John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 1-18-1952 The aC rroll News- Vol. 33, No. 6 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 33, No. 6" (1952). The Carroll News. 356. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/356 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ROTC Performs ROTC Dances On TV Sunday LL NEWS Saturday Night ~·· · · ·· ...................... ..... Representing John Carroll University ~- ............................ Vol. XXXIII, N'o. 6 John Carroll University, Univ :-ity Heights 18, Ohio F n'd ay, J anuary 18 . 1 <)~• •):.. > -----------------------------------------------~-+--------------~------------------------------~~--~~~~· QUEEN REIGNS A MILITARY. BALL Sodality Adds 80 Lee Barrett and 3 Tones Featured MembersonMar~9 By DAN BOI.AXD Uy RICHARD m ... s rr~ l\liss Shirley Joyce Pleshinger, a twenty-three year old On Sunday, 1\lar. P. approximately 80 students will be teacher of Dramatic Arts for the Cleveland Heights Hoare! accepted into the .John Carroll Sodality. The rereption ''ill lake place during the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament of Education, will reign as Queen of the second unnunl :\Iili­ whidt will conclude a day of recollection for the group. tary Ball which will be held on the evening of .Jan. 21.i in The formal presentation of the prospecli\'e members the University Auditorium. ---- v. as lwld at the Richmnnd Crmntr~· Miss Pleshmger was chosPn :--------------­ < lub un Tut>sday even1ng, D1·c. 4. from a field of 20 contestants Band Plays At lhlll dinnet· the respPcti\'" m<Jm­ last night in judging which took Th • ht•rship instructor!' inlnHlUc<'d tht.>ir place in the P•·esident's P;ll'lOl. es pI an s ~roup;" of candidatt•s lu tht• Pntire Acting as judges were Lt. Col. Latin Tunes ~odahty. Howard I. Schmitt, director of the Guiding their ttc>spt•cti\'e prob:J· D~.>partmcnt of .Mi litary Sciencl', I !Jill Gordon of radio station WHK, Stage pI ay tionists since Septt>mb.·r. lhP :n- For Con cert . I George Barnum o( the Cleveland '1' . • sttuctor~ of candiclat<'!< han· h£>1p- ht• .'John. Canol!. Umvet:::tly t•d to t•xpluin to each <·andidate ) IILJT AnY 8 ,\LL CO,l:.\IJTTEE me t~s to arrange final details Phtin Dealer, and William Faulk- Tl:uu..l will b1·mg a La.tm Amel'lean what the Sodality expects of him of the Jan. 26 a ffa ir. Ralph Shattuck, Char les Brunn, Jerry P opow, ner of the Cleveland News. A 26 27 HtlliOllphere to the CUmJ>US for a and whnL he should <'XjWd or the Altman, Devine Hichard Kilfoyle, a nd Chairman Uichard Kraska are the brass serving Cadet Capt'hin Donald Reilly, p r JIOJI c·Mcf't•t Fe-b. 17. Soclnlrtv. on the committee. who entered Miss Pl<'shinger, will • I '!'he Sund~y evenin.g con<.'ert will J,•ror~e ~1illPr, !;l'nim· in the Col- be Honorary Colonel for the eve· The J ohn Carroll Little Theatre Attend NFCCS nmg. Society is now preparing !ot· prl'· f<'~tur~· Latm Am1•rtcan _ rhyth.~~·,lt•g•• of Art~ ami Stienc1·s, is chair­ Attendants Also Selected ~t·ntation, on Apr. 26 and 27, So- h,lcludmg such numbE-rs a!< S• man of the memb1•t·ship bourd, 1 1'0c:t~··ro," by W;iltl'rs; South whirh is composed of 17 Socialists Chosen to aet as attendants for phocles 2400-yeur-ohl cJa,.sh: "An· National Meet Dugan Elected Vice­ the Queen were Miss Ann Rogers tigone," a tragedy rc\·ol\'ing amur11l Amt>.ncan Way," by ::\I<' Hugh; .''ThP from both the junim and senior Two John Carroll Un1versity llat Dant'e" and "Ltlt of units of the and Miss Lois Pringle. Miss Rog· a young noblewoman who derit's .\lc·x1ca~ Sodalit~. studl•nts were present at th<• fin;t. thc· Latrn," arrnnged by Bennett. dd'l' t kl f ers, a 17 yeat··old freshman ut the king of Thebes' dnt·l'l'f' that 110 . 1n n 1 ron o a we<' y con er- .Nationul t·ourH:il meeting of thl' Speaker At Debate Ut·Ruline College, WM t>ntered b y one may bury het• tll.'ad hrothet·, .A suxophone qunrlt•t WJII play ence with his instructor t•ach ·an· 1\ational Fed<>t·ation of Catholic Cadet Lt. William Hanson. Miss because, as an enemy of the stnte, "V:t I "1' " b Y J h • · c se '' .'gnonnl', o nson. clidate att<'nds a lecture givl'n t'\'I'I'Y Collc•gl' Stud•!nts \Yhen it opt'ned By W I LLIAM GIBSO~ Pringle, also 17, ·was submitted he wa:; undeserving of tt. At'<'omp:mred ~Y the lland, a tnnn· Friday by the Rev. Jost•ph 0. in ChiC.'ago at th(' Sh!.'rman Hotel I by Cadet Sergeant JetTy Perko. As a result of tht> tryouts last Jll't <rllarte~ ,~·!ll plu~ "Tournnment ~khl'll, S.J., moderuto · of the So· Thomas Dugan of .John Carron was elected vice-speaker 1 on \V.. dnPsdav, Ja'l. 3. Prest:tll wt>re Perko and Hanson , ..;11 ·eceive )fonday and '\'ednesday, Eileen uf Tntmpets. dality. or the principles of tiJe: So· 1 Jon Altman, \·ice-Pre~ident of the of the annual Legislath•e Assembly of the ~ortheast Ohio honorary captain's bars for the Casey will play the leading 1"1.)1~ dality. Prol{ram \'ari ed Detro1t"'FC''~S · Clevelandd ~ k Region. ,, of . the D e ba t e C on f e1en. ce h e Jd Satlll ·d ay, J an. 12 , ·m S turges Hall, Ball. of the passionately dutiful Anli- Notnbl!.• on the Jlrogt·am are two This ~·ear's ~roup will be the . ~ ..., , an 1•1 :o· 0 e\ me, "a lion- The Militat·y Ball promises to gon('. Creen, thP conceited king, m•c•rluru!<, ''The P<wt and t.he Pea­ Iat·gc:;t <•vrr acceptrd inlo tlw So­ at chait·ma~~o (lf the Social !::ict'\'· Oberlin College. In addition, Arthur Grumney and Robert be on£> of the outstanding social will br! portl·ayt!d by Mike Gnll:l· Hunt," hy Suppt•, nnd "Guys and ciality d<•llpite the fact that almost ic•' Commrssio•.1• The R•'v. William Monroe were nominated for president and clerk of t he con- t>vent:s of the year. Ft·ee orchid gher. Alverda So!f•ns will c,rmct. Dolls," by LOP!>Set·. on£>·1hird of lhe 1:?5 applieants J. >I urphv ~.J .. also ut tend('(( the t ' t' I cor·sagt>s ....;u greet the young Ia- tht- part of lsmerll'. and Marv Budcl mt·cting ~~" :\mionnl Chaplain of ven ton, respec 1\'e Y· , Other numbl'rs on the agend:t havt• dropped out durin!{ the six dies at the door·, and free refresh- that of Eu:·ydict·, while Ch:u·lt>:> :trt• "State Fair," by Oscar and month trninmg program. the xrccs. I Ten schools sent delegates to Ba • ROTC nwnt::; will be furnh;hNl. Pall'nik and Rogt'l'. Sal'gem will JT:unnwrst('in; ":\ntionnl Capital The rnccting, which la,~t·rl until this assembtr. In attendsn..:t· were SIC The music of Lee Barrett, who t~ke th~ parts of Hnemon :md pl_ayed for affnir T iresia& t"t'Sjlectiv!'ly. ~f:1rch" by Zambnrana; "Gyp"~ Saturda~·, Jnn. G. was attendNI by Irepre:;t-ntatiws Kent St.nt•', ~ta the. la~t ~ear. wrll oe featut·e<i m the :Audrtonum, Othtlnal Style Retalnl'd Gultn111," arranged by Bennett; ~onw foi1.Y-I!I~ht Mudents rtpti"- Bowltng Gr·cc>n, ~e. W<'stel'll '- sses to ··on Two Events senting o\'c•r 21>0,110ll 0atholic col- R.eS£>1'\'e, llaldwut - IInce, Obct·- and the Three T ones will suppl~· ln all,• the cast ·will includt• about th1~ Tmi\," from the "(:rand Can• leg•· stuclf"nls. lin, Akroll, Ohiu W evan, Wc1os- 0 f b 7 entertainment in the ca!eteria. tw~:n ty players. yull Suil!.'," hy (:r·ofp; and "The Busy lhg Horn HoogiP," by Brewster. R•tfles Claude• :\JacOonald, dil·eclOl' of ter, and J ohn C:u·r·ot ~ Cat·t·oll sent pen e • Kraska H ead~; Com mittee "The origin'nl Greek !lty!P will The committee for the occasion be retained ";thout any t'!<!<entiul .\It·•. Jack T. H~·arn!<, din•ctor of Duly in,tall<'d a~ Cum ,any :\1-l :ht> !l:orlh American Cummi<~~ion ten delcgalt·s-.thn ' for each of January high school graduates 1 of Pax l{omana spokc• on llw Worltl the thn·e cumm•tt· ·~ .11nd an alter- may cnlt-r ROTC officer tr:~ining is lwad::d by Richard K rask :1. As· change!<," said Leo1w :\brinl'llo, t}w Hnnd, s~atl'd that commltt<'es of lhl' First Ohio Reglnr .. nt, ,J.,hn sisting him are Charles Brunn dirl·Ctor of the society. "We will hrt\'•' ht'l'll formed and that ar- Carroll's l't.>rshing f~iflt•s unit is Cungrr>~!l uf Pax Romann to bc• nate. with the spring .semester, begin· held .n Tt• outo from Aug. 12-30, The thrPe t•ommitl s wet·<' thost• ning Feb. 7, here at Carroll, the t·cf:·tc>shments, J a me s Drexler: Ialso u.-;e record£>.! mu::;ic to hl'lp l":llll{l'lllf'llt.<; are undt.>r way to jll't'· busy prcpal'ing f01 1ts td!'\'ision ticket!:, JerTy Popow, decorations, sustain the mood." 1~1:;:.:., :\ FCCS i,; an affilin:c ot on Ethics in t:ll· I· ral Co\'Nn- Very Rev.
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