ROBOTICS Solutions for Support, Assistance and Collaboration Market overview and opportunities for Brabant Business Development CREDITS Research and Concept Dr. ir. Ruben Kolfschoten Ir. Marcel Grooten Copy Marcel te Lindert Photography Thomas van Oorschot Graphic Design Something New Editor BOM Communicatie Printer Drukkerij Romein Edition 500 copies Contact Details Dr. Ir. Ruben Kolfschoten T +31 (0)88 831 11 20 E
[email protected] March 2015 2 ROBOTICS - Solutions for Support, Assistance and Collaboration FOREWORD Robots are set to change our world. Robotics will transform methods of mass production, transportation, agriculture and care provision. Robots will even change the way we keep ourselves entertained. Yet concerns have been raised in recent months about the threat posed by robotics, particularly with regard to employment opportunities for low and medium skilled workers.1 In this report the Brabant Development Agency (BOM) will demonstrate that the new generation of robots offers numerous opportunities for businesses and employees alike. The robots of the future will support our work, assist us and co-operate with us. They will take away some of the strain and enable us to concentrate on the tasks we have been trained for and in which we excel. The Netherlands, particularly in the area of research, makes a substantial contribution to the rapidly expanding robotics market. This expansion brings with it a need for companies to develop and implement new applications. As a high-tech province, Brabant is exceptionally well positioned to seize these opportunities. The required knowledge and creativity for these opportunities is available in abundance within Brabant. You will see some examples of this later in this publication.