Watershed-Based Permitting Case Study Lake Lewisville Watershed, Texas City of Denton Watershed Protection Program Permitting Authority: Pollutants of Concern in Watershed: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Nutrients, ammonia, pesticides/herbicides, and sediment Permittee Point of Contact: Ken Banks (940) 349-7165
[email protected] Permit Types: Individual and general permits to publicly owned Permit Issued: Various dates treatment works to control discharges of industrial process wastewater and industrial, municipal, and construction storm water Permit Information: www.cityofdenton.com/pages/mygovenvironmentalwater319demo.cfm www.cityofdenton.com/pages/utilswaterwatershed.cfm Overview The Lake Lewisville watershed has been experiencing Watershed: Lake Lewisville, Texas significant development pressures, so in 2001 the city of Key Water Quality Concerns: Denton, Texas, the largest city in the watershed, devel- Nutrients, ammonia, oped several watershed-based programs to address water pesticides and herbicides, and total quality concerns and storm water permitting require- suspended solids ments. While Lake Lewisville is not currently listed as Stakeholder Involvement Techniques: impaired under the state’s Clean Water Act (CWA) section • Watershed monitoring database used by 303(d) list, the city has taken some proactive measures communities to protect the water quality of the lake. The city has lever- • Integrated land use & monitoring data to educate aged multiple funding sources for this. Specifically, Den- public about threats to water quality ton has implemented a water quality monitoring program, • ” Find Your Watershed ” web page for citizens as education/resource tool employed land use planning and management tools, and disseminated critical information to the public aimed at Case Study Issues of Interest changing residential land use practices.