INTEGRA

migrant contributing to the dissemination – Promote the communities. of information on public health integration of and social support. migrants during ENCY The in persons service worked the COVID-19 Ensure in uninterruptedly, by prior The email addresses [email protected], pandemic. person appointment, for urgent situations [email protected], [email protected] allowed the

assistance in in the National Support Centers reinforcement of the online service.


– urgent for the Integration of Migrants. Through the Migrant Helpline / Telephone Translation Service (808 situations during There was also a reinforcement of 257 257 | 21 810 61 91) 67,422 calls were answered in 2020, of IV IV the state of online services, with the creation which 60,065 calls started in March, when the first state of emergency. of email addresses, as well as emergency began. telephone support.


Awarding of scholarships for higher education to students from Promote the Implement the Roma communities. In the academic year 2019-2020 37 scholarships were awarded to integration of Operational In addition to the award of these 19 girls and 18 boys, with an overall success rate of 76%. Roma Programme for scholarships, a set of training, In order to mitigate the barriers that exist between Roma communities the Promotion mentoring and accompanying communities and the formal education system, OPRE made 40 through of Education measures is also offered to young university scholarships available in the academic year 2019-2020. education. (OPRE). scholarship holders and their families.


Government Measures of the Good practices Activity description Results achieved area 2020 Activity Plan GPEARI / MF responded to 2 requests for information. The Directorate-General for Budget (DGO) provided several clarifications related to the collection of information for the purpose of preparing the 2021 State Budget (OE) proposal. An answer was given to requests for A background note on the role of the MF in the information and clarification from Action Plan for Equality between Women and external entities, within the scope of Carry out measure 1.4.1. Men was placed on the GPEARI / MF website, Law No. 62/2017 - legislative CES Implementation of Article which can be consulted at: Continue to implement instrument that determines the 18 of the State Budget on policies for equality and obligation of balanced representation gender budgeting of the -e-igualdade-de-g%C3%A9nero.

FINAN non-discrimination. between women and men in the Action Plan for Equality The information published in 2020 on this - administrative and supervisory

V V between Women and Men. topic, on the DGO website, is related to the bodies of companies listed on the 2021 State Budget and respects DGO Circular stock exchange and the public 1399, of July 31, 2020 - Instructions for business sector. preparing the State Budget for 2021 (specifically points 8 to 10 and Annex IX-A to the Circular - Gender-sensitive Budgets) and OE2021 Report (point 4 of the Informative and Complementary Elements of the OE2021 Report). Government Measures of the Good practices Activity description Results achieved area 2020 Activity Plan Collection, processing and dissemination of statistical information disaggregated by sex. Implementation of Approval of Codes of Good Conduct for preventing and combating PSDNI by all National Review the PSDNI harassment in the workplace. Conducting a study on the situation of Defence bodies, in 2020 to include women in the Armed Forces, in conjunction with the Action Plan for the including the Armed a 4th pillar Implementation of UNSCR 1325. Forces, containing in (Agenda Production of a guide, in virtual format, made available to all citizens, this review the “Women, Peace relating to the military profession that integrates the gender dimension measures provided for and Security” / and promotes a greater acceptance of the military institution / in the III National MPS, in addition profession among young persons. Implementation of a module on Action Plan (PNA) for

to the Equality, equality between women and men and another on MPS in all training the implementation of Conciliation and and promotion courses for the three branches of the Armed Forces. United Nations Security Training pillars). Contribution to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Council Resolution Carry out the Goal - Gender Equality (SDG 5) through international cooperation.

1325 (UNSCR 1325). DEFENCE

planned measures Launch of the 1st edition of the “National Defence and Equality” Award, in the National considered an initiative of good practices by the Public Administration. Defence Sectorial The Coordinator and the Assistant Coordinator of the Equality Office are

IONAL Plan for Equality directly dependent of the Minister of National Defence. Their duties are T

(PSDNI) 2019-2021. to design, develop, coordinate and monitor policies that promote NA

– equality and combat discrimination and policies related to the

implementation of the MPS Agenda, as well as coordinating the MDN VI VI Create the Office Interdepartmental Team for Equality. The Gender Advisers are directly for Equality and Selection of function dependent on the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces the position of holders, and definition (CEMGFA) and the Chiefs of Staff of the Branches (Navy, Army and Air Gender Advisor in and development of Force). They have responsibilities in advising on the implementation, the Armed their responsibilities. development and monitoring of policies that promote equality and Forces. combat discrimination and those related to the implementation of UNSCR 1325 and subsequent resolutions, providing specialized technical support whenever requested. It is foreseen to occupy annually a position of Gender Advisor in a mission, being currently present in the EU mission in the Central African Republic (CAR), under Portuguese command, EUTM-CAR.

Lecture given by the CEMGFA Gender Advisor to the Civil-Military Cooperation group of the Joint Command for Military Operations, dedicated to the Integration of the Gender Perspective in military operations (1/10/2020). Training on the MPS Agenda and on violence against women at all initial training and promotion courses. Realization Develop courses, of the Specialized Training Course on Gender Equality for National adapt program Lectures, training Defence in partnership with ISCSP - University of Lisbon, attended by content and courses and inclusion of 23 trainees. Development of the 1st Training Course for Gender provide training in the theme of Human Trainers for military personnel from the Land Forces Command. the Armed Rights, International Inclusion of the theme of equality on National Defence Days. Training Forces, and in the Humanitarian Law (IHL) in the area of IHL and the Law of the Sea, to officers, sergeants and central bodies and Gender navy officers in the integrated Masters of the Naval School, Courses for and services of Mainstreaming. Improvement of Inspection in Maritime Spaces in the Training Course Train the human the MDN. for Commanders and Immediate Ship, in the Training Course for Marine resources of the Officers and in the Sailor Promotion Courses (about 150 military Ministry of National personnel). Intervention by the Minister of National Defence at the Defence in the area Conference “Human Rights and Defence” on the 70th Anniversary of of Human Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights (9/21/2020). International Training on Human Rights, Gender Equality and UNSCR 1325, Lisbon, Humanitarian Law Military College, on 3/1/2020 and the 16th Training Action "Security, (IHL) and the Elaboration of two Defence and Peace: A Project from All to All. The Reference for Pre- “Women, Peace and course plans for the school and Basic and Secondary Education”, IPE, 9/1/2020. Adhesion Security” / MPS teachers of the Military on 12/1/2020 to the Eramus Project +“ Traces - Remember the past to Agenda. College and Institute of prepare the future” by IPE, with the objective of developing / Conduct training the Pupils of the Army exchanging good educational practices that promote the Defence of at Military (IPE). The Army human rights Organization of the III Post-graduate course in IHL and Education implemented the Human Rights in Conflict Situations, to civilians and the military Establishments Citizenship Education Organization of the International Seminar “Women, Peace and Security: and at the Strategy Plan. 20 years of UNSC Resolution 1325 ”(IDN, 6/11/2020). These subjects National Defence Reinforcement of the started to be taught in the Defence for Young Persons Course, Institute (IDN). training offer of IDN in Intensive Security and Defence Course in the Azores and Post- the themes of Human Graduation in Strategic and Security Studies at IDN. Co-organization by Rights, IHL and Agenda IDN of Portugal of the 6th Seminar of the Association of Ibero-American MPS. Defence Colleges “Women, Peace and Security: gender perspectives in the Armed Forces”, between 10-17 / 3/2020 and 3-19 / 11/2020, reaching more than 380 auditors.


Measures of the Government Good Activity 2020 Activity Results achieved area practices description Plan • Project “I do as Falco says” (PSP): 2 operations on a national scale. Awareness-raising actions carried out 483 (January); 331 (November); Students covered: 14,376 (Jan.); 6,941 (Nov.); Schools covered: 238 (Jan.); 152 (Nov.); Carrying out projects Individual contacts: 492 (Jan.); 389 (Nov.). on a national scale • Safe Internet Project: Cybergeneration (GNR): Operation “Safe Internet with the objective of 2020” (February): Promote promoting the Awareness raising actions for students: 627; Students covered: 21,365;

knowledge security and Sessions for Guardians of Education (EE): 39; EE covered: 459;

about human protection of the Sessions for the elderly: 52; Older persons covered: 1036; rights, gender rights of each Sessions for Educational Agents: 48; Educational agents covered: 361. Implement projects equality and citizen, raising • Migrants Support Project (GNR) aimed at promoting AFFAIRS multiculturalism, awareness of human Awareness-raising actions: 39; Individuals covered: 125 security among and prevent rights issues and • Operation Project “Safe Camp” (GNR) populations in a

OME OME mistreatment contributing to the Awareness raising actions: 5407; Individuals covered: 14,803;

H situation of special and abuse of integration and • Operation “Growing in Safety”

– vulnerability. groups in improvement of the Awareness-raising actions: 399; Students covered: 9663.

VII VII situations of well-being of groups • Equine therapy (GNR): No. of children / young persons covered: 241. greater in situations of • Support 65 Programme – Elderly in Safety vulnerability. greater vulnerability, Awareness-raising actions: 52,682; Older persons covered: 135,834. through awareness • Operation “Senior Census” and prevention Georeferenced situations: 42,439; Awareness-raising actions: 3686; actions. Older persons covered: 20,747. • Operation “Solidarity Has No Age” Individual contacts made: 6286; Risk situations identified: 891; Signs at institutions: 991; Referrals: 508. Inspections of day care centers and nursing homes: 882


Creation of a mechanism for Develop tools to collecting improve the information on Implement the Development of the Violence against Women and Domestic Violence processing of domestic violence National Strategy Database. official data and and disseminating for Equality and Preparatory work with a view to creating the Internal Human Rights access to information on the Non-Discrimination Database. relevant role of security 2018-2030. Elaboration of the publication entitled “Promotion of Human Rights”. information on forces and services human rights. in safeguarding and protecting human rights.

6 training courses for CIF / SEF inspectors on “Border Control and Strengthening the Fundamental Rights” and “Policing Hate Crimes against LGBTI persons”, skills of first line Training of covering 44 trainees cumulatively and 3 sessions on the psychological impact Reinforcement professionals who professionals in of COVID-19, covering 113 trainees. of training on intervene with relevant matters Development of the app “Acting against Trafficking in Human Beings - ACT”, human rights groups in situations within the field of retroversion of its contents to Spanish, French, Nepalese, Hindi, Bengali, related themes. of vulnerability and human rights. Bulgarian, Russian (partnership with ACM, IP) and dissemination of the app their human rights to the MFA Consular Network. awareness. Training sessions on “Acting against human trafficking”.


Government Measures of the Good practices Activity description Results achieved area 2020 Activity Plan Francisca Van Dunem (Minister of Justice), Lucília Gago (PGR), Paulo Saragoça da Mata, Ana Maria Guerra Martins, Maria de Fátima Carvalho, Ireneu Cabral Barreto, António Joaquim Piçarra, Dulce Neto, Maria Lúcia Amaral and Luís Menezes Celebrate the 70th Publish a Several personalities were participated in these videos Piglet. anniversary of the commemorative video contacted, speeches were written The videos were released on social networks and European Convention with messages from and videos were filmed. organizations in the sphere of Justice, as well as on Human Rights. various personalities. sent to the NCHR for publication on its website. It

CE is available for consultation at



- direitos-humanos, with 1137 views.

VIII A partial pardon for prison Contribute to the Execute Law No. sentences was issued, a special prevention of public 9/2020, of April 10, regime for pardoning sentences, an 1200 most vulnerable prisoners were covered. health in prison in the which establishes an extraordinary regime for the The measure was justified by the "low level of context of the public exceptional regime for administrative exit license of health and aging" of the prison population and by health emergency making penalties more convicted prisoners and the the "small size of shared spaces". caused by the flexible. extraordinary anticipation of pandemic of COVID-19. release on parole was allowed.


Government Measures of the Good practices Activity description Results achieved area 2020 Activity Plan The main statistical indicators on public employment were released through the quarterly

Produce and make available SIEP 4th quarter 2019 was Continue the collection, publication of the Statistical Synthesis of Public statistical information on published on 02/14/2020, SIEP treatment and Employment (SIEP). human resources in the 1st and 2nd quarter 2020 on dissemination of Statistical data, indicators and analyzes on public Public Administration and in 09/24/2020, SIEP 3rd quarter

statistical information employment were released, within the scope of SERVICE SERVICE

public non-financial and 2020 on 11/16/2020 and BOEP

C disaggregated by sex. labour market statistics, through the publication 1 financial companies. nº 20 on 06/26/2020 . to 2 times a year of the Public Employment Statistical Bulletin (BOEP).

In 2020, 2062 requests for education grants were received, with 1294 requests being granted, totaling a The complementary social action of the direct and budget of € 72,356.36: Support education expenses indirect administration of the State was carried - Nursery, day care and pre- Continue the financial and socially serious and out, which is part of the set of complementary school education - 706 support measures of urgent situations, in social protection benefits intended to prevent, requests, with 377 requests the beneficiaries of the accordance with legislation to reduce or solve problems arising from the being accepted (€ 41,440.96); Social Services of Public support complementary employment, personal or family situation of Public –Study allowance - 1356 Administration (SSAP). social action for SSAP Administration workers, as long as they are not requests, 917 requests were

beneficiaries. considered through general social protection STATE MODERNIZATION AND PUBLI AND MODERNIZATION STATE

accepted (€ 30,915.40). regimes. –

IX IX 91 socio-economic supports were also awarded, with a total value of € 85,924.90.


Measures of the Government Good 2020 Activity Activity description Results achieved area practices Plan The activities of this Program of the National Ballet Company (CNB) integrate multiple dimensions, from culture to Implement the education, from critical thinking to social responsibility, and 24 activities with 1035 spectators / Dance Approach always in the perspective of continuous work between CNB participants. Program. and civil society. They include guided tours behind the scenes at Teatro Camões (CNB's “home”), dance workshops, public Promote classes, open rehearsals. accessibility, Creation of the page that gathers more than two hundred diversity and creative proposals to activate the curriculum from creativity, From April 13, the date on which cultural inclusion of Create a page of works of art, artistic techniques, comprehensive cultural the page was made available, until various audiences

digital information, references to heritage, works that evoke 12/31/2020, 310 educational

E and professionals educational disciplinary crossings and thematic related to citizenship. resources were made available to in the sector. resources on the This measure was intended to respond to the needs of schools 89,838 visitors, totaling

website of the in adapting distance learning, designing digital educational 253,845 visits to the page. CULTUR

National Arts resources developed by trained providers, selected based on Artists were ordered 45 content for

- Plan. their specific knowledge and skills. Its target audience are educational activities and X X teachers, students, guardians, cultural mediators (non-formal resources. education) and artists. The DiVaM Cultural Program, from the Regional Directorate for Make the cultural Implement the Culture of the Algarve, promotes the dynamism and enjoyment of social DiVaM Program DiVaM received a total of 42 enhancement of monuments since 2014 in partnership with groups and / or under the candidate projects from 30 cultural various cultural associations and municipalities in the Algarve. territories central motto associations in the Algarve region. It offers the population a diverse range of events (music, accessible in “Human Rights, Integrated cultural projects: 28. performances, workshops, lectures and other cultural situations of Equality and Integrated cultural activities: 41. activities), with the aim of taking nearby communities to revisit vulnerability Non- Audience reached: 1438 persons. their heritage. The cultural programming of DiVaM started only accessible. Discrimination”. on 5/9/2020 due to the pandemic situation.


The Under-18 and Under-88 Theater Clubs open a welcoming Promote cultural space for young persons and non-professional adults. The democracy by COVID-19 pandemic implied the suspension of face-to-face enabling Realization of activities and its transition to digital video conferencing A total of 61 persons participated participation, the Theater channels. They reopened under a strict set of hygiene and in the activities of the Theater experimentation Clubs of the safety rules. The Theater Clubs remained almost Clubs (19 in the Sub-18 Theater and artistic National Theatre uninterruptedly active. This nine-month cycle of work ended in Club and 43 in the Sub-88 Theater creation by S. João. December 2020, with the presentation of the shows Once Club). professionals and Upon a Time .... Clubs are free to register, with the purchase non-professionals. of at least one ticket per month at a reduced price for shows of the season.


Government Measures of the Good practices Activity description Results achieved area 2020 Activity Plan 50 applications were received, distributed as Promote projects and initiatives that allow follows: Respond to UN and the production and dissemination of • Line 1. Hate speeches on the internet - 34 Support research OSCE knowledge and action research regarding applications;

projects on the impact recommendations to crimes of incitement to hate and violence and • Line 2. Exposure of young persons and

of the COVID-19 recognize, monitor, the expression of hate speech in the children to hate speech - 12 applications; pandemic on hate collect information aftermath of the pandemic, and and crimes and violence and analyze trends dissemination of its impacts on the most • Line 3. Legal framework for hate crime - 4 and hate speech. about hate speech vulnerable groups of the population, in order applications. related to COVID-19. to support effective responses and strategies 5/6 projects will be financed that will allow to identify, analyze and counter hate speech. the production and dissemination of

knowledge. IGH EDUCATION IGH Promote scientific research, developing new

Support R&D knowledge in different areas in a AND H AND

Implement the Never projects of an multidisciplinary perspective, with the Forget Project - interdisciplinary and contributions of history, philosophy, human 26 applications were received and 6

OGY National Program multidisciplinary rights, studies of religion, political science, projects were proposed for funding, around the Holocaust nature within the law, sociology, literature, arts, in short, with representing an approval rate of 23%.

NOL Memory. scope of the Never developments in the social sciences and H Forget Project. humanities, reinforcing its presence on the national scientific agenda. , TEC , 145 applications were received and 16 Fund research Promote scientific research in 3 research projects were selected, representing an projects on the lines: gender and the labour market during approval rate of 11%. impact of the health

SCIENCE and in the post-crisis period COVID-19; The dissemination of databases that reflect Promote research on emergency caused – COVID-19, daily life, stereotypes and gender the current Portuguese reality, reports and the gender impacts of by the COVID-19

XI XI roles; and COVID-19 and violence against working documents in open access, formal the COVID-19 pandemic on gender women and domestic violence. Allocation of a scientific publication submitted, informative pandemic. inequalities and total amount of 500 thousand euros. material for communicating results and violence against Concern with the production of knowledge to public policy recommendations is planned. women and solve problems in the short term. A workshop was held with the research domestic violence. teams of all projects.


Measures of the Government 2020 Activity Good practices Activity description Results achieved area Plan Holding of the session “The Voice of the Students: A debate held by the students of the João da Knowing, respecting and celebrating Human Rights”, Silva Correia School Group - São João da Execute the integrated in the Celebrations of the 70th Madeira, on 10/29/2020, based on projects National anniversary of the European Convention on Human carried out on the themes “Knowing, Promote digital Citizenship Rights, of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations respecting and celebrating Human Rights” citizenship and Education (UN) and of the Week Iberoamerican Educational and “Sustainability Goals of the UN ”. human rights, Strategy. Program on Democracy and Citizenship for the Additional information: namely in the fields Guarantee of Human Rights of the Organization of of health, sexuality, Ibero-American States. humanos/noticias-e-eventos/voz-dos-alunos security, defence Schools were encouraged to promote an atmosphere

and peace and Reward schools where the health and well-being of children and media with the seal young persons predominate, recognizing this work in 52 schools were awarded the seal “School “School without TION the evidence of reference practices in preventing without bullying. School without violence ”. bullying. School and combating all forms of violence, in particular without violence”

bullying and cyberbullying.


- Implement the The "Start to Talk" campaign aims to sensitize the On November 16, in the Centro region, 70 “Start to Talk” sports association movement to the sexual abuse of persons participated. On November 17, in the

XII XII campaign of the children and young persons in sports, and to call for North region, 50 persons participated. On joint project of the implementation of concrete measures to prevent November 18, in the region of Lisbon and the Council of and respond to the sexual abuse of children and Vale do Tejo, 75 persons participated. On Combat racism and Europe and the young persons in sports. To mark the European Day November 19, in the Alentejo region, 30 sexual harassment European for the Protection of Children from Sexual persons participated. On November 20, in the in sport. Committee Pro Exploitation and Abuse (18 November) and the 75th Algarve region, 36 persons participated. Safe Sport + “Put anniversary of the UN, the campaign traveled the The national steering / intersectoral an end to sexual country, from 16 to 20 November, through a virtual committee has been set up, which is harassment and roadshow, in an initiative promoted by the Regional intended to be the long-term strategic abuse against Directorates of the Portuguese Institute of Sport and coordination forum for the protection of children in sport”. Youth (IPDJ). children and young persons in sports policy.


Following the Pro Safe Sport + project and the “Start to Talk” campaign, IPDJ is working on the new project “Child safeguarding in sport. up your game, strengthen your squad!”. Only a limited number of countries were involved - the “Squad Builders”: Implement the The definition of a roadmap adapted to the Portugal, Austria, Belgium, Norway, Israel and project “Child specific context of Portugal (component 1 of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main objective is that safeguarding in the project) and the protection of victims are Portugal, with the technical support and monitoring sport up your underway, namely by creating the "Child of experts (COE and nationals) for the protection of game, strengthen Safeguarding Officers in Sport" and training children and young persons in the context of sport, your squad!” persons to exercise this function. defines and implements an effective policy for the protection of children and young persons in sport, for better prevention violence against children and young persons (physical, emotional / psychological and / or sexual violence).


Measures of Government Good the 2020 Activity description Results achieved area practices

Activity Plan

Support persons in Creation, in cooperation with municipalities and NGOs, of Implement the homelessness emergency shelters, including those used only for protection Creation of more than 21 emergency National situations the during the winter. Creation of more emergency shelters across shelters, where more than 500 persons

SECURITY Strategy for context of the country, ensuring health care, food and clothing. Definition were accommodated. the Integration extraordinary of guidelines for all Planning and Intervention Centers with 584 persons covered through Housing of Persons in support persons homelessness situations to reinforce and ensure the First projects: 13 projects with a capacity Homelessness SOCIAL mechanisms continuity of pre-existing care / services to the pandemic. for 324 persons and 52 shared Situations due to the Implementation of the plan for monitoring and inserting apartments for 260 persons. 2017-2023. COVID-19 persons in situations of homelessness.

pandemic. TY AND AND TY Open Market Supported Employment aims to ensure the right to work of persons with disabilities who, despite the inclusive environment, have a work capacity lower than that of other Implement the

SOLIDARI Promote the workers in the same job or function. The State participates in Until October 2020, the number of Program inclusion of its remuneration according to the assessed work capacity. persons covered was 1872, which means “Open Market persons with Employers must ask the IEFP (the Public Employment Service) a growth rate compared to 2019 of Supported

WORK, WORK, disabilities. to select candidates for these jobs and assess their work 16.27%. Employment”. – capacity. This capacity is subject to reassessment after 3 years of contract and after every 5 years, 3 times, or if there are XIII significant changes in the organization of the work process.


As part of the Adélia Positive Parenting Support Project, this 103 children and young persons - 51 initiative is co-financed by the Social Inclusion and girls and 52 boys - were selected to join Employment Operational Program. It is aimed at all children the 1st Council, with the following and young persons living in Portugal, aged between 8 and 17 geographic distribution: North - 31, years old. It takes place through the opening of applications at Centre - 20, Lisbon and Vale do Tejo - the national level and aims to give voice to their experiences, 33, Alentejo - 6, Algarve - 6, Azores - 5 Create the concerns, needs and expectations. Its objectives are to and Madeira - 2. The Council met in six Promote the National promote the access of children and young persons to new sessions, having addressed the following rights of the Council for spaces for social and political participation, to develop their topics: rights of children who were at child. Children and communication skills, interpersonal relationships and critical stake or who were threatened during Youth. reflection, to provide dialogue between children and young lock down and measures to be taken persons and policy makers, to train and raise awareness after lock down to ensure respect for regarding the themes addressed by the National Committee for them; European institutions and the the Promotion of the Rights and Protection of Children and European Pillar of Social Rights; positive Youth, and to promote the exchange of experiences between parenting; participation; and rights in the children and young persons from different parts of the country. digital environment.


Measures of the Government 2020 Activity Good practices Activity description Results achieved area Plan Disseminate the Promote the This system guarantees to every individual the In 2020, 968 notifications of violence implementation of notification of right to personal security during the provision of against health professionals were the National incidents to citizens health care. The monitoring information system registered. Incident and health (NOTIFICA) was developed. Notifications can be (accumulated values of 6579 notifications Notification professionals. made by the patient or the healthcare professional. since the system started operating). System. This Program aims to reinforce prevention, diagnosis and intervention mechanisms with regard to interpersonal violence and violence against Make the Clinical health professionals, reinforcing the prevention and The RCVA is available to all health Record of Violence in response to maltreatment and violence throughout professionals with access to RES in primary Adults (RCVA) the life cycle. The RCVA is a computerized and hospital health care, having been Operationalize the available in the registration form for situations of interpersonal widely disseminated by health professionals

National Program Electronic Health violence detected in health services, in primary and in a training webinar held on for the Prevention Record (RES). health care and hospital care; which allows 11/04/2020, attended by 535 trainees. of Violence in the epidemiological knowledge, support for

HEALTH Life Cycle. intervention, signaling and articulation between the

- two levels of care and the network partners. The campaign was carried out in April, the

XIV XIV Produce awareness Production of materials (banners and posters) with International Month for the Prevention of materials for the content to prevent violence throughout the life Child Abuse. The materials were released community and cycle, disseminated through various thematic on the digital platforms Twitter, Instagram health professionals. campaigns. and Facebook. Publications were made: “Health in the Promotion of Involved and Caring The pilot project promotes a greater balance Implement the Develop a pilot Parenthood - Framework of the Initiative to between professional, personal and family life as a National Strategy project to create a Mobilize Involved and Caring Parenthood - condition for effective equality between men and for Equality and Health Entity with an IMPEC” and “Initiative for the Involvement women and for full citizenship, which allows free Non- Initiative to Mobilize of Parenting and Caregiving - IMPEC”, choices to be made in all spheres of life. Discrimination Involved and Caring available for consultation at Disclosure and promotion products for the project 2018-2030. Parenthood. were developed. da-dgs-promove-parentalidade-cuidadora-e- envolvida.aspx.


Measures of Government the 2020 Good practices Activity description Results achieved area Activity Plan The Regulatory Entity for Water and Waste Promote Services (ERSAR) reinforced the need to equitable Follow the revision include the human right to water, promoting Inclusion of an article dedicated exclusively to access to of the Water Quality the equitable access tools available in the access to water, in response to the "right to water" water for Directive for human UNECE / WHO Europe Water and Health citizen movement. human consumption. Protocol, in the “Position Paper" from the consumption.

European Commission. Promote the Análise dos processos de agregação e emissão Promote municipal Cinco entidades gestoras resultantes de processos

CTION sustainability de parecer, apoio na criação da entidade solutions for the de agregação iniciaram a sua atividade e prevê-se of the gestora e início de atividade, acompanhamento aggregation of water que outras duas iniciem atividade no início de provision of regulatório, intervenção na resolução de and waste systems. 2021. water and dificuldades/ou conflitos. waste services Review the formula It was not yet possible for ERSAR to review the by larger The formula measures the weight of the for calculating the economic accessibility indicator for water and management average service charge on the average economic urban waste services, due to the lack of entities and disposable income per household in the area of accessibility indicator information requested from the Tax Authority. promote intervention of each management entity. The that is part of the The situation will be subject to reanalysis when economic aim of the indicator review is to bring it closer, annual service preparing the support guide for the 4th generation accessibility to both in terms of charges and in terms of family quality assessment of ERSAR's quality of service system indicators, to them by the income, to the reality in each municipality. system. be developed in 2021 population.

ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE A ANDCLIMATE ENVIRONMENT Participation in the Webinar aimed to disseminate Dissemination of the publication “The Human – and inform about the issues of equitable access to Rights to Water and Sanitation in Practice”,

XV XV water and sanitation services developed by published at the end of 2019 with the Implement the Portugal under the Protocol, focusing on the Disclose information contribution of the Portuguese case study. Water and aspects of equity in access to water and sanitation regarding its Participation in the Webinar on equitable Health in the pandemic situation experienced during 2020. implementation. access to water, sanitation and hygiene Protocol. The documents published under the Protocol, as services (“Equity in WASH access - The well as the presentation made on the Webinar, Portuguese case”) organized by UNECE / WHO were available for consultation on the website of Europe. the Water and Health Protocol.


Measures of Government the 2020 Good practices Activity description Results achieved area Activity Plan Promote access to decent housing for the Availability of housing by IHRU, I.P. within the scope of Availability of 18 dwellings by IHRU, population in the most the relations established in the National Strategy for the I.P., with 9 dwellings in the process of vulnerable situations, Integration of Persons in Homelessness Situations. carrying out works for attribution. especially persons in homelessness situations.

Granting of technical and financial support by IHRU, I.P. Provision of support for the to the municipalities for the elaboration of their Local Promote the Contribute to the elaboration of 18 approved ELH, Housing Strategies (ELH), under the 1st Right Program, cohesion and elaboration of Local which allow the granting of financing aimed at households living in unworthy housing socio- Housing Strategies under under the 1st Right Program. conditions, including cases of increased financial support territorial the 1st Right Program. These ELH represent 18,251 housing for solutions related to precarious housing units, to most integration of solutions. vulnerable of which are inhabited by Roma communities. communities. Coordination and participation of IHRU, I.P. in the implementation of the “From Housing to Habitat” Program, through pilot interventions to articulate actions Conclusion of interim reports from 3 Implement the “From and develop collaborative processes with different of the 4 publicly rented

STRUCTURES AND HOUSING AND STRUCTURES Housing to Habitat” government areas and relevant entities in the field. This neighborhoods subject to the Program. program aims to promote the cohesion and socio- interventions, mostly inhabited by

territorial integration of publicly rented neighborhoods, Roma households. INFRA

with a view to the overall improvement of the living – conditions of its residents.

XVI XVI Establish a partnership between the National Promote the Laboratory of Civil inclusion of Engineering with the Development of a follow-up action for professional Welcoming a trainee to carry out an persons with Professional Training integration. internship in a work context. disabilities. Center Espaço 7 Oficinas of the Cerebral Palsy Association of Lisbon.


Governmen Measures of the Good practices Activity description Results achieved t area 2020 Activity Plan Implement the Construction of 3 homes in Alentejo, National Strategy for Conclusion of protocols between the City Councils and Support victims of North and Center for older women Equality and Non- local IPSS for the construction of housing structures domestic violence. victims of domestic violence, in an Discrimination 2018- suitable for older women victims of domestic violence. amount exceeding 3 million euros. 2030. Implement the All notices are not yet closed, but National Strategy for Expansion of the financing of projects to support projects worth 2.8 million euros have

Supporting persons in the Integration of persons in homelessness situations, which was only already been submitted. Lisbon has homelessness situations Persons in scheduled for Lisbon, to the entire territory of already made an expense payment throughout the territory Homelessness mainland Portugal, in the total amount of 4 million in the amount of 57 million euros, of mainland Portugal. Situations 2017- euros. supporting 755 persons in

COHESION 2023. homelessness situations.

The measure + CO3SO Emprego aims to support entrepreneurship initiatives, including social Execution of pilot projects for the entrepreneurship, financing the creation of jobs as integration of migrants in Bragança, Support the socio- well as the inherent costs, especially in the interior Fundão, Odemira and Amadora, Implement the Measure economic inclusion territories. promoted through applications to + CO3SO Employment.

TERRITORIAL of migrants. An attempt was made to attract qualified labor the + CO3SO Social – through migration to regions particularly in the Entrepreneurship and Healthy interior, counting on the incentive and special Neighborhoods programs.

XVII XVII measures for diaspora investors. Creation of the Citizen Mobile Branch Promote the with 9 vans throughout the territory Promote citizens' management of of mainland Portugal, in a accessibility to The measure aims to implement proximity policies by essential municipal complementary service to citizen essential public promoting easier access to public services. services in places with spaces, with 89 of these services services. low population density. covering low population density regions.


Governmen Measures of the 2020 Good practices Activity description Results achieved t area Activity Plan

Free distribution, twice a week, of fruit In the academic year 2019/2020, and vegetables to all students of the 1st 169,876 children benefited from

cycle of basic education who attend the free fruit and vegetable

E public schools. distribution scheme. Promote the consumption of fruits, vegetables, milk and dairy Implement the rights of products among the school the child, including population, promoting the

AGRICULTUR healthy eating. creation of healthy eating habits

- and education for healthy lifestyles.

XVIII XVIII Free weekly distribution of milk or dairy In the academic year 2019/2020 products to students attending pre-school 452,077 children benefited from education establishments. school milk.


Governmen Measures of the 2020 Good practices Activity description Results achieved t area Activity Plan Agreements were established between DOCAPESCA and the parish Combat the negative Support the subsistence of councils in the auction areas and the Between May and December 2020, economic impact of the disadvantaged population Portuguese Red Cross, with a view about 15,363.20 kg of fish were COVID-19 pandemic. groups. to collecting and transporting fish delivered through 23 parish councils. within the scope of local social programs.

Contribute to the prevention

of public health in the Perform screening tests on the Celebration of DOCAPESCA protocols


- fisheries sector in the crew of fishing vessels with producer organizations, Acquisition of 5000 PCR tests.

X X context of the public health operating in the main auctions municipalities and DGRM for the 675 tests were carried out.

XI emergency caused by the in mainland Portugal. acquisition of screening tests. pandemic of COVID-19.

Protocol signed between DOCAPESCA Creation of first-line humanitarian and the Foreigners and Borders Service Contribute to the reception Contribute to humanitarian assistance points for the provision of for the provision of 2 warehouses and of migrants in an irregular support for illegal landings of medical care and food, in adjacent area for the purpose situation. foreign citizens by sea. conjunction with other State described, at the fishing port of Vila institutions. Real de Santo António.


Governmen Measures of the Good practices Activity description Results achieved t area 2020 Activity Plan

Compilation of sectoral context indicators, ensuring Provision of a set of Update of the “Gender Dossier” Update the sectoral that the indicators that make up the “Gender information on gender database.

context indicators, Dossier” are updated, and initiate the process of their issues, contributing to Beginning of the work to revise the namely the indicators revision within the scope of the application for the their knowledge and “Gender Dossier” within the scope that make up the “Conciliation and Gender Equality” Program, financed informed decision- of the “Gender Conciliation and “Gender Dossier”. through the Financial Mechanism of the European making. Equality” Program.

Economic Area (EEA Grants 2014-2021). STATISTICS PORTUGAL STATISTICS

Preparatory work to carry out the “Survey on Security

– Common and Develop the project in Public and Private Space”, with national comparable observation

XX XX "Survey on Security in representation, in accordance with the guidelines National contribution to work in within the EU on the Public and Private established within the scope of EUROSTAT and progress at EUROSTAT. issue of gender-based Space". aiming at a common and comparable observation violence. within the European Union on gender based violence.