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24 Th July'2021 BENNETT, COLEMAN & CO. LTD. | ESTABLISHED 1838 | TIMESOFINDIA.COM | NEW DELHI STUDENT EDITION ➤ Reconnect with ➤ Multiverse 101: All ➤ Get all the info on friends — mannerfully! you need to know the Paralympics SATURDAY, JULY 24, 2021 TODAY’S PLUS: Check your PLUS: Some of the top Newspaper in Education EDITION global etiquette IQ thinkers of today PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 KINDS OF SELF-CARE Emotional self-care, such as self- talk, weekly bubble baths, saying “no” to things that cause unneces- sary stress, giving yourself permis- sion to take a pause, or setting up a CLICK HERE: PAGE 1 AND 2 weekly coffee date with a friend. Pics: Istock Physical self-care, such as priori- #GOALS SELF-CARE tising sleep, adopting an exercise learn to brush your teeth and use the routine you can stick with, choosing washroom and continues throughout your healthy and nourishing foods over growing up years in the form of various highly processed ones. daily tasks you learn to do independently. Spiritual self-care, such as attend- Apparently these small accomplishments ing a service, spending time in Self-care advice decide the kind of person you become nature, meditating, incorporating later in life. acts of kindness into your day, or Self-care is just as important as keeping a gratitude journal. academics for growing, developing kids. Even small acts of self-care and self-help FROM THE STARS can decrease stress, improve prioritise their mental and physical health, relationships, and promote wellness of especially during uncertain times like “SLEEP” you feel like the best version of you and the body and mind. It’s up to parents or these. Help children schedule self-care ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, media mogul that extends into other facets of life. My guardians to teach their children how to breaks/check-ins regularly. Huffington is a firm believer in sleep. In fact, self-care routine varies— whether I’m trying she is a sleep evangelist. After passing out a new product or staying loyal to my feel- 5 WAYS YOU CAN Enjoy the great outdoors: Getting from exhaustion in her office and breaking good classics like coconut oil, I always carve PRACTICE SELF CARE outside not only provides sunlight her jaw, Huffington began to adopt better out moments to tend to myself and nurture 3and fresh air, but it also teaches sleep habits and took to sharing them with my body.” Slow down time: It is important you how, when you might be stressed the world. She believes we’re in a sleep depri- for families to carve out space for and in need of some self-care, a vation crisis and espouses a series of strict 1quiet time. A few minutes of change of environment can be calming rules for better self-care through better sleep. “LOVE YOURSELF” singing or reading a book together, or and help you find a sense of balance. TRACEE ELLIS ROSS, actor listening to a kid-friendly meditation Go to the park, take a day hike, or “I’ve always worked out and been can strengthen connections. Doreen complete homework in the backyard. “GET TOGETHER” active and it’s one of the ways I Arcus, an associate professor of psy- Have a sleep routine: Sleep is one AVA DUVERNAY, director care for myself: along with med- chology at UMass Lowell who spe- of the most crucial ingredients DuVernay looks outward to itation, baths, eating beautiful SELF CARE cialises in child development, says 4for learning, performance and other women to boost things that make me happy, IS A young children can benefit from down- mental health and good sleep starts her mental health, hope being silent and being with time. Engage the senses without a with a consistent and early bedtime. and enthusiasm. During friends and family. Self- screen (phone or computer) and do The hours of sleep before midnight the 22nd Women in SERENA TRACEE ELLIS care is one of the active things like lighting a candle, listening lend themselves to more deep non- WILLIAMS ROSS Hollywood Awards, she ways that I love myself. to music, playing with sand/play REM sleep, making them much more reminded the female atten- When you can and as you can, dough, baking something, meditating beneficial for young children, so stick- dees that, “We also blossom in ways that feel loving, make LIFE SAVING or eating something healthy. ing with an early bedtime of 7-8pm because we nourish one time and space for yourself,” SKILL Take care of your provides children with more deep another. We focus on her— Ellis Ross wrote on July 24th marks International Self-Care Day, and puts a body: One of the most sleep and higher levels of concen- the woman sitting right Instagram. 2important aspects of tration the next day. next to you. We focus on spotlight on the need to care for oneself. Let’s find out self-care is taking care of When in us. It’s equally as “PRIORITISE how important it is for children to do self ‘check-ins’… your physical health. doubt, write important.” YOU” Exercise 5it out: BEYONCÉ, singer Supriya.Sharma2@timesgroup.com accomplish in a day. The need and buzz together Journaling is an The singer said in an around self-care is obvious, says Paula Gill in a lot of excellent practice “TAKE CARE OF BEYONCÉ interview to “Parade”: irst things first. Lopez, PhD, an associate professor and different, for kids around the ARIANNA fun ways, like YOURSELF” HUFFINGTON “We have to care about Self-care is not chair of the dept. of psychological age of 6-9, as it pro- SERENA WILLIAMS, our bodies and what we synonymous with and educational consultation cycling togeth- vides a private space AVA WHO tennis legend put in them. Women have self-indulgence or at Fairfield University in er or playing in which they can DUVERNAY defines self-care badminton. You The greatest athlete of to take the time to focus on being selfish. as: “the ability of Connecticut, “We have an write out their all time, Williams, applies our mental health — take FSelf-care means taking epidemic of anxiety and can also practice thoughts and work individuals, families, and physical activities discipline and care to her time for self, for the spiritu- care of yourself so that communities to promote depression,” she says. through them. Expressive self-maintenance routine al, without feeling guilty or you can be healthy, you “Everybody feels it.” that help to de- writing like journaling health, prevent disease, stress, like deep too. “I think self-care is selfish. The world will see can be well, you can do maintain health, and to cope Yet, is self-care helps to manage and reduce very important to priori- you the way you see you, your job, you can help something only adults breathing, meditation, stress by allowing children to with illness and disability going for a long walk, or tise in life. When you and treat you the way and care for others, and with or without the support feel and need? Not at map out their emotions and make time for yourself, you treat yourself.” you can do all the things all. Self-care starts at doing stretches or yoga make sense of what they are of a healthcare together. you need to and want to provider” kindergarten when you experiencing. TRIVIA TIME FITNESS LATEST BUZZWORDS EXPLAINED Happy birthday, INTUITIVE EXERCISE MAIN CHARACTER to notice subtle changes in mood, SYNDROME Alexandre Dumas! coordination, balance and heart rate t’s described as a situation wherein variability. Pain, fatigue, lack of focus people think of themselves as being the One of the most widely read French authors, IS MORE FUN and low biofeedback scores, indicate top-billed star of the feature film that is you should proceed with caution and I their regular lives. “Main Character Dumas is the man behind two of the all-time f you find yourself dreading framework originally created by Evelyn stick closer to your known limits. As Syndrome” or MCS exists only in the greatest classics: “The Count of Monte Cristo” your workout, it’s a sign that Tribole and Elyse Resch. Much like your intuition and body awareness overactive minds of the Internet’s many self- you’re probably not engaging intuitive eating, IM is a radically improve, so will your workouts. identified protagonists. If you have ever and “The Three Musketeers”. On his birthday, in forms of movement that different approach to moving our Have a variety of workouts at your acted out to a song thinking you are in a film makes you or your body bodies compared to what diet culture disposal and pick and choose based on or felt like you are the main character of a we learn more about him happy.I Intuitive training — also may have taught us. The philosophy how your body’s feeling. When movie while being in a similar situation, what Dumas’ father was a Haitian-born French general who was known as auto regulatory training behind intuitive eating is applied to choosing workouts or physical you had at that moment is known as main the son of a French nobleman and a slave from Haiti which — is fairly simple: You look to your intuitive movement: listen to your activities, find something do character energy. It’s a TikTok trend that got 1was then a French colony. Many of his characters are based body for signs on what you should body’s cues to figure out what kind consistently. The best exercise popularised during the pandemic. Many call on his father – the first Black man to ever be promoted to be doing, and how hard you should of movement or exercise programme should be centered it a coping mechanism.
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