FRESNO’S VETERANS DAY PARADE LARGEST IN THE NATION » DID PG&E PROBLEM SPARK DEADLY PARADISE BLAZE? » COMIC BOOK GENIUS STAN LEE, SPIDER-MAN W E E K LY D I G E S T CREATOR, DIES AT 95 » NOVEMBER 16, 2018 GV Wire Photo/Jahz Tello DAY PARADEISLARGEST featured several veteran organizatons as well aslocal The parade honored members of the U.S. Air Force and A Litle Bit of Everything Facebook page. chansi Park. KSEE alsolive-streamed the event onits started in front of Fresno City Hall andended at Chuk many) spectators.” KSEE 24televised the parade, which day and then have only half partcipaton andhalf (as “Our feeling was, isit aninsult to have it onthe actual on the 12th instead of the 11th,” Payne said. veterans felt that we were insultng them by having it erans Day parade dent of the Fresno Vet — friend provided.” family memberor oring theservicetheir they feelproudhon leave theparadethat when (parade-goers) “I alwayshopethat To inspire more partcipaton from the public andto Changing The Day them live inthe Central Valley. more than any state inthe U.S. More than 350,000of ment.” California ishome to over two million veterans, Payne said.“It isagreat feeling, andagreat accomplish 6,000 partcipants Monday. “It hasdefnitely grown,” Vegas. It was expected to involve between 4,000and the third largest inthe naton, behindNew York andLas When hejoinedthe parade’s commitee, Fresno was rade hasgrown over the years. staf. Payne saidheisimpressed by how much the pa tc,” saidDaniel Payne, president of the Veterans Parade since with the excepton of World War II.“It was fantas parade beganin1919andhasbeenheldevery year Parade Over 30,000people atended the largest November 12, 2018| Myles Barker Daniel Payne, presi LOCAL inthe naton Monday indowntown Fresno. The FRESNO’S VETERANS - - - stead of Sunday. “Some of the ing to have it onMonday in made the parade more engag Payne saidit hasdefnitely approve of the date change, though some veterans didn’t from Nov. 11to Nov. 12. Al changed the date this year part inthe parade, organizers allow more schools to take Veterans Day IN THENATION ------View our Veteran’s Day Parada video here was accomplished.” Storm. “I think alot of them walked away feeling that Marine who served in Vietnamand Operaton Desert family member or friend provided,” said Payne, a retred rade that they feel proud honoringthe service their “I always hope that when (parade-goers) leave the pa they deserve is what Payne looksforward to most. ing veterans andtheir families the honor andrespect back,” Cardinal said.Giv to give thanks andgive get involved and wantng seeing the younger kids the parade. “I alsolike appreciates most about erans is what Cardinal Seeing the community come together to support vet Community Coming Together hill (R-Modesto) alsospoke. Rep. Jim Costa (D-Fresno) andState Senator Tom Berry families for coming together to celebrate Veterans Day. U.S. Air Force Reserve andthanked all veterans and event’s grand marshal. He spoke about histme inthe parade commitee. Retred Lt. Col. Larry Duba was the erything,” said Virginia Cardinal, the chairwoman of the nonprofts andcar groups. “We have alitlebit of ev - rade commitee woman of the veterans pa — thanks andgiveback,” and wantingtogive younger kidsgetinvolved “I alsolikeseeingthe Virginia Cardinal, chair GV WireWeekly Digest »

------3 THIS VIDEO BRINGS THE COST OF FREEDOM CLOSE TO HOME November 10, 2018 | GV Wire Since 2013, Central Valley Honor Flight has been thanking area veterans by providing them with expense-paid trips to visit America’s service memorials in Washington, D.C.

To date, more than 700 World War II veterans, 300 Korean War veterans, and 25 Vietnam war veterans have taken part in the memorable and patriotc Honor Flight experience.

GV Wire’s Jamie Ouverson was aboard Flight 17. Her docu- mentary video above powerfully illustrates the debt of grat- tude our men and women in uniform have earned this Veter- ans Day — and every day.

Click here to view the full video »

GV Wire Photo/Jamie Ouverson


GV Wire Photo/Jahz Tello BULLDOGS USE ON PARKS-ONLY TAX AUXILIARY FUNDS TO November 9, 2018 | GV Wire PLAY IN TEXAS Measure P failed. Mayor Lee Brand acknowledges the ball is brightest” together to explore another possible tax measure. November 14, 2018 | GV Wire now in his court. Brand led the efort to defeat the city sales He would consider pursuing a general fund tax, which would The Fresno State men’s basketball team’s frst road game this tax initatve that would have specifcally benefted parks and not dedicate the funds for a specifc purpose and would only Thursday (Nov. 15) at TCU will be a challenge for at least two cultural arts in Fresno. The city’s voters said no, with 51% re- require a simple majority to pass. reasons. First, the Bulldogs play a team that is ranked 21st in jectng the 3/8 of a cent tax proposal on Electon Day. the Associated Press poll and qualifed for the NCAA tourna- He said he antcipates using the signature gathering process ment last year. Second, the game is in Texas, which means the In order to pass, Measure P needed two-thirds support. GV to qualify any future measure for the ballot, rather than at- school had to use auxiliary funding for the trip. AB 1887, imple- Wire interviewed Brand for his thoughts on the Measure P temptng to convince a council supermajority (fve of the sev- mented in 2017, forbids using public funds traveling to states batle — and what happens next. During the campaign, Brand en members) to vote in support of a tax increase proposal. the atorney general deems to have discriminatory laws against called for a sales tax measure for the 2020 ballot that would the LGBT community. address parks, public safety and other community-wide needs. Click here to view the full interview » Texas is on the list of nine states. The travel ban applies to Cal- Too Much for Too Long ifornia’s public university athletc teams. School ofcials, how- Brand said the Measure P tax plan failed because it was too ever, say the trip is being covered with non-state funds.“More much, for too long, and for parks alone. He said the outcome than 70% of our Central Unifed students face food insecurity confrms his analysis. Brand now wants to bring “the best and and ofen cannot aford clothing items, including a winter...

4 GV Wire Weekly Digest READ MORE » Photo: Fresno State Athletics AP File Photo/Noah Berger burning inarural area far north of San Francisco killed the deadliest inacentury. California ofcials say the fre Northern California wildfre that haskilled at least 63is 40 mph by Monday evening. Wildfre experts say the the area near Paradise will have wind gusts ashigh strong winds that make for dangerous fre conditons, four of their batle against the blaze. Afer alull of Ofcials say more than 4,500frefghters are onday Deadliest Fire intheLast 100 Years remains 40percent contained. are againexpected inthe area by Monday afernoon. It overnight andthat strong winds that could fan fames share. California fre ofcials say the blaze grew slightly stock dropped 15percent Monday morning to $33.91a ny revealed the power lineproblem near Paradise. The PG&E’s stock price hasplummeted since the compa Stock Price Plummets these people.” cal power lines.” He addsthat “we need answers from always beenthere but says “the issue hasbeenelectri in Paradise for 29 years andthe threat of a wildfre has electrical powerlines.” says “theissuehasbeen has alwaysbeentherebut and thethreatofawildfire in Paradisefor29years Jim Flintsayshehaslived KHSL/KNVN inthe nearby city of Chico he was kicked Paradise resident Jim Flint tells television statons Resident Says He Was Kicked Out of Meetng before the Camp Fire broke out Thursday. cal transmission linenear the town of Paradise minutes regulators last week it detected a problem on an electri at least 63people. Pacifc Gas &Electric Co. told state blaze that leveled aNorthern California town andkilled A utlity isfacing increasing critcism following adeadly November 12, 2018| AP News &GV Wire STATE DID PG&EPROBLEM fre. Flint says hehaslived sponsible for the deadly if the company was re asking aPG&E executve ing Sunday night afer out of acommunity meet PARADISE BLAZE? SPARK DEADLY - - - - - year.” hard to fnd out even how many houses burned ina cause they’re remotely generated,” hesaid. “It’s very from wildfres. “Fire statstcs are not very good be stll don’t keep good statstcs oncivilian casualtes ing wildfres in1977,saidU.S. government agencies Pyne, who was afrefghter before hebeganresearch oping frefghtng practces andpolicies. helped prompt the federal government to start devel homes andkillinganestmated 1,000people. The fre destroying thousands of of rural communites, raced through anumber ern Minnesota and drought-stricken north quet Fire broke out in century ago, the Clo U.S. Forest Service. A land frefghter for the she worked asa wild Kolden, who hasstudied wildfres for 20 years since down asthe deadliest onrecord for the U.S.,” said “For the modern era, this isdefnitely going to go Not Keeping Good Statstcs Civilian on Casualtes was the last tme more people were killedina wildfre. versity of Idaho andexpert infre science, said1918 America,” andCrystal Kolden, aprofessor at the Uni “Between Two Fires: A Fire History of Contemporary University’s School of Life Sciences andauthor of Stephen Pyne, aregent professor at Arizona State complete. civilian casualtes andrecords from longago are in history. But the U.S. government doesn’t closely track more people than any blaze inthe state’s recorded - - Sciences University’s School of Life professor at Arizona State — es burnedinayear.” out evenhowmanyhous ated. It’sveryhardtofind they’re remotelygener very goodbecause “Fire statisticsarenot Stephen Pyne, aregent GV WireWeekly Digest ------7 DEM DOMINATION: CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE IS MANY SHADES OF BLUE November 13, 2018 | CALmaters The California Legislature, controlled by Democrats for de- cades, is likely to become even bluer when the new class is sworn in next month. Exactly how many more Democrats have been elected is stll not certain; it takes a long tme to count votes in California. But all signs point toward growing Democratc caucuses in both the Assembly and the Senate. Already they have secured a supermajority that sidelines Re- publicans to near irrelevancy.

That means the prevailing tension in the statehouse proba- bly won’t be between Republicans and Democrats — but be- tween diferent shades of blue. It could make for some coun- terintuitve outcomes, once the results are tallied, including a Legislature that skews more toward business on some fghts. The biggest shif appears to be heading for the state Senate, which in recent years has been the more liberal of the two houses. It is poised to tck toward the center, with two...


Robbie Short Photo for CALmatters

WHAT THE FOX SAYS: HOW WILL NEWSOM CALIFORNIA GOP WOUNDED BUT NOT DEAD LEAD CALIFORNIA? November 14, 2018 | David Taub Republicans have a tarnished brand in California. That is the

Photo: TIME assessment of conservatve commentator Joel Fox, publisher of Fox and Hounds Daily. Fox says that Donald Trump drove HE EXPLAINS. the agenda during last week’s electons. “California talks about November 12, 2018 | CALmaters being the resistance … that showed up in lot of the congres- sional races. Some of the voters don’t give some of the Repub- In this 6-minute preview of his plans for California, Gov-elect — Single-payer healthcare (0:17) licans a chance. They see the Republican label, and they go, Gavin Newsom explains why he’s a risk-taker and how he — Taxes (0:57) ‘No, I’m not for them.’ “ plans to fx what ails the state. — Relatonship with President Trump (1:15) — Educaton (2:02) Republicans are down, but not out, Fox says. “(The brand) is In the video interview above, Newsom talks about how he — Success gap (2:28) defnitely wounded,” he said making comparisons to Barry will lead California. He covers healthcare, his relatonship — Natural disasters (3:15) Goldwater’s lopsided loss to President Lyndon Baines Johnson with President Donald Trump, climate change, and more is- — Climate change (3:29) 1964 prior to the Reagan resurgence of the 1980s. “I wouldn’t sues facing the Golden State. — Pensions (3:59) pronounce them dead. It will really depend on what the Dem- — Death penalty (4:41) ocrats give them. If the Democrats go wild, people may turn to Newsom Video Timestamps — How he difers from Gov. Jerry Brown (5:03) the Republicans and say, ‘Whoa! We need a two-party system Here are his thoughts (accompanied by video tmestamps): in the state.’” Fox perhaps delivered his best line while... View the full preview here » 8 GV Wire Weekly Digest READ MORE » GV Wire Photo/David Taub Photo: Shutterstock AP FilePhoto

AP Photo/Matt Sayles, File and he was prolifc: By some accounts, hecame up Lee considered the comic-book medium anart form so many lives. Excelsior!!” and kindness will leave anindeliblemark onso, inspiraton, strength, friendship andjoy. He exuded love and old with adventure, escape, comfort, confdence, other Stan Lee. For decades heprovided both young mourned the losson Twiter: “There will never bean moto, “Excelsior!” “Captain America” actor ChrisEvans vel flms and TV projects from the flms “: Infnity War,” ‘’Black Panther” 2008. Recent projects Lee helped make possible range buster flms. He won the Natonal Medal of Arts in the andX-Men went onto become stars of block tasy, andmany of hischaracters, including Spider-Man, Millions responded to the unlikely mix of realistc fan The Unlikely Mix of Realistc Fantasy satre, science fcton, even philosophy. insistng onsophistcated plots, college-level dialogue, costumes andacton craved by younger readers while He revived the industry inthe 1960sby ofering the sidered the architect of the contemporary comic book. Comics andlater asits publisher, Lee was widely con for Lee’s daughter, J.C. Lee. As the top writer at Marvel in Los Angeles, according to Kirk Schenck, anatorney Lee was declared deadat Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the Incredible Hulk, diedMonday. He was 95. vel superheroes such asSpider-Man, the Fantastc Four for Hollywood by introducing human frailtes inMar revolutonized the comicand helped book make billions LOS ANGELES — Stan Lee, the creatve dynamo who November 12, 2018| AP News mark motto,“Excelsior!” ten deliveringhistrade films andTVprojects,of cameos inmanyMarvel to hisfans,havinghad Lee wasrecognizable READ MORE » COMIC BOOK GENIUS STAN LEEDIESAT95 - - , ofen delivering histrademark had nizable to hisfans, having “Daredevil.” Lee was recog “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D” and axy” to such TV seriesas and “Guardians of the Gal cameos inmany Mar ------U.S. perhero comics himself during the ‘60s, including... and very imaginatve.” of things, things that are bigger than life andmagical I don’t think you ever outgrow your love for those kind litle bit older and you’re too oldto read fairy tales. But up with giants andogres and witches. Well, you get a AP in2006.“We allgrew grown-ups,” hetold The of them asfairy tales for tes and women. “I think The Savage She-Hulk mirrored the travails of minori ‘60s America, for example, while The Black Panther and change — the inner turmoil of Spider-Man represented Some of Lee’s creatons became symbols of social 1998. ed television series,told The Blade of Toledo, Ohio, in Kline, executve producer of the “Men inBlack” animat they were characters frst andsuperheroes next,” Jef weak heart. “The beauty of Stan Lee’s characters isthat self-loathing. Daredevil was blindandIron Man hada the woeful nature of man. The Hulk was marked by doomed to wander Earth’s atmosphere, waxed about ey problems anddandruf. The Silver Surfer, analien Parker, who sufered from unrequited crushes, mon was goaded into superhero work by hisalter ego, Peter The Fantastc Four fought with each other. Spider-Man They Were Characters First and Superheroes Next ers such asrival DC Comics’ Superman. roes, meanwhile, were afar cry from virtuous do-good in the air. Icouldn’t doanything wrong,” hesaid.His he merous others to life. “It was like there was something Fantastc Four, the Hulk, Spider-Man, Iron Man andnu He hit hisstride inthe 1960s when hebrought the 2006. thousands of them,” hetold The Associated Press in so many Idon’t even know. I wrote either hundreds or with anew comic bookevery day for 10 years. “I wrote

Lee scripted most of Marvel’s su — tales forgrown-ups.” “I thinkofthemasfairy Stan Lee, 2006 GV WireWeekly Digest ------11 GUARD TROOPS SEARCH FOR MORE DEAD IN AFTERMATH OF WILDFIRE

November 14, 2018 | AP News PARADISE — With scores of people stll missing, Naton- al Guard troops searched Wednesday through charred de- bris for more victms of California’s deadliest wildfre as top federal and state ofcials toured the ruins of a community completely destroyed by the fames. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke joined Gov. Jerry Brown on a visit to the leveled town of Paradise, telling reporters it was the worst fre devastaton he had ever seen.

“Now is not the tme to point fngers,” Zinke said. “There are lots of reasons these catastrophic fres are happening.” Brown, a frequent critc of President Donald Trump’s policies, said he spoke with Trump, who pledged federal assistance. “This is so devastatng that I don’t really have the words to describe it,” Brown said, saying ofcials would need to learn how to beter prevent fres from becoming so deadly...


AP Photo/Noah Berger

HILLARY WILL RUN IN DANNY TARKANIAN 2020 AS LIBERAL FIREBRAND LOSES LATEST NEVADA November 13, 2018 | GV Wire Get ready for Hillary Clinton 4.0. More than 30 years in the Photo: Nevada Idependent making, this new version of Mrs. Clinton, when she runs for CONGRESSIONAL BID president in 2020, will come full circle — back to the univer- sal-health-care-promotng progressive frebrand of 1994. November 12, 2018 | GV Wire True to her name, Mrs. Clinton will fght this out untl the last dog dies. She won’t let a litle thing like two stunning defeats Not even the backing of President Donald Trump could score “Obviously, we’re disappointed with the results. We thought stand in the way of her claim to the White House. former Fresnan Danny Tarkanian his frst politcal win. Tarka- we ran a good race. It wasn’t the outcome we thought it nian, a Republican who adopted much of Trump’s “America would be,” Tarkanian told the Las Vegas Review Journal. Thus begins an op-ed published Sunday, Nov. 11, by the Wall First” platorm, fell to Democrat Susie Lee for Nevada’s Dis- Street Journal. Adding considerable credence to the specula- trict 3 seat in the House of Representatves last week. Lee, Tarkanian said that atack ads against him cost him the race: ton about Clinton’s 2020 plans: The authors are Mark Penn, an educaton and homeless advocate, captured 51.9% of the “Obviously people bought into that and believed it. It’s un- an adviser and pollster to Hillary and Bill Clinton from 1995- vote. fortunate that that’s how politcs works.” Tarkanian, 56, has 2008, and former New York City politcian Andrew Stein. run for ofce seven tmes. He lost a bid for the Nevada’s Dis- In additon, another longtme Clinton aide, Philippe Reines, Tarkanian won over 42.8% of voters in a district that is just trict 3 to Jacky Rosen in 2016 by about 1 percentage point told POLITICO last month that he thought it was odd Clin- about evenly split in party registraton. In additon, three mi- — even while Trump carried the district. Rosen, a Democrat, ton’s name wasn’t “in the mix” of potental 2020 contenders, nor party candidates appeared on the ballot. knocked Heller from his Senate seat by a 5 percentage... though he said more recently that he couldn’t think of a...

12 GV Wire Weekly Digest READ MORE » READ MORE » AP Photo AP Photo/Vahid Salemi SCIENTISTS ADMIT ERRORS up signifcantly, nearly 30percent, the central estmate.” the uncertainty,” Lewis told the Post, “as well asbiasing “So far asIcan see,their method vastly underestmates published. detected “a major problem” with the study afer it was Britain-based researcher Nicholas Lewis says that he they did. means researchers can weigh in with lesscertainty than is amuch larger margin of error inthe fndings, which Keeling saidthe authors’ miscalculatons mean there ies drawing similar conclusions, the Post reported. But in Earth’s climate system — line isin with other stud retaining more energy asmore heat istrapped with The central conclusion of the study — that oceans are Oceans Are Warming you fnd them.” that you work asfast as you canto fx mistakes when scientist — RalphKeeling,aclimate when youfindthem.” you cantofixmistakes that youworkasfast “I thinkthemainlessonis “Unfortunatel ently Wha thors have warming much faster than previously in the T skeptcs. Get ready November 14, 2018| GV Wire wo weeks after a high-profile study was published WORLD t ar wen journal Nature en’t that good at math. IN HIGH-PROFILE OCEAN t f or submitted corrections to the publication wr y mor ong , we made mistakes here e “I t with the stu stating that Earth’s oceans are old you so’s” think the main lessonis the author Oceanography the Scripps Institution of ing, aclimate scientist at dy? W The scient ashington Post fr of om climate change thought, its au the study, told , ” WARMING STUDY R alph and aco- sts appar K eel . “I - . - - - - Study of How Fast the Oceans are Warming” at this link. You can read “Scientsts Acknowledge Key Errors in gests global warming will belesssevere than feared.” tons, andthat current data from the planet itself sug warming because of their reliance oncomputer simula taries that climate scientsts are predictng too much that “Lewis hasargued inpast studiesandcommen Post reporters ChrisMooney andBrady Dennis noted sense — Ilookinto them more deeply.” sense — with this one,it’s fairly obvious it didn’t make and seeif they make sense. And where they don’t make ics background, Itend to lookat them quite carefully, papers, and,having amathematcs as well asaphys Lewis addedthat hetends “to read alarge number of Will Global Warming Be Less Severe Than Feared? GV WireWeekly Digest - - - - 15 SAUDI PROSECUTOR SEEKS DEATH PENALTY IN KHASHOGGI KILLING November 15, 2018 | AP News DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Saudi Arabia’s top prosecu- tor said Thursday he would seek the death penalty for fve men charged with the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey, while the United States moved to sancton 17 Saudi ofcials it said were involved in the slaying.

The Saudi announcement appeared aimed at distancing the killers and their operaton from the kingdom’s leadership, in- cluding Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, amid a global outcry over the writer’s death. Also on Thursday, Saudi Ara- bia’s foreign minister said the crown prince had “absolutely” nothing to do with Khashoggi’s death. The U.S. Treasury De- partment, meanwhile, announced it was imposing sanctons on 17 Saudi ofcials who it said were responsible for or com- plicit in the killing. Among those targeted for sanctons are Saud al-Qahtani, who was one of the crown prince’s closest aides, and Mohammed al-Otaibi, the diplomat in charge of...


AP Photo/Virginia Mayo, File


AP Photo/Tsafrir Abayov refugee commission said plans to begin the repatriaton of GAZA: HAARETZ EDITORIAL 700,000 Rohingya Muslims to Myanmar on Thursday were scrapped afer ofcials were unable to fnd anyone who November 13, 2018 | GV Wire wanted to return. The refugees “are not willing to go back This tme, an army operaton in Gaza went wrong, resultng ic State, and the proof is that negotatons are taking place, now,” Refugee Commissioner Abul Kalam told The Associ- in one Israeli ofcer and seven Palestnians being killed. The albeit indirectly, between Hamas and Israel on a long-term ated Press. He said ofcials “can’t force them to go” but will Pavlovian response by both sides naturally wasn’t long in cease-fre. These are but two paragraphs in a Tuesday, Nov. contnue to try to “motvate them so it happens.” coming: rocket fre toward Israel, and in response, extensive 13, editorial from Haaretz, a lef-leaning Israeli newspaper. Israeli air strikes. Some people on the government’s repatriaton list disap- “Netanyahu understands quite well that the clashes in Gaza peared into the sprawling refugee camps to avoid being sent This destructve cycle must be stopped immediately – not are the result of despair, distress, poverty and the lack of an home, while others joined a large demonstraton against the by threats to destroy Gaza, and certainly not by pointless re- economic horizon,” the editorial contnues. “Therefore, the plan. More than 700,000 Rohingya Muslims have fed to marks like those made by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanya- soluton isn’t military, but politcal. Gaza residents need jobs, Bangladesh from western Myanmar’s Rakhine state to es- hu at a press conference in Paris on Sunday. “No politcal electricity for hospitals, fuel to operate factories, generous cape killings and destructon of their villages by the military soluton exists for Gaza, just as there isn’t one with ISIS,” he investments and an emergency plan for rapid reconstructon. and Buddhist vigilantes that have drawn widespread con- said. Netanyahu knows very well that Hamas isn’t the Islam- Quite aside from the humanitarian aspect, both Israel’s... demnaton of Myanmar. The United Natons, whose human...


Photo: Shutterstock