Minutes of the one hundred and thirty fifth meeting of the management committee of Scottish Disability Sport held on Monday 10 June 2013 at sportscotland, Caledonia House, South Gyle, EH12 9DQ at 1600 hours.

Attendees: Gordon McCormack Chair Catherine Goodfellow Vice Chair Gerry Milne Director Dave Rhoney Director Anna Tizzard Director Gavin Macleod CEO Caroline Lyon Secretary

Apologies: Janice Eaglesham Director Sandra Proudfoot Director Eileen Ramsay Director Jo Bell sportscotland Partnership Manager

1.0 Welcome and Apologies Action

2.0 Conflict of Interest

Vice Chair: Commonwealth Games

3.0 Minutes of meeting held on 22 April 2013

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.

4.0 Matters Arising

The endowment fund trustees have not met and there is therefore no decision on drawing down funds.

The CEO had met with Matt Hammond of GB Boccia and agreement had been reached to access Claire Morrison’s expertise for future projects if appropriate.

An accessibility report prepared by Dave Rhoney and the Performance Manager on the Kelvingrove Lawn Bowls Centre had been passed to sportscotland and to the Scottish Government. The report was also to be shared with Commonwealth Games .

5.0 sportscotland Update

The CEO reported that Calum Wood has taken over as High Performance Manager from Craig Faill and is working with the Performance Manager. It had been agreed Jo Bell would remain in place until October with the position to be re-considered at that time.

6 Reports


6.1 Chairman’s Report

6.2 CEO Report/Operational Plan Update

A meeting had been held with local authorities in Lothian in relation to retaining Lothian post with the Regional Manager becoming full time. The Heads of Service of the four local authorities had met, all agreed to continue the funding and some extra funding had been offered.

Funds from the People’s Postcode Lottery had been distributed: 18 funding applications had been received and confirmation letters had been sent out to all.

About 30 applications had been received for the summer sports camp. Dave Rhoney and Lynne Glen (camp organisers) and Claire Morrison had visited Inverclyde and a further meeting would be held on 11 June.

A talent day was held with British Cycling on 5 May with 9 participants.

UK Sport talent days would be held on the coming weekend with 42 people registered from Scotland and the north of England. The day would be about profiling prospective athletes, with tests and assessing impairment.


The next meeting of the finance group would take place following the post-audit meeting with the auditors. The deficit was much less than anticipated partly due to reduced staffing costs and the Education Scotland funding being received earlier than expected. Post audit the only issue arising was the over-payment by some staff members of pension contributions over 2 or 3 years, cumulatively £2,800. All board members were required to sign a related party transaction.

Developing Talent

The Four Nations Bowls Championship had been held recently with a fully inclusive team and a good standard of competition. Scotland Kelvin had won and Scotland Clyde had come third. The 8 Nations would be held in August with South Africa and Australia. In the UK Singles Championship the visually impaired bowlers had won the team event and seven out of eight medals.

The Swiss Racing Series Championships had been held the previous week. There was poor weather but Meggan Dawson Farrell had achieved personal bests inside qualification times. Samantha Kinghorn also did well with personal bests, even though encountering a traffic incident during the race.

The Learning Disability Under 19s Football Squad had come third in the 5 Nations Football Championships in , a good test with the Dutch, Irish and the USA.

The Scottish Boccia Squad had won the inaugural Celtic Cup in although the Irish squad had been more experienced. Squads had been announced for the Worlds and Europeans.

Owen Miller and Robert Ferroll had been selected to represent GB at the INAS World Athletics Championships in Prague from 9 to 16 June.


A wheelchair rugby tournament was to be held in a fortnight and following that would be the Europeans.

The SDS Athlete Academy selections had been made with 18 athletes selected, including 7 new people across 5 sports. Jane Egan and Scott McCowan were progressing to World Class Programmes.

Coaching & Education

16 training opportunities had taken place with Janice Eaglesham progressing the Education Scotland funded courses.

16 out of 18 tutors had attended the recent tutor training. Suzanne Hargreaves from Education Scotland had presented and was well received and motivational. She had also been positive and complimentary about the courses.

SDS are working with 17 governing bodies on education and training programmes.

Best and Randak are undertaking another UK DIT review. There had been a good response rate of over 50% with the report due at the end of the month and would be presented to the Board at the end of the summer.


The Marketing & Commercial Manager had now become contracted to SDS to deliver certain projects. Five grants had been received with others pending.

The Marketing & Commercial Manager is overseeing the website with the Administrator forwarding articles to sportfocus. A lot of articles were being received and visits in April were around 4,000. May visits were 3,788 compared with 2,100 in May last year which was considered to be a significant increase.

The next newsletter was in compilation.

A very positive COO group meeting had been held with the Minister and the CEOs from SSA, Scottish Volleyball, Scottish Athletics, SDS and Scottish Swimming. sportscotland’s Equity Seminar had been attended by the CEO and the Coaching & Education Manager. Thirty six governing bodies of sport had been represented by senior level personnel.

Dave Rhoney and the CEO had met with the Personnel Recovery Unit, case officers and Battle Back. Following this Dave Rhoney had been into the recovery unit to make a presentation. There was a volunteer contact to encourage volunteering and to promote SDS and its messaging. Under consideration was setting up a rugby and basketball day to tie in with a Battle Back visit at Erskine House.


The two Opportunities posts had been filled, with Mark Gaffney (Opportunities and Events Manager) starting on 3 July and Jennifer Livingstone (Opportunities and Equality Manager) starting on 1 July. Both have previously worked in disability sport and have volunteered at summer camp for some time.

Pathways Manager interviews would be held on 5 July.


The Coaching & Education Administrator, Laura Olds, was leaving on 21 June and would be replaced by Cheryl Brykajlo.

Claire Morrison had met with Tayside & Fife representatives. A timeline and job description had been agreed and would be shared with sportscotland.

The East Regional Manager had been advertised internally and Gary Fraser had been appointed, becoming full time with SDS. The Lothian post required to be finalised and recruited. Gary would be able to mentor the new postholder once in place

Both Grampian partnership agreements had finished. Aberdeen would not be continuing the partnership although Aberdeenshire were enthusiastic about continuing. A decision had been taken to continue the Aberdeenshire post part time and to advertise the part time Aberdeen post.

6.3 Sub Groups

6.3.1 Governance The group had not met but the Vice Chair circulated a draft terms of reference to the governance group to discuss and finalise. A meeting would be held to discuss and take forward whether the group was working in its present form. A date was to be set to be at the same time as the finance meeting.

6.3.2 Developing Sports The Performance Manager would present to the Board at the next meeting.

6.3.3 Coaching & Education The group was to meet after the board meeting.

6.3.4 Communications The CEO had already reported on the website. Press releases were being sent out regularly and the newsletter had been drafted. There was good social media feedback and engagement regarding events such as Galas. It was agreed to post Board meeting minutes on the website.

6.3.5 HR - Staffing As part of the ongoing review of policies and procedures it was suggested an expert resource could be accessed through sportscotland to ensure compliance and appropriateness for SDS.

Child Protection and Safeguarding in Sport The group had met recently. A plan was in place to highlight policies and procedures which required to be reviewed.

7 Partners’ Update

BPA: a meeting had been held of the NPC. The CEO had circulated information on governance and the new members in place. A skill sets review would take place following which there was an intention to appoint up to four new board members.

A Paralympian reunion was being held at Stoke Mandeville organised by past athletes.

Special Olympics: 800 athletes from Scotland representing 6 Regions would attend the National Games at the end of August including seven regions.

Meetings had been recently held with Scottish Swimming and the performance group had been re-established. 4


The awards nominations would be out this month and the Athletes’ Athlete Award co- ordinated by Anna Tizzard with a list from the Performance Manager. The branch attendance nomination forms had been circulated, the invitations ordered, the hotel booked, Eliza Watson would again be assisting with delivering on the evening David McCrae, ex Paralympian, former SDS colleague and benefactor of a bursary, would be the guest speaker.

A good response to financial support requests had been received with £2,250 currently received and the expectation of more.

A sub group for awards needed to be agreed, probably the Chair, CEO, Performance Manager and Coaching & Education Manager. It was suggested sportscotland could be represented.

There was discussion around the criteria for Hall of Fame inductees and the process of nominations. It was suggested that last year’s panel be invited to be involved again with possibly the inclusion of a Board member.

A date required to be set for signing the accounts.

8 Events


The Junior Athletics were held at Grangemouth the previous week with an excellent entry of 257, increased from last year.

The Regional Development Gala had been held in Stirling on 9 June.


Some of the international events had been covered in the CEO’s report.

The wheelchair rugby team had finished fourth.

Jamie McCowan had won a medal at the Czech Open.


The Vice Chair had represented the Board at the Disability Sport Fife AGM.

One outcome from the last audit was the risk register to be issued six-monthly. Board members were invited to contribute any additions or changes. Gerry Milne offered one of his GM team to work on this. All were asked to report anything missing. All

The CEO invited comments on any amendments required in the 50th Anniversary History document. All

10 Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting is 19 August 2013. The Vice Chair would chair the meeting in the absence of the Chair.