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1-18-1952 The aC rroll News- Vol. 33, No. 6 John Carroll University

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Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 33, No. 6" (1952). The Carroll News. 356.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ROTC Performs ROTC Dances On TV Sunday LL NEWS Saturday Night ~·· · · ·· ...... Representing John Carroll University ~- ......

Vol. XXXIII, N'o. 6 John Carroll University, Univ :-ity Heights 18, Ohio F n'd ay, J anuary 18 . 1 <)~• •):.. > ------~-+------~------~~--~~~~· QUEEN REIGNS A MILITARY. BALL Sodality Adds 80 Lee Barrett and 3 Tones Featured MembersonMar~9 By DAN BOI.AXD Uy RICHARD m ... s rr~ l\liss Shirley Joyce Pleshinger, a twenty-three year old On Sunday, 1\lar. P. approximately 80 students will be teacher of Dramatic Arts for the Cleveland Heights Hoare! accepted into the .John Carroll Sodality. The rereption ''ill lake place during the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament of Education, will reign as Queen of the second unnunl :\Iili­ whidt will conclude a day of recollection for the group. tary Ball which will be held on the evening of .Jan. 21.i in The formal presentation of the prospecli\'e members the University Auditorium. ---- v. as lwld at the Richmnnd Crmntr~· Miss Pleshmger was chosPn :------­ < lub un Tut>sday even1ng, D1·c. 4. from a field of 20 contestants Band Plays At lhlll dinnet· the respPcti\'" mir place in the P•·esident's P;ll'lOl. es pI an s ~roup;" of candidatt•s lu tht• Pntire Acting as judges were Lt. Col. Latin Tunes ~odahty. Howard I. Schmitt, director of the Guiding their ttc>spt•cti\'e prob:J· D~.>partmcnt of .Mi litary Sciencl', I !Jill Gordon of radio station WHK, Stage pI ay tionists since Septt>mb.·r. lhP :n- For Con cert . I George Barnum o( the Cleveland '1' . • sttuctor~ of candiclat<'!< han· h£>1p- ht• .'John. Canol!. Umvet:::tly t•d to t•xpluin to each <·andidate ) IILJT AnY 8 ,\LL CO,l:.\IJTTEE me t~s to arrange final details Phtin Dealer, and William Faulk- Tl:uu..l will b1·mg a Amel'lean what the Sodality expects of him of the Jan. 26 a ffa ir. Ralph Shattuck, Char les Brunn, Jerry P opow, ner of the Cleveland News. A 26 27 HtlliOllphere to the CUmJ>US for a and whnL he should <'XjWd or the Altman, Devine Hichard Kilfoyle, a nd Chairman Uichard Kraska are the brass serving Cadet Capt'hin Donald Reilly, p r JIOJI c·Mcf't•t Fe-b. 17. Soclnlrtv. on the committee. who entered Miss Pl<'shinger, will • I '!'he Sund~y evenin.g con<.'ert will J,•ror~e ~1illPr, !;l'nim· in the Col- be Honorary Colonel for the eve· The J ohn Carroll Little Theatre Attend NFCCS nmg. Society is now preparing !ot· prl'· f<'~tur~· Latm Am1•rtcan _ rhyth.~~·,lt•g•• of Art~ ami Stienc1·s, is chair­ Attendants Also Selected ~t·ntation, on Apr. 26 and 27, So- h,lcludmg such numbE-rs a!< S• man of the memb1•t·ship bourd, 1 1'0c:t~··ro," by W;iltl'rs; South whirh is composed of 17 Socialists Chosen to aet as attendants for phocles 2400-yeur-ohl cJa,.sh: "An· National Meet Dugan Elected Vice­ the Queen were Miss Ann Rogers tigone," a tragedy rc\·ol\'ing amur11l Amt>.ncan Way," by ::\I<' Hugh; .''ThP from both the junim and senior Two John Carroll Un1versity llat Dant'e" and "Ltlt of units of the and Miss Lois Pringle. Miss Rog· a young noblewoman who derit's .\lc·x1ca~ Sodalit~. studl•nts were present at th<• fin;t. thc· Latrn," arrnnged by Bennett. dd'l' t kl f ers, a 17 yeat··old freshman ut the king of Thebes' dnt·l'l'f' that 110 . 1n n 1 ron o a we<' y con er- .Nationul t·ourH:il meeting of thl' Speaker At Debate Ut·Ruline College, WM t>ntered b y one may bury het• tll.'ad hrothet·, .A suxophone qunrlt•t WJII play ence with his instructor t•ach ·an· 1\ational Fed<>t·ation of Catholic Cadet Lt. William Hanson. Miss because, as an enemy of the stnte, "V:t I "1' " b Y J h • · c se '' .'gnonnl', o nson. clidate att<'nds a lecture givl'n t'\'I'I'Y Collc•gl' Stud•!nts \Yhen it opt'ned By W I LLIAM GIBSO~ Pringle, also 17, ·was submitted he wa:; undeserving of tt. At'<'omp:mred ~Y the lland, a tnnn· Friday by the Rev. Jost•ph 0. in ChiC.'ago at th(' Sh!.'rman Hotel I by Cadet Sergeant JetTy Perko. As a result of tht> tryouts last Jll't re Perko and Hanson , ..;11 ·eceive )fonday and '\'ednesday, Eileen uf Tntmpets. dality. or the principles of tiJe: So· 1 Jon Altman, \·ice-Pre~ident of the of the annual Legislath•e Assembly of the ~ortheast Ohio honorary captain's bars for the Casey will play the leading 1"1.)1~ dality. Prol{ram \'ari ed Detro1t"'FC''~S · Clevelandd ~ k Region. ,, of . the D e ba t e C on f e1en. ce h e Jd Satlll ·d ay, J an. 12 , ·m S turges Hall, Ball. of the passionately dutiful Anli- Notnbl!.• on the Jlrogt·am are two This ~·ear's ~roup will be the . ~ ..., , an 1•1 :o· 0 e\ me, "a lion- The Militat·y Ball promises to gon('. Creen, thP conceited king, m•c•rluru!<, ''The P of the outstanding social will br! portl·ayt!d by Mike Gnll:l· Hunt," hy Suppt•, nnd "Guys and ciality d<•llpite the fact that almost ic•' Commrssio•.1• The R•'v. William Monroe were nominated for president and clerk of t he con- t>vent:s of the year. Ft·ee orchid gher. Alverda So!f•ns will c,rmct. Dolls," by LOP!>Set·. on£>·1hird of lhe 1:?5 applieants J. >I urphv ~.J .. also ut tend('(( the t ' t' I cor·sagt>s ....;u greet the young Ia- tht- part of lsmerll'. and Marv Budcl mt·cting ~~" :\mionnl Chaplain of ven ton, respec 1\'e Y· , Other numbl'rs on the agend:t havt• dropped out durin!{ the six dies at the door·, and free refresh- that of Eu:·ydict·, while Ch:u·lt>:> :trt• "State Fair," by Oscar and month trninmg program. the xrccs. I Ten schools sent delegates to Ba • ROTC nwnt::; will be furnh;hNl. Pall'nik and Rogt'l'. Sal'gem will JT:unnwrst('in; ":\ntionnl Capital The rnccting, which la,~t·rl until this assembtr. In attendsn..:t· were SIC The music of Lee Barrett, who t~ke th~ parts of Hnemon :md pl_ayed for affnir T iresia& t"t'Sjlectiv!'ly. ~f:1rch" by Zambnrana; "Gyp"~ Saturda~·, Jnn. G. was attendNI by Irepre:;t-ntatiws Kent St.nt•', ~ta the. la~t ~ear. wrll oe featut·en, ~e. W<'stel'll '- sses to ··on Two Events senting o\'c•r 21>0,110ll 0atholic col- R.eS£>1'\'e, llaldwut - IInce, Obct·- and the Three T ones will suppl~· ln all,• the cast ·will includt• about th1~ Tmi\," from the "(:rand Can• leg•· stuclf"nls. lin, Akroll, Ohiu W evan, Wc1os- 0 f b 7 entertainment in the ca!eteria. tw~:n ty players. yull Suil!.'," hy (:r·ofp; and "The Busy lhg Horn HoogiP," by Brewster. R•tfles Claude• :\JacOonald, dil·eclOl' of ter, and J ohn C:u·r·ot ~ Cat·t·oll sent pen e • Kraska H ead~; Com mittee "The origin'nl Greek !lty!P will The committee for the occasion be retained ";thout any t'! !l:orlh American Cummi<~~ion ten delcgalt·s-.thn ' for each of January high school graduates 1 of Pax l{omana spokc• on llw Worltl the thn·e cumm•tt· ·~ .11nd an alter- may cnlt-r ROTC officer tr:~ining is lwad::d by Richard K rask :1. As· change!<," said Leo1w :\brinl'llo, t}w Hnnd, s~atl'd that commltt<'es of lhl' First Ohio Reglnr .. nt, ,J.,hn sisting him are Charles Brunn dirl·Ctor of the society. "We will hrt\'•' ht'l'll formed and that ar- Carroll's l't.>rshing f~iflt•s unit is Cungrr>~!l uf Pax Romann to bc• nate. with the spring .semester, begin· held .n Tt• outo from Aug. 12-30, The thrPe t•ommitl s wet·<' thost• ning Feb. 7, here at Carroll, the t·cf:·tc>shments, J a me s Drexler: Ialso u.-;e record£>.! mu::;ic to hl'lp l":llll{l'lllf'llt.<; are undt.>r way to jll't'· busy prcpal'ing f01 1ts td!'\'ision ticket!:, JerTy Popow, decorations, sustain the mood." 1~1:;:.:., :\ FCCS i,; an affilin:c ot on Ethics in t:ll· I· ral Co\'Nn- Very Rev. Fred,•rick E. Welflc. pan• for· the conct•rt. appearance this Sund:ty and also ami Ralph Shattuck, publicity., . "Two mixed pro· this \\ol'ld-wide organilwtion. mPnt, Ethics in Bu~ iless, und ELh- S.J., President of the University, chor~~ws will "ThP lrl'mcndoUl!i ~;uccrss of last for its half-lime show at tlw Bald­ Donald Gorman is Cadel modem- vrde the tesponses rn!ct>ntly. Students who Y•':u 's roncert,'' 1\h. Hear11s snid, win- W:~llace basketbnll gnme F<•b. I tor. Brunn wns also In charge phocl<•s' one all male chonrs," Mr. discussed di.ffet·c•nt ppects of the J'"nter the February ROTC classes "hall clefinitl'ly indicated the stu- 15. of the Queen contest. Marinello continued. genl'ml lop1c: "Jio Can Wt• As will be eligible to sign government clc•nt appeal of pnp t•nnN·rts." Cnd!'t Col. Robrrt Tnylot·.' Ohio Bids for· the Rail, which arc "The scenery will com~i~t of Fresh to Dance at a :\:ttion lmprow.> 0 Ethical nnd dt•ferment agret>nwnts later in Lh<' .As last yent·, tablt·s will will commander of the Per!!hing Hi!IPs, ~t>lling for $1).00, muy be purchased steps, platfo1·ms, and possibly ~l o ra! Condu~t '!" :;emester. bc• s••t up in tht• Auditorium, and admini:st~:red oath to the :J5 Car· Hollenden Feb. 8 at the ticket office. G l't.>ek pillars, and thf! actors \\;II r,.fn•ilhment:; will be );ervod. roll nwmbcrs after :1 .Jan. ;; in· T he As!:embly 0 Father Wclflr pointed out that "It ought to be quite an af!nir," wear contempol'ary Grecian doth­ 1 Th., annual Freshman Dane• will spection which marked tht• uniL'• .: ,:·ganization met>ti 1 the Uni\'ersity docs not ·wish to Kraska commcntefl, "The decora- ing,'' added )!r. )farint'llo. bt" hdcl on F1·iday evening, f~<'b. offidal rhartPring. ?tf l'mbt>r:.< are Then cnmt> the t'u ittee mt>et· detract from tht' school's schedulr tions will be quitt> unusual, and The Dudley Fi~t.s and Robert Eisele At Meet now t>ntitled to wen•· the bluc-ond- ::;, J!r52_, in the main hullroom of ings which lnllted ft· 1 9:30 to 12. by o,vercrd\vded classes. "Though with free flowers and refresh- Fitzgerald translation will be usecl lh·rb El~eh.!, hNtd conch of the white fouJ·t·agere and ribbon of the the Hot rl llollt>ndr>n. 'l'ht• lit>l11 i­ At 1 !!·"'· the G· nlral Assembly we ur~ p r esent~y operatin~ at n~ur mc•nts, you can't miss." in staging this prest>ntat.ion. formal :tffair w'll feature th1• rnu Blm• Streak>! football ~quad and Pcr>~hing!<. prope'l" comml'liCt•d . ~ During this cayac1ty, . maxunum con~t~erat!on ,;ic of Dit·k Breiner and his o•·~he:'­ time bills \n•t·e propelled before the Will be g1ven every quahfted htgh John C;trroll's athl~tic din·ctor, r<'· The campus Pershing!' unit plan~ 1 r.c-ntly uttend.•d tht• ~CAA conven- to Conn it~ own rifle team for com· tra. Bids will sell for ;:.3.00 per entire con\·t·ntion attd \'oted <>n school graduate applying for Car· couple. tinn ht•lcl nt the '\•·' fte•·land~ Plaza pPt.t •''' with otht·r units. l..tdt~l br thP del~gut•·~. IJnal adjoum- roll Plan training n Febt·uary," lintel in Cincinnati, from Jan. i Cnpt. Ralph Shattuck, t·ommandine; The committee, head<.'cl by (.'1)­ ment cnmt! nt 5 p. r~ he added. Fr. McCue Back After HOTC Boast;; Hu ~c Enrollment to Jan. 12. The convl•ntion wa:; the offic<'t of the Cat·n)ll cnmp:111y, will chnirnwn Thumas Bridgeman and Carroll w:ts rep1 nt!'d as fol- Willium Fnrrl, is compos•'cl of Canoll's fnll enrollm<'nt of Mih­ :<<"I'll<' of contnwt·r~ial a•·gumentq mukc n tl'ip to Ohio State• Uni\'er­ low::;: Commilll'l' '"! Ethics on th1• Chur-l<'s I 'ahmik. Richt·, Roi><' tt Suvak ROTC unit second only to Ohio (alt.); C'ummitt,·~ on Ethil·.~ in listening to their troubles and gripes." Boland Named News Editor I State Uni\' ~·rsity 's ROTC for tlw Busines~ - Anthony Knll<'Ck, numbet· of cumpus army offi.:cJ This remark, made by the Rev. Edward C. :\IcCne, S.J., Onnicl Doland, sophomore C"hait·nutn, Rit•hat· Cusick, J,,}m trainel's. is typical of him. For the past fourteen yeal's he has been in the College of Arls and Killeen, Roht·J t M" oe. I doing just that. His duties as Sciences, was namecl <'eli tor­ Futul'e d:~t<'s 011 e john Car·· The Sodnlily wishes to thank Dean of the Collt'ge of Arts m1d itH.•hief of the Carroll !'ews roll Dt!-bntP Club sd j,edule includ": t!te s tudent body for its s up· Science~ are frcqul'ntly arduous. this weei• by :\Ir. Itkhard .T. Jan. !W - Ohio ~~ 1:1\·itatir,nal ' port in lh£> Chrbt ma~ Basket Dut·ing the war, when the V-12 was V:tl'sity D, bull• To, ument; Feb. J)ri\'(• for the :\t>£>dy, the Palna Spath, modt>rator of studt>nt pub­ I ~t Carroll, for instance, he had the 9-Annun Buck<'YP bate Tourna- lk.llionil. Uolallll, fornwrly the 'I is!< ion Collection, and the tri· job of di!lqualifying thos£> who wt.>re ment, Kt'lll Sla , ; d F11h. Hi- duum for the Popr. All three 111:trt:t~ing ~·dit1•1, s\1\'Cl·t•ds Co· tJntlble to meet th<• Navy's s~n­ Fifth Annual Spit J-:ditnts l'n\tl :.'lltHIIll'Y and l'atl'ick " <.'l'e highly sncce~sfu l, accord. dards because oC low g1'D.des. ment at C':1sc• SJm ing to 'l'homao.; Stuck, pres ident 'l'rl'l~r who wi II n•mni n on the l Sometimes, unfortunately, a I Knpra, tlw 11ation· (If t ht> S1•nior Sodality. Car·roll student would get into trou­ lllaff :Is S<'!lllll' l•dit01 "· ~ wrnrtr. I lent v ll:u·tf'l', junitw in wcial olt.> and then Fntht•r· .M cCue would S>l.'il'nl'l'.$ ~md <'l"'l whitt• ~ports edi­ During the pt·l·scnt semester 77.: iterally move h~:a\' t>ll and eanh tt•r, \\ u~ apJ)(linl<'ll tn th•• mana~­ d€'ferment agre..:nwnt,: were sign1'0 to help the man out. lllH f'clitcll ';; po: in the freshman ~til! L:tst Autr•St ht• suffered a heart W1sdrme~·cr, Arts sophomore, will l!Oj)homore cl~tSSCS. ()£ thl'Se 431 tttack and was confined to bnd un­ tuk1· O\'Pr the Ill'''" •·clilor's Ol'>'k Retreat f .1,2,3 were freshml'n and 343 sopho til Dec. 19, 19::.1, aftt>r which he lu•iug \"al·ated by Hit-hard Mu);il, Final plans for t ,J<'hn C~t~·roll mores. Lt. Col. Howa1·d 1. Schmitt "l'IIUnt~d his duties. l'PIIior pn•-nwd siUdl·llt. Sodalit~· clo:l\'d r • !\l \\'t'l'(' :111• dlrect.ot· of lht' Depurtmf.'nt of :Mil­ "To be back oncc, agnin with h,.• Canoll student body is grn.ti· • l~ri'•lric McGunagl..-.. ll:'!'istnm to nounced :tt t h<'i r [ ulat· mP,.tin~ itary Scirncc, anticipates that 45 Ft·nturc Editot· Wi!s the i:eltl at the St. St ~taus Relt'i'at this June and that the goal of 100 p,Jitm·ship of tht' featun' p:lgt>. Feb. 1, 2. and officers annually will be reached ~~;ood things in our life due to the ., by 1!154, Wf' 30 cloSH !'\purts Etlito:· Thomas Krau~e. :th~o .•. ract are to them. 'Vhen n former assiswnl t•ditot·, takt>s 1\t>\\' deferment ngrt>l'mcnts mad< hesc are taken from US', then we '\ E\\ EDITOH~ lH' IH>LE "" '• h Bob Huddlt'~ton, rl'lirin~ ~Staff E;omP ufl :-odalist·1rill nttend thi with curlets pr.. viouslr cont1·actf!i it•••l th!' loss. ,·outnt:lnd uf tlw third page. He 11hotog-raplwr and t l'll!ur·r \Hitt>r for the :\t>" '· "\ew Editor-in-Chief· retreat, which hM Ji{>l•ome :~n nn­ ill 11 junior majoring in English. w••re ne-cC'Ssit:ttt'd cluring this s('­ ·•such were m~· S(!ntiment!l while l>nn Boland (billing) li sten~ attentively "hile Tom Krau .. e (ll'ft), nual projl'ct spon:ored jointly hy He\. Ed word <.'. ) lcCut•. S.J . ~uphumor~ Jam£>s Urah{tm will ahl m<>ster· by passage last June of the l"ick; such i:> my confession to you -.rlOrl» c•ditor, and Hunk llarll'r, mana1.d11Jt l'tlitor. ju... t listen. the senior· and jun· r uniL.; of the l•im n« n:Ointments. rnawtger. Oonuld ltourk<', ,iunior .-\noUu•r l'('t.rmg "nff numbN' All contracts ure now in accot'C!anco "~1 any thank:; to nil or YOJ.I for vour constant prayers, your spirit­ the students of .John Car1'01l a,; Jl,Jber t ~ullt•ns, junior in the in thC' BEG sehoul, is thl' rNirinA" is P.nh<'rt lluddleston. who :ts Slllff Gerald Hrol'k, j hfor in thl' Cc1l­ with this act which -~~iJ>ulatf'S two y(•::u·s ual boufJuet, your kindness in my his sole uim and who, if (;od i;; ~~·hnol of Husinrss, Economics, busml'5~ manaS{\'r. .\t>!ll~ting Sul­ Jlhntogruphrt· fpr two and n h:tl f le~e of J\ rts and ienccs, is thP acth·e Cfuty upon complt>lion anti (;,,,.,.,·nmt•nt, l:lk•·s the reigns l••ns will h•· Ft·:.111d:> ::\l:rllt•\', alsn }'t':'ll'S :lll a Ill:<; juniut·. • llh• :\"t·ws lun~ an.t \\'e!l. ntf'nts for tlh l'<'ll' at. uf H'~<'rn• duty. Ahd such wns the cumm.nt Page 2 NEWS Ftiday. January 18, 1952

'I'h e f '•u·a·oll X f"\\'S l'uhll•h•·d hi ,,., kh. • U'<'l•l olurln~: ·""" ,I uh·. o\111:11'1 11n•J lhr ( 'llri•trna~ 1\11<1 1.~,,,., hohtla)•. h~ tht> • tudr nh Lucky Statues Lea 4 rray of Exa111 Aids "' .John ('arrnll rn"'"''''~ ltltlll tllt'or l'lliflltlel anti ""''· Ill''" ollln' 111 I nh o ·r~il) ll••i~;ht, I K, Ohin~ h·l•·phnnl' l t ;J. - ') Uy FRED \lc ( 'N AGLE Spider's )(JI\\ ,funtt 2-:U:j;OH, .~,. %l. """Uhl'f rl(ttinrt rntr•.~rrr. $t ,;,u Jl('r ~ ~•r. Rf'lprc"'Pnt~d lnr nntuu•al ~uh•·rli,; h~ ,:\ JHuuutl J\d\t•r• ( ~" r '\ Ora and Labora, Carroll's ]>et good lucl< charms, ap- !t•inll !l'lllaliv(', -=,_:_}.., 4ZO ~bdl4nn \\1'., :\c•" l •• rk ,'\, l. pear to be ready for a bt~s.~· \\eek as draft-wary students Web !'nul :\loont•y ...... _ Co-Editor -:: look ahead to mid-year exams Like the passenger in lite l'\irmont 1·311~< \ ..... _, fn work, pf!•y• Huhl'r( II uddll'•lun 'IIIII PIHoln.;tllphl'r t't', and auythin_g ebe that U)it;JtL One blt"ary-cyed chamclt!r who J•r.e::a - l'O\\ t·r.. 1.\ vuu'&: Ui\ l"ic'u t"ua fi'' IHUtd ~ ut I became quite excited when Western !\c•\\ ~ St:•ll aid Lhtm in getting throug'lt: lnc obviously had been burning thl! Resen•e looked down its academic nose at Rl..toarcl ~''"II :'oirw~o ~.flilu•· tests. •• • idnight oil suggested keeping :R~poclll• r, \\'illutln Glh!lf>u, Osl\·lrl The reputatiun 11f the:•:t-WCI a toad in a bag aruund youa· neck Can·oll a short lhen lltHil'(llk, Wlllhun II•I!U!•''• t••·nnllt 1..::1111. 1-'r.-..r 1\•tvuc, \n>odcn statues fut bringing "gimd ntil it di es, but he appeared not. I have learned that Reserve's published !)...... ,... ,.,'l(; .. u-o. r• Wlltl l.Ht•·•('kl. Rll~J<··II Mnrduwt, \VIIflntu lll~·('rs. ~lntk Ph· tw. T.-.rn'lir" ~Joo<·k. Micl•"d luck has been Nllllrt• 't•tfl / fl•lh~>rl \\i•c-lnn,·.>l't l'o•oturr l·.clit•Jt' Lure in Lire r.Iugazme. Tht-; t\\<1· ssi!>tuttcl.' of St. Joseph of Cu· l, l 'rrdric ' td.unasl•• .h .. i•r:tnt I r;Uuro· l•.clit11r stings. tues han: been connected with ~rtino. an Italian semJnal'i:ut \\·r!tn11 P• to·r C'•otllu. J:,,t,;rl 11U!l•1le.'Jl•JII. l-'"'d l'i. her, The fact lo reme.rnbl!r about Carroll is that it <-h ,,r,.:•• 'l'alhul. J uhn Can·oll and it:; prcdecet?s· ho overca111c his inability to is a segment of the Jesuit educational pt·ogram. sur, St. h~nutiU$ Coll~>gr>, :.lince ass exams. Ed Crawley sug­ f•t1'tt1'\ llartrr "llnrf"' F•litnr Delipite the fact that Carroll-as a school-is l'hnnlet~ l\ri1HM1 ,..,,.,i,..htnt ""Pt~ft' J~dit,~ r their execution 111 1917 by scUlJJ· '"~ls the J'osary. lh Jl\JJ1 f!ll' ,lotn•·~ Rl1lhU.It\. l;ft\."Jnur~t M·-trk1••wff'~. \\' U- \Ill' H. SchmiU. Rut Carroll men comparatively new, it shares in a tradition ttf Sludy Methods Differ 1 ""' 'Tonnllt''' l·:otw 1rh Ladt. OVt'l' 400 years duration. We are the students of l'11to l•k .\l<'l)llut. Jticl•·•nl Zuut. l'l'seshoes, St. and ns different. Championing llunnhl Hour),(' . over ~IS being one of the greatest teaching bQdics Joseph of Cupertino, "No-Nod," one e:xtreme is Dave Schuler, who 1',\lrn•nunt I ~wm !lot. sh:l\'ing, all night cramming, the world has eve1· seen. A~~~ ·~tR 11t~ 1') I'Ofl 'f" <~ullla F'i-odt !~ M ;tll•l\. r.P•H'#.{{' bdieves in locking himself in hili The Ratio Studiorum will stand as firmly when ~1111 Ill\". l'• ·h• rt Sull••n• I· 1111no• \ \ t•h• t ('hat lo•l' < l'Tnuh• und standinz on thf'it· ht>ads. 1·onm with books and pro,•isions Dewey, and Hutchins. and the a·est nt't' for~totten. llorseshoel>. Shirts, Rosaries until dawn. On the cllher hand, ThP bot·sesho~ '- carrier is l3ub Let any other educational system produce n net­ Tl)m Stock 1·elaxes at a moviu Small, \\'ho is not sure how ef. lnrmine, n Canisius, a Suarez, or cv<.>n a Hopkins, the night before a Lest. One and l will Lip my Richman Bros. hat. Pler1~y o.f Titlle ') fccth•e his omen is, but who fig­ gruup of fiYe or six plans to meet lll'es it docs no harm. 1' at Cle­ Don't forJ!,'t>t, that as students of John Carroll lu C'olurnhiar:; differ<>nt shil'L 'University, we share in a gre~t'radilion-a tl·· a to another lho1·oughly for Lwo Phybid~ns mal Suq;(.'llllS, a young- frcs.h­ lion of scholars, saints, and martyrs. Our s-chool cadl test, but Tom Dug . .Toe i!'; 2rl years lucky Rweater. One inte-re!;ling ing." And Ed Crawley adds, talked named Bismarck. lt is conducted by men who are old. llc was 17 when he graduated from superstition is that. of Ted Sa· " Dc.>n'l eYcn t-hink about it. You'll bine. He belie,·cs it is bad hu.:k Mt afraid to speak out against political ami h ig·h sdwol. :for~··t more than you'll leal'l1." social injuslke. In stud~· . Dick Zunt follows a middle• .Joe spC'IJL llw eight ,\'Ntr interim in ho.s­ John Can·oll University will never produce course. He reviews for a while, a pitals c~tahlishcd by the ~ational Founda­ traitor, despite its "academic inferiol'ity.'' t heu n•undles of£ to bed. Dormitory Rosary "Traitor," in case you've become confusc•d in tion for Infantile Paralysis. Those hos­ (The reporter would also like Valiant Soph Braves Cold, this age of circumlocution, is nnolher ~ay of say­ pitals cul·cd his paral,rzecl leg-s and lmck. to acknowledge a number of ex· Attendance Good, ing "communist.'' The ~htn•h of Dimes for 195~ lasts unlil eellent suggestions whose effec­ .lnn. at. Plenty of lime Ior us to give. Spends Night on Dorm ·Roof tiveness would be destroyed by Council Reports T urning to : he Lighter Side publicity). Plenty of time f<•r you c.:ncl me lo help With average tul'llouts 01Tin Ide and his bo~rs did a fine job at the Clad only in a pair of pants, shirt, coat and hat, and Faculty .Advises Rest olh<.·r~ Jil;,c .Joe Uilboa. J unioa· Dance last Saturday-and so did thl' Jun­ equipped with not.hing but a pack of cigaretles, ~t lighter, Opinion among the faculty fa· of 70 men, sometimes as iors, for that matter. lt proved that you c:•n throw and a copy of Time l\lagazine, a jovial young adventurer \•ors the ·•get · some • sl<:'ei> • many as 100, the Dorm Ro­ a good \lance without having a "big-name'' band. and • don't · worry" technique. sary is well on its way io Of course, it wasn't like last year when we hat.! sallied forth from Bernet Hall ou the evening· of Jan. 8 Cou1cs lhc Dau"' ) It·. Donald P. Gavin, director of becoming a tradition in Sam Petrillo , . . and spent a "rather cold" night on top of Carroll's new the History Departnwni, w;u·ns Carroll's dorms. There wus only one hitch-or la,·k of hitch - nH'H, 111Cll. SC'I'C\\' floa·m, thus gumel'ing the uubiou:; ngainst being one of those who to the proceedings, Molohan, hand in pot·kct, Here it ('( So your Monday through Friday, in Pat It was about that time t hai know evet'Ything at 4 a.m. and informed me that he had neithel' suspenders not· courage lo lhl' slit'king posl and mnn the honor of being the first stud~m the third floor loun~u of Bcl'llet the slightly fdgitl night-owl de· nothing at 9 a.m. Dr. Hene D. belt. About all I could do was offer my sympathy. lJiuc honks. The scmeslcr finals HI'C llllon tu l;leep in the still unfinished Hall at 6:45 p.m., the rosary is residence hall. cided lo build a little fin•placc Fabien, associate professor of But, as far as 1 could see, Pats~· held up pretty reci~ed by resident. students. us. Life l\h1gazinc lasl spring dcpklcrl The youthful fresh-<:~ir sleeper with some bricks which we•·e Germa n, adds that cramming well the rest of the evening. Must be that good l'anoll 111<'11 studying in -the shower and is Edward Kelley of 248 Bemct lying around. •·rt was too dark does not. give lasting knowledge. Across the quadrangle in Rod· man Hall, the same prayer ls cafeteria food he's always 1·aving about ·. . . palling a lur·l•~· slatuc in order to come oul Hall, u sophomore in the At·ts to read, so I burned up lhe mag- "It comes in and it goes out," bein15 said in the chapel. Hit That Line! (1( The \ \'cck with Lhcir nerves and m"rks course. gd, who hails from Wit- azinc, page by page. That ht>lp· he sh1·ugs. R~v. Joseph 0. etl a little." Schell, S.J., director of the Philo- Other members of the Coun­ Head Coach Mary Fournier ran her Notre Dame intact. Bul let's fa<'<' it. Fclish will llC\'Cl' lueUe, Ill., was promised a total of :}10 from vat·ious students for Kelley :;aid that. he Jell asleep fiophy Depal'tment, agrees, but cil, Frank Shilling, Mike Ca.plice, team through a couple of hard-hitting plays ovet· repiMc tlwugh L. So ~tuc\y, clip:e::;t, and re- his escapade. He has collt'ctcd around 3 a.m., "but. l got -admits, "! t depends upon lhe Chuck D'Ambrosio, Tom Bridg­ the week.end. The Fighting 11-ish frave the Carroll study. Some fellow \\ ho wore a toga onc:c $7.3~ of the tl•n already and is ti1·cd of sleeping so 1 woke up." ;·individual." man, Fl'ank Adams, Phil Bu1•y, squad a considerable physical beating during the l'<\id, "ltepctilit' est m:tlcr slndiorum." jn put·suit of the remaining H1~ bed was not very comf1nar," he says, "y,,u fact that boys who ordinar ily tools, the Carroll thespians were lucky to escape thel'<' wasu't auy roof on it, <:u~:~ltioning Cot· his !mzcn body. shouldn't have to do anything wouldn't say thl' rosary s•tY iL wilh their lives. Het·bie B-auhof-who always gels Cat·roll K~llcy exT>Iained that he h11d Bricks, Uusl, and Sky the night before t he test." now," commented D'Ambrosio. it in the neck anyhow-barely escaped lynching. rendted his lofty perch by means nt·sides being cold, Btl waa ------And ~hat third art! Wow! Everytime He•·bie Con fid(~lllia lly uf a laddrr. lonely, ilsc on llw rouf arm on him. ln ils first sluclcnl poll ()f 1 !!5~. lhe Car-. Fr. Weber Directs Student began his nocturnal udventure. to keep him cumpany. "l'he r11 Uut Mi~:s Fournier better ou~: 1 under· roll News asl.;l'd a munl>cr of stude11Ls to At Iit·st he "sal around and were bricks, wood, dust, and sky, stand the NCAA is cracking down on that sorl of answer the follc.m inp: qu(•:-;linn: "Could you watchf'd the moon." Some of lots of .~ach," he mused. Promotion from New Office thing. Clipping, too. suggcsl ()JlC wa.v in '' hic:h the average the slud<'nls in lkrnet Hall Applu·enlly the fi1·st resident I k<·pt signaling him, to make sure of the new hall is none the The air of mystery surrounding the construction of . . .. Carroll student u1n impro\ c himself, and that he was not avotding bls worse for wear, bul dorm con· a n office opposite Rm. No. -19 in the basement will be dis· You'll have to excuse me, pltoasl'. T'm off tv the tltNehy the school'!" part of the agrecmrnt. At l :00 st1·uction workers, when t.hcy depot to get my latest installment of Fcarkss HOBBHT Ell\\ \IU>S. lfl, \.H.-Bc.:ause this i~ in lhe morning, however, the sig~ finish whut.ever room Kelley hap­ solved soon when ihe Rev. John A. Weber, S.J., moves into Fosdit-k. Gotta get my thesis writt.t'll, ynu knnw­ :1 C~1Iholk rnt>Litutton, 1 th111k thut tht>l'<' should nalers decided that Kelley w~ pened to inhabit, will be shock­ the office to make it the center of the John Carroll student ~tcademically inferior though it may be. bt• llllll'e alt<·n•lann· :.ll Muss. !1101'11 r .. l' fJ u ('II L up on the roof for good, so they ed to leat·n thai"£{! Kelley slept ''Academically illfel'iot·"-t.hat's almost as v;ood t·t·t·t•pt itlll uf l'ommuaiuu. an•! mon· visiling the lt>l him be. there.'t promotion program. as "Shape up or ship out." It mo.y even replace .:hupcl Studenl promotion, p1·cviously "propitious." Ill U 'llLLEU, 18, U ~.· Ea('h slndt·nt shoulcl hanarh IIIII' of u~ would e111h·avm· lo makc ust• of By RAY \VIE~fER that thought, the ROTC ings and Gr•owtcls to assume the IIW'•es. Gone thnl YllU arc n "''hn(ll tu pt'Ppm··• fo1· tht· fulu1·e. They ha,~e ah·eadt fired in t.he 20 public high schools in the forever was the dl'abness that had for many years Tl!0:\1 \-: ltH II){;)I \\, 18, l're-,led-Thc lltll· \Villiam Hearst intercollegiate Cleveland district, acquainting shrouded the.' walls oi Canoll's gout·mels' night· d<•ui~ llwmwhcs !>Ohonld !o(t•l mort• acth~· organi1.a· matches in competition against them with the academic and mili· mare. fiou. The idea nf hnvinJ< NIC:h schOfOrl' l.'iiC:h ro.)lball gam<.' is U the 2nd At·nw area. Januat·y 12 Not confirung his activities to in some direction (whether forward 01· backward J:ond o•w. they fired a postal malch ag all your wnrk pninl to· lleal'Sl matches must await offi­ in the Greater Chicago a1·ea. such colors in as great abundance in• thl.'i ,. kit­ ,,.,lrtf,. tlw n·aliznth~H .. r thai ubj•·diw. cinl U. S. A1•my publication, while All of his work has been di· chens. dining rooms, bath1·ooms, ~a1·age!J, dog­ 110'\ \I.H n~K :!0 rn;<:-:\tteml )lass more the Ohio WPsleyan results have rected toward freshmen registl·a­ houses, etc. I'll bet you could count them un awl tl•• •111 • <'i· painted pink, blue, and yellow. Would you bt• 1nh•tk. Putoce!l, rifle coach. Sgt. Purcell, much of a friend if you couldn't answer him? Nt>! TITO.\l \S uwrr~. :!:l, H.S. ·, S.S.-T~ke n S HAHPSHOOTER \~-.4.LT WETCKEXAXD sights on ta rgt't as who came to Carroll fl'om the But now you can shriek that you not only know 1 btl et inlo•r ·s· n :.;dtnol a.t '•lies. Ed Dooley (left) and Jack ZieiJer lend advice. These three men 30th Jnf. Div. at Fort Benning, of a college of that type but that ~·ou attend one. n \\' II> S(. H P L I';I{, 1:•, H.:->. r;et on the ball are part of tht' John Carroll ROTC rifle team, which fires against. Ga.. is working with the men Perhaps the change is a 1·esult of the lemininc t ; j>articJ)>att. :n .• !cn:;t oue student Ol"gantza­ Stale t:niversity of Iowa tomorrow. )1/Sgt. John ~luuoz watches afternoons and evenings. influence around John CatToll. l'm nol one to u .. n from the background. A veteran of 11 yeal's· st>l"'ice, spread rumors, but T heard from a very reliable '' lt.LI.\:\1 'I'IIOHTO:• . 1!11 HFG- i'h<' d~~:·er of seven of which were spent over· source that Mr. F. A. Jones, Cart·oll purchasing )"<•Ill' •llt'l'l': opinions or the students regarding the paint hh. IH'~o;t'nt ,., "ork. lediuu:-~ as it mighl \\' \\'ieckenand, Don Burger, mE"nt plans to provide more of start practice again as soon as job vary. Some were shocked; others were pleas· 110\\ st•cm, ns bl'ing a m~an~ to a greater goal Bob Wurm, Winton Barnes-, atul the:ieces than the or­ A heavy schedule awaits Car­ by all except a few die-ha1·d conservatives. Tl-.\ ~IE-L PH!L-1.!P~. 19. Physit~~ .Ma:O:- -Kt't'P Doole~, T-()-ny Ro-lad~ki, Ftan1 c.Jinary :!2"'s whirh the A~ea-m is roll's marksmen. Besides two Bu-tf)f'rhaps- tt.ig-4s j'U:tt a- start. ~es~«rl in mmn were viclim!i of inept., bubling. md!'<'isive offidals, who in mu"t a tough ~iaga~·a ::;quact in Duffnlo, N.Y. cases did not know wht•n to call foltls or· penalties, and rarely collabor­ Carroll Forward George Dallon will be shooting for a :tlcd with earh othPr wht•n they did mark a penalty. new Cnrroll season scoring mark with only half lhc season 1t is 1n•ll and A"ood to fullow stri<·t interprl'lation of the •·ul<'book, l{Onl'· !Job 'redel:'k) hold:~ l.lw }ll'l'· loul to wducc a baskNball l{ILnl(• to an extended period of whistle-toot­ sent ~tnndard of 277 point,; in :!:J in!!, foul-~;hooling <•pi:~od,•s, with lillie court play S<'taton; d G 1!1·18~1:1 cnn~Paign. Dalton h.ts 271 the oppllrtunit~· lo \'ir.w a ganw unmarred by numerous overly-officials' and still has 12 conte:-t:< tv UCCh;illllS by the nlCn in the l!(t·ipPd Shil'tS. Bonnies to : ~~.ta lin" Lo.!-in~ !{{•cord It's .\II \'ours ~1aga ·a won 18 games lllltl lust SJ>ace in th1: Intramural-Dunn llasketball League is ,;till open rot· HostJCU 10 lu~l Y•'al', but has only n -' · tbuRc dc,;il ·in~ to cntc• teams. Althou~h the crv is ~creat that "we don't The Carroll cagers will JO mark to ~how fol' thi:; r•·:u·':; have alhll'tic fadlities," only eight teams have 'entered the league. Thl.' leaJ,!uc is beiJ1g run by and ror the students; why don't students TAKE make their second Ea::;lern play thus far. One of its four swing of the season when they victoril'i' ''as owr Ttll('do. Sl·-11:, ADV.\=--:TAGE of their opportunity'! tht• samJ·ts T<;dito•·. Tom K1·:~use, and his urday, 1-'eb. 9, '''tll round out the scored 2~8 p1.1ints !.1st )'(':!r !\lltl ill assilltant, Jim lhah:nu, :•s wdl ~:;; the othl'l' members of the staff week's aC"tidty. considen•d the best all·aruund play. without whose aid nulhinl{ would h:t\'e ht•cn accomplished. ' Against Gannon the Streak!> will er on the squad. be stri,•ing to avPngc lust year's Topped t'arroll Last Yt•or W(' nlsu wiah lo lhank tho::~e who kept this column in existence- 60-46 loss lo the Goldt•n Knights. Lust year !liiagata whippt•d Car- our renders. The Knights havt• had rough going toil 7!1-48 during a six-gnmr win· this season, losing six uf thctr ning stn•ak in which il also lop· FOOTBALL OJ>J>O !'iEl\TS OF 1952 first nine gamrs. ped St. John's ( Brk) 111\\l l:iyr·ncuH<·. St. l~ runriK Dayton AI Chrobuk, who lullicd 221 Four of )liugara's los:~es tl11s Daldwin-Wallace St. Bonaventure poinls lo pace thl' Gannt>ll squad y~·ur h•we b,•en hy three point.· Xavier last year, is again lhc lt•uding or less. Tht· teams were Wto!il Vir- Yonn:.p•lown (Continued on l'agto 4) girua. Temple, W:tynt>, and Bu!f11lu. Bradley Tech .~ Carroll Individual Scoring ... FOI{\\ ARD BI LL PERl :-iEK huttlcs Oayton'11 star forward, I l'h. \ v~. Chuck Grigshy, for fl08l;e:<-.ion of the ball in tlw 89-62 dl.'fcal by Dayton, Player Game-. 271 211.1\ as Pr· Culliman comes up from the right. Geor~tl' Dalton ...... l :t Hill P('rUM?I...... I :1 t:UI 111.0 Pat Cullinan .... -· ...... 13 106 w·; Lt•o Longville ...... Ill !12 9 ..., Everytlzing lust ''George '' Fred .\d11m" ...... 13 ;:1 ;;.6 J ohn Heffe rnan ...... l:l 6:J .A.!l 'frog Keller ...... - . . . .1 2 53 1. t _f!itll Point-Happy Streaks Ted Zelek ...... • . . .. •...... 9 .Hi :;. t One year ago, .Joh n Carroll's basketball fortunes were Joe RosicS..a ...... • ...... - .... 11 2:1 2. 1 at a low ebb. The Streaks were on the way to their most Tom Gahan ...... ~...... 11 20 1.~ ! l S I.K disastrous in the 30 years that the sport has been \'inc<' Doherty ...... t Convenient! Quick, Easy-to-use ••• season Rill Frett ...... 9 IH 1.1 featured on the intercollegiate athletic program. At the J err.) Harriman ...... ·-·-···" .... :; 10 2.0 close of lhe season, followers of the Blue Slreal•s could poinl John Egan ...... 1 s 1.1 CARR.Ol.L TOTAL~ ...... •.•••.• 1:1 !l:H 7 1.1> •o a Ill t total of t w v tclol'ies in 2·l againsL Detroit, 21 again~! . . .•. .13 90!1 li!l.9 2:~ ~ames playl'cl. Kent, 17 agninst Toledo. 24 0J>J10nl•nl Total-. ()»'$uM MER~ Th(: Streaks pi 't•tl a tough IIA'turmt Youngstown, 26 against j; nd they did schedule last yc.>nr .Ml. Union, and 20 ngainst Dayton. come within a few ints of up ::~et· Onlton Hight<: Record tin).! some of the co I r ~•'!! sli'Ong· Streaks Play Highly-Rated Tumonow (•vening at Xiag;ua, est dubs. But lht·~e mo ral vi<'lor· Daltnn will ha\'C his sights on the ie:~" art• a pl'culiar ;~nl ity. Slat· C:arroiJ Sl'8SOI1 SI'OJ'inp; I'I.'COl'd Of ~~-....,.,.-.-...... -- istician's refus1• tu i •Jude th<•Jil in 277 points, set during lhe 194'i- Toledo U. and Lawrence Tech their tabulations. T record ~lood 48 <·ampaign by Bob Tedesky. Dal­ -two wins, 21 losse Coach Jerry Bush will send Carroll will meet one of its SELF-SERVICE DRY CLEANING ton nel'd:> but seven points to pass a rangy quintet from the Uni- toughest opponents on .Jnn. This season -it '~ this mat·k. Streak;; starh•d f:ts 11 i nnin~ five Fred Geo1·ge also has a goal vcrsity of jfoledo into the 2!l when the cagcrs of Law­ of their first six t•or :;ts; and now, ahead-that <>f gi,·ing the school Arena on .January ~8 to face renee Tech invade the Arena. midway through "'.:nson, thc•y its fir·~t winning basketball rec­ the Streak cagers. This will The Techmcn have scored an h:l\'e a ma1·k of _., en ,·icturjcs ord sin<·e before the war. Besides be the s~·cond cont('st bl'l ween thc· ave1·tt~ e of mo ·e tha11 I)IJ point~ against six lo~::;es-"'(i l'l' more tri­ ha\'in~ : remaining. to bn·ak the season point l•llal of A lot of height and a little ex· Tl·ch "ill be ll•d by Hlaine Dcn- What's been addecl !o efrN·l this 1:l!l9 e:;tablishl.'d by the 19-18~19 perience hnve cnublc·d the H 1cket ning who has been described :c!'l change'! .\ pair •t •·<;<~ o•·gcs," Stn"• k cagers. five to win ten gurncs while llrop- "the besL player in the country" hy Coach Fred Georg• Jurward and With 12 ganH·s to plar, Canol! ping only three. The team, tallest his ro 1ch, Don Ridlc1·. Dennin~ haq George Dalton. are t h•• t",;u most has 931 marker~. An avt>rnge of in Toledo hh;tory, averages 6 fl., important additions~ ,. the:"Cltlllpus slightly belle•· than :~9 points per 2 ~~ in. basketball scene. :· • ~~a me \1 ill erase the old record Hockets Hn,·c Jll'i ~ht For each of th.: 't is:;l1e first fi'Oil\o thu books. 7 HOUR Captain Phil Morton, u ti fl. lo in. sensun of college !. U.!$f ye:n·, l r thE> Slr<'nk!l can do belter than ~enitll fol'\\'Urd back for his thin! Jo'recl GeorgP was ri eliCit:• his •·c·tl brNtk even U\e balance of l.he ye;tr of vat·sil.y com(l('lllion, uud SERVICE hot St. fgnntius wtl tlca~.. to the s<·hcdule, T•'•·,·d George's Crl!w will Ralph Carroll, 6 fl. !l in., ;~nolhl'r cily title. A l the 11e tlnit•, Big haw registered the grc.>ate! Ja• He~ides tht•ir '\;ctory o,·cr Ci•r• lcsts for an . stn·ngth of La,nencc Tech t·un loc a game-enough i>/(cc~ him Ohio l'nh f'l81tY :! Feb. ovPr' Ath·iun, Bluffton, )tiami. Cin­ to Fc>h f(Jund in the fact th;tt th••r \\'''~"'' anH~ng the ~at ion's t~ p ~-t~iyrs. Xtwlcr cinnati (twice). Kl'nt Stute, Ea.-lngtQn nnd Jerr~n~ou lil F'do, ern Ken tuck~, Wa~h ington and gan. They were (·\'en Jlhtct·tl ulu•vc in double fi~urcs Vi ever~· gam(' T.-1-•tfp Hi .F•·h Let•, and Ohio Wesleyan. '\iagam, '' o~unrn an~! :O.lary 1 ~lur Mirhigan Stale and the liuivcn•it3• this yenr. The F1· fl a:ketba\1 team,; :1fter la;;l sca~•n. lilfl 6 April 7l-6fi. i-··········· ...... ·-- ..... -· ...... ___ .;.__I ...... ····-...... _...... _...... -··· ...... j 9 HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR USED 'TEXTS 122 l

i ,~~ riELD 5·1!9cll•o!. STORE ~~1"_. !- 11 : ~~ Yours lor Lower Cost of Higher Education" rJ~~ i • l~ Free Parking Rear o: Bus Terminal #/'"~ ! OPEN EVES. OUR ONLl STORE SW. 1-7766 : ...... "++• ...... - ...... -•••••••••• --·· ...... •+++••·--·...... -.1 Page 4 TnE CAP.ROLL XE\YS Friday. January 18, Hlfi2

Gannon • Third Carroll Telecast (('ontinm•u from Pa~:c 3) Junior Dance Held scorer this ... ca~"n. Othct· :!;tartcJ:;: are letlermP.n A1·t ;\liddlclon :Jnihmen Jan. 12; 300 Attend Dick Df'C:nlo aut! ~~~1·m l>•·t·ker. IWTC training al ,Tohn Carroll University, with demon­ The annual .Junior Dnn<.'e, '"''hich was held in lhc ~lnin Ronnies H a\'t' l't·rft•d ll, Sat .. Jan. 1:!, wn~ rated a versity's thitd television broadcast over station WE\VS, St. Bonav<'ntUI'C is cun-cntly on<' success by the 150 couples attending. of the five major unddc:tted teams Channel 5. this Sunday, Jan. 20, at 6 J>.m. Orrin Ide. who has played at the Ar:tgon Tiallroom for the in the country :md is ranked among pasl three years, supplied the music for the O('<'asiou. A film depicting a transportation COJ'J)S in action will the top ten t('alll:::. Chairmen of the semi-Cormnl he shnwn nt the outset, followro The gam.:: at Ol!'an will feature t>y three de.monstr·ations by the five minute drill o! a Per~hing d:a!zt't', \\hich bt•gan at tt p.m. nnd E 8 • Rifle unit will follow, under the the resumption of lwsketbull rc- lWTC :mel it,; udminilrtration. Ia steei till I a.m. werl· Jvhn Bcz·- Xam s rIng dirN·tion of Sgt. Fr·ancis R. Tesch, lations between tht: t\\ o schools ~l aj111 1..-wis C. Spinnt>y, ll!l!list­ ingc•r and Patrick :'lfolohan. aut prnft•SllCII" of military scit•n<'e, in,;tr-uctor. A sequE-nce on the mo· aflet· a lap!le !If J 1 yt•ar:<. I will .!c•mnu!lta·atc th" luaditlg and riel loading of a modf't·n NhiJ> in The Brown ltuliuns' nine scalps Th·· Rc·v. wmi:un .1. .Mmphy. Worry Woe S.J ., dc·nn of nwn, actl'rl ns !11111· 1 !IIIJ>o•rvisiun of 11 nwLnr pool. A a modc t·n port will (•ncl the demon· this st>nson ilwhulc• llrndll'y, Law­ ------, strut ion. ot·ary guest, while> the ehnpt•ronc:; tancc Tech, Wt•stc•rn Kcutucky, Tht- University band, in militnry iil<·ludt'd ~1r. and Mrs.• 1. ~!:mold To Students attire, will offer two sl.'lectrons. Canisius. and :\i:tg:u11. Tt·awr~t>. ~I r. and ~h~<. Lugt•tw ~httin~,·1·, and ~tr. and ~Ir;;. Ah in Dorm Cage L.oop A film on the acttvities of the \'eteran c;uanls Hill Kem·illc Sutton. B) F.nw .\ tm t'~cnotn ROTC at Carroll will also be fea- and Bobby ::;as:;onP. ( \\ ho ,cL a ThP committeE> membl'rs fot· tht' turcd. new Bonnie scoring mnrk of 313 hla<·l' Two-Team Battle affail· wrrc J a. ne;; l'ortt'l', Hohl' rt \'ery soon. now. cof­ With little more lhan half tht• The Very R~"· Frederick ~- ~el- points last Sl':tsun) n•·e two big Rr.utk(!, Thomas Stock. llnt~1ld Tr:t· fee will he perking on tltt' JW:I!IOil gone, John Canol!':; intt'!l· f~E', S.J:· Prestdent or the UntV('}'- r·easons ft>r th{ t ·.. n ·,.. "I("O:el\3. srty, wtll end the broadcast w1th . , . \"E-rsc, and Hobert Yiuri<'k. ~to\'e :mel the 11idnight lnmp mua·al ba;;ketball competition hns comment on ''The Place of tht> ('tty ( ro" n \I stal,~ 11 will be focusing its ligh l on dwindkd down to a two team tace. ROTC in the Educational Program I The B-W dash 1:< the· fir,;t of • , Jloth the ''Maulers" and the of .J ohn Ca11011 Uni\•ersity". l~o ~anws th~t sh~ulu dt•c·tde the the text books, for ~lnrt inH '"l.itllt· Ali-Anwdcans" hnve ht'N'Z· 'l'he progr·am is directed by Mr·. cham!JHms!up. .. ,L\TCH til .. B£1U>JE,'' sa) S non huhinski to Tlwresa Bornint•u I· lll"Xl :>lc~ncia~ . .Jan ~1. llw rin:tl ~·: 1 thro~gh si~•• ,~o~.test.s unbeaten. Vincent S. Klein, director of the A v1ctnr~ fur < at roll at 131't"t:IntS ho . ped~c . . f ~. the Streaks as .Lh~ ·n·turn <•ncoun• quartl'tte "·ere. A part of the throng that turned ou.! for lhl• annual :mel continue for ,;ix clay,;, en•lin~ nlllllich• c·hanct~ tn close with the• Oow:ut· · c nfut!~. .1trectorSo. t c ter will be pl·p·pcJ nl Lite A ·ona J uniur H:tn<'e J . 12. t•par ment o ,,., 1 ary crencc _ _ · ·' _ . . 1 ... · Tonight will be "Carrnll Jo'nmilr OJI .lnn. 2S. lt•:ulc•I1'. 1 1' b 1- h , . II t ll nnd Tactics, is moderator. 'e · "· "' crl' "an·.o 1' ,; 1 uu· k ~ight" in the Brooks ThPatre of Four exam J><'l"i"'h :t day :u-.· S\lanson, Byrne Star defeated. r Dr. to Spea the l'layhottsl', Bast 8Hth off Cat· Thomas Pt·ayer!l arc requested for the f:dtedulcJ instt:atl of th<' <·ustumnry With Jerr'-· Wt>nsinger and Bill I A s d f t c 11 f th 0 13 n· lll'gi(', when tlw audiencP will he " Burrell Shields, the S treaks' . ec~n l':l ut· : n B f IRE F b 13 repose of the soul the thrct'.. \nuthc w Ot•wJ••:ttun• intm­ '!'holman lc·ading the way, thr Lit· OUt!ltanding hatrbnck and Play- sertes Will be th(' I'Xpt·t:tetl :sconng e ore e . or n,., .. mndt• up o( playgoet·s from Juhn John B. Furay, S.J., Se\·enth J>rr·~i­ Carroll. All tickets for tonight's ducl·d thi:; yc:tr is that all t•oun~c·s tiP AII-Amcl"icuns have never had 1 er of the year las t season, was duE-l bclwl'en lanky lhl·k Rl'tlwr- , , with nwrc Lh.m flltt' ~<•'t·Lion will tu t•.xtc~nd thl.'mseh.-es in colllocting h b h Cl d , ford of thl' y,.JJ11w )•t"k.. ts at·d Dr. Edmund . Th. omas, profes- dPnt of John Carroll l.:nivet-sity, P• rfonnance o.f "Velvet QJ.,ve,-;", c osen y t e eve 1an 1.rowns · • ' • · · . hnld their exam:~ at thP s.1.:nw t inw, tht·ir· six victories. The Mault>rR, in the Rixth round of the • C~rroll's fla!';h~ fr~shmnn, (.;eorge sor ~f chemrstry,. wtll~ ad~ress the who diNI Wt'd!l('sdny in St. Louis. by HosenHu·y Casey, which hns bt•cm 1111 1 thus nlleviuting conflicts :u\ll aiel­ • .s pc>rting u puit· of foo!Jball playet·s, nual ~:tlional Football Ll.'ague Dalton. ~ Instttutt: of Jbtcltn Engnwers at Fr. Fumy guidt>d John Canol!, playing since New. 20, 1951, hnve Bill SwunScause of the c1·uwdcd and <'oll· away with all their victories with· Coach Paul Brown plans to clip of· 2:J points a ~am•· and rr· day. F\•b. J:l at !l a.m. in Rm. (). \"l'r:>ily. Tickets which wrre avail­ flicting situntinn Llw llliiJWn•us ·rr· ._. Th "'I·' u ~e Shields as a defensive s pec- cently scored 3.l pomt,; against H: t lk h'-" - · th out too much d I tcu1 •l· e ":u- t"ult" o. t. l ·a.~ t ) "ar Halfback Dorl IS a . ' w •...,. WJ 11 cxp1 nm <• able from Mrs. Ethel Bric-kel in lh.• milita:-r sci!'nc·.- '"'<'t innR W••ul •" 2) ·~ - " ' Ohio Wesi<'yan, while Dalton ;~ fia Five," (:!-2) and "2:,11, (4· ",' hul" of Ca·~·o l l was pt'~ked • practical npplic.ttlnns of electrO· J),•nn of MPn's office>, havt• berm prcst•ut, if includ!'slie, who 111·lt<·d 31 r· ld · · 11 1 b d" d t·ector of the Department of ~lil i- Jiotnls m one game on y o nvc leave for Camp Polk, La. this l w tt·rps wt a so e 1scusse gnrtc·tl into P;t(:h curriculum, thnt unci Wednc,;day.• Jan. ·1. 5, t:, "ith ·• b l d b th J • n·11 points against Rt'st>n•e, 1:1s a 13 . ll <·t·t• y e aggs t month with the Ohio 37th Oiv- po,·nts pet· gu.rnr 'l\'nraorr, ,·tn.J It"" aL the rneelmg. . also has definite civilian advnnl- ~·hool beg-inning •m Thut·sd:ty, .Jan. ()'C 11 h h d 33 t II" • " ,.. 11 "~ CE'ntly appeat·ed on various Clen·· ,onnt' w 0 pus e a tes i1-1ion of the National Guard. been used at btllh lht· fl)rwnrd and Edwat·d L~·o n ~. prcsu!l~nt of the land radio programs for th<' pur- age:;. 7, thrvugh Uw hoop in a later contest. guard positions, l•'nt·wnrds Hill Mo- liRE, announ ce ~ that any fr·esh- post> of fumiliarizing the commun­ Col. Schmitl has already spoke-n 'l'he lini\'et·sily is again uffl'l'- lnnd and Rill )Iot·gan, and man or ~opho \nrc interested in ity with the Carroll Plan, whit·h nn radio stations Wli:Rr~. WIIK, ing the opportunitr of Pnl·.,lli n~ in Jim Rodriguez, ,letT~ :SJtsl', and llhc organiu1tiou i,; invited to at- offt-rs Frt>shmcn the opportunity WDOK, anti will speak on WGAR the Cnnoll Pl:ln ut tlw bt•ginninrr At the Ball Chet Grob. • tPnd this nwc>ti :r. • of em·olling in lhc Canol! unit of unci WSRS in the near futur·p. I of the second sc•mcsler·.

(f\bttb ~nark JJ)at . S ~dat Chesterfield~ • · ~~~~ J.$}/ ;\II LIT \HY BALL ::\I Wo\tC ~ill be provided by Let> Barrett and his Thrt•e Tone!;. Songstress !\Iurie Lynn (right) is the featured Hlcalist of the combo. This i11 the srcond year tha·~ Barrett's group ~ .L~CR~ ~~M~AGER has been signed for this affair. H is popularity at the 1951 !\Jilil:rry SiGNED .. ~ · ... Ball made him a ! !natural" for this year'~ music man. Last year his grout> wu~ hnown as the Four Tones, but llncll.l Sam $lepped in with his 2:; 11er ct•nt cut via ~ he Selective Service System and dl"afted Lht­ rn issing mt•mhE'r. ~ I I OCULI STS PRESCRIPTI ONS Classes Repaired - Adjusted I latest Styles I ~~ Cedar-Taylor I c •••• Optical Co• . I c~ ,.,. East of Gray's YE. 2-2738 I YE. 2-." 244 Opt'n Mon .. Thurs. until 8 p.m. I WATCH & JEWELRY Cedar-Taylor Medical Bldg. REPAIR 2101 S. Taylor Rd. f 48· HOU R SERVICE I Guaranteed Workmanship ~-~ - -· ~ .,. - - -· - . ·~wmzwz;wmmmmnwmz*aawzzmmmmmmzmmmmmm~ CAMPUS DRUG •.• - = Your after class coke and coffee spot - Headquarters for all school supplies, writing, smoking, and sundry needs =- r:.:.::.:.... : ...... :::: ... :.~ ... =..~ ...... :...... :.: ...... i I I dfoldJJ.n, I ILDNESS . .-1 : (/)a.iluf ? 0 UN PLEASANT Since 1890 offering the finest an dairy products AFTER-TASTE* JH£ R£P01H Of A WtU·ICNOWN RESEARCH ORCAN!lATION to Clevelanders

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