STEPHEN E. KIDD Associate Professor of Classics Brown University
[email protected] EMPLOYMENT - Associate Professor (tenured), Brown University, 2019-present - Robert Gale Noyes Assistant Professor, Brown University, 2016-19 - Assistant Professor, Brown University, 2012-19 - Visiting Assistant Professor (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), Humboldt University in Berlin, 2011-12 EDUCATION - Ph.D., New York University (2006-2011) - Dissertation: Nonsense and Laughter in Greek Comedy (D. Sider, Director) - B.A., Classics (summa cum laude), Washington University in St. Louis (1998-2002) MONOGRAPHS - Play and Aesthetics in Ancient Greece, Cambridge University Press (2019) - Nonsense and Meaning in Ancient Greek Comedy, Cambridge University Press (2014) Reviews: E. Medda (2017) Gnomon 89.3: 195-99; S. Nooter (2016) Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016.11.53; D. Olson (2016) Mnemosyne 69.3: 531-33; J. Robson (2015) Journal of Hellenic Studies 196-7; I. Ruffell (2015) Classical World 109.1: 142-44; M. Heath (2015) Greece & Rome 62.1: 93-4 ARTICLES - 2019: ‘Why Mathematical Probability Failed to Emerge from Ancient Gambling’ in Apeiron - 2018: ‘Sound: An Aristotelian Perspective’ in Sound and the Ancient Senses, S. Butler and S. Nooter, eds. Routledge: 79-91 - 2017: ‘How to Gamble in Greek: The Meaning of Kubeia’ in Journal of Hellenic Studies 137: 119-134 - 2017: ‘Greek Dicing, Astragaloi, and the “Euripides” Throw’ in Journal of Hellenic Studies 137: 112-118 - 2017: ‘Nonsense in Comic Scholia’ in Classical Quarterly 67.2: 507-21 - 2017: ‘Toys as Mimetic Objects: A Problem from Plato’s Laws’ in Aisthesis 10.1: 97-105 - 2017: ‘Pente Grammai and the “Holy Line”’ in Board Game Studies Journal 11: 83-99 - 2017: ‘Play in the Ancient Novel’ in American Journal of Play 9.3: 356-73 - 2016: ‘Play in Aristotle’ in Classical Philology 111: 353-71 - 2016: ‘Epitasis and Anesis in Aristotle, De Caelo 2.6’ in Phronesis 61.1.