NORTH BURNT RIVER FUEL & FOREST HEALTH PROJECT Environmental Assessment # DOI-BLM-OR-V050-2009-015 Introduction: The Vale District Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Baker Resource Area proposes the treatment of approximately 700 acres of forested BLM-administered lands within the Ebell Creek, Alder Creek, Hill Creek and Deer Creek drainages. The legal description of the project area is as follows: T. 11 S., R. 41 E., Section 7: NW ¼ NE ¼, E ½ NE ¼; Section 8: W ½ SW ¼, SE ¼ SW ¼; Section 11: W ½ NW ¼; Section 14: NW ¼ NW ¼, SE ¼ SW ¼; Section 23: N ½ NE ¼ SE ¼ NE ¼; Section 24: S ½ NW ¼, S ½ NE ¼ and T. 11 S., R. 42 E., Section 17 N ½ SW ¼; Section 18 NE ¼ SE ¼; Section 19 S ½ NW ¼. The project objective is to apply a three-tiered approach (e.g., a combination of Commercial Thinning (CT), Precommercial Thinning (PCT), and Prescribed Burning) to reduce fire fuels and restoring forest health, which includes the reduction of ground, ladder, and crown fuels. Proposed Action: The Baker Field Office of the Vale District, BLM proposes to remove fuels and improve forest health in the North Burnt River Area on lands administered by the BLM. Type of Statement: Environmental Assessment (EA) Agency: Bureau of Land Management, Department of Interior For further information: Bureau of Land Management Baker Field Office 3285 11th St. Baker City, OR 97814 (541) 523-1339 E-Mail:
[email protected] Contents Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) Introduction Chapter 1.0 Purpose of and Need for Action 1.1 Conformance with Existing Land Use Plans 1.1.a