Your ref MWM – 00083 - 2021 Our ref A19214723 WS0012/2021 Enquiries Lorraine Field 6251 2302 Mr Phone Kyaw Chief Executive Officer Mining Watch Myanmar Inc. Email:
[email protected] Enter Locality State Postcode Dear Mr Kyaw MINING WATCH MYANMAR INC – SEEKING WORK EXPERIENCE Thank you for your correspondence of 4 March 2021 to the Hon Bill Johnston MLA, seeking work experience opportunities in Western Australia for geologists, geo-tech engineers, surveyors and mining engineers from Myanmar. As the Western Australian Government is still in the process of confirming a new Cabinet after the recent State Election, Minister Johnston asked me to reply directly to you, in my capacity as the Deputy Director General Safety Regulation at the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety. I am advised that on 8 July 2020 you wrote to Minister Johnston; the Hon Peter Tinley AM MLA, Minister for Asian Engagement; and the Hon Roger Cook MLA, Deputy Premier of Western Australia, seeking assistance in relation to training miners and directors of the Myanmar government about mining safety, occupational safety and health and environmental management. Minister Johnston replied to this request on 26 August 2020, advising of the sanctions imposed by the Australian Government including “restrictions on the provision of certain services”, and recommending that you contact the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), through the Embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (Embassy of Myanmar), both based in Canberra. I note that in your 4 March 2021 correspondence, you propose a work experience arrangement for professionals who will then work as volunteers at Mining Watch Myanmar Inc., to address mining industry issues in Myanmar.