Revision: 1 Effective Date: 2/24/2020 Technical Technical Sheet Specification Technical noted pathogenic strains of staphylococci (coagulase staphylococci of strains pathogenic noted salt concentration. a high with other bacteria most of growth inhibiting by isolate staphylococci to Agar Salt Mannitol formulated Chapman Description Requirements. USP/EP/JP for intended Agar Salt Mannitol Use Intended 4. 3. 2. 1. Preparation toSDS Refer Precautions specifications. performance to meet required as supplemented and/or adjusted be may Formula 25 at ±0.2 7.4 Final pH: Agar Red Phenol Chloride Sodium D Extract Beef Tissue Animal of Digest Enzymatic Casein of Digest Enzymatic Typical Formulation solidifying s D Agar. Salt Mannitol in and carbon vitamins, Enzymatic red colonies. and form non Typical yellowzones. withyellow colonies and form the turning products, acid produce mannitol ferment and concentration salt a high of presence the in grow that Bacteria from staphylococci of without danger this medium selective is highly Agar Salt Mannitol medium. surrounding to the change No zones. yellow with colonies yellow odium odium -

Mannitol Cool to 45 toCool 121 at Autoclave with Heat water. purified inliter of one medium the g of 111 Suspend


hloride inhibits most bacteria other than staphylococci. Phenol Phenol staphylococci. than other bacteria most hloride inhibits


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is used for the of staphylococci in a laboratory setting. Mannitol Salt Agar Salt Mannitol setting. a laboratory in staphylococci of isolation the is used for samples ed pH indicator from red to yellow. Typical pathog yellow. Typical red to from indicator ed pH . c SpecificationSheet

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Chapman added 7.5% Sodium Chloride to Phenol Red Mannitol Agar Red Mannitol Phenol Chloride to Sodium 7.5% added Chapman overgrowth. Mannitol Salt Agar is recommended for isolating is recommended Salt Agar Mannitol overgrowth. M


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15.0 g/L 15.0 g/L 75.0 g/L 10.0 pathogenic staphylococci produced small red small produced staphylococci pathogenic

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- /L S Mannitol is the carbohydrate source. In high concentrations, concentrations, In high source. carbohydrate is the Mannitol

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is not is not Revision: 1 Effective Date: 2/24/2020 Technical Technical Sheet Specification Technical Response Cultural Expected Appearance: Prepared Appearance: Dehydrated Specifications Control Quality using references toappropriate Refer Procedure Test 3. 2. 1. References medium. this on grow to or fail poorly grow that be encountered strains may some variation, nutritional Due to Procedure the of Limitation directed. as when stored in i medium to applies Expiry the originalcolor. from changed has appearance if or flowing, free not if discarded be should medium dehydrated The on the container. stamped date toexpiration Refer Expiration closed. tightly container keeping moisture from Protect storage temperature. the same at environment humidity low in a container at 2 medium dehydrated the containing bottle Store sealed Storage medium. to the change Coagulase the colony. around yellowhalo a have may and yellowcolonies of growth luxuriant will produce staphylococci positive this on grow will Staphylococci Results Staphylococcus epidermidis epidermidis Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus coli Escherichia coli Escherichia Microorganism

The organisms listed are the minimum that should be used for quality control testing. control quality for be used that should minimum the listed are organisms The Japanese Pharmacopeia 17 Pharmacopeia Japanese Pharmacopeia States United Pharmacopoeia European

ATCC® 25922 ATCC® 8739 ATCC® SpecificationSheet -

negative staphylococci will produce small colorless small will produce staphylococci negative

NCTC 25923 ATCC® 6538 ATCC® Prepared medium is trace to slightly hazy and peach to pink. to peach and hazy slightly to is trace medium Prepared Powder is homogeneous, free flowing, and light red light and flowing, free homogeneous, is Powder

ATCC® : : 10

medium, while the growth of most other bacteria will be inhibited. Coagulase inhibited. will be other bacteria most of whilegrowth the medium,




th National Formulary Formulary National Edition (2017) Edition

Edition (20 Edition

ral response on Mannitol Salt Agar at Salt Mannitol on response ral Mannitol Salt Mannitol 12228



Agar for the isolation and identification of of identification and isolation the for Agar Inoculum Inoculum Approx. Approx. 10 10 10 10 2018: USP 41 NF 36 NF 41 USP 2018: > 1000 > 1000 (CFU) - - - -

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30°C. Once opened and recapped, place place recapped, and opened Once 30°C.

Recovery Complete Complete Inhibit Inhibit 10 10 10 10 - - - - 100 100 100 100

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Revision: 1 Effective Date: 2/24/2020 Technical Technical Sheet Specification Technical . 6. 5. 4.

manualBAM/default.htm D.C. Washington, , Society for American 6 microbiology, clinical of Manual (eds.). Yolken R. H. and Tenover, C. F. Pfaller, A. M. Baron, 1995. E.,L. Bannerman. and T. Kloos, W. 50:201. bacteriol. J. staphylococci. of studies in chloride sodium of significance H.The G. Chapman, SpecificationSheet .

Staphy lococcus

and Micrococcus . In

P. R. Murray, E. J. R. Murray, P. th

ed. ed.