Perennials Available at 2006 UBC BG Perennial Sale 5/2/2006

Plant Name Common Name Height Colour Bl Time Special Conditions Country Acaena sp. New Zealand Burr to 4" (10 deep red, soft 1/2 inch burrs on fruit summer z6 pt.shade, well-drained, slightly alkaline soi S. Hemisphere Acanthus spinosus Bear's Breeches to 5' (150cm) white flowers with purple lsp-msu z5 sun/pt.shade, good soil, tolerates dry heat to W Turke Acanthus spinosus Spinosissimus Group (syn.A.spinosissimus) to 48" (120cm white flowers with purple bracts lsp-msu z5 sun/pt.shade, good soil, tolerates dry heat Achillea Yarrow 4' (120cm) gold flowers summer z4 sun, moist, well-drained soil In open site Achillea 'Terracotta' Yarrow to 30" (75cm) soft orange-brown flowers summer z4 sun, moist, well-drained soil in open site garden origin Achlys triphyllum Vanilla Leaf to 1' (30cm) spikes of very small white flowers spring z5 shade, moist woodland conditions NW N America Aconitum Monkshood (all parts are p to 6' (2m) blue flowers sum-fall sun/pt.shade, cool, moist, fertile soil Aconitum carmichaelii 'Arendsii' Monkshood (all parts are p to 4' (120cm) rich blue flowers fall z3 sun/pt.shade, cool, moist, fertile soil Aconitum japonicum Monkshood (all parts are p 36" (90cm) deep blue flowers fall z6 sun/pt,shade, cool, moist, fertile soil Japan Aconitum napellus Monkshood (all parts are p to 40" (1m) ivory white flowers summer z5 sun/pt.shade, cool, moist, fertile soil Europe Aconitum napellus Monkshood (all parts are p to 5' (1.5m) indigo blue flowers summer z5 sun/pt.shade, cool, moist, fertile soil Europe Aconitum x cammarum Monkshood to 5' (1.5m) purple flowers fall z4 sun/pt.sun moist, humus-rich, well-draine Aconitum yezoense Monkshood (all parts are p to 24" (60cm) blue-purple flowers summer z6 sun/pt.shade, cool, moist, fertile soil Japan Acorus gramineus 'Variegatus' Variegated Japanese Rush 10" (25 c creamy white and green striped leave z5 full sun, wet or very moist soil E Asia Actaea simplex (syn. Cimicifuga simplex) to 48" (1.2m) white flowers fall z4, moist,fertile, humus-rich soil. Need Rus.;China,Kor Actaea simplex 'White Pearl' Autumn Snakeroot 2-3' (60-90cm white flowers fall z4 partial shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so garden origin Adiantum aleuticum (syn.A.pedatum ssp.aleutic to 30"(75cm) deciduous or semi-evergreen z3 pt./shade, moist, well-drained, mod.fertile W.N.America Adiantum venustum Himalayan Maidenhair Fer 6-12" (15-30c evergreen above -10C z5 pt.shade, moist, well-drained, mod.fertile Himalayas Agapanthus 'Bressingham Blue' to 36" (90cm) rich blue flowers lsumme z7 sun, fertile, moist, well-drained soil garden origin Agapanthus 'Loch Hope' to 48" (120cm dark blue flowers summer z7 sun, fertile, moist, well-drained soil garden origin Agapanthus sp. Lily of the Nile to 36" (90cm) blue flowers summer sun, fertile, moist, well-drained soil S.Africa Agastache rugosa 'Golden Jubilee' to 24" ( lavender blue fls.,yellow green lvs. summer sun, fertile, well-drained soil Agastache wrightii Giant Hyssop to 18" (45cm) medium purple-blue flowers summer z6 sun, fertile, well-drained soil, drougth tole garden origin Ajuga Bugleweed to 4" (10cm) blue flowers spring z3 sun/pt.shade, moist soil Ajuga pyramidalis 'Metallica Crispa' Bugleweed 6" (15cm) crinkled, green-purple leaves lsp/esu z3 sun/pt.shade, moist soil garden origin Ajuga reptans 'Catlin's Giant' Bugleweed to 1' (30cm) indigo flowers, bronze-purple leaves sp/esu z3 sun/pt.shade, moist soil garden origin Alcea rosea 'Black Beauty' Hollyhock 3-6' (1-1.8m) black flowers summer z3 sun, moderately fertile, well-drained soil garden origin Alchemilla alpina Alpine Lady's Mantle to 6" (15cm) light green flowers summer z 3 sun/pt.shade, moist humus-rich soil Europe Alchemilla lithophylla 6-8" (15-20cm small green flowers summer sun/pt.shade, moist, humus-rich soil Alchemilla mollis Lady's Mantle to 36" (90cm) yellow flowers summer z 4 sun/pt.shade, moist, humus-rich soil Europe Allium 'Blue Skies' to 20" (50cm) mauve-blue flowers summer z7 sun, fertile, well-drained soil Allium cernuum Nodding Onion to 18" (4 deep pink or maroon flowers, edible b summer z6 sun, fertile, well-drained soil North America Allium mairei var.amabile Ornamental Onion 10" (25c deep pink fls.with darker spots lsumme z5 sun, fertile, well-drained soil SW China Allium moly Lily Leek 6-10" (15-25c golden yellow flowers e summ z3 sun, fertile, well-drained soil, naturalizes S. Europe Allium schoenoprasum Chives to 24" (60cm) purple or white flowers summer z3 sun, fertile, well-drained soil Europe, Asia Alstroemeria Ligtu Hybrid 'Dr. Salter' Peruvian Lily to 36" (90cm) peachy coloured flowers summer z8 sun pt./shade, fertile, moist, well-drained Alstroemeria psittacina 'Mona Lisa' (syn.A.pulche Peruvian Lily 3' (90c dark red fls.with green tips, white flec l summ z8 sun pt./shade, fertile, moist, well-drained garden origin Anaphalis sinica ssp. morii (syn.'Mori's Silver') Pearly Everlasting to 8" (20cm) silvery grey lvs. white flowers l sum-fa z7 sun, moderately fertile, well-drained soil Japan, Korea,

Page 1 Perennials Available at 2006 UBC BG Sale 5/2/2006

Plant Name Common Name Height Colour Bl Time Special Conditions Country Anchusa azurea Italian Bugloss to 5' (1.5m) bright blue flowers e summ z3 sun, moist, well-drained, mod.fertile soil Mediterranean Anemone canadensis Meadow Anemone to 24" (60cm) yellow-centred,white flowers summer z3 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so Labrador to Col Anemone hupehensis Chinese Anemone 24-36" (60-90 pink flowered form l summ z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so W.China Anemone hupehensis Chinese Anemone 24-36" (60-90 white flowered form l summ z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so W.China Anemone hupehensis var. japonica 'Bressingha Chinese Anemone to 4' (120cm) dark pink flowers midsum z4sun, partial shade, moist, fertile Garden Origin Anemone nemorosa Wood Anemone 3-6" (8-15cm) mauve flowered form spring z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, well-dr., humus-rich Europe Anemone rivularis Windflower to 36"(90c white flowers with mauve underside lsp/sum z6 sun/pt.shade, moist, well-dr., humus-rich N.India/SWChin Anemone x hybrida Japanese Anemone to 4' (1.2m ) white flowered form l sum-fa z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so garden origin Anemone x hybrida Japanese Anemone to4' (120cm) deep pink flowered form l sum-fa z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so garden origin Anemone x hybrida Japanese Anemone to 5' (1.5m) white, cream, or deep pink flowers l sum-fa z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so garden origin Anemone x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert' Japanese Anemone 3' (90cm) white flowers l sum-fa z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so garden origin Angelica - seedlings of 'Ebony' to 36" (90cm) purple buds,pink fls.,black foliage summer z4 shade, deep, moist, fertile, loamy soil Angelica archangelica 6' (2m) greenish yellow flowers summer z4 shade, deep, moist, fertile, loamy soil N. Europe Anthemis tinctoria 'E.C. Buxton' Golden Marguerite to 2' (60cm) lemon-yellow flowers sum-fall z3 sun, moderately fertile, well-drained, sand garden origin Anthemis tinctoria 'Sauce Hollandaise' () Golden Marguerite to 2' (60cm) pale cream flowers e summ z3 sun, moderately fertile, well-drained, sand garden origin Anthriscus sylvestris 'Ravenswing' Cow Parsley 3' ( creamy white fls., lvs. green turning p spring z7 sun/pt.shade, well-drained soil Eur., W Asia, N Aquilegia 'Cottage Garden Mix' Columbine to 24" (60cm) flowers are mixed colours lspr-esu z6 sun/pt.shade, fertile, moist, well-drained s garden origin Aquilegia desertorum Columbine (long blooming to 1' (30cm) orange-yellow flowers sp-sum z8 sun/pt.shade, fertile, moist, well-dr. soil, d garden origin Aquilegia fragrans Fragrant Columbine to 16"(40cm) white or cream fragrant flowers summer z4 sun/pt.shade, fertile, moist, well-drained s W. Himalayas Aquilegia 'Songbird Series' Columbine to 24" (60cm) large flowers in many shades lspr-su z4 sun/pt.shade, fertile, moist, well-drained s Aquilegia x semiaquilegia 'Roman Bronze' to 24" (60c deep purple flowers,bronze leaves spr-sum z6 sun/pt.shade,mod.fert.,humus-rich,moist, garden origin Arisaema consanguineum to 40 brownish green,white stripes scarlet b e summ z7 cool,pt.shaded site,moist,well-dr.,humus-r E Himal, to C C Arisarum proboscideum Mouse Plant to 4" (10cm brownish-purple and white spathes spring z7 part shade, humus-rich, moist soil Apennines Armeria welwitschii to 12" (30cm) white to bright pink flowers z8 sun, well-drained, poor to mod.fertile soil, W.Portugal Arrhenatherum elatius ssp. bulbosum 'Variegatu Bulbous Oat Grass to 5' (1.2m) green and white striped leaves sp/su z5 sun/pt.shade, well-drained fertile soil garden origin Artemisia lactiflora White Mugwort 4-6' (1.2-1.8m creamy white flowers l. summ z5 sun, well-drained, moist, fertile soil W. China Artemisia lactiflora '' White Mugwort to 5' (1.5m) white flowers, dark stems l. summ z5 sun, well-drained, moist, fertile soil garden origin Artemisia ludoviciana < N > Western Mugwort to 4' (1.2 m) greyish-white fls.,wooly leaves summer z5 sun, well-drained,fertile soil Artemisia vulgaris 'Oriental Limelight' PROPAGATION PROHIBI to 36"(90cm) variegated foliage z4 sun,well-drained fertile soil, may be invasi garden origin Arthropodium candidum 'Maculatum' Rock Lily to 8" (20cm) white flowers summer z8 sun, fertile, well-drained, gritty soil, warm New Zealand Arum italicum Lords and Ladies to 12" (30cm) greenish-white spathes; red fruit e summ z6 sun/pt.shade, well-drained, humus-rich so Europe,Turkey, Arum italicum ssp. italicum 'Marmoratum' (syn. 'Pictum') (pale green to 14" (35 greenish-white spathes (in sun) esum z6 sun/pt.shade, well-drained, humus-rich so garden origin Aruncus dioicus Goat's Beard (dioecious p to 7' (2m) greenish-white fls.(fem), creamy-whit e/m su z3 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile soil Eurasia,N.Amer Asarum europaeum European Wild Ginger 6" (15cm) purplish flowers spring z4 shade/pt.shade, mod.fertile,humus-rich,m W Europe Asplenium scolopendrium Hart's tongue Fern 18-28" (45-70 tongue-like fronds z6 pt.shade, moist, well-drained, humus-rich N.Amer.,Europe Aster ericoides 'Blue Star' Heath Aster 24" (60cm) blue-tinged white flowerheads fall z5 sun, well-dr., open, moderately fertile gar garden origin Aster laevis Smooth Aster 3' (1m) blue flowers lsu/fall z4 sun, well-drained, open, moderately fertile N.Amer. Aster novi-belgii 'Lady in Blue' Michaelmas Daisy 16" (40cm) lavender-blue semi-double flowers fall z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, well-cultivate garden origin

Page 2 Perennials Available at 2006 UBC BG Perennial Plant Sale 5/2/2006

Plant Name Common Name Height Colour Bl Time Special Conditions Country Astilbe False Spirea to 18" (45cm) white flowers spring z4 sun, moist, humus-rich soil Astilbe False Spirea 24" (60cm) red flowers summer z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so garden origin Astilbe False Spirea to 30" (75cm) medium pink flowers summer z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so garden origin Astilbe 'Amethyst' False Spirea to 36" (90cm) lilac-pink flowers e summ z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so Astilbe chinensis var. pumila False Spirea to 10" (25cm) reddish-pink flowers l summ z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so Astilbe 'Weisse Gloria' or 'Amethyst' False Spirea to 36" (90cm) white or lilac-pink flowers summer z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so Astilbe x arendsii 'Bressingham Beauty' False Spirea to 36" (90cm) bright pink flowers summer z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so garden origin Astilbe x arendsii 'Fanal' False Spirea to 24"(60cm) dark crimson flowers e summ z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so garden origin Astilbe x arendsii 'Hyazinth' False Spirea to 36" (90cm) lilac-pink flowers summer z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so garden origin Astrantia ('Ruby Wedding' strain) Seedlings of 'Ruby Weddin to 24" (60 cm flowers are probably dark red summer z5 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so Astrantia carniolica to 24" ( greenish white to pale purple bracts summer z6 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so S.E. Alps Astrantia major Masterwort to 36" (90cm) pink flowerheads summer z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so C. and E.Europ Astrantia major Masterwort to 36"( whitish-green bracts,green or pink fls. summer z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so C. and E.Europ Astrantia major ssp. involucrata 'Shaggy' (syn.A.'Margery Fish) to 18 v.long green tipped bracts,pinkish-whi summer z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so garden origin Astrantia major 'Sunningdale Variegated' Masterwort to 30 white, flushed pale pink flowerheads summer z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so garden origin Astrantia 'Ruby Wedding' Masterwort to 24" (60 cm claret flowerheads summer z5 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich so garden origin Athyrium filix-femina Lady fern to 48" (120cm light green fronds z4 moist, fertile, neutral to acidic soil, add lea N Hemisphere Baptisia australis False indigo to 4' (120cm) dark blue flowers lsp/sum z5 sun, open, porous, sandy soil Midwest USA. Bergenia Elephant's Ears pink flowers spring z4 sun/pt.shade, humus-rich, moist, well-drai Bergenia 'Abendglut' syn. B 'Evening Glow' Elephant's Ears to 12" (30 cm) semi-double, magenta flowers spring z3 sun/pt.shade, humus-rich, moist, well-drai C.& E. Asia Bergenia cordifolia Elephant's Ears to 18" (45cm) pale rose-red to flowers e spring z3 sun/pt.shade, humus-rich, moist, well-drai Nepal, Pakistan Blechnum spicant Deer Fern 8-20"(20-50c evergreen fronds z5 partial/deep shade, moist, humus-rich, aci W. North Ameri Bletilla (Orchidaceae) mulch, or lift and store for winter ?z5 part shade, moist, well-drained, humus- Boykinia elata < N > Coast Boykinia to 2' (60cm) white flowers summer z7 light shade, moist, well-drained soil coastal BC,Was Brugmansia x insignis (syn.B.sanguinea 'Rosea') Angel's Trumpet to 15' (5m) pink flowered form sum-fall min.7*C.,full sun, fertile, moist, well-drained s So.America Brunnera macrophylla Siberian Bugloss to 20" (50cm) blue flowers spring z3 woodland, mod.fertile, humus-rich, moist, E.Eur.,W.Siberi Bulbine semibarbata yellow flowers z9 full sun, well-drained, sandy loam S.Africa Buphthalmum salicifolium (syn. Inula salicina) Ox Ey to 2.5' (75cm) deep yellow flowers sum-efa z3 full sun, moist, well-drained soil C. Europe Bupleurum longifolium to 5' (1.5m) yellow flowers summer z6 sun, well-drained soil Calamintha cretica Calamint to 12" (30cm) white flowers, grey leaves summer z7 sun/part shade, moist,very well-drained s Crete Campanula 'Birch Hybrid' Bellflower 6" (15cm) mauve-blue flowers e summ z5 sun/pt.shade, moist well-drained soil garden origin Campanula cochlearifolia Bellflower 6-8"(15-20cm) mid-blue or white flowers summer z5 sun/pt.shade, moist well-drained soil European Mts. Campanula glomerata Clustered Bellflower to 18" (45cm) blue (or white) flowers e-l sum z3 sun/pt.shade, fertile, ( alk.) moist w Europe, Iran Campanula glomerata 'Purple Pixie' Clustered Bellflower 12-16" (30-40 deep violet purple flowers summer z3 sun/,fertile, well drained soil Campanula poscharskyana 'E.H.Frost' Bellflower 6" (30cm) star-shaped milk-white flowers summer z4 sun/pt.shade, moist well-drained soil Croatia, Bosnia Campanula punctata Bellflower to 14" fls. creamy white to pink, red dots insi e summ z4 sun/pt.shade, fertile,moist,well-dr. ( Japan,Siberia Campanula takesimana Bellflower 20" (50 fls. lilac-white, maroon spots in throat summer z5 sun/pt.shade,fertile,moist,well-dr.( Korea Campanula trachelium 'Bernice' Nettle-leaved bellflower to 18" (45cm) double violet-blue flowers summer z5 sun/pt.shade,fertile,moist,well-dr.(

Page 3 Perennials Available at 2006 UBC BG Perennial Plant Sale 5/2/2006

Plant Name Common Name Height Colour Bl Time Special Conditions Country Cardamine trifolia Trifoliate Bittercress to 6" (15c congested racemes of white flowers l spring z5 shade/pt.shade, humus- rich, moist soil C & S Europe Cardiocrinum giganteum Giant Himalayan Lily (nee to 12' ( white, very fragrant flowers summer z7 pt.shade,deep,fertile, humus-rich,moist,w Himalayas,Bur Carex buchananii Leatherleaf Sedge 4-24"(10-75c reddish foliage l summ z6 sun/pt.shade most soils N.Z. Carex conica 'Snowline' Sedge (syn C. Hime-kan-s to 20" (50cm) white-edged leaves e summ z5 sun/, moist, well drained, fertile soil Japan Carex glauca Ornamental sedge 3-4' (90-120c blueslightly pleated leaves e summ z7 un/pt.shade moist soil S. Europe Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance' Sedge 24"(60cms) variegated cream/white leaves summer z5 sun/ pt.shade,fertile,moist, well drained so Carex muskingumensis Palm Branch Sedge 30"(75cms) bright green leaves golden-brownflow e summ z3 sun/pt.shade, fertile, moist or wet soil N. America Carex muskingumensis 'Ice Fountains' Palm Branch Sedge (good 2' (60cm) leaves have white centre stripe summer z3 sun/pt.shade, fertile, moist or wet soil Garden Origin Carex testacea Sedge (evergreen) good in 2' (60c olive green leaves turn orangish in fal z8 sun/, most soils, avoid extremes of N.Zealand Centaurea hypoleuca 'John Coutts' Knapweed to 20" (50cm) deep rose-pink flowers summer z4 sun, well- drained soil garden origin Centaurea macrocephala Giant Knapweed 5' (1.5m) yellow flowers summer z3 sun/pt.shade, moist, well-drained soil Caucasus Centaurea montana Mountain Bluet 18" (45cm) blue flowers summer z3 sun/pt.shade, moist, well-drained soil Europe Centranthus ruber Red Valerian to 3' (to 90cm) rosy pink flowered form sp-sum z5 full sun, well drained poor to mod.fertile s Mediterranean Centranthus ruber Albus Group White Valerian 32" (80cm) white flowers sp/sum z5 sun, well-drained,poor to mod.fertile soil Eur.,N.Africa Centranthus ruber 'Snow Cloud' Jupiter's Beard to 36" (90cm) white flowers sp/sum z5 sun, well-drained, poor to mod.fertile soil garden origin Cephalaria gigantea Giant Scabious 6' (1.8m) cream or yellow flowers summer z4 sun/pt.shade, fertile, moist, well-drained s Caucasus Chaerophyllum hirsutum 'Roseum' (was C. hirsutum 'Rubifoliu 24" (60cm) pink umbels, ferny foliage lspr.-mi z6 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile soil Europe Chelidonium majus Greater Celandine to 24" (60cm) yellow flowers e summ z5 woodland conditions Britain/Europe Claytonia lanceolata < N > Western Spring Beauty to 10" white,pinkish or pink-veined flowers spring z5 sun/part shade, rich, moist soil W.North Americ Clematis campaniflora to 15' (4.5m ) white/violet flowers summer z6 sun,humus-rich,well dr.soil roots, base in Portugal Clematis integrifolia 2' (60cm) indigo-violet flowers summer z3 sun/pt.shade, fertile, humus-rich, well-dr. S. Europe Clematis recta to 6'(2m) white, fragrant flowers m sum/f z3 sun/pt.shade, fertile, humus-rich, well-dr. Southern Europ Codonopsis dicentrifolia to 16" (40cm) blue flowers summer z7 sun/,light,fertile,humus-rich,moist,we Japan Colchicum Autumn Crocus white flowers fall z5 sun, deep, fertile, well-dr., not too dry soil, Colchicum speciosum 'Album' Autumn Crocus 7" (18cm) white flowers (weather resistant) fall z4 sun, fertile, well-drained soil, open site Caucasus Convallaria majalis var. rosea Lily of the Valley 8" (20cm) pale mauve-pink fragrant flowers l spring z2 sun/shade, leafy, fertile, humus-rich, mois garden origin Convolvulus sabatius (syn.C.mauritanicus) to 20" (50 cm) pale blue flowers summer z8 sun, poor to mod.fertile, gritty, well-draine Italy, N. Africa Coreopsis rosea Tickseed 1-2' (30-60cm mauve-pink flowers sum/fall z4 sun/pt.shade, fertile, well-drained soil E. N Amer. Coreopsis verticillata 'Grandiflora' (syn.'Golden S Thread-leaved Tickseed 2-3' (60-90cm dark yellow flowers e summ z4 sun/pt.shade, fertile, well-drained soil garden origin Corydalis elata Blue Corydalis to 16" (40cm) true-blue fls., lime-green foliage sp/ e su z5 bright shade, rich, evenly moist (esp.sum China Corydalis flexuosa 'Pere David' 12" (30cm) turquoise-blue flowers sp/sum z6 pt.shade, moderately fertile, humus-rich, garden origin Corydalis ochroleuca 1' (30c creamy white flowers with green spot l sp/sum z6 sun/pt.shade, fertile, well-drained soil S.E. Europe Crinum x powelli 5' (1.5m) fragrant pink flowers l sum/fal z7 sun, deep, fertile, humus-rich, moist, well- garden origin Crocosmia 'George Davidson' Montbretia to 28" (70cm) yellow flowers summer z6 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile, humus- rich,wel Crocosmia 'Golden Fleece' (syn.C.'Citronella') Montbretia 24-30'(60-75c yellow flowers summer z6 sun/pt.shade,mod.fert.,humus-rich,moist, Crocosmia 'Lucifer' Montbretia to 4'(1.2m) red flowers m sum z6 sun/pt.shade,mod.fert.,humus-rich,moist, garden origin Cryptotaenia japonica Mitsuba, Japanese Parsley to 40" (1m) white flowers summer z4 sun,any good garden soil. Keep well wate Japan Cucubalus baccifer Berry-bearing Catchfly to 30" (70cm) green-white flowers z7 shade, damp woodland Eurasia,N.Afric

Page 4 Perennials Available at 2006 UBC BG Perennial Plant Sale 5/2/2006

Plant Name Common Name Height Colour Bl Time Special Conditions Country Cyclamen coum to 4" (10cm) white or pink flowers w/e sp z6 pt.shade, mod.fertile, humus-rich, well-dr. Bulgaria,Turkey Cynara cardunculus Cardoon 5' (1.5 purple flowers, grey lvs. su/fall z7 sun, fertile, well-dr. soil, shelter from wind. Medit., Dactylorhiza hybrid Marsh Orchid (from UBC 4-8" (10-20cm shades of pink to purple flowers spring z7? pt.shade moist,well-drained,humus-rich,l Darmera peltata (Syn. Peltiphyllum peltatum) Umbrella Plant to 4' (1.2m) white to pink flowers, huge leaves lspring z6 sun/pt.shade moist or boggy soil N.W.Cal./Orego Delosperma cooperi mat-forming 2" (5cm) pink to magenta flowers m-l sum z8 sun, gritty,sharply drained soil in sheltere S. Africa Delosperma 'Mesa Verde' to 4" (10cm) salmon-pink flowers summer z8 sun, gritty,sharply drained soil in sheltere Delphinium cashmerianum (water freely, slug protectio to 16" (40cm) dark purple-blue flowers summer z5 full sun,fertile,well-drained soil W.Himalaya Dianthus barbatus 'Sooty' seedlings Sweet William (biennial) to 2' (6 large,frag.,deep maroon-chocolate flo lsp-esu z4 sun, well-drained, neutral to slightly alkali garden origin Dianthus plumarius 'Laced Pink' Cottage Pinks to 12 double white flowers with maroon cen summer z3 sun, well-drained, neutral to slightly alkali Central Europe Diascia integerrima (syn.D.integrifolia) Twinspur 12" (30cm) purplish-pink flowers summer z8 sun, fertile, moist, well-drained soil. S.Africa Diascia 'Lilac Belle' to 9" (22cm) lilac flowers summer z8 sun, fertile, moist, well-drained soil South Africa Dicentra formosa Bleeding Heart 18" (45cm) pink to deep rose flowers lsp-esu z4 pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich, well-d W.N.America Dicentra 'Langtrees' Bleeding heart 12" (30cm) pink-tinted white flowers sp-sum z4 pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich, well-d garden origin Dicentra scandens (syn. D. thalictrifolia) Bleeding Heart 3' (1 m) white or yellow flowers summer z6 pt.shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich, well-d Himalayas Dierama pink flowers summer sun, humus-rich,well-drained, moist soil, shel Dierama (hybrids) (from the UBC Botanical G flowers in shades of pink summer z8 sun, humus-rich,well-drained soil, shelter Dierama dracomentatum to 3' (90cm) deep pink flowers summer z8 full sun,humus-rich,well-dr. moist soil,shel Dierama dracomontanum to 36" (90cm) soft brick-red flowers summer z8 full sun,humus-rich,well-dr. moist soil,shel Dierama dracomontanum Wand Flower, Angel's Fishi to 3' (90cm) pink, purple,red or mauve flowers summer z8 full sun,humus-rich,well-dr. moist soil,shel South Africa Dierama pulcherrimum Angel's Fishing Rod to 5' (1.5m) dark violet-purple flowers summer z8 sun,humus-rich,well-drained,moist soil,sh S. Africa Digitalis parviflora (syn. D kishinskyi) Foxglove to 24" (60cm) dark orange-brown flowers e sum z4 pt.shade, humus-rich, moist ,well- drained N. Digitalis purpurea - seedlings of 'Pam's Choice' Foxglove to 48"(120cm) maroon spotted,white flowers summer z4 pt.shade, humus-rich, moist ,well- drained Digitalis purpurea 'Primrose Yellow' Foxglove to 3' (90cm) creamy yellow flowers summer z4 pt.shade, humus-rich, moist ,well- drained garden origin Digitalis x mertonensis Strawberry Foxglove to 3' (90cm) pinkish buff flowers lsp-esu z3 pt.shade, humus-rich, moist ,well-drained garden origin Disporum hookeri Fairy Bells to 36" ( greenish cream flowers, orange-red fr spring z4 part shade, cool, moist, well dr., humus ri NW U.S.A Dodecatheon hendersonii < N > Shooting Stars 16"(40cm purplish-pink flowers spring z5 sun/pt.shade, moist, well-drained, humus Gulf Is.-Californi Doronicum Leopard's Bane to 24" (60cm) yellow flowers spring z5? partial or dappled shade, moist, humus Dracunculus (needs sheltered site, winte to 18' (45cm) dark spathe spr/sum z8 sun/pt.shade,humus-rich,well-dr.soil, dry Dracunculus vulgaris Dragon plant (hardy in Va 3' (90cm)* dark blood-red spathe esu z8 sun, humus-rich,well-dr.soil. Protect-winte Mediterranean Dryas x suendermannii Mountain Avens (matt-for to 4" (10cm) pale creamy-yellow flowers spr-esu z3 sun/,humus-rich,gritty,well-dr.,sl.acid Garden origin Dryopteris cycadina syn. D.hirtipes,D.atrata of g to 24" (60cm) bright green fronds, deciduous. z8 pt.shade, moist, humus-rich soil, sheltere Dryopteris filix-mas Male Fern to 36" (90cm) lance-shaped mid-green fronds z4 pt.shade, moist, humus-rich soil, sheltere Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan' Coneflower to 24" ( white flowerheads,orange-brown cent summer z3 sun, deep, well-drained, humus- rich soil Echinops bannaticus Globe Thistle to 4' ( 1.2m) gray-blue flowerheads summer z3 sun, poor, well-drained soil S.E. Europe Echinops ritro Globe Thistle to 24" (60cm) metallic- blue flowerheads summer z3 sun, poor, well-drained soil E. Europe, W. A Echinops sphaerocephalus Globe Thistle to 6' (2m) spherical, silver gray flowerheads summer z3full sun-part shade, poor, well drained soil Eur/Siberia Echium nervosum to 6' (2m) purple-blue flowers spr-sum sun, moderately fertile, well-drained soil Madeira Epimedium Bishop's Hat 1' (30cm) yellow flowers sp z5 pt. shade, moist, well dr., fertile, rich soil,s

Page 5 Perennials Available at 2006 UBC BG Perennial Plant Sale 5/2/2006

Plant Name Common Name Height Colour Bl Time Special Conditions Country Epimedium perralderianum Bishop's Hat to 12" (30cm) bright yellow flowers e spring z5 pt. shade, moist, well dr., fertile, rich soil,s Epimedium x perralchicum Bishop's Hat to 20" (50cm) yellow flowers spring z5 pt. shade, moist, well dr., fertile, rich soil,s Epimedium x rubrum Red Barrenwort 10-14"(25-35c red flowers spring z4 pt. shade, moist, well dr., fertile, rich soil,s garden origin Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulphureum' Bishop's Hat 1' (30cm yellow petals,paler , long spurs spring z5 pt. shade, moist, well dr., fertile, rich soil,s Epimedium x youngianum 'Roseum' Barrenwort to 30cm white or pale rose pink mid spri z5 pt. shade, moist, well dr., fertile, rich soil,s Erodium (aff. E.cheilanthifolium syn.E.petraeum) Heron's Bill, Stork's Bill to 8" (20cm) probably pale pink or white flowers summer z5 sun,light,poor to mod.fertile,sharply draine Eryngium agavifolium Sea Holly to 4' (1.2m) greenish-white flowers l summ z6 full sun, moist, well-drained, fertile soil Argentine Eryngium eburneum to 5' (1.4m) whitish-green flowers summer z9 full sun, moist, well-drained, fertile soil S America Eryngium giganteum Miss Wilmott's Ghost 3' ( silver-blue bracts frame blue flowers summer z5 full sun, moist, well drained, fertile soil Caucasus Eryngium variifolium Sea Holly (good rock garde to 1 grey-blue flowers, pale blue bracts summer z5 full sun, not too dry, well-drained, poor to N.Africa Eupatorium cannabinum 'Flore Pleno' Hemp Agrimony to 7' (2m) double rose flowers lsu/f z5 sun/part sh.,moist soil. (cut back severely Europe Euphorbia Spurge sp-sum sun or light dappled shade, moist, humus-ric Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Purpurea' Wood Spurge 24" ( acid-yellow inflorescence, red-purple l sp-sum z6 sun or light dappled shade, moist, humus- N.W.Turkey Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae Mrs. Robb's Bonnet 24" (60cm) yellow-green inflorescence sp-sum z6 light, dappled shade, moist, humus-rich s Turkey Euphorbia griffithii 'Fireglow' Spurge 30" (75cm) orange-red infl., red bracts summer z5 light dappled shade, moist, humus-rich so garden origin Euphorbia myrsinites Myrtle Spurge to 10" (25cm) greenish-yellow inflorescence spring z6 full sun, well-drained, light soil S.Eur.,Asia Min Euphorbia nicaeensis Spurge to 32" (80 cm) yellow- green inflorescence lsp-msu z6 full sun, well-drained, light soil S. Europe, Medi Euphorbia polychroma Cushion Spurge 12-16" ( greenish-yellow inflorescence msp-ms z6 sun/pt.shade, well-dr.or moist, humus-rich C&S Eur.,Turke Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue' Blue Fescue 8" (20cm) powder- blue leaves summer z4 sun, poor to moderately fertile, dry, well-dr Europe Filipendula Meadowsweet pink flowers summer sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile, leafy, moist,well-dr Filipendula ulmaria 'Aurea' Meadowsweet 3' (90cm) white flowers, golden yellow foliage summer z3 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile, leafy, moist, wel garden origin Filipendula ulmaria 'Flore Pleno' Meadowsweet 2-3' (60-90cm double white flowers summer z3 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile, leafy, moist, wel garden origin Fragaria virginiana ssp glauca < N > Wild or Mountain Strawberr to 6" (15cm) white flowers spring z3 sun/,fertile,moist,well-dr.,neutral to al N.America Francoa sp. to 3' (90cm) pink and white flowers summer z7 sun/pt.shade, humus-rich, moist but well- Galtonia princeps 3' (1m) green-tinged white flowers l summ z8 sun, fertile, well-dr. soil, moist from spring S. Africa Geranium clarkei 'Kashmir Pink' Cranesbill to 20" (50cm) pink flowers with dark pink veins spring z5 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile, well-drained soi Geranium clarkei 'Kashmir Purple' Cranesbill to 20" (50 rich lilac-blue flowers with red veins summer z5 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile, well-drained soi Geranium clarkei 'Kashmir White' Cranesbill 2.5' (75cm) white flowers with pale veins summer z5 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile well-drained soil garden origin Geranium himalayense Cranesbill (good groundco to 18" (45 violet-blue to deep mid-blue flowers su z4 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile well drained soil Himalayas Geranium macrorrhizum Cranesbill to 20" (50cm) purplish-pink flowers e summ z 4 sun/pt.shade,mod.fertile well drained soil garden origin Geranium macrorrhizum Cranesbill (effective ground to 20" (50cm) pink to purple-pink, or white flowers e summ z4 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile well drained soil S.Eur. Geranium nodosum (good ground cover in shad 18" (50cm) purplish-pink flowers, dark veins l sp-e fa z4 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile well drained soil Pyren.-Yugosl. Geranium palmatum Cranesbill to 4' (1.2 purple-pink flowers,crimson centres summer z7 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile, well-drained soi Madeira Geranium phaem Mourning Widow to 32" (80cm) dark maroon flowered form lsp/esu z4 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile, well-drained soi Geranium phaeum 'Album' to 32" (80cm) white flowers summer z4 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile, well-drained soi Europe Geranium phaeum 'Samobor' Mourning Widow to 32" (80cm) dark violet flowers summer z4 sun/shade, mod.fertile, well-drained soil Geranium phaeum var. phaeum Mourning Widow to 32' (80cm) silky purple-black flowers lsp/su z4 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile, well-drained soi Geranium 'Philippe Vapelle' to 16" (4 dark-veined lavender-blue flowers summer z6 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile, well-drained soi

Page 6 Perennials Available at 2006 UBC BG Perennial Plant Sale 5/2/2006

Plant Name Common Name Height Colour Bl Time Special Conditions Country Geranium pratense 'Midnight Reiter' strain (from seed of 'Midnight Rei 9"? (25c violet-blue fls. and maroon leaves e summ z4 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile, well-drained soi Geranium pratense 'Victor Reiter' strain (from seed of 'Victor Reiter' to 16" (40 pink flowers, maroon-green leaves lsp z4 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile, well-drained soi Geranium renardii Cranesbill (does best in po 1' (30cm) white to pale lavender flowers e summ z5 sun/pt.shade, well-drained soil Caucasus Geranium sangineum 'Ankum's Pride' to 8"(20cm) large purplish-pink flowers lsp-sum z5, sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile,well-drained soi Geranium sanguineum Bloody Cranesbill 8"(20cm) magenta-pink fls.with darker veins lsp-sum z4 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile, well-drained soi Europe, W. Asi Geranium sanguineum var.striatum (syn.var.lancastriense) Blo 6" (15c light pink flowers with dark veins esu z5, sun/ pt.shade, mod.fertile,well-drained so NW. England Geranium sessiliflorum subsp.novae-zealandiae cv. 'Nigricans' to 3" (7cm white to pale-pink flowers summer z8 full sun, humus-rich, sharply drained soil Geranium 'Stanhoe' 6" (15cm) pink flowers summer full sun, humus-rich, sharply drained soil Geranium versicolour (syn. G. striatum) 18" (45cm) white flowers with magenta veins l sp (to f z5 part shade, mod.fertile,well-drained soil Italy, Balkans Geranium x cantabrigiense (G.dalmaticum x G.macrorr 12" (30 bright pinkish-purple flowers e summ z5 sun/pt.shade,mod.fertile, well-drained soil Garden origin Geranium x cantabrigiense ' St. Ola' Cranesbill to 12" (30cm) white flowers summer z5 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile, well-drained soi garden origin Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Biokovo' Cranesbill to 12" (30cm) pink-tinged white flowers summer z5 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile,well-drained soil Garden origin Geranium x oxonianum (grows in a tidy mound) to 18" (45cm) rose-pink flowered form l sp-e fa z4 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile,well-drained soil Geranium x oxonianum 'Walter's Gift' 15" (45cm) pink flowers with dark veins summer z4 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile,well-drained soil Geum 'Beech House Apricot' Avens 8" (20cm) light yellow to apricot flowers summer z6 sun, fertile, well-drained soil garden origin Geum macrophyllum Yellow Avens to 40" (1m) yellow flowers summer z4 sun, fertile, well drained soil E.Asia,N.Amer. Geum rivale 'Leonard's Variety' Water Avens to18" (45cm) copper-pink, orange tinged flowers lsp-sum z3 full sun, humus-rich, moist soil (well-dr.wi garden origin Gladiolus papilio (spreads freely, best in a p to 3' (90c cream fls. with grey & purple marks lsu/fall z8 sun/ fertile, well drained soil E.S.Africa Glaucium corniculatum (*biennial) to 18" (45cm) orange-red flowers e summ z7 sun,poor to mod.fertile,well-drained soil. Europe Gunnera manicata to 8' (2.5 panicles of tiny greenish-red flowers esu z7 sun/ deep,permanently moist,humu Brazil,Columbia Gymnocarpium dryopteris < N > Oak fern to 1' (30cm) pale green fronds Z 3 shade\moist, humus rich Europe , Asia, Haberlea (prefers a dry crown) 4-6" (10-15cm probably lavender or blue-violet fls. sp-esu z5 full/pt.shade, well-dr.,gritty humus-rich soil Hacquetia epipactis to 8" (t tiny yellow flowers with green bracts lwin-esp z5 part shade, humus-rich,moist well-drained Europe Hakonechloa macra Japanese Forest Grass to 14" (35 loose nodding panicles, green leaves z5 sun/pt.shade, fertile, humus-rich, moist,w Japan Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola' Japanese Forest Grass to 20" (50cm) lvs.variegated yellow sp/su moist/sh. or pt shade Japan Haplocarpha scaposa Rock Garden Plant to 30" (75cm) yellow "daisy" fls. summer z8 sun, deep well-drained soil So Africa Helenium 'Baudirektor Linne' Sneezeweed 4' (1.2cm) brown-red flowers lsum-fall z4 sun, fertile, moist, well-drained soil. (dea garden origin Helenium 'Bruno' Sneezeweed to 48" ( crimson,mahogany and yellow flower m-lsum z4 sun, fertile, moist, well-drained soil (dead Helenium 'Feuersiegel' Sneezeweed 5' (1.5m) golden brown and red flowers lsum-fall z4 sun, fertile, moist, well-drained soil (dead garden origin Helenium 'Goldrausch' Sneezeweed to 5' (1.5m) golden- yellow and brown flowers lsum-fall z4 sun, fertile, moist, well drained soil (dead garden origin Helianthus tuberosus Jerusalem Artichoke to 10' (3m) yellow flowers fall z4 sun, mod.fertile,humus-rich, moist, well-dr E. U.S.A, , Can. Helictotrichon sempervirens Blue Oat Grass to 48" (1.2m) evergreen,grey-blue leaves summer z4 full sun, well-dr., poor to mod.fertile, pref. SW Europe Helleborus argutifolius (syn. H. corsicus) Corsican Rose 2' (60cm) pale green flowers late wint z6 sun/dappled shade moist, fertile, neutral t Corsica Helleborus foetidus Stinking Hellebore 1.5' (45cm) pale green flowers late wint z6 sun/ pt.shade, moist, fertile, non-acidic, h W. Europe Helleborus foetidus 'Wester Flisk' Stinking Hellebore 1.5' (45c green fls., red tinge on stems&stalks l win-e s z6 sun/ pt.shade, moist, fertile, non-acidic, h garden origin Helleborus niger Christmas Rose to 1' (to 30cm) white flowers winter z4 pt.shade, moist, fertile, neutral to alkaline S. Europe Helleborus x hybridus (syn. H.orientalis) Lenten Rose to 2' ( white, pink, dark red or greenish fls. e spring z6, pt.shade, moist, humus rich soil with neut Asia Minor Helleborus x hybridus (syn. H.orientalis) (seedlings of white parent) to 18" (45cm) probably white, pink, or greenish flow e spring z6, pt.shade, moist, humus-rich,neutal soil.

Page 7 Perennials Available at 2006 UBC BG Perennial Plant Sale 5/2/2006

Plant Name Common Name Height Colour Bl Time Special Conditions Country Helleborus x hybridus (syn. H.orientalis) Lenten Rose to 18" flowers are white with maroon freckle e spring z6, pt.shade, moist, humus-rich,neutal soil. Helleborus x hybridus (syn. H.orientalis) Lenten Rose to 18" (45cm) white flowered form e spring z6, pt.shade, moist, humus-rich,neutal soil. Helleborus x hybridus (syn. H.orientalis) Lenten Rose to 18" (45cm) pink flowered form e spring z6, pt.shade, moist, humus-rich,neutal soil. Helleborus x hybridus 'Picottee' to 24" (60cm) off white fls., edged with maroon e spring z6, pt.shade, moist, humus-rich,neutal soil. Helleborus x hyridus (seedlings of white parent) Lenten Rose to 2' (60cm) probably white flowers e spring z6, pt.shade, moist, humus rich soil with neut Helleborus x sternii 18" (45cm) creamy green flowers w/esp z6 pt.shade, moist, fertile, non-acidic, humu garden origin Hemerocallis Dwarf Day Lily 15" (37cm) yellow flowers summer z4 sun, moist, fertile, well drained soil Hemerocallis (Christa's) Dwarf Day Lily 15" (37cm) dark reddish-orange flowers summer z4 sun, moist, well drained, fertile soil Hemerocallis 'Bess Ross' Day Lily (blooms for long p 24" (60cm) clear red flowers with gold throat summer z3 sun, fertile, moist, well-drained soil Hemerocallis 'Ferris Wheel' Day Lily (spider form) red with gold throat, very fragrant summer z4 sun, moist, fertile, well drained soil Hemerocallis 'Flasher' Day Lily to 28" (70cm) orange and yellow flowers summer z4 sun, moist, well drained, fertile soil Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns' Day Lily (repeats bloom) to16" (40cm) canary yellow, summer z4 sun, moist, fertile, well drained soil Hemerocallis 'Kindly Light' Day Lily (spider form) to 30" large soft-yellow flowers (very showy) summer z4 sun, moist, fertile, well drained soil Hemerocallis 'Music Man' Day Lily red flowers with yellow eye summer Z 5 sun, fertile, moist, well-drained soil Hemerocallis 'Ruby Throat' Day Lily to 28" (70cm) red flowers,with yellow centre summer z4 sun, moist, fertile, well drained soil Hemerocallis 'Starburst Susie' Day Lily (evergreen) 18" (45cm) double orange flowers summer Z 7 sun, moist, well drained soil Hemerocallis 'Tomboy' Day Lily 40" (1 squash yellow fls. with dark blotch summer z4 sun, moist, fertile, well drained soil Heuchera cv. Coral Bells red leaves sun/pt.shade, fertile, moist, humus-rich, well- garden origin Heuchera 'Green Spice' Coral Bells to 30" ( creamy fls.,silver-green lvs.,red veins Summe z4 sun/pt.shade, fertile, moist, humus-rich,w Heuchera micrantha < N > Coral Bells to 2' (60c flowers are white to cream coloured summer z5 sun/pt.shade, fertile, moist, humus-rich,w W. N.Amer. Hosta Plantain lily white or lilac flowers summer z3 pt.shade/shade, moist, fertile, well-draine Hosta Plantain Lily lavender flowers summer z3 pt.shade/shade, moist, fertile, well-draine Hosta Plantain Lily fragrant white flowers summer z3 pt.shade/shade, moist, fertile, well-draine Hosta 'Big Mama' to 36" (90cm) white flowers summer z3 pt.shade/shade, moist, fertile, well-draine Hosta 'Birchwood Parky's Gold' Plantain Lily to 16 pale lavender-blue fls., yellow-green l msumm z3 sun/shade, moist, fertile, well-drained soil garden origin Hosta 'Canada Shield' Plantain Lily 12" (30cm) lavender flowers summer z3 pt.shade/shade, moist, fertile, well-draine garden origin Hosta 'Carol' Plantain Lily 20" ( lavender-blue fls.,olive-green,white e summer z3 sun/shade, moist, fertile, well-drained soil garden origin Hosta fortunei 'Albomarginata' Plantain Lily to 22" mauve fls.,large,dull green,white edg mid su z3 pt.shade/shade, fertile, moist, well-draine garden origin Hosta fortunei 'Hyacinthina' Plantain Lily to 18" (45cm) fragrant blue fls.,blue grey leaves summer z3 pt.shade/shade, fertile, moist, well-draine garden origin Hosta 'Francee' Plantain Lily 22" ( lavender blue fls.,white-edged dk.gre summer z3 pt.shade/shade, fertile, moist, well-draine Hosta 'Gold Standard' Plantain Lily to lavender fls.,green-gold lvs.with dark summer z3 pt.shade/shade, fertile, moist, well-draine Hosta 'Green Acres' to 40" (1m) whitish mauve flowers summer z3 pt.shade/shade, fertile, moist, well-draine Hosta 'Halcyon' Plantain Lily 15" (40c lavender-grey flowers., blue leaves summer z3 pt.shade/shade, fertile, moist, well-draine garden origin Hosta 'Honeybells' Plantain Lily to 30" (75 fragrant white, occ. blue-striped fls. summer z3 pt.shade/shade, fertile, moist, well-draine Hosta 'Invincible' Plantain Lily 12" (3 frag. pale blue to white fls.,dk.olive-gr lsumme z3 sun or pt. shade,fertile, moist, well-draine Hosta lancifolia Plantain Lily to 18" (45cm) purple fls., narrow deep green lvs. lsumme z3 pt.shade/shade, moist, fertile, well-draine Japan Hosta 'Love Pat' Plantain Lily 18"(45cms) white fls.,deep blue-gray lvs. . summer z3 pt.shade/shade, moist, fertile, well-draine Hosta 'Midas Touch' to 14" (36cm) pale lavender flowers,gold leaves summer z3 sun or pt.shade,fertile, moist, well-drained

Page 8 Perennials Available at 2006 UBC BG Perennial Plant Sale 5/2/2006

Plant Name Common Name Height Colour Bl Time Special Conditions Country Hosta minor to 8" (20 mauve fls.,small,dark green pointed l summer z3 pt.shade/shade, moist, fertile, well-draine Japan, Korea Hosta plantaginea Fragrant Plantain Lily to 24" (6 white scented fls.,long bright green lv lsumme z3 pt.shade/shade, moist, fertile, well-draine China Hosta 'Royal Standard' Plantain Lily 24" (60cm) fragrant white fls.,mid-green lvs. lsumme z3 pt.shade/shade, moist, fertile, well-draine garden origin Hosta sieboldiana 'Frances Williams' 24" pale lavender fls.,blue-green esumm z3 pt.shade/shade, moist, fertile, well-draine garden origin Hosta sieboldii (syn. H. albomarginata) Plantain Lily 12" ( deep violet fls.,deep-green lvs.,white l sum.-e z3 pt.shade/shade, moist, fertile, well-draine Japan Hosta 'Snowden' Plantain Lily to 3 white flowers., glaucous, grey-green l summer z3 pt.shade/shade, moist, fertile, well-draine Hosta 'Sum and Substance' Plantain Lily to 30" (50cm) lavender flowers l summ z3 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile, well-drained s Hosta tardiflora Plantain Lily 12" (30 purple flowers, large, olive-green leav fall z3 pt.shade/shade, moist, fertile, well-draine Japan Hosta tokudama f. aureo-nebulosa to 14" (35cm) white flowers summer z3 pt.shade/shade, moist, fertile, well-draine Hosta undulata var. albomarginata Plantain Lily to 16"( mauve fls.,dark green lvs.with cream lsumme z3 pt.shade/shade, moist, fertile, well-draine Japan Impatiens omeiana grown for foliage to 2' (60c purple green lvs, pale yellow fls. late su z8 shade,moist,well-drained soil,woodland c China Incarvillea compacta Hardy Gloxinia 6" (15cm) purple flowers summer z6 sun, fertile, moist, well-drained soil, dry in NW. China (dwarf bearded) (keep moist while bloomin to 8" (20cm) bright yellow flowers e spring sun/pt.shade, fertile, well-drained neutral soil Iris (dwarf bearded) (keep moist while bloomin to 10" (25cm) dark purple flowers lsp/esu sun/lt.shade, well-drained, fertile, neutral to s garden origin Iris 'Banana Frappe" Tall Bearded Iris 36" (90cm) huge yellow flowers e summ sun/pt.shade, well-drained, fertile, neutral to Iris 'Batik Bonus' Bearded Iris to 36" (90 lilac-blue flowers, streaked white e summ sun/pt.shade, well-drained, fertile, neutral to garden origin Iris confusa Crested Iris to white fls.,yellow or mauve spots,yello spring z8 sun/pt.shade,moist,humus-rich soil W.China Iris cristata Dwarf Crested Iris to 10" (2 blue-lilac to purple fls. with white patc spring z4 sun/, well-dr.,fertile, slightly a E. USA. Iris douglasiana Pacific Coast Iris(evergree lvs. to 3' (90c blue flowered form lsp/esu z7 sun/pt.shade, well drained soil,wet winter, California, Oreg Iris ensata Japanese Water Iris 2-3' (6 flowered form is med.purple, light edg e summ z5 sun/pt.shade, moist to wet acidic soil Japan, N.China Iris ensata Japanese Water Iris 2-3' (60-90cm white flowered form e summ z5 sun/pt.shade, moist to wet acidic soil garden origin Iris ensata 'Silver Band' Varigated Japanese Water 2-3' (60-90cm varigated leaf summer z5 sun/pt.shade, moist to wet acidic soil Iris foetidissima 'Variegata' Stinking Iris (evergreen, tol 2' yellowish fls.,foliage has creamy-whit summer z7 sun/pt.shade, well-drained, neutral to acid Iris germanica Bearded Iris (keep moist d to 2' (60cm) pink flowers e summ z3 sun/pt.shade, well-drained, fertile soil Iris germanica Bearded Iris (keep moist d to 2' (60cm) red brown, light brown flowers e sum z3 sun/pt.shade, fertile, well-drained soil garden origin Iris germanica Bearded Iris (keep moist d to 24" (60cm) plum flowers with orange beard lspring z3 sun/pt.shade, well-drained, fertile soil Iris germanica Bearded Iris (keep moist w to 2' (60c plum, burgundy and bronze flowers summer z3 sun/pt.shade,well drained low nitrogen,fer Iris germanica Bearded Iris (keep moist d to 30" (75cm) beige standards,brown edged falls esumm z3 sun/pt.shade, well-drained, fertile soil Iris germanica (resembles 'Witch of Endor') Bearded Iris (keep moist d to 38" (1 crimson-black flowers with gold beard fall Iris germanica 'Emperor' Bearded Iris (keep moist d to 2' (60cm) flowers are white with purple edge lsp/esu z3 sun/light shade, well-drained, fertile soil Iris germanica var. florentina Bearded Iris (keep moist w to 3' (90cm) scented, palest blue-white flowers lsp z3 sun/pt.shade, well drained, low nitrogen, f garden origin Iris gracilipes x lacustris dwarf blue fls.,with white and yellow markin l spring z5 light shade/sun, moist, humus-rich soil Iris 'Holden Clough' to yellow fls.,heavily veined with purple- e summ z5 sun/pt.shade, well-drained, moist soil Garden origin Crested Iris 2' (60c white flowered form (has purple marki spring z7 sun/part shade, moist, humus-rich soil garden origin Iris latifolia (syn. Iris xiphioides) English Iris 18"(45cms) blue,violet or white flowers e.sum z7 sun,well dr.neutral or sl.alkaline soil,can g Spain Iris lutescens (keep moist during active g to 1' (30cm) yellow, violet, purple, white, OR bicol spring z7 sun, well-drained soil NE Sp., Fr., Ita Iris milesii to 2.5' (75cm) flowers: pink-lilac with darker purple summer sun, very fertile, well-drained soil. N.W. Himalayas Iris Pacific Coast Hybrid to 18" mauve flowered form with lighter cent l sp/e su z7 sun/,well-drained soil, wet winter, dr

Page 9 Perennials Available at 2006 UBC BG Perennial Plant Sale 5/2/2006

Plant Name Common Name Height Colour Bl Time Special Conditions Country Iris Pacific Coast Hybrid to 15" (35cm) yellow flowers with purple veins lspring z7 sun/,well-drained soil, dry summer, Iris Pacific Coast Hybrid 15" (35cms) yellow flowers l spring z7 sun/,well-drained soil, wet winter, dr Iris Pacific Coast Hybrids to 15" ( light yellow flowers with mauve tips a l spring z7 sun/,well-drained soil, wet winter, dr 'Variegata' (syn. 'Aurea Variegata') Variegated Flag Iris (keep to 3' (60- scented soft blue fls., lvs.yellow stripe e summ z5 sun/light shade, well-drained, fertile soil (l garden origin Iris pseudacorus Water Flag, Yellow Iris to 3' (90cm) yellow flowers e summ z5 sun/part shade, moist to wet, acidic soil western Europe Iris pseudacorus 'Variegata' () Variegated Water Flag 2' (60cm) yellow flowers e summ z5 sun or part shade, moist to wet, acidic soi Europe/Asia Miniature Bearded Iris to 6" (15cm) white, yellow or dark blue flowers spring z4 sun/light shade, well-drained, neutral to sl Europe, Asia Iris pumila Miniature Bearded Iris to 6" (15cm) deep purple flowered form spring z4 sun/light shade,well-dr.,fertile,neut-sl.acidi Iris pumilla Miniature Bearded Iris 6"(15cms) white flowered form m.sprin z4 sun/light shade,well-dr.,fertile,neut-sl.acidi Europe, Asia Iris reticulata to 8" (20cm) violet-blue form l win/e s z5 full sun, well-drained, neutral to slightly al Iris reticulata to 8" (20cm) violet-blue or reddish-purple flowers l win/e s z5 full sun, well-drained, neutral to slightly al Turkey,Iran Pacific Coast Iris 14" (35c fls. yellow to lavender or red-purple e summ z7 sun/pt.shade, well-drained soil, dry summ NW U.S.A. Iris unguicularis Winter Iris (syn. I. stylosa) to 1' (30cm) pale lavender to deep violet flowers lwin/es z7, sun,well dr. winter protection S. and E. Med. Iris x robusta 'Gerald Darby' (I.virginica x I.versicolor) 3' (1m purple-blue flowers, purplish stems summer z4 sun/pt.shade, moist to wet acidic soil Jeffersonia diphylla Twinleaf to 8" (20cm) white cup-shaped flowers lspr-esu z6 part or full shade,moist,humuos-rich soil Ontario to Tenn Junellia tridens to 24" (60cm) white flowers, flushed pink summer z7 sun/pt.shade,mod.fertile,moist,well-draine Argentina Kirengeshoma koreana to 4' (1.2m) pale yellow flowers lsu/ef z6 pt.shade, moist, acidic soil with added lea Korea Kirengeshoma palmata ` to 4' (1.2m) pale yellow flowers lsu/ef z5 pt.shade, moist, acidic soil with added lea Japan Knautia - seedlings of Knautia 'Watercolors' to 36 shades of soft purples and pinks sum-fall z5 sun,moderately fertile,well-drained soil Knautia macedonica to 32" (80cm) purple-red flowerheads summer z5 sun,moderately fertile,well-drained soil Macedonia Kniphofia Red Hot Poker to 3.5' red buds,changing to orange then yell summer z6 sun/,fert.,deep,humus-rich,moist,wel garden origin Kniphofia citrina Red Hot Poker to 3' (90c cream to yellow-green flower spikes sum-fall z8 sun/pt sh. fert.,deep,humus-rich, moist,we S. Africa Kniphofia ensifolia to 4' (1.2 greenish white flowers l sum/fal z8 sun/,fert.,deep,humus-rich,moist,wel Kniphofia gracilis to 2' (60cm) yellow flowers sum/fall z8 sun/,fert.,deep,humus-rich,moist,wel S.Africa Lathyrus vernus 'Alboroseus' to 18" (45cm) pink and white flowers spring z5 sun/lt.shade, fertille, well-drained soil Europe Leptinella squalida 'Platt's Black' (evergreen creeper, good i 2" (5cm) bronze-black foliage, insignificant flo z5 full sun, mod.fertile, sharply drained soil New Zealand Leucojum autumnale Snowflake to 6" (15cm) bell-shaped white flowers lsum-fall z5 full sun,moist,well-drained soil Mediterranean Lewisia (from UBC Botanical Garden) flowers of various colours mspr-su z7 sun,mod.fertile,humus-rich,sharply draine Libertia formosa to 3'(90cm) ivory flowers lsp/esu z8 full sun,mod. fertile,moist well-drained soil Chile Libertia grandiflora New Zealand Iris 30" (75 clusters of white fls.,yellow seed caps lspr-esu z9 sun, mod-fertile,humus rich,well drained Ligularia Leopard Plant 1-2m yellow-orange flowerheads summer z4 sun/pt.shade, moderately fertile, moist soi Eurasia Ligularia dentata 'Dunkellaubig' Leopard Plant 3' (1m) bright orange flowerheads sum-fall z4 sun/pt.shade, moderately fertile, moist soi garden origin Ligularia fischeri Leopard Plant to 7' (2m) yellow flowerheads summer z5 sun/pt.shade, moderately fertile, moist soi China, Korea Lilium canadense Meadow Lily to 5' (1.5m) yellow flowers with maroon spots lsumme z2 sun, well-drained, humus-rich soil. Shade E. N.America

Page 10 Perennials Available at 2006 UBC BG Perennial Plant Sale 5/2/2006

Plant Name Common Name Height Colour Bl Time Special Conditions Country Lillium (tetreploid)+++colour? (larger & stronger than the Lobelia tupa to 6' (2m) brick-red or scarlet flowers sum-fall z8 sun/pt.shade, deep, fertile, reliably moist Chile Lotus hirsutus (syn.Dorycnium hirsutum) Hairy Canary Clover to 20" (50cm) cream flowers flushed shell pink sum-fall z8 sun, well-drained soil; keep dry in winter Mediterranean Lunaria redeviva Perennial Honesty 2-3' (60-90cm fragrant, lilac-white flowers lsp\esu z6 sun/pt.shade, fertile, moist, well-drained s Europe Lupinus sp. Lupin to 36" (90cm) blue flowers summer z7 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile,light,slightly acid Lychnis chalcedonica Maltese Cross to 3' (90cm) intense scarlet flowers summer z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile soil Russia, Siberia Lysimachia ciliata 'Firecracker' (syn.'Purpurea') 4' (1.2m) bright yellow flowers summer z3 sun/pt.shade, humus-rich, always moist,w Lysimachia ciliata 'Purpurea' to 1m bright yellow flowers, purple leaves summer z3 sun/, humus-rich always moist, well- N.Amer. Lysimachia numularia 'Aurea' Golden Creeping Jenny to 2" (5c bright yellow flowers, golden leaves summer z4 sun/pt.shade, humus-rich, moist well-drai Lysimachia paradiformis var. stenophylla to 12" (30cm) yellow flowers summer z7 sun/pt.shade, humus-rich, moist well-drai Lysimachia punctata 'Alexander's' 30" (75cm) yellow flowers, variegated leaves summer z4 sun/pt.shade, humus-rich, moist, well-drai Macleaya cordata Plume poppy to 8' (2.4m) airy plumes of buff-coloured blooms summer z4 sun/,mod.fertile,well-dr.soil,wind-she China, Japan Matteuccia struthiopteris < N > Ostrich fern 32-40" (1m) pale green fronds z3 pt/ shade, humus-rich, moist, well-dr., neu Europe\Asia Meconopsis betonicifolia Himalayan Blue Poppy 3-3.5' (1m) sky blue flowers esu z7 part shade, humus-rich, leafy, moist, well- Tibet, Meconopsis 'Lingholm' (Fertile Blue Group) Blue Poppy (syn. 'Blue Ice') 3' (1m) blue flowers e summ ?z7 part shade, humus-rich, leafy, moist, wel Garden origin Milium effusum 'Aureum' Bowles' Golden Grass to 24" (60cm) yellow leaves and flowers summer z6 part shade, humus-rich, moist, well-draine garden origin Miscanthus sinensis 'Adagio' Dwarf Maiden Grass to 48" (120cm silvery lvs.,pinkish spikes lsumme z6 sun,mod.fertile, moist,well-drained soil Miscanthus sinensis 'Hinja Little Nicky' to 3 1/2' variegated dwarf yellow-green grass z5 sun,mod.fertile, moist,well-drained soil Miscanthus sinensis 'Yaku Jima' Silver grass 3'(90cms) lvs.,.pink feathery plumes lsum/fall z5 sun/pt.shade,mod.fertile,moist,well draine Mitella ovalis < N > Bishop's Cap 1' (30cm) greenish yellow flowers lspr-su z7 dappled shade,moist,leafy,well-dr.,acidic BC. to Calif. Monarda 'Croftway Pink' Bee Balm to 36" (90cm) rose pink flowers msu-fall z4 sun, moist,well-drained, humus-rich, mod Monarda 'Mahogany' Bee Balm to 3' (90cm) deep wine-red flowers msum/e z4 sun, moist,well-drained, humus-rich, mod Monarda 'Raspberry Wine' Bee Balm 3' (1m ) wine coloured flowers summer z4 sun, moist,well-drained, humus-rich, mod Moraea sp. (needs dry dormant period to 30" (75cm) yellow flowers l s z8 sun, sharp drainage, humus-rich, mod. fe South Africa Morea spathulata (needs dry dormant period 36" (90cm) golden yellow flowers summer z8 sun, sharp drainage, humus-rich, mod. fer S. Africa Mukdenia rossii (syn. Aceriphylllum rossii) 14" (37cm) white flowers, large glossy leaves esu z7 dappled/pt.shade, leafy, moist, well-drain N. China, Korea Myosotis australis to 16" (4cm) white or yellow flowers spring z8 sun, gritty, free-draining soil Aust.,Tasmainia Narcissus bulbocodium Hoop-petticoat Daffodil 2-5" (5-13cm) light yellow esp z6 sun/,mod-fert., well-dr.soil, moist whi Spain, Portugal Narcissus 'Rip van Winkle' Daffodil (double flowers, k 6 " (15c greenish-yellow fls.with "spikey petals early sp z3 sun/pt shade, mod. fertile, well-drained so garden origin Nepeta Catmint summer sun, pt/shade, well -drained soil Nepeta 'Dropmore' Catmint to 2' (60cm) large lavender-blue flowers summer z4 sun/pt.shade, well-drained soil garden origin Nepeta 'Mrs. Edgehill' to 16" (40cm) blue-purple flowers summer z5 sun/pt.shade, well-drained soil Nepeta parnassica 3-5' (1-2 long spikes of lavender-blue flowers lsp-fall sun/pt.shade, well-drained soil Nepeta racemosa 'Walker's Low' to 30" (75cm) pale lavender flowers summer z4 sun/pt.shade, well-drained soil Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant' Catmint to 3' (90cm) lavender-blue flowers summer z4 sun/pt.shade, well-drained soil garden origin Nepeta ucranica (a.k.a. N.veronica) to 24" (60cm) purplish blue flowers summer z5 sun/pt.shade, well-drained soil, tolerates SE Europe, Asi Nepeta x faassenii 18" (45c pale lavender-blue flowers, purple sp summer z4 sun/pt.shade, well-drained soil garden origin Oenothera Evening Primrose to 24" (60cm) bright yellow flowers summer z5 sun, poor to moderately fertile, well- drain

Page 11 Perennials Available at 2006 UBC BG Perennial Plant Sale 5/2/2006

Plant Name Common Name Height Colour Bl Time Special Conditions Country Oenothera fruticosa 'African Sun' Evening Primrose 12" (30cm) bright yellow flowers summer z4 sun, poor to moderately fertile, well- drain garden origin Omphalodes cappadocica 'Lilac Mist' Navelwort to 6" (15cm) pale lavender flowers l spring z6 part shade, moist, mod.fertile, humus-rich Omphalodes verna Creeping Forget-Me-Not to 8" (20cm) blue flowers spring z6 part shade, moist, mod.fertile, humus-rich Europe Omphalodes verna 'Alba' Creeping Forget Me Not to 8" (20cm) white flowers spring z6 part shade, moist, mod.fertile, humus-rich garden origin Ophiopogon planiscapus Mondo Grass (top dress 8" (20c pale purplish-white fls.,,blue-black frui summer z6 sun/pt.shade, moist, well-dr. humus-rich s Japan Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens' Black Mondo Grass (top to 6" ( 1 pinkish-white flowers, blue-black fruit summer z6 sun/pt.shade, moist, well-dr. humus-rich s Opuntia fragilis Prickly Pear Cactus 2-4" (5- yellow (or yellow-tinged green) flower spr/sum z8 sun, mod.fertile, sharply dr., gritty, humus- U.S., Canada Origanum 'Barbara Tingey' Oregano 4" (10cm) pink flowers summer z7 sun, poor to mod.fertile, well-dr., pref. alk garden origin Origanum cv. to 6" (15cm) pink flowers summer z5 sun, poor to mod.fertile, well-dr., pref. alk Origanum pulchellum 'Rosenkuppel' Oregano to 20" (50cm) rose flowers summer z8 sun, poor to mod.fertile, well-dr., pref. alk garden origin Origanum vulgare 'Aureum' Golden Oregano 12-36" (30-90 pink flowers, golden leaves summer z5 sun, poor to mod.fertile, well-dr., pref. alk garden origin Oxalis oregana Redwood Sorrel 8"(20cms) pink or lilac flowers (occas. white) lsp/lsu z7 pt.shade/shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich W N.America Oxalis oregana - 'Rosea' < N > Pink Redwood Sorrel to 8"(20cms) rose-pink flowers summer z7 pt.shade/shade, moist, fertile, humus-rich Pachyphragma macrophyllum to 10" (25cm) white flowers spring z5 partial shade, moderately fertile, moist, le Caucasus Paeonia hybrid pink flowers summer z7 sun/,deep,humus-rich,fertile,moist w Paeonia obovata 'Alba' Peony to 2' (60c white flowers esumm z7 sun/,deep,humus-rich,fertile,moist w Siberia, China Paeonia 'Sarah Bernhardt' Peony to 39" v.large,double,fragrant rose-pink fls. esum z7 sun/,deep,humus-rich,fertile,moist w Paeonia sp. Peony to 36" (90cm) double, mid-pink flowers e summ z6 sun/,deep,humus-rich,fertile,moist w Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal' Blue Switchgrass, Panic Gr 3' ( purple-blue foliage, dk.burgundy seed z4 sun/pt.shade, prefers moist, tolerates dry Garden Papaver orientale Oriental Poppy to 3' (90cm) orange-red flowers lsp-esu z4 sun, deep, fertile, well-drained soil garden Papaver orientale "Perry's White' Oriental poppy 18-36" (45 white flowers, maroon-purple centres lsp-esu z4 sun, deep, fertile, welll-drained soil Papaver orientale 'Patty's Plum' Oriental Poppy 3' (90cm dark reddish purple flowers lsp-esu z4 sun, deep, fertile, well-drained soil Papaver orientale 'Prinzessin Victoria Louise' Oriental Poppy to 36" (9 salmon-pink fls.,with basal black blotc lsp-esu z4 sun, deep, fertile, well-drained soil Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Moudry' Fountain Grass to 4' (1. dk.purple to black brush-like flowers late su z5, full sun/part shade, light well drained soil Penstemon cultivar Beard-Tongue up to 3'(90cm) light blue flowers sum-fall z7 sun/pt.shade, fertile, well-drained soil Penstemon cv. Beard-Tongue to 2 large pink fls.,deep red marks on thro sum-fall z7 sun/part.shade,fertile,well-drained soil Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red' Foxglove Beard-Tongue to 30"(7 white fls. flushed pink,deep-red foliag summer z3 sun/part shade, fertile well-drained soil Penstemon eatoni Firecracker Penstemon to 36" (90cm) tubular scarlet flowers l summ z4 sun, poor to mod-fertile, gritty,sharply-drai Utah Penstemon fructicosus Shrubby Penstemon (everg to 16" (40cm) light purple flowers summer z4 sun, poor to mod.fertile, gritty, sharply drai Penstemon heterophyllus 'Electric Blue' Foothills Penstemon (grow to 18" (45cm) vivid blue flowers esum-ef z6 sun/pt.shade, well-drained, poor or mod.-f Penstemon 'Midnight' Beard-Tongue 2' (60cm) dark indigo-blue flowers sum/fall z7 sun/pt.shade, fertile, well drained soil garden origin Penstemon pinifolius (spreading evergreen subs to 16" (40cm) bright scarlet flowers summer z4 sun, sharply drained, light soil, dry in wint N.Mex,Ariz,Mex Penstemon 'Thorn' Beard Tongue 3' (90cm) coral pink flowers summer z7 sun/part shade, fertile, well-drained soil garden origin Penstemon x gloxinioides Beard Tongue to 24" (60 large, deep-maroon to pink flowers e summ z7 sun/part shade, fertile, well-drained soil garden origin Persicaria affinis 'Dimity' Himalayan Knotweed (syn. 4" (10cm) light pink flowers, red leaves in fall msu/mf z3 sun/pt.shade, any moist soil Himalayas Persicaria amplexicaulis (syn. Polygonum) to 3.5' (1m) long stalked, rich red flower spikes su/ef z5 sun/pt.shade, any moist soil Himalayas Persicaria amplexicaulis 'Atrosanguinea' Mountain Fleece to 5' (.6- long stalked, rich crimson flower spik su/ef z5 sun/pt.shade, moist soil. Himalayas Persicaria amplexicaulis 'Firetail' 4' (1.2m) crimson-scarlet flowers esum-lf z5 sun/pt.shade, cool, moist soil.

Page 12 Perennials Available at 2006 UBC BG Perennial Plant Sale 5/2/2006

Plant Name Common Name Height Colour Bl Time Special Conditions Country Persicaria bistorta (was Polygonum bistorta) 30" (75cm) pale pink or white flowers esum-ef z4 sun/pt.shade, moist soil. Tolerates dry so N. Europe/Asia Persicaria campanulata Knotweed (was Polygonum to 4' (1.2m) pink flowers sum-fall z5 sun/pt.shade, moist soil Himalayas Persicaria vacciniifolia (was Polygonum vaccinifoli trailing 8" pink flowers e fall z7 sun/pt.shade, moist soil Himalayas Petasites japonicus to 48" (120cm yellowish-white flowerheads lwinter- z5 part or full shade, deep,humus-rich,fertile, Phlomis italica (evergreen shrub) to 1' (30cm) pink, pale lilac sum-fall z8 full sun, fertile, well-drained soil Balearic Is. Phlomis russeliana Sticky Jerusalem Sage (sy 3' (90cm) yellow flowers summer z7 full sun, fertile well-dr.soil, dry winter Syria Phlox 'Little Shirley' to 6" (15cm) dark pink flowers spring sun, well drained soil Phlox maculata 'Miss Lingard' to 36" (90cm) white flowers summer z5 sun/pt.shade, fertile, moist soil garden origin Phlox paniculata 'Deusterlohe' 36" (90cm) deep neon-violet, scented flowers summer z4 sun/pt.shade, fertile moist soil, good air ci Phlox paniculata 'Elizabeth Arden' Border phlox to 2.5' (75cm) soft pink with dark eye ef z4 sun/pt.shade, fertile,moist soil, good air ci garden origin Phlox paniculata 'Fujiyama' (syn.'Mount Fuji') Border phlox to 2.5' (75cm) white flowers sum-efa z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, fertile soil, good air ci garden origin Phlox subulata seedlings of 'Millstream Daphne' Moss Phlox, Creeping Phlo 9" (23cm) parent flowers bright pink with dark ey lspr-esu z4 sun, moist well-drained, fertile soil Garden origin Phormium tenax 'Pupureum Group' New Zealand flax (winter pr 6' (2m) tall reddish flowers on older s z8 full sun/pt.shade, heavy, moist soil Phygelius aequalis Cape Fuchsia to 3' (1m) orange-pink flowers, crimson lobes summer z7 sun, fertile, moist, well-drained soil S. Africa Phygelius capensis Cape Fuschia 4'(1.2m) orange fls. with yellow throats summer z8 sun, fertile, moist, well-dr. soil, dry mulch i South Africa Phygelius x rectus 'African Queen' Cape Fuchsia 3' (1 pale red fls. with orange-red lobes summer z8 sun, fertile, moist, well-dr. soil, dry mulch i garden origin Phygelius x rectus 'Devil's Tears' Cape Fuchsla to 4' (1.2m) deep red-pink flowers summer z8 sun, fertile, moist, well-dr. soil, dry mulch i garden origin Phygelius x rectus 'Moonraker' Cape Fuchsia to 5' ( 1.5m ) pale creamy-yellow flowers summer z8 sun, fertile, moist, well-dr. soil, dry mulch i garden origin Phygelius x rectus 'Winchester Fanfare' Cape Fuchsia to 4' ( 1.2m ) dusky red-pink flowers summer z8 sun, fertile, moist, well-dr. soil, dry mulch i garden origin Pimpinella major Greater Burnet to 4'(1.2m) white flowers spring z5 sun/pt.shade, well-drained, fertile, moist s Europe,N.Africa Podophyllum hexandrum Himalayan Mayapple 1.5' (45cm) white or pale pink flowers lsp-msu z5 shade/pt. sh., humus-rich, leafy moist soil Himalayas Podophyllum peltatum Mayapple to 18" (40cm) fragrant white to rose flowers spring z4 sun/pt.shade, humus-rich, leafy, moist soil E N.America Polemonium caeruleum < N > Tall Jacob's Ladder 12-36" (30-90 lavender-blue flowers e summ z4 sun with midday shade in gritty,sharply dr Polemonium 'Lambrook Mauve' Jacob's Ladder (syn. 'Lamb to 18" (45cm) lilac-blue flowers lsp/esu z4 sun with midday shade in gritty,sharply dr Garden Origin Polemonium yezoense to 18" (45cm) blue flowered form lsp-sum z5 sun/pt.shade,fertile,moist,well-drained soil Polemonium yezoense to 18" (45cm) white flowered form lsp-sum z5 sun/pt.shade,fertile,moist,well-drained soil Polygonatum Solomon's Seal white, green-tipped flowers lspring shade/pt.shade, fertile, humus-rich, moist, w Polygonatum biflorum (syn. P.commutatum) Solomon's Seal to 18' (45cm) greenish-white flowers lsp z3 shade/pt.shade, fertile, humus-rich, moist, eastern USA Polygonatum hirtum Solomon's Seal to 4' ( flowers are white with green-tips z5 shade/pt.shade, fertile, humus-rich, moist Eur.,NW Turkey Polygonatum odoratum var.pluriflorum 'Variegatu Solomon's Seal 34" (85cm) white flowerswith green tips sp/esu z3 shade/pt.shade, rich, moist, peaty soil Polygonatum x hybridum (syn.P.multiflorum of g Solomon's Seal (P.multifl to 4' (1.2 ivory flowers are tipped with green lspring z3 shade/pt.shade, rich, moist, peaty soil garden origin Polypodium glycyrrhiza Licorice Fern (evergreen) to 14" (35c z4 sun/dappled shade shade moderately fertile, humus-rich, gritty, well-dra W.N.Amer. Polystichum munitum Sword Fern to 3.5' (1m) evergreen fronds light shade W. North Amer. Polystichum setiferum < N > Hedge Fern to 48" ( soft, lance-shaped,dark green fronds z6 deep or part shade,fertile,humus-rich,well Polystichum setiferum Divisilobum Group Hedge Fern to 28" (70cm) spreading fronds z6 deep or part shade,fertile,humus-rich,well Polystichum setiferum Plumosodivisilobum Grou Hedge Fern to 24" ( compact soft fronds, become very co z6 deep or part shade,fertile,humus-rich,well Potentilla cuneata Cinquefoil 5" (13cm) yellow flowers summer z5 sun, poor to moderately fertile, well-draine Himalayas Primula Primrose pale mauve

Page 13 Perennials Available at 2006 UBC BG Perennial Plant Sale 5/2/2006

Plant Name Common Name Height Colour Bl Time Special Conditions Country Primula bulleyana to 2' (6 flowers in shades of yellow and orang sp-esu z5, pt.shade moist, deep, humus-rich,loam o S.W.China Primula hybrid Polyanthus 6-12" (15-30c soft yellow flowers spring z7 sun or pt.shade, a strong plant Primula japonica Candelabra Primula to 30" (7 flowers are varied: red-purple to white l spring z3 sun/ mod.fertile, moist,well-dr. humu Japan Pulmonaria hybrid Lungwort to 12" (30c dark pink flowers changing to purple e spring z5 pt.shade, humus-rich, fertile, moist, draine Garden origin Pulmonaria officinalis Jerusalem Cowslip 12" (25cm) pink flowers aging to blue spring z6 pt.shade, humus-rich, fertile, moist, draine Europe Pulmonaria 'Roy Davidson' Lungwort (silver spotted lvs to 14" (25cm) clear blue flowers spring z6 pt.shade, humus-rich, fertile, moist, draine garden origin Pulmonaria rubra Red Lungwort to 16" (40c coral-red flowers spring z6 pt.shade, humus-rich, fertile, moist, drain S.E. Europe Pulmonaria rubra 'David Ward' Lungwort (evergreen) 12" (30c coral red flowers, white variegated lvs spring z5 SHADE, humus rich, fertile, moist draine garden origin Pulmonaria rubra 'Redstart' Lungwort to15" (400cm) pale red flowers e spring z5 pt.shade, humus-rich, fertile, moist, draine Pulmonaria saccharata 'Janet Fisk' Lungwort 12" (30 red buds, purple flowers: silver on lvs. spring z4 full/pt.shade, humus-rich, fertile, moist, dr Pulmonaria saccharata 'Sissinghurst White' Lungwort to 10" (30cm) white flowers, large white-spotted lvs. spring z4 pt.shade, humus-rich, fertile, moist, draine Pycnanthemum pilosum Hairy Mountain Mint 2-4'(60-11 pink flowers su/fall z4 sun-pt.shade, average soil, attracts bees acris Meadow Buttercup to 40" (100cm small clusters golden yellow flowers spring z 5 pt.sun/shade.,moist,humus-rich soil,can Eurasia Ranunculus acris (seedlings of 'Sulphureus') Meadow Buttercup to 30" (7 'Sulphureus' has creamy yellow flowe spring z5 pt.sun/shade, moist, humus-rich soil garden origin Ranunculus ficaria Lesser Celandine to 8" (20cm) golden yellow flowers spring z4 part/full shade woodland, moist,humus-ric Europe, W. Asi Ranunculus gramineus Mountain Buttercup to 12" (25cm) lemon yellow flowers lsp-esu z6 sun/pt.shade,fertile,moist,well-drained soil garden origin Reineckea carnea to 8" (20cm) pink flowers lsp-esu z7 pt.shade,moist,well-dr.,humus-rich neutral China,Japan Rodgersia aesculifolia to 6' (1.8m) white flowers summer z5 sun or part shade, humus-rich, moist soil W. China Rodgersia sambucifolia to3' (90cm) pink or white summer z5 sun or part shade, humus-rich, moist soil China Roscoea alpina to 1' (30cm) pink or mauve flowers summer z6, mod.fert.,humus-rich,leafy,moist,co Kashmir, Nepal Rubus arcticus < N > Dwarf Nagoonberry to 4"(10c pink to rose flowers spring z1 mixed woodland, moist peatland, moist sh Arctic Rudbeckia fulgida var.sullivantii 'Goldsturm' Orange Coneflower to 24" (60cm) large golden yellow flowers lsum-fall z4 sun/pt.shade mod.fertile,moist,well-dr.,he garden Rudbeckia lancinata 'Herbstonne' (syn.R. 'Autumn Sun') Con to 6' (2m) bright yellow flowers msum-e z3 sun/pt.shade,mod.fertile,heavy but well-dr Rumex sanguineus Red Veined Dock to 40 tiny green fls.,lance shaped lvs.,dark e summ z6 sun, moist deep soil World wide Sagina Pearlwort (from UBC Bota mat-forming summer sun/pt.shade, cool, free-draining soil Salvia barrelieri to 36" (90cm) blue-violet flowers summer z8 sun, humus-rich, mod.fertile, moist, well-d Salvia darcyi Sage 3' (90cm) bright red flowers sum-fall z8 sun, humus-rich, mod.fertile, moist, well-d Mexico Salvia guaranitica to to 5' (1.5m) true blue flowers lsum-fall z8 sun, humus-rich, mod.fertile, moist, well-d Salvia 'Indigo Spires' Sage to 3' purple stems and flowers with blue br summer z9 sun/light sh.,humus-rich,mod.fert.,moist,w garden origin Salvia lyrata 'Purple Knockout' to 24" (60cm) pale lilac flowers summer z5 sun, humus-rich, mod.fertile, moist, well-d Salvia officinalis 'Berggarten' Common Sage 24" (60cm) purple flowers summer z7 sun, humus-rich, mod.fertile, moist, well-d garden origin Salvia officinalis 'Tricolor' Common Sage 24" (60cm) lilac-blue flowers variegated foliage summer z7 sun, humus-rich, mod.fertile, moist, well-d garden origin Salvia staminea Sage 30"(75cm) white-tinged lavender flowers summer z5 sun, humus-rich, mod.fertile, moist, well-d Asia Minor Salvia viscosa Sage 30' (75cm) raspberry pink flowers summer z6 sun, humus-rich, mod.fertile, moist, well-d E. Europe Sanguisorba tenuifolia Burnet to 4'(1.2m) long white-purple flowers summer z4 sun/pt.shade, mod.fertile, moist, well-drai Eur,Aia, NA Saruma henryi to 18" (45cm) yellow flowers,heart-shaped lvs. spr-sum z5 part shade,well-drained,moist soil China Saxifraga 'Parker's Pink Pride' rosette 4", flowers 12" (10c pearly pink flowers e summ z5 sun/pt.shade, moist, well-drained, humus- Garden Saxifraga x geum syn. Saxifraga hirsuta x S.u to 8" (20cm) white flowers with red spots summer z6 shade/, moist, free draining, humus-

Page 14 Perennials Available at 2006 UBC BG Perennial Plant Sale 5/2/2006

Plant Name Common Name Height Colour Bl Time Special Conditions Country Saxifraga x urbium London Pride to 1' (30cm) pink flushed white flowers summer z6 shade, moist, well-drained, humus-rich so garden origin Saxifraga x urbium 'Aureopunctata' Golden London Pride to 12" pale-pink flowers, yellow spots on lvs. l spring z6 shade/, moist, well-drained, humus-r Scabiosa columbaria 'Pink Mist' syn.S.c.'Butterfly Pincushion Flower to 18" (45cm) pink flowerheads summer z6 sun,mod.fertile,well-drained,neutral soil. garden origin Schizostylis coccinea Kaffir Lily to 24" (60cm) pink flowered form lsum-fall z7 sun, keep roots moist in mod.fertile, well- S. Africa Schizostylis coccinea Kaffir Lily to 24" (60cm) red flowered form lsum-fall z7 sun, keep roots moist in mod.fertile, well- S. Africa Schizostylis coccinea Kaffir Lily to 24"(60cm) red or pink flowered form lsum-fall z7, sun keep roots moist in med.fertile,well-d S. Africa Schizostylis coccinea 'Mrs Hegarty' Kaffir Lily 12" (30cm) pink flowers lsum-fall z7 sun, keep roots moist in mod.fertile, well- S.Africa Schizostylus coccinea Kaffir Lily to 2' (60cm) coral-red flowered form l sum-fa z7 sun,keep roots moist in mod.fertile,well-dr S.Africa Schizostylus coccinea "Hesperantha" Kaffir lily 2'(60cm) scarlet flowers fall z7 sun, moist, well-drained soil S.Afdrica Schizostylus coccinea "Mrs. Hegarty" Crimson flag 4-14"(30cm) fall z7 sun, part shade, moist soil Ireland Scrophularia auriculata 'Variegata' Water Figwort (syn. S. aqu to 36" (1m) yellowish-green,brown lipped fls. summer z5 pt.shade,humus-rich,moist,well-dr.soil.Ma garden origin Scutellaria diffusa Skullcap (keep dry in winte to 4" (10cm) coral red-pink flowers summer z5 sun/lt.shade,mod.fert.,light,gravelly,well-d Turkey Sedum erythrostictum 'Frosty Morn' (syn.S. albor Stonecrop to 20" (50cm) creamy-white fls. with pink blush lsum-fall z6 sun/,well-drained,mod.fertile, E Asia Sedum 'Herbstfreude' (syn. S. 'Autumn Joy') Stonecrop to 2' ( dark pink flowers turning copper-red e fall z3 sun,mod.fertile,well-drained, sl.alk garden Sempervivum montanum to 4" (10cm) red-purple flowers summer z5 sun,gritty,poor to mod.fertile,sharply dr.soi Sempervivum sp. Hen & Chicks, Houseleek. to 6" (15cm) white,yellow,red or purple fls. summer ?z7sun,gritty,poor to mod.fert.,sharply dr.soil. Sisyrinchium californicum Golden Eyed Grass 15" (4 star shaped bright yellow flowers summer z8 sun,poor to mod.fertile,well-dr., sl.a B.C. to Californi Smilacina racemosa < N > Western Solomon's Seal,F to 36" (90cm) whitish flowers,green to red fruit m-lspr z4 light/deep shade,mod.fert.,rich,acidic,moi N.Am.,Mexico Smilacina stellata < N > Starflower to 24" (60c white fls., mature fruit is red or blue summer z3 light/deep shade,mod.fert.,rich,acidic,moi N. Am.,Mexico Soldanella sp. (ground cover, keep dry in flowers in shades of violet e spring z4 sun/pt.shade,humus-rich,moist,sharply-dr. Europe Stachys officinalis 'Rosea' Bishop's Wort, Wood Beto to 24" (60cm ) rose-pink flowers summer z5 full sun, well drained, moderately fertile so Stachys spicata Big Betony to 24"(60cm) pinkish-purple flowers summer z5 full sun, well-drained moderately fertile soi Caucasus Stipa joannis to 30" (75cm) feathery tufted spikelets summer z6b, ful sun light, lean soil Stipa tenuissima Mexican Feather Grass to 24" (60cm) greenish-white,then buff, pannicles summer z7 full sun, mod.fertile, light,well-drain S.N.Amer.,Arge Strobilanthes atropurpureus to 4' (1.2m) indigo or purple flowers summer z5 sun/pt.shade,light,fertile,free-draining soil Siberia Stylophorum diphyllum Celandine Poppy (scorche to 18" (45cm) yellow flowers summer z6 deep or pt.shade,moist,mod.fertile,humus E. N. America Symphytum (Dana's) to 18" (45cm) pinkish-purple flowers spring z5 sun/pt.shade, moist, moderately fertile soi Symphytum 'Goldsmith' (syns. 'Jubilee' & 'Varieg Comfrey to 12" (30cm) blue, cream or pink flowers spring z5 sun/pt.shade, moist, moderately fertile soi Eur., N Afr., W Symphytum 'Hidcote Blue' Comfrey to 18" (45cm) red buds, pale blue flowers spring z5 sun/pt.shade, moist, moderately fertile soi garden Symphytum x uplandicum x 'Axminster Gold' Variegated Russian Comfr to 36" (9 pale pink and blue fls.,variegated lvs. esumm z4 sun/pt.shade, moist, moderately fertile soi Teucrium halacsyanum (syn. T corcyranum) to 6" (15cm) violet flowers summer z? sun, best in poor, gritty, well-drained soil E Mediterranea Thalictrum aquilegifolium to 5' flowers of greenish-white through pin lsp/esu z5 pt.shade,moist,humus-rich soil Europe, N. Afric Thalictrum delavayi Yunnan Meadow Rue (syn. to 4' (120cm) flowers of lilac to white with dark stem summer z5 pt.shade, moist humus-rich soil W China, E Tib Thalictrum lucidum Meadow Rue 20" (50cm) butter-yellow flowers summer z7 sun/pt.shade, fertile, humus-rich, well-drai Asia Thalictrum rochebruneanum Meadow Rue to 36" (90cm) lavender-pink or white flowers summer z5 pt.shade, moist humus-rich soil Japan Tiarella trifoliata False Mitrewort to 12" (30cm) white flowers lspr-ms z4 pt.shade/shade,moist,well-drained humus W.N.Amer. Trachystemon orientalis Russian Borage (spreads b to 24" (60cm) blue and violet flowers spring z7 light to deep shade,moist,humus-rich soil E Europe Tradescantia to 36" (to 90c blue flowers lsp/sum sun/pt.shade,moist,fertile soil,cut back after fl

Page 15 Perennials Available at 2006 UBC BG Perennial Plant Sale 5/2/2006

Plant Name Common Name Height Colour Bl Time Special Conditions Country Tricyrtis hirta Toad Lily to 36" (90cm) white flowers with purple spots lsum-mf z4 deep/pt.shade.moist,well-drained,humus r Japan Tricyrtis latifolia 'Lilac Towers' Toad Lily to 36" (90cm) lilac flowers fall z4 deep or pt.shade.moist,well-dr. humus ric Japan Trientalis latifolia Star Flower 6" (15cm) rose pink to white flowers summer z3 shade, slightly acidic, gritty, humus-rich s W. N.America. Trifolium rubens Clover to 24" (60cm) pink flowers, deep green leaves summer z7 sun/pt shade, moist, well-drained soil, self Eirope Uncinia rubra Hook Sedge 12"(30cm) dark brown to black flowers summer z8, sun,free draining soil (a lot of water or we New Zealand Uvularia grandiflora Big Merrybells to 30" drooping,bell-shaped,yellow flowers spring z3 shade,fertile,humus-rich,moist,well-draine E. N.America Valeriana phu 'Aurea' Valerian to 5' white fls., lvs.yellow spr.,lime in sum summer z5 sun or dappled shade, any moist soil Europe, Caucas Vancouveria hexandra < N > to 16" (40cm) white flowers spring z5 pt.shade, mod.fertile,humus-rich,moist,we Wash. to Calif. Verbascum atroviolaceum Purple Mullien to 36" (90cm) Purple flowers summer z6 sun, poor, well-drained, alkaline soil Russia Verbascum chaixii Nettle-leaved Mullein to 36" (90cm) pale yellow flowers lsp/su z5 sun, poor, well-drained, alkaline soil C.,S.& E.Europ Verbascum 'Raspberry Ripple' (biennial or short-lived pere 24" (60cm) soft pink fls.with darker centre summer z6 sun, poor, well-drained, alkaline soil Verbena bonariensis (very airy and ornamental i to 6' (2m) lilac-purple flowers (self sows0 msum-fr z8 sun, moist, well-drained, mod.fertile soil Brazil to Argenti Verbena corymbosa to 24" (60cm) fragrant lilac flowers summer z9 sun,mod.fertile,moist,well-drained soil S.America Verbena hastata Blue Vervain to 5' (1.5m) violet-blue to pinkish purple flowers esum-ef z3 sun, moist, well-drained, mod.fertile soil N. America Veronica . Speedwell to 36" (90cm) blue flowers summer z6 sun/pt.shade,moist, well-drained, mod.fert Veronica 'Corinne Tremaine' Speedwell mat forming sky blue flowers summer z5 sun, poor to mod. fertile, well-dr.soil, dry garden origin Veronica gentianoides (dwarf form) Gentian Speedwell to 10" (25cm) light blue flowers with white throat e summ z4 sun, poor to mod.fertile, well-dr.soil, winte Eastern Europe Veronica peduncularis 'Georgia Blue' Speedwell to 12" (30cm) clear rich blue flowers lsp/esu z6 full sun, poor to mod.fertile, well-dr.soil, dr Turkey, Cauc., Veronica spicata 'Sightseeing Mix' to 24" (60cm) blue,white and pink flower spikes e-l sum z3 sun/pt.shade, loamy,mod.-fertile, moist,w Vestia foetida ( Syn. Vestia lycioides) shrub to 3m yellow flowers sp/su z8 sun, well drained soil, winter protection Chile Vinca major 'Variegata' Greater Periwinkle 1' (30cm) variegated lvs. blue fls. lsp z7 sun/ pt.shade, any but very dry soil garden origin Vinca minor Periwinkle to 8" (20cm) blue-purple flowers sp - fall z7 sun/ pt.shade, any but very dry soil Europe to S.Ru Wachendorfia thysiflora 6' (2m) spikes of yellow flowers e-summ z9 full sun,fertile, moist soil S. Africa Watsonia sp. orange flowers z7 full sun, light, moist, well-dr.soil S. Africa, Mada Xanthisma texana Sleepy Daisy to 36" (90cm) lemon-yellow flowerlets spr-sum z7 sun,hot,dry site, poor soil. Texas Zantedeschia Calla Lily to 36" (90cm) white spathe lsp/msu ?z8? sun, humus-rich, moist soil Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Crowborough' Calla Lily (good at margin o 36" (90cm) white spathe lsp/msu z8 sun, humus-rich, moist soil South Africa Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Green Goddess' Calla Lily (good at margin o 36" (90cm) white-marked bright green spathes lsp-esu z8 sun, humus-rich, moist soil South Africa Zauschneria californica California Fuchsia to 24" (60cm) brilliant scarlet flowers lsum-fall z8 sun, mod.fertile,well-drained soil, wind pro California Zauschneria californica (dwarf form) California Fuschia 6" (15cm) scarlet flowers lsum-fall z8 sun, mod. fertile,well-drainedsil, wind prot California Zauschneria californica 'Solidarity Pink' Hummingbird's Trumpet to 24" (60cm) pale pink flowers lsum-fall z8 sun, mod.fertile,well-drained soil, wind pro California

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