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Community Development Committee Agenda Date: Thursday, 20 February, 2020 Time: 10:30 am Location: Council Chamber Forum North, Rust Avenue Whangarei Elected Members: Her Worship the Mayor Sheryl Mai (Chairperson) Cr Gavin Benney Cr Vince Cocurullo Cr Nicholas Connop Cr Ken Couper Cr Tricia Cutforth Cr Shelley Deeming Cr Jayne Golightly Cr Phil Halse Cr Greg Innes Cr Greg Martin Cr Anna Murphy Cr Carol Peters Cr Simon Reid For any queries regarding this meeting please contact the Whangarei District Council on (09) 430-4200. Pages 1. Declarations of Interest 2. Apologies 3. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Community Development Committee Meeting 3.1 Minutes Community Development Committee 18 December 5 2019 4. Decision Reports 4.1 2019-20 Community Fund - consideration of grant by 9 exception - Wild Kiwi 2020 5. Information Reports 5.1 Operational Report - Community Group February 2020 25 6. Public Excluded Business 7. Closure of Meeting Recommendations contained in the agenda are not the decisions of the meeting. Please refer to minutes for resolutions. 1 Community Development Committee – Terms of Reference Membership Chairperson Councillor Gavin Benney Members Her Worship the Mayor Sheryl Mai Councillors Vince Cocurullo, Nicholas Connop, Ken Couper, Tricia Cutforth, Shelley Deeming, Jayne Golightly, Phil Halse, Greg Innes, Greg Martin, Anna Murphy, Carol Peters, Simon Reid Meetings Monthly Quorum 7 Purpose To oversee functions of Council that interact, support and provide services for the community, including to disburse funds as determined by the Whangarei District Council Grants, Concessions and Loans Policy. Key responsibilities • Policy and planning for the provision of community development, culture, arts and heritage and events.
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