FOLIA ENTOMOLOGICA HUNGARICA ROVARTANI KÖZLEMÉNYEK Volume 78 2017 pp. 111–255 Trichoptera endemic in the Carpathian Basin and the adjacent areas János Oláh H-4032 Debrecen, Tarján u. 28, Hungary. E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract – Original text of taxonomic diagnosis and data of type specimens are collected and cited for each Trichoptera species endemic or subendemic in and around the Carpathian Basin, together with taxonomic history of relevant changes in nomeclature. Th e total number of the described cad- disfl y species endemic in or around the Carpathian Basin is 263. By describing 78 new incipient phylogenetic sibling species a surprisingly high ratio of unknown caddisfl y diversity were detected during only a few years and with only moderate collecting eff ort. Th is clearly indicates the highly depressed state of the western contemporary taxonomy. Th e recently diverged taxa are products of Pleistocene speciation process during isolated integration in crenon/epicrenon habitats on sky islands of high mountain ranges. Rhyacophila (32 species) and Drusus (62 species) genera and the Chaetopterygini (56 species) and Stenophylacini (42 species) tribes are the groups richest in en- demic species diverged in spring and spring stream habitats of high elevations. Key words – Balkan Peninsula, caddisfl ies, Carpathian Basin, taxonomic history INTRODUCTION During the last few years we have conducted studies on speciation proc- esses acquiring intuitive insight into the contemporary entity divergences simply by empirical detecting and describing over 120 young incipient new caddisfl y species in the European Trichoptera fauna (Oláh et al. 2012, 2013a, b, c, 2014, 2015a, b, 2017). Th is amount of new taxa, discovered easily with moderate eff ort in the so-called “intensively studied and well known” faunal region, clearly indi- cates that our knowledge is still far from complete.