Texas Observer MARCH 15, 1968
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MARCH 15, 1968 k Texas Observer ournal of Free Voices A Window to The South 25c ladden Lets COPE Get off the Hook Galveston whose ranks comes State AFL-CIO presi- reportedly agreed that Texas labor would Don Gladden almost won endorsement dent Hank Brown. Brown was the leader concentrate on Don Yarborough's elec- of opposition to endorsement and put the from the State AFL-CIO's Committee on tion and would not impair Barnes' ef- Political Education (COPE) but in the question here as one of whether delegates forts. Thus a considerable amount of out end settled for a statement that Texas support the leadership of their labor or- of state money, the figure $200,000 was organized labor "recommend[s] support ganization. This was a basis on which heard, most of it from labor sources, for our friend Don Gladden for lieutenant Gladden did not want to wage his contest would be raised for the DY campaign. governor." Probably Gladden had the for endorsement, knowing that if the is- Brown is reported to have given this ver- sue became a vote of confidence for votes to win a floor fight on endorsement sion of the situation during a caucus with Brown then Gladden would fare less well the Harris county delegation the Thurs- but he decided in a meeting with the AFL- than otherwise. CIO executive committee, just before the day night before the convention began. matter was submitted to delegates here, That afternoon Brown reportedly told an that endorsement would not be worth the THE REASONS for Brown's International Brotherhood of Electrical price of causing an almost-certain split .in insistence on no endorsement do not lie Workers caucus that national labor the state labor organization. in fears that labor's money would be money would be made available to Don Yarborough so long as Barnes was not Gladden still is uncertain whether he spread too thin thereby, though most of the state news media reported the story turned on (his chief opponent endorsed) decided the matter correctly. He had by Texas labor. things going his way when he decided to this way. Endorsement does mean labor Yarborough denies making any such let COPE off the hook and not take the commits itself to back a candidate with agreements that would withhold help issue to a probably divisive battle on the money, whereas recommendation does convention floor. It was a tough decision not, but Gladden said he was not pri- from Gladden and aid Barnes. He is known to have talked about the DY cam- and some tears were shed by more than marily seeking labor's money. He told the paign with labor leaders, discussing how one man before it was taken. Don Yar- Observer he gladly would have taken en- to help that drive. Whether Ralph Yar- borough, as expected, won COPE's full dorsement even if it meant he would not endorsement for governor. Republican receive a penny of labor money. En- borough was or was not party to a deal in support of Barnes, probably Meany voters were urged to "consider the quali- dorsement, to Gladden, meant credibility fications" of John Trice for that guberna- as a candidate against the powerful Ben and President Johnson were the main torial nomination. Barnes. It would mean, as he often said prosecutors of the understanding with this weekend, he "would not be relegated Brown, as was discussed in the last issue Gladden maintains he has the strongest in press accounts to the bottom para- of the Observer. If, as is speculated, backing from Texas organized labor that graphs of stories on inside pages next Brown did make a commitment to na- any candidate for lieutenant governor has to stories of Johnnie Mae Hackworth's tional labor leaders that the State AFL- received. This claim probably overlooks gubernatorial campaign." Endorsement CIO would not impede the Barnes cam- 1962, when the AFL-CIO concentrated, in . meant, in Gladden's mind, that he would paign, then Brown's prestige was on the vain, on electing Jimmy Turman virtually be taken seriously by the press, by politi- line at Galveston. Indeed, that appeared to the exclusion of every other statewide cal workers, by other liberal campaign the issue here, since getting some Texas race. Also, Yarborough's 1960 race for the money sources, and by the voters. COPE money was not Gladden's main state's No. 2 job drew high state labor Brown probably under s t o o d this concern, as he said several times during interest, though Gladden is probably cor- and yet he persisted in holding endorse- this weekend. Also a consideration in rect in saying he has more support from ment from Gladden. Probably Brown felt the proceedings, but to a far lesser ex- labor this year than Yarborough did eight tent, was Gladden's underdog role in the years ago. he had been put on the defensive in a very public way by Gladden's determined bid race. Saturday night, after the COPE meeting for endorsement and resented this. But, The International Brotherhood of Elec- broke up, the machinists union, the State more to the point, Brown had committed, trical Workers became an object of much AFL-CIO's largest single component, with somewhere along the line, that Barnes' interest for both Brown and Gladden, 30,000 members, voted endorsement of candidacy is to be given every advantage. though this union had only about 6,000 of Gladden and Yarborough. The next morn- The nature of the deal that Brown has the more than 121,000 votes at the conven- ing the local presidents of the communi- made with national labor leaders is still tion. Since the IBEW is a building trades cations workers unanimously voted en- uncertain. One version is that Sen. Ralph union and since Gladden had managed to dorsement of Gladden. These two unions Yarborough, George Meany, Hank Brown, have them leaning his way through most formed the bulk of Gladden's delegate and Gerald Brown, the executive secre- of the three-day convention ( they went support here and never wavered in their tary of the Texas building trades council, back and forth, according to who was commitment to his endorsement. Gener- had met, evidently in Washington. Presi- haranguing them at caucuses), their im- ally, Gladden's votes here were among the dent Johnson is said to have been in portance became magnified. Gladden felt industrial union members; opposition touch with the men by telephone during he could carry most of the industrial un- came from the building trades from the course of their deliberations. It was ions and, if he could make inroads in the ranks of the building trades, he could win person, and behind the scenes arm twist- my legislative career I have been willing the endorsement. Brown spoke to the ing and cajoling. Gladden at a Friday to walk clown the streets of my home- IBEW Thursday afternoon, Gladden that morning press conference asked that he town with them and I would wish they evening, Brown Friday morning. Early and Barnes be permitted to debate be- would walk down the streets of Galves- Friday afternoon IBEW voted in caucus fore the convention, rather than speak ton with me." to stay with Gladden. Another caucus was separately. Brown later ruled this proce- The swing of the IBEW behind Glad- held at 4 p.m. that day, evidently with no dure contrary to the COPE constitution. den, and word of other smaller locals get- change in stance resulting. Saturday be- Gladden told reporters: "If Barnes has ting behind him (such as a Pasadena oil- fore the vote on endorsement Brown so- made some private commitments to or- workers union that had 7,400 votes), the licited the aid of four senators who have ganized labor the delegates are entitled resolute standing with Gladden of the ma- good labor voting records. Appearing at to know it. These delegates need to know chinists and the CWA all tended to make the IBEW caucus that day were State where Barnes stands on such issues as it appear that things were swinging Glad- Sen. Don Kennard of Fort Worth, A. R. the right to work law." Gladden then read den's way, despite Brown's adamant (Babe) Schwartz of Galveston, Oscar a clipping from the Amarillo Daily News stand. Mauzy of Dallas, and Charles Wilson of of a few days before in which Barnes was Then, Friday night, it appeared that Lufkin, who urged that Gladden not be quoted as saying, "... I strongly support Gladden had locked things up with a endorsed. the right to work laws. I passed a resolu- timely boost from Senator Yarborough. tion last session of the legislature when The senator spoke to a banquet with Schwartz had, the day before, spon- Congress was in session considering right great enthusiasm about liberals' chances sored a coffee reception for Barnes at a to work laws, asking all the Texas Con- in Texas this year, saying "this year fashionable restaurant. Among those on gressmen to vote against repeal. I sent you can win any election you want to hand were State Rep Carl Parker, Port them all telegrams, went to Washington, win," then turned his attention to issues Arthur, Kennard, Wilson, and Mauzy. On and did not testify but was there to be that interest him in the US Senate and hearing what Schwartz planned, State called upon if my testimony was needed." then to state politics. Discussing his Rep. Ed Harris, Galveston, a liberal races for governor in the 1950's Yarbo- House colleague of Gladden's, announced "These delegates need to know this," rough suddenly said, "But what hap- that he would hold a competing recep- Gladden went on, "and whether [Barnes] pened in 1956? Jerry Holleman [Brown's tion for Gladden at a Walgreen's drug has privately committed to the contrary predecessor as state AFL-CIO president] store, which, unlike the restaurant, is on this issue ...