Annual Report & Accounts: 2015 - 2016

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Annual Report & Accounts: 2015 - 2016 Annual Report & Accounts: 2015 - 2016 Foreign & Commonwealth Office Annual Report and Accounts 2015–16 (For the year ended 31 March 2016) Accounts presented to the House of Commons pursuant to Section 6(4) of the Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 Annual Report presented to the House of Commons by Command of Her Majesty Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 20 July 2016 HC 336 © Crown copyright 2016 This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. To view this licence, visit doc/open-government-licence/version/3 or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email: [email protected]. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. This publication is available at Any enquiries regarding this publication should be sent to us at: Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Finance Directorate, King Charles Street, London, SW1A 2AH Print ISBN 9781474131315 Web ISBN 9781474131322 ID P002807725 07/16 Printed on paper containing 75% recycled fibre content minimum Printed in the UK by the Williams Lea Group on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Designed in-house by the FCO Communication Directorate Contents Contents Foreword by the Foreign Secretary ......................................................................................... 1 Executive Summary – Permanent Under-Secretary .................................................................. 3 Performance Report ................................................................................................................ 5 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 5 The FCO at a glance ................................................................................................................. 5 Who we are and what we do .................................................................................................. 6 Our Organisation .................................................................................................................... 7 Our Objectives in 2015-16 ........................................................................................................ 8 The FCO in 2015-16 ................................................................................................................ 9 Ministerial Visits in 2015-16 .................................................................................................... 11 FCO Single Departmental Plan................................................................................................ 11 Performance Analysis ............................................................................................................ 12 How we have performed against our Priority Outcomes in 2015-16 ....................................... 12 Security.................................................................................................................................. 13 Prosperity .............................................................................................................................. 25 Consular ................................................................................................................................ 31 Representing the whole of the UK overseas ........................................................................... 35 Engaging with Parliament in 2015-16 ..................................................................................... 37 Openness and Transparency ................................................................................................... 39 The FCO in the Year Ahead ....................................................................................................40 Investing in our People ........................................................................................................... 41 Attracting a talented and diverse workforce ..................................................................... 41 Building Capability ...........................................................................................................44 Adapting the FCO and our global network to deliver 21st century diplomacy ......................... 47 Overview of our resource and expenditure by Foreign Policy Priority ...................................... 50 Accountability Report ............................................................................................................ 51 Governance Statement ........................................................................................................... 57 Remuneration & Staff Report .................................................................................................64 The Certificate of the Comptroller and Auditor General to the House of Commons .............. 85 Accounts ............................................................................................................................... 87 Annex A: Corporate Sponsorship (unaudited) .......................................................................119 Annex B: Core Tables (unaudited) ........................................................................................ 125 1 Foreign & Commonwealth Office Annual Report and Accounts 2015 - 2016 Foreword by the Foreign Secretary The Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP In 2015/16, we saw what British diplomacy can do when the call comes. Working with our international partners, we concluded a historic agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme – the outcome of thirteen years of diplomatic engagement with the UK at the fore. In August 2015, I raised the Union Flag at our newly reopened Embassy in Tehran marking the first visit of a Foreign Secretary since 2003. FCO climate diplomacy helped achieve an historic international agreement to tackle climate change in Paris in December 2015. For the first time ever, 195 countries agreed to act together to combat global warming and reduce carbon emissions. This deal gives us a framework to limit the impact of climate change. Working towards security and regional stability in the Middle East and North Africa remained one of our top priorities this year. In Libya, we achieved a long term objective with the signing of the Libyan Political Agreement paving the way for the establishment of a Government of National Accord. In Yemen, we helped secure UN Security Council Resolution 2216 which provides a framework for negotiations and a peaceful transition in Yemen. We also continued to engage with the Gulf States who remain key partners in promoting regional stability. In March 2015, I visited Afghanistan I was honoured to return as Foreign Secretary in May and reiterated our support for the 2015. My focus this year has been on promoting Quadrilateral Coordination Group talks. This is a crucial opportunity to bring Britain’s role on the world stage - protecting our peace and stability in the country. national security, strengthening the rules-based We saw mixed progress in Africa. Implementation of the Mali peace international order, promoting Britain’s prosperity process has been slow and the threat to around the world and Britain’s EU reform package. the Sahel region from increased terrorist activity has increased. In Somalia, our contribution to the international piracy effort ensured another year without successful attacks in the Horn. Foreign & Commonwealth Office Annual Report and Accounts 2015 - 2016 2 incidents and political unrest to natural disasters. In the aftermath of the Nepal earthquake, our teams worked to locate British nationals returning 130 people via UK Government organised flights to the UK. We also continued to deliver high quality consular services and assistance to British nationals requiring support overseas – the statistics in this report attest to this. But we are always looking at improving the ways we deliver our services including transforming our digital services. This year, we introduced an online application process for British nationals applying for Emergency Travel Documents. This year also saw a sustained effort to negotiate a new deal for Britain in the EU and the passing of the EU Referendum Bill to enable the historic referendum on our membership of the EU as pledged in the Conservative Party manifesto. The work of the FCO this year underlines the importance for the UK of a strong Foreign and Commonwealth Office. I was pleased that the FCO had a good The re-opening of the British Embassy in Tehran in August 2015 settlement in the 2015 Spending Review which will maintain our world class Diplomatic Service and global presence. FCO economic diplomacy continued since the London attacks of 2005. We must continue to find efficiencies in to play a key role in 2015/16 in British nationals were affected by the the coming year like all Departments. opening markets to British businesses attacks in Sousse, Tunisia in June 2015, the Metrojet bombing in October, the and tackling global economic Now more than ever we need a challenges. terrorist attacks in Paris, and those in Brussels. The FCO was at the forefront strong and skilled FCO. Working across Government, we were of the Government’s response working In February 2016, I was privileged to able to secure international trade deals, with our international
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