Outline Introduction Monte Carlo simulation of Heston Additional


Hui Gong, UCL http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/ ucahgon/

May 6, 2014

Hui Gong, UCL http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/ ucahgon/ The Heston Model Outline Introduction Monte Carlo simulation of Heston Additional Exercise


Stochastic Volatility Generalized SV models The Heston Model Vanilla Call via Heston

Monte Carlo simulation of Heston Itˆo’slemma for variance process Euler-Maruyama scheme Implement in Excel&VBA

Additional Exercise

Hui Gong, UCL http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/ ucahgon/ The Heston Model Outline Introduction Stochastic Volatility Monte Carlo simulation of Heston Additional Exercise Introduction

1. Why the Black-Scholes model is not popular in the industry? 2. What is the stochastic volatility models? Stochastic volatility models are those in which the variance of a is itself randomly distributed.

Hui Gong, UCL http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/ ucahgon/ The Heston Model Outline Introduction Generalized SV models Stochastic Volatility The Heston Model Monte Carlo simulation of Heston Vanilla via Heston Additional Exercise A general expression for non-dividend stock with stochastic volatility is as below:

√ 1 dSt = µt St dt + vt St dWt , (1) 2 dvt = α(St , vt , t)dt + β(St , vt , t)dWt , (2) with 1 2 dWt dWt = ρdt ,

where St denotes the stock price and vt denotes its variance. Examples:

I Heston model

I SABR volatility model

I GARCH model

I 3/2 model


Hui Gong, UCL http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/ ucahgon/ The Heston Model Outline Introduction Generalized SV models Stochastic Volatility The Heston Model Monte Carlo simulation of Heston Vanilla Call Option via Heston Additional Exercise

The Heston model is a typical Stochastic Volatility model which √ takes α(St , vt , t) = κ(θ − vt ) and β(St , vt , t) = σ vt , i.e. √ dSt = µSt dt + vt St dW1,t , (3) √ dvt = κ(θ − vt )dt + σ vt dW2,t , (4)

with dW1,t dW2,t = ρdt , (5)

where θ is the long term mean of vt , κ denotes the speed of reversion and σ is the volatility of volatility. The instantaneous variance vt here is a CIR process (square root process).

Hui Gong, UCL http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/ ucahgon/ The Heston Model Outline Introduction Generalized SV models Stochastic Volatility The Heston Model Monte Carlo simulation of Heston Vanilla Call Option via Heston Additional Exercise

Let xt = ln St , the risk-neutral dynamics of Heston model is  1  √ dx = r − v dt + v dW ∗ , (6) t 2 t t 1,t ∗ ∗ √ ∗ dvt = κ (θ − vt )dt + σ vt dW2,t , (7)

with ∗ ∗ dW1,t dW2,t = ρdt . (8) ∗ ∗ κθ where κ = κ + λ and θ = κ+λ . Using these dynamics, the probability of the call option expires in-the-money, conditional on the log of the stock price, can be interpreted as risk-adjusted or risk-neutral probabilities. Hence,

Fj (x, v, T ; ln K) = Pr(x(T ) ≥ ln K|xt = x, vt = v) .

Hui Gong, UCL http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/ ucahgon/ The Heston Model Outline Introduction Generalized SV models Stochastic Volatility The Heston Model Monte Carlo simulation of Heston Vanilla Call Option via Heston Additional Exercise

The price of vanilla call option is:

−r(T −t) C(S, v, t) = SF1 − e KF2 , (9)

where F1 and F2 should satisfy the PDE (for j = 1, 2)

1 ∂2F ∂2F 1 ∂2F v j + ρσv j + σ2v j 2 ∂x2 ∂x∂v 2 ∂v 2 ∂F ∂F ∂F +(r + u v) j + (a − b v) j + j = 0 . (10) j ∂x j j ∂v ∂t The parameter in Equation (10) is as follows

1 1 u = , u = − , a = κθ, b = κ+λ−ρσ, b = κ+λ. 1 2 2 2 1 2

Hui Gong, UCL http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/ ucahgon/ The Heston Model Outline Introduction Itˆo’slemma for variance process Stochastic Volatility Euler-Maruyama scheme Monte Carlo simulation of Heston Implement in Excel&VBA Additional Exercise

The simulated variance can be inspected to check whether it is negative (v < 0). In this case, the variance can be set to zero (v = 0), or its sign can be inverted so that v becomes −v. Alternatively, the variance process can be modified in the same way as the stock process, by defining a process for natural log variances by using Itˆo’slemma   1 ∗ ∗ 1 2 1 ∗ d ln vt = κ (θ − vt ) − σ dt + σ √ dW2,t . (11) vt 2 vt

Hui Gong, UCL http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/ ucahgon/ The Heston Model Outline Introduction Itˆo’slemma for variance process Stochastic Volatility Euler-Maruyama scheme Monte Carlo simulation of Heston Implement in Excel&VBA Additional Exercise

The Heston model can be discretized as following

 1  √ √ ln S = ln S + r − v ∆t + v ∆t , t+∆t t 2 t t S,t+1   √ 1 ∗ ∗ 1 2 1 ln vt+∆t = ln vt + κ (θ − vt ) − σ ∆t + σ √ ∆tv,t+1 . vt 2 vt

Shocks to the volatility, v,t+1, are correlated with the shocks to the stock price process, S,t+1. This correlation is denoted ρ, so that ρ = Corr(S,t+1, v,t+1) and the relationship between the shocks can be written as

p 2 v,t+1 = ρS,t+1 + 1 − ρ t+1

where t+1 are independently with S,t+1.

Hui Gong, UCL http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/ ucahgon/ The Heston Model Outline Introduction Itˆo’slemma for variance process Stochastic Volatility Euler-Maruyama scheme Monte Carlo simulation of Heston Implement in Excel&VBA Additional Exercise

Figure: Heston (1993) Call Price by Monte Carlo

Hui Gong, UCL http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/ ucahgon/ The Heston Model Outline Introduction Itˆo’slemma for variance process Stochastic Volatility Euler-Maruyama scheme Monte Carlo simulation of Heston Implement in Excel&VBA Additional Exercise

Figure: VBA code for Heston (1993) Call Price by Monte Carlo

Hui Gong, UCL http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/ ucahgon/ The Heston Model Outline Introduction Stochastic Volatility Monte Carlo simulation of Heston Additional Exercise Additional Exercise

Use the Closed-Form Approach to implement Heston Call & Put.

Hui Gong, UCL http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/ ucahgon/ The Heston Model