17Th ESPD Annual Meeting 19 – 21 October 2017 Meliá Palas Atenea Palma De Mallorca, Spain

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17Th ESPD Annual Meeting 19 – 21 October 2017 Meliá Palas Atenea Palma De Mallorca, Spain ESPD 2017 PALMA DE MALLORCA 17th ESPD Annual Meeting 19 – 21 October 2017 Meliá Palas Atenea Palma de Mallorca, Spain List of Posters www.espd.info Posters DIAGNOSIS P 001 | COLOR DOPPLER ULTRASOUND: EXPERIENCE OF ITS USEFULNESS IN PEDIATRIC PATIENTS Giavedoni, P.; Morgado-Carrasco, D.; Carrera, C.; Ferrando, J. (Spain) P 002 | ULTRASOUND FINDINGS IN IDIOPATHIC ASEPTIC FACIAL GRANULOMA Gómez-Zubiaur, A.; Knöpfel, N.; Noguera-Morel, L.; Cabrera-Hernández, A.; Torrelo, A.; Hernández-Martín, Á. (Spain) P 003 | HALO SCALP RING. ULTRASONOGRAPHIC FINDINGS Macías del Toro, E.; Torre Castro, J.; Nuñez Hipolito, L.; Lopez Robles, J.; Mendoza Cembranos, M.D.; Alfageme Roldan, F.; Cabeza Martínez, R.; Gonzalez de Domingo, M.A.; Dolores, S.M.; Roustan Gullon, G. (Spain) P 004 | EPIDEMIOLOGY AND OUTCOME ANALYSIS OF 395 INFANTS GETTING DERMATOLOGIC SURGERY ATTENDING A DEPARTMENT OF DERMATOLOGY IN KOREA Park, K.; Kim, J.H.; Im, B.R. (Republic of Korea) P 005 | SONOGRAPHIC FINDINGS IN SUBCUTANEOUS GRANULOMA ANNULARE Rodríguez Díaz, E.; Quevedo, A.; González Díaz, M.E.; Rodríguez Vidal, A.; González-Sánchez, S.; García Suárez, L.; Vázquez Osorio, I. (Spain) GENODERMATOSIS P 006 | A CASE OF EPIDERMOLYTIC ICHTHYOSIS WITH A DE NOVO KRT1 GENE MUTATION Abdelrahman, W.; Clements, S.; Hoey, S. (United Kingdom) P 007 | AN UNUSUAL CAUSE OF FACIAL ULCERATION IN A FOUR YEAR OLD Abdelrahman, W.; Armstrong, K. (United Kingdom) P 008 | GOLTZ SYNDROME: REPORT OF TWO CASES AND OVERVIEW OF PORCN MUTATIONS Akkaya, A.D.; Özlü, C.; Zeynep, E.; Umut, A.; Azaklı, H.; Eraslan, S.; Kayserili, H. (Turkey) P 009 | GOLTZ SYNDROME: CASE REPORT OF FOCAL DERMAL HYPOPLASIA Alrehaili, D.; Alshihry, H.; Alharthi, N.; (Saudi Arabia) P 010 | TWO CASES OF INCONTINENTIA PIGMENTI IN NEWBORNS WITH CONSEQUENT VISUAL ABNORMALITIES Alwash, N.; Dinani, N.; Felton, J. (United Kingdom) 17TH ESPD ANNUAL MEETING, 19 – 21 OCTOBER 2017, PALMA DE MALLORCA, SPAIN P 011 | DYSTROPHIC EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA PRURIGINOSA WITH ALBOPAPULOID LESIONS Ayad, M.; Zobiri, S.; Taibi, L.; Ammar-khodja, A.; Bouharati, D. (Algeria) P 012 | FACIAL BECKER NEVUS MIMICKING PARRY ROMBERG SYNDROME Barysch, M.J.; Kamarachev, J.; Obwegeser, J.; Weibel, L. (Switzerland) P 013 | TRICHORHINOPHALANGEAL SYNDROME TYPE I IN TWO BROTHERS Betlloch Mas, I.; Poveda-Montoyo, I.; Romero-Pérez, D.; González-Villanueva, I.; Álvarez-Chinchilla, P.; Encabo-Durán, B.; Martínez-Miravete, M.T. (Spain) P 014 | INTRAORAL INVOLVEMENT IN SEBACEOUS NEVUS SYNDROME Calderon-Castrat, X.; Canueto, J.; Alonso-San Pablo, M.T.; Roman-Curto, C.; Fernandez-Lopez, E. (Spain) P 015 | NEONATAL ICHTHYOSIS AS PRESENTING SIGN OF TRICHOTHIODYSTROPHY Campos-Domínguez, M.; Vilas Boas, P.T.; Ruedas Martínez, A.; Sánchez Herrero, A.; Mateos Mayo, A.; Marsinyach Ros, I.; Parra Blanco, V.; Seoane Reula, M.E.; Barredo Valderrama, E.; Suárez Fernández, R. (Spain) P 016 | THREE CASES OF FOCAL DERMAL HYPOPLASIA: A BROAD SPECTRUM OF THE SAME DISEASE Triboulet, C.; Norrenberg, S.; Christen-Zaech, S. (Switzerland) P 017 | CLINICAL AND HISTOPATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS OF KERATINOPATHIC ICHTHYOSIS IN OUR HOSPITAL Corral-Magaña, O.; Quintero Duarte, A.M.; Escudero-Góngora, M.D.M.; Boix-Vilanova, J.; Giacaman Contreras, A.; Saus, C.; Bauzá Alonso, A.F.; Bartolomé, B.; del Pozo-Hernando, L.J.; Martín-Santiago, A. (Spain) P 018 | COLLODION BABY: A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY OF 10 PATIENTS Escudero Góngora, M.M.; Giacaman, A.; Corral, O.; Nadal, C.; Vila, A.; Bauzá, A.; Fiol, M.; Rosell, J.; González-Sarmiento, R.; Martín-Santiago, A. (Spain) P 019 | BLOCH-SULZBERGER SYNDROME: EARLY CUTANEOUS FEATURES, KEY FOR DIAGNOSIS Fernández Canga, P.; Varas Meis, E.; Castiñeiras González, J.; Delgado Vicente, S.; Samaniego González, E.; Eiris Salvado, N.; Rodríguez Prieto, M.Á. (Spain) P 020 | KERATINOPATHIC ICHTHYOSES MINOR VARIANTS: CLINICAL AND GENETIC SPECTRUM Garnacho Saucedo, G.; Galán Gutierrez, M.; Salido Vallejo, R.; Fernandez Crehuet, P.; Alcántara Reifs, C.; Moreno Giménez, J.C.; Vélez Garcia Nieto, A. (Spain) P 021 | ERYTHROKERATODERMIA VARIABILIS WITH ERYTHEMA GYRATUM REPENS LIKE LESIONS Garnacho Saucedo, G.; Salido Vallejo, R.; Alcántara Reifs, C.; Galan Gutierrez, M.; Moreno Gimenez, J.C.; Vélez Garcia Nieto, A. (Spain) 17TH ESPD ANNUAL MEETING, 19 – 21 OCTOBER 2017, PALMA DE MALLORCA, SPAIN P 022 | VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY IN PATIENTS OF CONGENITAL ICHTHYOSIS AND RESPONSE TO VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENTATION Hemrajani, P. (India) P 023 | CLINICAL, BIOCHEMICAL AND RADIOLOGICAL CORRELATION IN PATIENTS WITH CONGENITAL ICHTHYOSIS IN INDIA: CASE SERIES Hemrajani, P. (India) P 024 | CUTANEOUS MANIFESTATIONS OF CYSTIC FIBROSIS Chiriac, A.; Chiriac, A.E.; Azoicai, D. (Romania) P 025 | NEUROTIC EXCORIATIONS, ALOPECIA AREATA, LIP FISSURES, FISSURED TONGUE, ANGULAR CHEILITIS AND CHEILITIS IN A CASE OF DOWN SYNDROME Chiriac, A.E.; Pinteala, T.; Foia, L.; Chiriac, A. (Romania) P 026 | COLLODION BABY IN TWINS AND THEIR OLDER SISTER – CASE REPORT Jaworska, M.; Parcheta, P.; Kłujszo, E.; Cyran-Stemplewska, S. (Poland) P 027 | MISDIAGNOSIS OF NEUROFIBROMATOSIS TYPE 1 IN PATIENTS WITH PIEBALDISM Kaparos, N.; Norrenberg, S.; Christen-Zaech, S. (Switzerland) P 028 | PAPILLON-LEFE’ VRE SYNDROME: A CASE REPORT Kartal, D.; Cınar, L.; Basar, S.; Borlu, M. (Turkey) P 029 | AN UNUSUAL CASE OF A BECKER'S NEVUS WITH CHECKERBOX MOSAICISM Leong, A.J.; Liau, M.M.; Yang, S.S.; Tan, S.L. (Singapore) P 030 | SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF A PATIENT WITH NETHERTON SYNDROME WITH ALITRETINOIN Luchsinger, I.; Theiler, M.; Hovnanian, A.; Weibel, L. (Switzerland) P 031 | CUTIS LAXA AND COPPER TRANSPORT ANOMALIES. ONE GENE, TWO ENDS OF THE SPECTRUM Martín-Santiago, A.; Escudero-Góngora, M.M.; Montis, M.C.; Izquierdo, N.; Escalas, J.; Saus, C.; Roldán, J.; Rosell, J. (Spain) P 032 | MANAGEMENT OF CUTANEOUS SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA IN PATIENTS WITH RECESSICE DYSTROPHIC EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: OUR EXPERIENCE IN A UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Maseda Pedrero, R.; Labandón Jiménez, A.; López Giménez, M.R.; Beato Merino, M.J.; Escámez Toledano, M.J.; del Río Nechaevsky, M.; de Lucas Laguna, R. (Spain) P 033 | A KLICK SYNDROME MIMICKING AN ERYTHROKERATODERMA Onnis, G.; Bourrat, E.; Jonca, N.; Dreyfus, I.; Severino-Freire, M.; Fischer, J.; Mazereeuw-Hautier, J. (France) P 034 | BUSCHKE-OLLENDORFF SYNDROME Pampín Franco, A.; Naz Villalba, E.; Pinedo Moraleda, F.; Rodríguez Vásquez, X.; Elosua González, M.; García Zamora, E.; Vela Ganuza, M.; Sanz Robles, H.; Gamo Villegas, R.; López Estebaranz, J.L. (Spain) 17TH ESPD ANNUAL MEETING, 19 – 21 OCTOBER 2017, PALMA DE MALLORCA, SPAIN P 035 | BUSCHKE-OLLENDORFF SYNDROME WITH CONGENITAL DEFORMITY OF THE HAND. NOVEL MUTATION IN LEMD3 Pascual López, M.; Garcias Ladaria, J.; Sánchez Bermejo, M.C.; Cuadrado Rosón, M.M.; Angulo González, D.M.; Govea, N.; Rocamora Durán, V. (Spain) P 036 | PHACOMATOSIS PIGMENTOKERATOTICA: A CASE REPORT OF HRAS MOSAICISM Prieto Barrios, M.; Llamas Martin, R.; Velasco Tamariz, V.; Calleja Algarra, A.; Aragón de Miguel, R.; Ruano, Y.; Postigo Llorente, C.; Rodríguez Peralto, J.L.; Ortiz Romero, P.L.; Palencia Pérez, S. (Spain) P 037 | 3 CASES OF IDENTICAL COL71A1 MUTATIONS IN DISTINCT DYSTROPHIC EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA PHENOTYPES: WHAT UNDERLYING MECHANISM ARE WE MISSING? Prieto-Torres, L.; Knöpfel, N.; Noguera-Morel, L.; Hernández, Á.; Mase de Pedrero, R.; de Lucas, R.; Escámez, M.J.; Torrelo, A. (Spain) P 038 | RECESSIVE DYSTROPHIC EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA MIMICKING NEONATAL BULLOUS PEMPHIGOID Romero Perez, D.; Poveda Montoyo, I.; Encabo Duran, B.; Alvarez Chinchilla, P.; Martinez Miravete, M.T.; Betlloch Mas, I. (Spain) P 040 | BILATERAL MULTIPLE NEVUS SEBACEUS IN A NEWBORN Senturk, N.; Yildiz, L. (Turkey) P 041 | A RARE CAUSE OF SPARSE, SLOW-GROWING HAIR AND A FUSED TOOTH: A CHILD WITH TRICHORHINOPHALYNGEAL SYNDROME TYPE I. Stembridge, N.; Maslin, D.; Rytina, E.; Holden, S.; Firth, H.; Gass, J. (United Kingdom) P 042 | OCULOECTODERMAL SYNDROME: A RARE MOSAIC RASOPATHIES Tantcheva-Poor, I.; Bögershausen, N.; Heindl, L.; Cursiefen, C.; Zenker, M. (Germany) P 043 | PIGMENTARY MOSAICISM IN A PATIENT WITH RING 18 CHROMOSOME Varas Meis, E.; Fernández-Canga, P.; Castiñeiras-González, J.; Delagado-Vicente, S.; Samaniego-González, E.; Eiris-Salvado, N.; Ruíz-González, I.; Rodríguez-Prieto, M.Á. (Spain) P 044 | XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM - DE SANCTIS-CACCHIONE SYNDROME IN TWO LIBANESE FAMILIES Vogt, A.; Nasifoglu, S.; Stieler, K.; Blume-Peytavi, U. (Germany) P 045 | UNDERSTANDING EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA FROM THE PATIENT’S PERSPECTIVE Bruckner, A.; Murrell, D.; Wisk, J.; Losow, M.; Patel, N.; Reha, A.; Lagast, H.; Gault, J.; Cantor, E.; Gershkowitz, J. (USA) 17TH ESPD ANNUAL MEETING, 19 – 21 OCTOBER 2017, PALMA DE MALLORCA, SPAIN INFECTIOUS P 046 | SIMPLY WARTS OR TIP OF THE ICEBERG? Butzmann, C.; Weibel, L.; Theiler, M.; Prader, S.; Pachlopnik Schmid, J.; Schwieger-Briel, A. (Switzerland) P 047 | DISSEMINATED HERPES ZOSTER IN A NON-VACCINATED CHILD Hernandez-Nuñez, A.; Company, J.; Alique, S.; García-Montero, P.; Rojas-Mora, E.; Martínez-Morán, C.; Echeverría-García, B.; Borbujo, J. (Spain) P 048 | SCABIES: MAKING SENSE OF MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES Kansal, N.K.; Hazarika, N. (India) P 049 | CHILDHOOD LEPROSY – STILL A PROBLEM IN THE ERA OF ELIMINATION! Khanna, N.; Rai, M.; Yadav, S.; Khaitan, B. (India) P 050 | HYPER IGE SYNDROME (HIES) Lakhmiri, M.; Hassam, B.; Meziane, M. (Morocco) P 051 | NEONATAL VARICELLA–CASE REPORT Martinaskova, K.; Pošiváková, M.; Curilova, J.; Vorcakova, K. (Slovakia) P 052 | CUTANEOUS MANIFESTATIONS IN PATIENTS WITH PRIMARY IMMUNODEFICIENCY DISEASE IN THE BALEARIC ISLANDS Martinez-Pomar,
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