Proceedings of the International Workshop on Agricultural Innovation Systems in Africa (AISA), 29–31 May 2013, Nairobi, Kenya
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Agricultural Innovation Systems in Africa (AISA), 29–31 May 2013, Nairobi, Kenya Bernard Triomphe, Ann Waters-Bayer, Laurens Klerkx, Marc Schut, Beth Cullen, Geoffrey Kamau and Ewen Le Borgne (Editors) 20 March 2014 Document downloadable at: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many people contributed to the preparation, organisation and documentation of the AISA workshop. We particularly want to thank the following people and the programmes and institutions they belong to: International Scientific and Organising Committee (ISOC) Adewale Adekunle (FARA), Alan Duncan (ILRI), Wiebke Foerch (CCAFS), Geoffrey Kamau (KARI, JOLISAA–Kenya), Laurens Klerkx (WUR/CoS–SIS), Mary Kamau (Kenyan Ministry of Agriculture), Joseph Mureithi (KARI), Teresiah Ng’ang’a (PROLINNOVA–Kenya), Riikka Rajalahti (World Bank), Luis Rodriguez (FSIFS/AusAID), Bernard Triomphe (CIRAD/JOLISAA) (ISOC Chair), Ann Waters-Bayer (PROLINNOVA). Kenya National Organising Committee (EAFIF–AISA) Peter Gitika (KENFAP), Geoffrey Kamau (KARI), Righa Makonge (World Neighbors), George Mazuri (USTADI Foundation), Monica Mueni (Kenyan Ministry of Agriculture), Pauline Mugendi (Land o’ Lakes), Catherine Mungai (CCAFS), Teresiah Ng'ang'a (PROLINNOVA–Kenya), Rahab Njoroge (IIRR), Aileen Ogolla (Practical Action), Bell Okello (ICRW), Maren Radeny (CCAFS–East Africa) and special thanks to Amos Thiong’o (AgriProFocus/APF) for his immense contributions in organising the Eastern African Farmer Innovation Fair (EAFIF). AISA facilitation Ewen Le Borgne and Peter Ballantyne (ILRI) assisted by Ann Waters-Bayer and Bernard Triomphe, members of the International Scientific and Organisational Committee and volunteers drawn from the AISA participants. WAIA/AISA Secretariat Ann Gakio, Jane Kiugu, Mary Mwega, Nicholas Jumah, Olivia Mutai, Teresiah Ng’ang’a, Philip Okumu Sources of funding We thank the JOLISAA project (EU FP7), CCAFS/PROLINNOVA and AusAID for their financial support.
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