
http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/coll/024 America n Mathematica l Societ y Colloquiu m Publication s Volum e 24

Structure of

A. Adria n Alber t

America n Mathematica l Societ y Providence , Rhod e Islan d 2000 Subject Classification. Primar y 16-XX .

Library of Congres s Card 41-9 ISBN 0-8218-1024- 3 ISSN 0065-9258

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© 193 9 b y the American Mathematica l Society . Al l rights reserved. Revised edition, 1961 ; Reprinted with corrections, 2003. Printed in the United States o f America. @ Th e paper use d in this boo k is acid-free and falls within the guidelines established to ensur e permanence an d durability. 12 1 1 1 0 9 8 0 8 07 06 05 04 03 TO F. D . A . This page intentionally left blank PREFACE The theor y o f linea r associativ e s probabl y reache d it s zenit h whe n the solutio n wa s foun d fo r th e proble m o f determinin g al l rationa l divisio n algebras. Sinc e that tim e it has been my hope that I might develop a reason- ably self-contained expositio n of that solution as well as of the theory of algebras upon whic h it depend s and whic h contain s the major portio n o f my ow n dis- coveries. Th e first ste p i n carryin g ou t thi s desir e wa s necessaril y tha t o f writing a tex t wit h content s selecte d s o as t o provid e a foundatio n adequat e for th e prospectiv e exposition . Thi s tex t ha s alread y bee n publishe d unde r the title Modern Higher Algebra. It s completio n wa s followed shortl y by th e timely invitation o f the Colloquium Committee o f the American Mathematical Society to me to write these LECTURE S embodying the desired exposition. It ha s been most fortunatel y possibl e at thi s time to giv e a ne w treatmen t of the early parts o f our subject simplifyin g not only, the proofs in the theory of normal simpl e algebra s bu t eve n th e expositio n o f th e structur e theorem s o f Wedderburn. Thi s does not evidenc e itself in the somewhat classica l first two chapters. Thes e contain the preliminary discussion o f linear sets, direct prod- ucts, direc t sums , s in a n algebra , an d simila r topics , wit h th e addition s and modification s mad e necessar y b y th e fac t tha t w e ar e considerin g her e algebras over an arbitrary and that inseparable extension fields may exist. But the exposition given o f the usual fundamental theorem , stating that ever y linear is equivalent to a first algebra o f square matrices and reciprocal to a second such algebra, is expanded here so as to have as consequence a result basic in the new treatment o f the Wedderburn structure theory. Whil e this result is not derive d until its need appears in Chapte r III th e proof i s so elementary that it might have been placed in the first chapter without change. This basic theorem is that o f R. Brauer on the structure o f the direct product of a norma l divisio n algebr a an d it s reciproca l algebra . I t i s combine d wit h two theorems o f J. H . M . Wedderbur n t o obtain a s generalizations thre e too l theorems whic h ar e use d throughou t Chapter s II I an d IV , an d yiel d rathe r remarkable simplification s o f the proof s o f numerous fundamental results . I n particular in Chapter III th e foundation o f the proof o f the Wedderburn prin - cipal theorem on the structure o f an algebra with a radical is simplified and the theorem itsel f the n obtained . While th e first thre e chapter s o f thi s expositio n d o contai n a considerabl e amount o f ne w material thei r principa l conten t i s evidentl y a n expositio n i n more moder n for m o f th e Wedderbur n structur e theorem s whic h wer e first presented in book form in the two editions o f the text o n our subject by L. E. Dickson. I ow e much to these expositions as well as to their author, who has been my teacher an d the inspiration o f all my research. Th e remaining eight v vi PREFACE chapters o f the present tex t ar e compose d principall y o f result s derive d sinc e 1926 when the secon d (German) edition o f Dickson's text was written. Thes e results ar e du e principall y t o R . Brauer , H . Hasse , E . Noether , an d myself . Their exposition is begun in Chapter IV which contains the theory o f the com- mutator subalgebra o f a simple subalgebra o f a normal simple algebra, the study of automorphism s o f a simpl e algebra, splittin g fields, and the inde x reduction factor theory . The fifth chapter contain s the foundation o f the theory o f crosse d product s and o f thei r specia l case , cyclic algebras . Th e theor y o f exponents is derived there a s wel l as th e consequen t factorizatio n o f norma l divisio n algebra s int o direct factors o f prime-power degree. Chapter VI consists of the recent study o f the abelian o f cyclic systems which i s applied i n Chapte r VI I t o yiel d the theor y o f the structur e o f direc t products o f cycli c algebra s an d th e consequen t propertie s o f norm s i n cycli c fields. Thi s chapter is closed with the recently developed theory o f p-algebras. In Chapter VIII an exposition is given o f the theory o f the representations of algebras. Th e treatment is somewhat novel in that while the recent expositions have use d representation theorem s to obtai n a number o f result s o n algebras, here the theorem s o n algebras are themselves used in the derivatio n o f result s on representations . Th e presentatio n ha s it s inspiratio n i n m y wor k o n th e theory o f Rieman n matrice s an d i s conclude d b y a n introductio n t o th e generalization (b y H. Wey l and myself ) o f that theory . In the ninth chapter the structure o f rational division algebras is determined. The study begins with a detailed exposition o f Hasse's theory o f p-adic division algebras. Th e result s ar e the n extende d s o a s t o yiel d th e theorem s o n rational division algebras without recourse to the theory o f ideals in the integral sets o f suc h algebras . Thi s i s believed t o be the first tim e th e extensio n ha s been made in a reall y simpl e fashion. Th e method i s a greatl y desirabl e on e as the previous treatments use d the results o f a very voluminous theory which we are able to omit. I t is necessary, o f course, to assume without proof certai n existence theorems fro m th e theory o f algebrai c . Thes e presuppose d theorems are indicated precisely , and I hop e to be able to include their proof s in a futur e tex t o n th e theor y o f algebrai c number s an d th e arithmeti c o f algebras. The theory o f involutorial simple algebras arose in connection with the study of Rieman n matrice s bu t i s no w a separat e branc h o f th e theor y o f simpl e algebras with structur e theorem s o n approximately th e same level as those o n arbitrary simpl e algebras . Thi s theor y i s derive d i n Chapte r X bot h fo r al - gebras ove r genera l fields an d ove r th e rationa l field. Th e result s ar e als o applied i n the determinatio n o f the structure o f the multiplication algebra s o f all generalized Riemann matrices, a result which is seen in Chapter XI to imply a complet e solution o f the principal problem on Riemann matrices. This final referenc e i s bu t on e ite m i n th e las t chapte r whic h contain s a n exposition o f a numbe r o f specia l results . I n particula r ther e ar e give n ne w PREFACE vii derivations o f th e structure o f al l normal division algebras o f degrees three and four ove r any field. Reference s t o source s for the whole text ar e given in thi s chapter a s well a s indications o f th e literature o n the subjec t an d an extensiv e bibliography. It is my hope that the form of this exposition will make it useful as a text o n the theor y o f linea r associativ e algebra s as well a s for its obviou s purpose a s a source book fo r young algebraists . Muc h o f an y succes s that ther e may hav e been in keeping th e exposition completel y correc t and clea r is du e to the wor k of Dr. Sam Perlis who read the manuscript criticall y in each o f the stages o f it s preparation. H e no t onl y assiste d in keepin g th e expositio n fre e o f erro r bu t frequently indicated improvements resulting in greater clarity. I giv e him my great thanks. I appreciate als o th e kin d assistanc e o f Professo r Natha n Jacobso n wh o suggested the proofs of two of the theorems as well as that o f Mr. Morris Bloom who assisted in the preparation of the bibliography, and give thanks to Professor Saunders MacLan e an d Dr . Ott o F . G . Schillin g wh o wer e a critica l audienc e for ora l exposition s o f som e o f th e proofs . Fina l thank s ar e du e to Professo r G. A . Blis s withou t whos e encouragemen t th e completio n o f thes e LECTURES would have been greatly delayed . A. A . ALBER T THE UNIVERSIT Y O F CHICAG O March 5, 193 9 This page intentionally left blank TABLE O F CONTENT S

CHAPTER PAG E i. FUNDAMENTA L CONCEPT S 1. Th e notations l 2. Linea r sets over g 1 3. Algebra s over g 2 4. Product s o f linear subsets o f a n algebra 3 5. Direc t product s 5 6. Th e Sl-commutato r o f a subset 6 7. Tota l matri c algebra s 6 8. Automorphism s o f an algebra 7 9. Linea r transformations 9 10. Regula r quantitie s o f a n algebra 1 3 11. Divisio n algebra s 1 3 12. Scala r extension 1 5 13. Th e minimu m function o f a division algebr a 1 6 14. Th e nor m and trace function s 1 8 15. A theorem o f Wedderbur n 1 9 ii. IDEAL S AN D NILPOTEN T ALGEBRA S 1. Idempoten t quantitie s o f a n algebra 2 0 2. Lef t ideal s , 2 1 3. Ideal s o f H 2 2 4. Nilpoten t algebra s 2 2 5. Th e radica l o f a n algebra 2 2 6. Th e existenc e o f a n idempotent 2 3 7. Properl y nilpotent quantitie s 2 4 8. Th e Peirc e decompositio n 2 4 9. Principa l idempotent s 2 5 10. Primitiv e idempotent s 2 6 11. Differenc e algebra s 2 7 12. Direc t sum s 2 8 13. Reductio n to irreducible component s 2 9 14. Th e centru m o f a direct su m 3 0 15. Scala r extensions o f separabl e fields 3 1 16. Inseparabl e fields 3 2 17. Scala r extensions o f th e centru m 3 5 JII. TH E STRUCTUR E THEOREM S O F WEDDERBUR N 1. Semi-simpl e algebra s 3 7 2. Reductio n t o simple component s 3 8 3. Structur e o f simple algebra s 3 9 4. Direc t product s o f norma l algebra s 4 1 5. A fundamental propert y o f norma l simpl e algebra s 4 1 6. Norma l simpl e algebra s 4 2 7. Separabl e algebra s 4 4 8. Structur e o f algebra s with a radical 4 5 iv. SIMPL E ALGEBRA S 1. Th e uniquenes s theore m 4 9 2. Norma l simpl e subalgebras a s direct factor s 5 1 ix X CONTENTS

CHAPTKR PAO K 3. Elementar y propertie s 5 1 4. Su b fields o f a total m a trie algebr a 5 2 5. Simpl e subalgebra s 5 3 6. Extension s o f equivalence s .. . .5 4 7. Th e existenc e of maximal subfields of normal division algebras 5 6 8. Th e class group 5 8 9. Inde x reductio n facto r ...... 5 9 10. Representatio n o f fields by norma l simpl e algebra s 6 0 11. Splittin g fields o f a n algebra 6 1 12. Finit e simpl e algebra s .6 2 13. Application s o f th e Galoi s theory .. . 6 2 v. CROSSE D PRODUCT S AN D EXPONENT S 1. Connection s o f th e theories 6 5 2. Equivalenc e o f algebra-grou p pair s . . 6 5 3. Crosse d product s 6 6 4. Facto r sets 6 7 5. Constructio n o f crosse d product s 6 8 6. Direc t product s o f crosse d product s . . 7 1 7. Scala r extensions o f crosse d products . 7 2 8. Normalization s o f crosse d product s ... . 7 3 9. Elementar y propertie s o f cycli c algebra s 7 4 10. Th e exponen t o f a normal simpl e algebr a 7 5 vi. CYCLI C SEMI-FIELD S 1. Group s o f automorphism s o f algebra s 7 8 2. Notationa l hypothese s 7 9 3. Semi-field s 8 1 4. Diagona l direc t factor s ...... 8 2 5. Cycli c semi-field s ...... 8 3 6. Automorphism s o f a direct produc t ... . 8 5 7. Uniquenes s o f direc t ... . 8 6 8. Direc t product s o f cycli c semi-field s .. . 8 6 9. Cycli c system s 8 8 10. Th e grou p o f cycli c systems 8 9 11. Power s o f cycli c systems 9 1 vn. CYCLI C ALGEBRA S AN D P-ALGEBRA S 1. Generalize d cycli c algebra s 9 3 2. Elementar y result s 9 5 3. Application s o f th e theory o f cycli c system s 9 5 4. Norm s an d exponents ...... 9 7 5. Algebra s o f prime-powe r degre e 9 9 6. Lemma s o n pure inseparable fields .... 10 1 7. Elementar y properties of p-algebras 10 4 8. p-algebra s wit h simple, pur e inseparabl e splitting fields . 10 6 9. Similarit y o f p-algebra s t o direc t product s o f cycli c p-algebra s 10 8 VIII. REPRESENTATION S AN D RIEMAN N MATRICE S 1. Representation s o f algebra s . 11 0 2. Matri c representation s Il l 3. Reducibilit y o f representation s 11 3 4. Envelopin g algebra s 11 3 5. Reductio n t o irreducibl e component s 11 4 6. Decomposabl e representation s 11 5 7. Irreducibl e representation s 11 6 CONTENTS x i

CHAPTER PAG E 8. Full y decomposabl e representation s 11 8 9. Irreducibl e component s o f arbitrar y matri c representations 11 9 10. Scala r extension s ... 12 1 11. Th e characteristi c an d minimum functions 12 2 12. Th e discriminan t matri x 12 4 13. Generalize d Rieman n matrices 12 5 ix. RATIONA L DIVISIO N ALGEBRA S 1. Algebra s ove r an algebraic numbe r field 12 9 2. Integra l domain s o f a n algebra 12 9 3. Th e p-adi c fields WP 13 1 4. Arithmeti c theor y o f divisio n algebras ove r % > 13 2 5. Th e Hensel Lemm a 13 6 6. Divisio n algebra s ove r any p-adic field 13 6 7. Structur e o f fields o f finite degre e ove r a p-adic field 13 8 8. Th e automorphis m grou p o f a n unramified field 14 1 9. p-adi c norma l simple algebra s 14 2 10. Quaternio n algebra s 14 5 11. Simpl e algebras over an ordered closed field 14 6 12. Lemma s from the theory o f algebrai c number s 14 7 13. Th e p-adic extensions of fields 14 8 14. Determinatio n o f all rationa l divisio n algebra s 14 9 15. Th e equivalence of normal simple algebras over an . 15 0 x. INVOLUTION S O P ALGEBRAS 1. Definitio n an d elementary propertie s o f involution s 15 1 2. Th e ./-symmetric an d /-skew quantitie s 15 1 3. Th e two types o f involution s 15 3 4. Involution s ove r @ of a simple algebr a 15 4 5. Involution s o f a direct produc t 15 5 6. Th e construction o f involutions 15 7 7. /-symmetri c subfield s 15 7 8. Involutoria l crosse d products 15 8 9. Involutoria l simpl e algebra s o f th e first kind 16 0 10. Involutoria l quaternio n algebra s o f the secon d kind 16 1 11. Involutoria l simpl e algebra s ove r a n algebraic numbe r field 16 2 12. Tota l rea l and pure imaginary fields 16 3 13. Specia l subfield s o f multiplication algebra s 16 6 14. Th e structure o f multiplication algebra s 16 7 15. Multiplicatio n algebra s ove r an algebrai c numbe r field 17 0 xi. SPECIA L RESULT S 1. Remark s o n the structur e o f arbitrar y algebra s 17 1 2. Divisio n algebra s over special fields 17 2 3. Th e exponen t o f a normal divisio n algebr a 17 4 4. Norma l divisio n algebra s with a pure maximal subfiel d 17 5 5. Th e structure o f norma l division algebra s o f degre e three 17 7 6. Th e structur e o f norma l divisio n algebra s o f degre e fou r 17 9 7. Th e constructio n o f crosse d products 18 2 8. Literatur e on non-associative algebra s 18 8 9. Rieman n matrices 18 8 10. Supplementar y readin g 19 0 11. Bibliograph y 19 2 This page intentionally left blank BIBLIOGRAPHY Ace. d'lt.—Accademia d * Italia. Rome . Memorie . Atti Nap.—R . Accademia delle Scienze. Naples . Atti . Atti Tor.—R. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. Atti . Atti Lin.—Accademi a Nazionale de i Lincei . Atti . Acta Arith.—Acta . Act. Sci. Ind. Paris—ActualitSs Scientifiques et Industrielles. Paris . Ak. Berlin S. B.—K. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin . Sitzungsberichte . Ak. Vienna S. B.—K. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Vienna . Sitzungsberichte . Am. J.—American Journal of Mathematics. A. M. S. Bull.—American Mathematical Society. Bulletin . A. M .S. Coll.—American Mathematical Society. Colloquiu m Publications. A. M. S. Trans.—American Mathematical Society. Transactions . Ann. di Mat.—Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Ann. o f Math.—Annals o f Mathematics. Bull. Aca. Sci. U. S. S. R.-—Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences. U . S. S. R. Calc. M . S . Bull.—Calcutt a Mathematica l Society . Bulletin . Camb. Ph. S. Pro.—Cambridge Philosophical Society. Proceedings . Cir. Mat. Pal.—Circolo Matematico di Palermo. Rendiconti . Chi. M. S. J.—Chinese Mathematical Society. Journal . Comm. Math. Helv.—Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici. Comp. Math.—Compositio Mathematica . C. R. Paris.—Institut de France. Academi e des Sciences. Compte s Rendus. Deut. Math.—Deutsch e Mathematik . D. M. V. Jahr.—Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung. Jahresbericht . Duke J.—Duke Mathematical Journal . Edin. M. S. Pro.—Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Proceedings . Erg. de r Math.—Ergebnisse de r Mathematik. Fund. Math.—Fundamenta Mathematicae. Giornale—Giornale d i Matematiche . Gott. Nach.—Gesellschaft de r Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Nachrichten . Hamb. Abh.—Hamburg Mathematisches Seminar. Abhandlungen . Hans. Abh.—Hansische Universitat. Mathematische s Seminar. Abhandlungen . Hiro. J.—Hiroshima Imperial University, Japan. Journa l of the Faculty of Sciences. Hokk. J.—Hokkaid o Imperia l University , Japan . Mathematica l Society . Journal . Imp. Aca. Tok. Pro.—Imperial Academy, Tokyo. Proceedings . Ind. Aca. Pro.—Indian Academy o f Sciences. Proceedings . Ind. M. S . J.—Indian Mathematical Society . Journal . Jap. J.—Japanese Journal of Mathematics. Jassy Ann.—Jassy, Roumania. Universitatea . Annale s Scientifiques . J. d e Math.—Journal d e Math6matiques. J. fur Math.—Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik. London M. S. J.—London Mathematical Society, Journal . London M. S. Pro.—London Mathematical Society. Proceedings . Math. Ann.—Mathematisch e Annalen . Math. Zeit.—Mathematisch e Zeitschrift . Mess. Math.—Messenge r o f Mathematics . Monat.—Monatshefte fu r Mathematik und Physik. P. N. A. S.—National Academy o f Sciences. Proceedings . 193 194 STRUCTURE OF ALGEBRAS

N. R. C . Bull.—National Researc h Council. Bulletin . Nat. Ges. Zur. V.—Naturforschende Gesellschaft , Zurich . Vierteljahreschrift . P.-M. S. Jap.—Physico-Mathematical Societ y o f Japan. Proceedings . Rome Rend.—Rom e Universita . Seminari o Matematico . Rendiconti . R. S. Can. Trans.—Royal Societ y o f Canada. Transactions . R. S . Edin. Pro.—Royal Societ y o f Edinburgh. Proceedings . Toh. Imp . U . Sci . Rep.—Scienc e Report s o f th e T6hok u Imperia l University . Sendai , Japan. Schw. Nat. Ges. V.—Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft . Verhandlungen . Soc. Pol. Mat. Ann.—Soci6t6 Polonaise de MathGmatiques. Annales . T6hoku J.—T6hok u Mathematica l Journal . Tokyo J.—Tokyo. Facult y o f Science. Journal . Toronto St.—Toront o University. Studies . Zeit. Phy.—Zeitschrif t fu r Physik . Zentralblatt—Zentralblatt fu r Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete. AKIZTJKI, Y. [1] : Eine homomorphe Zuordnung der Elemente der galoisschen Gruppe zu den Elementen einer Vntergruppe der Normklassengruppe, Math. Ann., v. 11 2 (1936), 566-71. ALBERT, A. A. [2]: A determination of all normal division algebras in 1 6 units, A. M. S. Trans., v. 3 1 (1929) , 253-60; [3]: On the rank equation of any normal division algebra, A. M. S . Bull., v. 35 (1929), 335-8; [4]: The rank function of any simple algebra, P. N. A. S., v. 15 (1929), 272-6; [5]: On the structure of normal division algebras, Ann. of Math., v. 30 (1929), 322-38; [6]: Normal division algebras in 4p 2 units, p an odd prime, Ann . of Math., v. 3 0 (1929), 583-90; [7]: Direct products of rational quaternion algebras, Ann. of Math., v. 3 0 (1929), 621-5; [8]: The non-existence of pure Riemann matrices with normal multiplication algebras of 16, Ann. of Math., v. 3 1 (1930) , 375-80; [9]: A necessary and sufficient condition for the equivalence of rational generalized quaternion algebras, A. M. S. Bull., v. 3 6 (1930) , 535-40 ; [10]: Determination of all normal division algebras in 3 6 units of type Rz, Am . J. , v . 5 2 (1930) , 283-92; [11]: A note on an important theorem on normal division algebras, A. M. S. Bull., v. 3 6 (1930) , 649-50; [12]: New results in the theory of normal division algebras, A. M. S . Trans., v. 3 2 (1930) , 171-95 ; [13] : A construction of all non-commutative rational division algebras of degree 8, Ann. o f Math. , v. 3 1 (1930), 567-76; [14]: The structure of pure Riemann matrices with non-commutative multiplication algebras, Cir . Mat . Pal. , v . 5 5 (1931) , 57-115 ; [15] : On direct products, cyclic division algebras, and pure Riemann matrices, A . M. S . Trans., v . 3 3 (1931) , 219-34 ; [16] : On normal division algebras of type R in 3 6 units, A . M. S. Trans., v. 33 (1931), 235-43; [17]: On the Wedderburn norm condition for cyclic algebras, A. M. S. Bull, v. 37 (1931), 301-12; [18]: A note on cyclic algebras of order 16, A. M. S . Bull., v. 3 7 (1931) , 727-30; [19]: On direct products, A. M. S. Trans., v. 3 3 (1931), 620-5; [20] : Division algebras over an alge- braic field, A. M. S. Bull., v. 3 7 (1931), 777-84; [21]: The structure of matrices with any normal division algebra of multiplications, Ann . o f Math., v. 3 2 (1931), 131-48 ; [22]: On the construction of cyclic algebras with a given exponent, Am. J., v. 5 4 (1932), 1-13; [23]: Algebras of degree 2e and pure Riemann matrices, Ann . o f Math. , v . 3 3 (1932) , 311-8 ; [24]: A construction of non-cyclic normal division algebras, A. M. S . Bull., v. 3 8 (1932), 449-56; [25] : Normal division algebras of degree four over an algebraic field, A. M . S . Trans., v. 34 (1932) , 363-72 ; [26] : A note on normal division algebras of order sixteen, A. M. S . Bull., v . 3 8 (1932) , 703-6; [27] : On normal simple algebras, A. M. S . Trans. , v. 34 (1932), 620-5; [28]: A note on the equivalence of algebras of degree 2, A. M. S. Bull., v. 3 9 (1933) , 257-8; [29]: On primary normal division algebras of degree eight, A. M. S . Bull., v. 3 9 (1933), 265-72; [30]: Non-cyclic algebras of degree and exponent four, A.M.S . Trans., v . 3 5 (1933) , 112-21 ; [31]: A note on the Dickson theorem on universal ternaries, A. M. S. Bull., v. 39 (1933), 585-8; [32]: Normal division algebras over an algebraic number field not of finite degree, A . M. S . Bull., v . 3 9 (1933) , 746-9; [33]: On the construction of Riemann matrices, I , Ann . o f Math. , v . 3 5 (1934) , 1-28 ; [34] : On a certain algebra of BIBLIOGRAPHY 195

Quantum mechanics, Ann. of Math., v. 35 (1934), 65-73; [36]: Normal division algebras of degree four over F of characteristic two. Am. J., v. 56 (1934), 75-86; [36]: Integral domains of generalized quaternion algebras, A. M. S. Bull., v. 40 (1934), 164-76; [37]: Normal divi~ sion algebras over a modular field, A. M. S. Trans., v. 36 (1934), 388-94; [38]: A solution of the principal problem in the theory of Riemann matrices, Ann . o f Math., v . 3 5 (1934), 500-15; [39]: On normal Kummer fields over a non-modular field, A. M. S . Trans., v. 3 6 (1934), 885-92; [40]: The principal matrices of a Riemann matrix, A . M. S . Bull.,v. 4 0 (1934), 843-6; [41]: A note on the Foincar'e theorem on impure Riemann matrices, Ann . of Math., v. 36 (1935), 151-6; [42]: On the construction of Riemann matrices, II , Ann. of Math., v. 36 (1935), 376-94; [43]: Involutorial simple algebras and real Riemann matrices, Ann. o f Math., v. 3 6 (1935) , 886-964; [44]: Normal division algebras of degree pe over F of characteristic p, A. M. S. Trans., v. 39 (1936), 183-8; [45]: Simple algebras of degree pe over a centrum of characteristic p, A. M. S. Trans., v. 40 (1936), 112-26; [46]: p-algebras over afield generated by one indeterminate, A . M. S. Bull., v. 43 (1937), 733-6; [47]: Modern Higher Algebra, Chicago , 1937 ; [48]: Non-cyclic algebras with pure maximal sub fields, A. M. S. Bull., v. 44 (1938), 576-9; [49]: Quadratic null forms over a function field, Ann . of Math., v . 3 9 (1938) , 494-505; [50]: On cyclic algebras, Ann. o f Math. , v . 3 9 (1938) , 669-82; [51] : A note on normal division algebras of prime degree, A. M. S . Bull., v . 4 4 (1938), 649-52 . ALBEBT, A . A., and HASSE , H . [52] : A determination of all normal division algebras over an algebraic number field, A. M. S. Trans., v. 34 (1932), 722-6. ABCHIBALD, R . G . [53] : Diophanline equations in division algebras, A. M. S . Trans., v . 3 0 (1928), 819-37 . ABTIN, E . [54] : Vber einen Satz von Herrn /. H. M. Wedderburn, Hamb. Abh., v. 5 (1928), 245-50; [56]: Zur Theorie der hyperkomplexen Zahlen, ibid., 251-60; [66]: Zur Arithmetik hypercomplexer Zahlen, loc . cit., 261-89. ABTIN, E. , and SCHBEIEB , 0 . [57] : Algebraische Konstruktion reeler Korper, Hamb . Abh., v. 5 (1928) , 83-115 ; [68] : Eine Kennzeichnung der reell abgeschlossenen Korper, ibid . 225-31. ASANO, K . [69] : Vber die Darstellungen einer endlichen Gruppe durch reele Kollineationen, Imp. Aca . Tok. Pro., v. 9 (1933), 574-6; [60]: Zur Diskriminante einer Algebra, Jap. J. , v. 1 2 (1935) , 51-8. ASANO, K. , an d NAKAYAMA , T . [61] : Vber halblinear Transformationen, Math . Zeit., v. 115 (1937), 87-114. ASANO, K., and SHODA , K. [62] : Zur Theorie der Darstellungen einer endlichen Gruppe durch Kollineationen, Comp . Math., v. 2 (1935), 230-40. BIBKHOPF, G. [63]: On the combination of subalgebras, Camb. Ph. S. Pro., v. 29 (1933), 441-64; [64]: Note on the paper "On the combination of subalgebras," Camb . Ph. S . Pro., v . 3 0 (1934), 200; [66]: Ideals in algebraic rings, P . N. A. S., v. 2 0 (1934) , 571-3; [66]: On the structure of abstract algebras, Camb. Ph. S . Pro., v. 3 1 (1935), 433-54; [67]: Representa- bility of Lie algebras and Lie groups by matrices, Ann. of Math., v. 38 (1937), 526-32. BOYCE, F. [68]: Certain types ofnilpotent algebras, Chicago dissertation, 1938. BBANDT, H . [69] : Zur allgemeinen Idealtheorie, Schw . Nat. Ges . V. , v . 2 6 (1927) , 318-19; [70]: Idealtheorie in Quaternionenalgebren, Math. Ann. , v . 9 9 (1928) , 1-29 ; [71] : Ideal• theorie in einer Dedekindschen Algebra, D. M. V. Jahr., v. 37 (1928), 5-7; [72]: Primideal- zerlegung in einer Dedekindschen Algebra, Schw . Nat . Ges . V. , v . 2 8 (1929) , 288-90 ; [73]: Zur Idealtheorie Dedekindscher Algebren, Comm. Math. Helv., v. 2 (1930), 13-17. BBATJEB, R. [74]: Vber Zusammenhdnge zwischen arithmetischen und invariantentheoretischen Eigenschaften von Gruppen linearer Substitutionen, Ak . Berlin S. B., v. 30 (1926) , 410-6; [76]: Vber die Darstellung der Drehungsgruppe durch Gruppen linearer Substitutionen, Berlin dissertation , 1925 ; [76]: Untersuchungen uber die arithmetischen Eigenschaften von Gruppen linearer Substitutionen, Math . Zeit. , v . 2 8 (1928) , 677-96; [77]: ibid., II , v. 31 (1930), 733-47; [78]: Vber Systeme hyperkomplexer Zahlen, Math. Zeit., v. 29 (1929), 196 STRUCTURE OF ALGEBRAS

79-107; [79]: Die stetigen Darstellungen der complexen orthogonalen Gruppe, Ak. Berli n S. B., v. 29 (1929), 626-38; [80]: Vber die algebraische Struktur von Schiefkorpern, J. fur Math., v. 16 6 (1932), 241-52; [81]: Vber die Konstruktion der Schiefkorper, die von end- lichem Rang in bezug aufein gegebenes Zentrum sind, J. fur Math., v. 168 (1932), 44-64; [82]: Vber den Index und den Exponenten von Divisionsalgebren, T6hok u J., v. 37 (1933), 77-87; [83]: Vber die Kleinsche Theorie der algebraischen Gleichungen, Math. Ann., v. 110 (1934), 473-500 ; [84] : Vber die Darstellung von Gruppen in Galoisschen Feldern, Act. Sci. Ind . Paris, 1935 , 15 pp.; [85]: Eine Bedingung fur vollstdndige Reduzibilitdt von Darstellungen gewohnlicher und infinitesimaler Gruppen, Math . Zeit. , v . 4 1 (1936) , 330-9; [86] : On algebras which are connected with the semi-simple continuous groups, Ann. o f Math., v. 38 (1937), 857-72; [87]: Sur la multiplication des caracteristiques des groups continues et semi-simples, C R . Paris, v. 204 (1937), 1784-6; [88]: On normal divi- sion algebras of index five, P. N. A. S., v. 24 (1938), 243-6. BRAUER, R., HASSE, H., and NOETHER, E. [89] : Beweis eines Hauptsatzes in der Theorie der Algebren, J. fur Math., v. 167 (1931), 399-404. BRAUER, R. , and NESBITT, C . [90]: On the regular representations of algebras, P. N. A. S., v. 23 (1937), 236-40; [91]: On the modular representation of groups of finite order, Toronto St., 1938 , 21 pp. BRAUER, R. , and NOETHER, E. [92]: Vber minimale Zerfallungskorper irreduzibler Darstel- lungen, Ak. Berlin S . B., v. 32 (1927), 221-6. BRAUER, R. , an d SCHUR, I . [93] : Zum Irreduzibilitdtsbegriff in der Theorie der Gruppen linearer homogener Substituiionen, Ak . Berlin S . B., v. 34 (1930), 209-26. BUSH, L. E. [94]: Note on the discriminant matrix of an algebra, A. M. S. Bull., v. 38 (1932), 49-51; [95] : On Young's definition of an algebra, A. M. S. Bull., v. 39 (1933), 142-8. CASIMIR, H. , and VA N DER WAERDEN, B . L. [96] : Algebraischer Beweis der vollstdndigen Reduzibilitdt der Darstellungen halbeinfacher Liescher Gruppen, Math . Ann. , v. Il l (1935), 1-12. CECIONI, F. [97]: Sopra un tipo di algebre prive di divisori dello zero, Cir. Mat. Pal., v. 47 (1923), 209-54. CHERUBINO, S. [98]: Suite varietd abeliane reale, e suite matrici di Riemann reali, I , Giornale, v. 6 0 (1922), 65-94; [99]: Ibid., II , v. 61 (1923), 47-68; [100] : Sulle serie di potenze di una variabile, in un algebra, Atti Lin., v. 22 (1935), 211-16. CHEVALLET, C . [101] : Sur un tMorhme de M. Hasse, C . R. Paris, v . 19 1 (1930), 369-70 ; [102]: Sur la tMorie des restes normiques, C . R. Paris, v. 19 1 (1930), 426-8; [103]: Sur la structure de la thforie du corps de classes, C . R. Paris , v . 19 4 (1932), 766-9 ; [104] : Sur la tMorie du corps de classes, Paris dissertation, 1932 ; [106]: La th'eorie du symbole de restes normiques, J. fur Math., v. 169 (1932), 141-57; [106] : Sur la thhorie du corps de classes dans les corps finis et les corps locaux, Tokyo J., v. 2 (1933), 365-474; [107]: Sur certains idhaux d'une algebre simple, Hamb. Abh., v. 10 (1934), 83-105; [108]: Demonstra- tion d fune hypothhse de M. Artin, Hamb . Abh., v. 1 1 (1935), 73-5; [109]: Sur la tMorie du corps de classes, C . R. Paris , v . 21 0 (1935) , 632-4 ; [110] : L'arithmttique dans les algebres de matrices, Act . Sci. Ind. Paris, 323 , 1936, 35 pp. COMESSATTI, A. [Ill]: Fondamenti per la geometria sopra le superficie razionali dal punto di vista reale, Math. Ann., v. 73 (1913), 1-72; [112]: Sulle varietd abeliane reali I, Ann. di Mat., v. 2 (1935), 67-106; [113]: Ibid. II, v. 3 (1926), 27-71; [114]: Intorno ad un nuovo carattere delle matrici di Riemann, Ace. d'lt., v . 7 (1936), 81-129. CONWELL, K. K. [115] : Linear associative algebras of infinite order whose elements satisfy finite algebraic equations, A . M. S. Bull., v . 40 (1934), 95-102. DARKOW, M. D. [116]: Determination of a basis for the integral elements of certain generalized quaternion algebras, Ann . of Math., v . 2 6 (1926) , 263-70 . DEURING, M . [117]: Zur Theorie der Normen relativzyklischer Korper, Gott . Nach., (1931) , 199-200; [118]: Galoissche Theorie und Darstellungstheorie, Math . Ann., v. 10 7 (1932), 140-4; [119] : Algebren, Erg . der Math., v . 4, 1935, 143 pp.; [120] : Vber den Hauptsatz BIBLIOGRAPHY 197

der Algebrentheorie, J. fur Math. , v. 17 5 (1936), 63-4; [121]: Einbettung von Algebren in Algebren mit kleinerem Zentrum, J . fu r Math. , v . 17 5 (1936), 124-8. DICKSON, L . E. [122] : Definitions of a linear associative algebra by independent postulates, A. M. S . Trans., v . 4 (1903) , 21-6; [123] : On hypercomplex number systems, A . M. S . Trans., v . 6 (1905), 344-8; [124]: On finite algebras, Gott. Nach. , (1905) , 358-93; [126]: Linear algebras in which division is always uniquely possible, A . M . S . Trans., v . 7 (1906), 370-90; [126]: On commutative linear algebras in which division is always uniquely possible, A. M. S. Trans., v. 7 (1906), 514-22; [127]: On triple algebras and ternary cubic forms, A . M. S. Bull., v. 1 4 (1908), 160-9; [128]: Linear algebras, A. M. S . Trans., v. 1 3 (1912), 59-73; [129] : Linear algebras, Cambridge, 1914 , 73 pp.; [130] : Linear associative algebras and abelian equations, A . M. S . Trans., v. 1 5 (1914), 31-46; [131]: On the rela• tion between linear algebras and continuous groups, A. M. S. Bull., v. 2 2 (1915) , 53-61; [132]: On quaternions and their generalization and the history of the eight square theorem, Ann. o f Math., v. 20 (1919), 155-71; [133] : of quaternions, London M. S. J. , v. 2 0 (1931) , 225-32 ; [134] : Quaternions and their generalizations, Mess . Math. , v . 7 (1921), 109-14 ; [136] : Impossibility of restoring unique factorization in a hypercomplex arithmetic, A . M. S . Bull., v. 2 8 (1922) , 438-42; [136]: Algebras and their , Chicago, 1923 , 241 pp.; [137] : The rational linear algebras of maximum and minimum ranks, Londo n M . S . Pro. , v. 2 2 (1923) , 145-62 ; [138] : A new simple theory of hyper• complex , J. de Math., v. 2 (1923), 281-326; [139]: AIgebras and their arithmetics, A. M . S . Bull. , v . 3 0 (1924) , 247-57 ; [140] : On the theory of numbers and generalized quaternions, Am . J., v . 4 6 (1924) , 1-16 ; [141] : New division algebras, A. M. S . Trans., v. 2 8 (1926) , 207-34 ; [142] : Algebren und ihre Zahlentheorie, Zurich , 1927 , 30 8 pp. ; [143]: New division algebras, A. M. S. Bull., v. 34 (1928), 555-60; [144]: Further develop• ment of the theory of arithmetics of algebras, Toronto Congres s Proceeding s (1928) , 173-84; [146] : Construction of division algebras, A. M. S . Trans., v. 3 2 (1930) , 319-34; [146]: Linear algebras with associativity not assumed, Duke J., v . 1 (1935), 113-25. DORROH, J. L . [147] : Concerning adjunctions to algebras, A. M. S . Bull., v. 3 8 (1932), 85-8. EICHLBR, M. [148]: Untersuchungen in der Zahlentheorie der rationalen Quaternionenalgebren, J. fu r Math. , v . 17 4 (1936) , 129-59 ; [149] : Vber die Idealklassenzahl total definiter Quaternionenalgebren, Math. Zeit. , v . 4 3 (1937) , 102-9 ; [150] : Bestimmung der Ideal• klassenzahl in gewissennormaleneinfachen Algebren, J. fur Math., v. 176 (1937), 192-202; [161]: Vber die Binheiten der Divisionsalgebren, Math . Ann. , v . 11 4 (1937) , 635-54 ; [162]: Vber die Idealklassenzahl hypercomplexer Systeme, Math . Zeit. , v . 4 3 (1938) , 481-94. FINAN, E, J, [153] : A determination of the domains of integrity of the complete matric algebra of order 4, Am . J., v. 53 (1931), 920-8; [164]: On the of certain non-maximal domains of the total matric algebra of order 4, Duke J. , v . 1 (1935) , 484-90. FITTING, H . [166] : Die Theorie der Automorphismenringe Abelscher Gruppen und ihr Analogon bei nicht kommutativen Gruppen, Math . Ann. , v . 10 7 (1932) , 514-42 ; [166] : Der Normenbegriff fur die Ideale eines Ringes beliebiger Struktur, J . fu r Math. , v . 17 8 (1937), 107-22 . FUETER, R . [167] : ReziprozMtsgesetze in quadratisch-imagindren Korpern, Gott . Nach. , (1927), 427-45 ; [158] : Vber eine speziale Algebra, J . fur . Math. , v . 16 7 (1931) , 52-61 ; [169]: Analytische Funktionen einer Quatemionenvariablen, Comm . Math. Helv. , v . 4 (1932), 9-20; [160] : Formes d'Hermile, groupe de Picard et th'eorie des ideaux de quater• nions, C . R . Paris , v . 19 4 (1932) , 2009-11 ; [161] : Quaternionenringe, Comm . Math . Helv., v . 6 (1934) , 199-222 ; [162] : Zur Theorie der Brandtschen Quaternionenalgebren, Math. Ann., v. 11 0 (1934), 650-61; [163]: Vber die analytische Darstellung der reguldren Funktionen einer Quatemionenvariablen, Comm . Math . Helv. , v . 8 (1936) , 371-8 ; [164]: Die Theorie der reguldren Funktionen einer Quatemionenvariablen, Osl o Congress Proceedings, 1937 , 75-91. FURTWANGLER, P., and TATJSSKY, O. [166]: Vber Schiefringe, Ak . Vienna S. B., v. 7 (1936) , 38. 198 STRUCTURE OP ALGEBRAS

GARVEB, R . [166] : Division algebras of order sixteen, Ann . o f Math., v . 2 8 (1927) , 493-500. GHENT, K . S . [167] : A note on nilpotent algebras in four units, A . M. S. Bull., v. 40 (1934), 331-8. GRELL, H . [168] : Zur Normentheorie in hyperkomplexen Systemen, J . fu r Math. , v . 16 2 (1930), 60-62. GRIFFITHS, L . W. [169]: Generalized quaternion algebras and the theory of numbers, Am. J., v. 5 0 (1928) , 303-14. GRUNWALD, W . [170] : Ein allgemeines Existenztheorem fur algebraische Zahlkorper, J . fu r Math., v . 16 9 (1933) , 103-7 . HAANTJES, J . [171] : Halblineare Transformationen, Math . Ann. , v . 11 4 (1937) , 293-304. HASSE, H . [172] : Darstellbarkeit von Zahlen durch quadratische Formen in einem beliebigen algebraischen Zahlkorper, J . fu r Math., v. 15 2 (1923) , 113-30 ; [173] : Aquivalenz quad- ralischer Formen in einem beliebigen algebraischen Zahlkorper, J . fu r Math. , v . 15 3 (1924), 158-62; [174]: Bericht uber neuere Unlersuchungen und Probleme der algebraischen Zahlkorper, D . M. V. Jahr. Supplementary v. 6 (1930) , p. 38; [175]: Neue Begrundung und Verallgemeinerung der Theorie des Normenrestsymbols, J. fur Math., v. 16 2 (1930), 134H-44; [176] : Die Normenresttheorie relativ-Abelscher Zahlkorper als Klassenkdrper- theorie im Kleinen, J . fti r Math., v . 16 2 (1930) , 145-54 ; [177] : tlber %-adische Schief- kbrper und ihre Bedeutung fUr die Arithmetik hyperkomplexer Zahlkorper, Math. Ann., v. 10 4 (1931) , 495-534 ; [178] : Beweis eines Satzes und Widerlegung einer Vermutung uber das allgemeine Normenrestsymbol, Gott . Nach. , (1931) , 64-9 ; [179] : Theory of cyclic algebras over an algebraic number field, A. M . S . Trans. , v . 3 4 (1932) , 171-214 ; [180]: Additional note to the author's *'Theory of cyclic algebras over an algebraic number field,17 ibid., 727-30 ; [181] : Die Struktur der R. Brauerschen Algebrenklassengruppe uber einem algebraischen Zahlkorper, Math . Ann. , v. 10 7 (1933) , 731-760 ; [182] : Vber gewisse Ideale in einer einfachen algebra, Act. Sci . Ind . Paris , 1934 . HASSE, H. , an d SCHILLING , O . [183] : Die Normen aus einer normalen Divisionsalgebra uber einem algebraischen Zahlkorper, J . fti r Math. , v . 17 4 (1936) , 248-252. HASSE, H., an d SCHMIDT , F. K. [184] : Die Struktur diskret bewerteter Korper, J . fti r Math. , v. 17 0 (1934) , 4-63. HAZLETT, O . [186] : On the classification and invariantive characterization of nilpotent al- gebras, Am. J., v. 3 8 (1916), 109-38; [186]: On the theory of associative division algebras, A. M. S . Trans., v . 1 8 (1917) , 167-76 ; [187] : On the arithmetic of a general associative algebra, Toronto Congres s Proceedings, v. 1 (1934), 185-91; [188]: On division algebras, A. M. S . Trans., v . 3 2 (1930) , 912-25 ; [189] : Integers as matrices, Bologn a Congres s Proceedings, v. 2 (1928) , 57-62. HECKE, E . [190] : Theorie der Algebraischen Zahlen, Leipzig , 1923 , 264 pp. HENKE, K . [191] : Zur arithmetischen Idealtheorie hyperkomplexer Zahlen, Hamb . Abh. , v. 1 1 (1935), 311-32. HERTER, M . [192] : Klassenzahl von Ringidealen ganzer Hurwitzscher Quaternionen und Hermitscher Formen, Zuric h dissertation , 1936 , 5 9 pp. HEY, K . [193] : Analytische Zahlentheorie in Systemen hyperkomplexer Zahlen, Hambur g dissertation, 1929 . HEYTING, A . [194] : Die Theorie der linear en Gleichungen in einer Zahlenspezies mit nicht- kommutativer Multiplikation, Math . Ann., v . 9 8 (1927), 465-90. HIRSCH, K. A. [196]: A note on non-commutative polynomials, Londo n M. S. J., v . 1 2 (1937), 264-6. HUA, L . K. [196] : On a certain kind of operations connected with linear algebras, T6hoku J., v. 4 1 (1935), 222-46. HULL, R . [197] : Maximal orders in rational cyclic algebras of odd prime degree, A. M . S . Trans., v. 38 (1934), 515-30; [198]: The maximal orders of generalized quaternion division algebras, A. M. S . Trans., v. 4 0 (1936) , 1-11 ; [199]: Note on the ideals of rational cyclic algebras of odd prime degree, Am. J., v. 4 3 (1937) , 384-87. BIBLIOGRAPHY 199

IN GRAHAM, M. H. [200]: Note on the reducibility of algebras without a finite base, A. M. S. Bull., v. 38 (1932), 100-4 ; [201]: A note on determinants, A . M. S. Bull., v . 43 (1937), 579-80; [202] : On a certain equation in matrices whose elements belong to a division algebra, A. M. S. Bull., v. 44 (1938), 114-24. INGRAHAM, M . H., and WOLF, M . C. [203]: Relative linear sets and similarity of matrices whose elements belong to a division algebra, A. M. S. Trans., v. 42 (1937), 16-31 . JACOBSON, N . [204] : Non-commutative polynomials and cyclic algebras, Ann . of Math. , v. 3 5 (1934) , 197-208 ; [206] : A note on non-commutative polynomials, ibid. , 209-10 ; [206]: Rational methods in the theory of Lie algebras, Ann. of Math., v. 36 (1935), 987-91; [207]: Totally disconnected locally compact rings, Am . J., v. 58 (1936), 433-49; [208]: A class of normal simple Lie algebras of characteristic zero, Ann. o f Math., v. 38 (1937), 508-14; [209] : Pseudolinear transformations, Ann . of Math. , v . 3 8 (1937) , 484-587 ; [210]: A note on non-associative algebras, Duke J., v. 3 (1937) , 544-8; [211]: A note on topological fields, Am. J., v. 59 (1937), 889-894; [212]: p-algebras of exponent p, A. M. S. Bull., v. 43 (1937), 667-70; [213]: Abstract derivation and Lie algebras, A. M. S. Trans., v. 42 (1937), £06-24; [214]: Simple Lie algebras of type A, Ann . o f Math., v. 39 (1938), 181-8. JACOBSON, N., and TATJSSKY, O. [216]: Locally compact rings, P. N. A. S. , v. 21 (1935), 106-8. JORDAN, P. [216]: Vber eine Klasse nichtassoziaiiver hyperkomplexer Algebren, Gott. Nach., (1932), 569-75 ; [217] : Vber Verallgemeinerungsmdglichkeiten der Formalismus der Quantenmechanik, Gott . Nach. , 1933 , 209-14; [218] : Vber die Multiplikation quanten- mechanischer Grossen, Zeit. Phy., v. 80 (1933), 285-91. JORDAN, P. , VO N NEUMANN , J. , an d WIGNER , E . [219] : On an algebraic generalization of the quantum mechanical formalism, Ann . o f Math., v. 35 (1934), 29-64. KETCHUM, P. W. [220]: Analytic functions of hypercomplex variables, Ann. o f Math., v. 30 (1928), 641-67. KODAIRA, K . [221] : Vber die Struktur des endlichen, vollstdndig prim&ren Ringes mit verschwindendem Radikalquadrat, Jap . J., v. 14 (1937), 15-21 . KORINEK, W . [222]: Quadratische Kdrper in Quaternionenringen, abstracted in the Zentral- blatt, v. 3 (1932), 53; [223]: Maximale kommutative Kdrper in einfachen Systemen hyper- complexer Zahlen, ibid., v. 7 (1933), 293; [224]: Une remarque concernant V arithmhtique des nombres hyperkomplexes, loc. cit. KftTHE, G . [226] : Vber maximale nilpotente Unterringe und Nilringe, Math . Ann. , v. 103 (1930), 359-63 ; [226] : Die Struktur der Ringe der en Restklassenring nach dem Radikal vollstandig reduzible ist, Math . Zeit. , v . 3 2 (1930) , 161-86 ; [227] : Abstrakle Theorie nichtkommuiativer Ringe mit einer Anwendung auf die Darstellungstheorie kontinuier- licher Gruppen, Math . Ann, , v. 10 3 (1930), 545-72 ; [228]: Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der kommutativen Ringe ohne Endlichkeitsvoraussetzung, Gott . Nach. , (1930) , 195-207 ; [229]: Schiefkorper unendlichen Ranges uber dem Zentrum, Math . Ann., v . 10 5 (1931), 15-39; [230]: Vber Schiefkorpern mit Unterkorpern zweiter Art uber dem Zentrum, J. fur Math., v. 166 (1932), 182-84; [231]: Erweiterung des Zentrums einfacher Algebren, Math. Ann., v . 107 (1933), 761-6. KRULL, W . [232] : Vber verallgemeinerte endliche Abelsche Gruppen, Math . Zeit. , v . 2 3 (1925), 161-96 . LANDHERR, W . [233]: Vber einfache Liesche Ringe, Hamb . Abh., v. 11 (1937), 41-64; [234]: Liesche Ringe von Typus A, Hans. Abh., v. 12 (1938), 200-41. LATIMER, G . G. [236]: Arithmetics of generalized quaternion algebras, Am. J. , v. 48 (1926), 57-66; [236] : On the finiteness of the class number in a semi-simple algebra, A. M. S. Bull., v. 40 (1934), 433-5; [237]: On ideals in generalized quaternion algebras, and Her- mitian forms, A . M. S. Trans., v. 38 (1935), 436-46; [238]: On the fundamental number of a rational generalized , Duke J., v. 1 (1935), 433-5; [239] : On the class number of a quaternion algebra with a negative fundamental number, A. M. S. Trans., v. 40 (1936), 318-23; [240]: On ideals in a quaternion algebra and representation 200 STRUCTURE OF ALGEBRAS

of integers by Hermitian forms, ibid. , 439-49 ; [241] : The quadratic subfields of a gen• eralized quaternion algebra, Duke J., v. 2 (1936), 681-4; [242]: The classes of integral sets in a quaternion algebra, Duke J., v . 3 (1937) , 237-47. LEFSCHETZ, S . [243] : On the real folds of abelian varieties, P. N. A . S. , v. 5 (1919) , 103-5; [244]: Real hypersurfaces contained in abelian varieties, ibid. , 296-8 ; [245] : On certain numerical invariants of algebraic varieties with application to abelian varieties, A . M. S. Trans., v. 22 (1921), 327-482; [246]: Selected topics on algebraic , N. R. C. Bull., v. 6 3 (1928) , 310-95 . LEVITZKI, J . [247] : Uber vollstdndige reduzible Ringe und Unterringe, Math . Zeit. , v . 3 3 (1931), 663-91; [248]: Uber nilpotente Subringe, Math . Ann., v. 10 5 (1931), 620-7; [249]: On normal products of algebras, Ann. o f Math., v . 3 3 (1932) , 377-402 ; [250] : On auto• morphisms of certain rings, Ann . o f Math., v . 3 6 (1935) , 984-92; [251] : On the equiva• lence of the nilpotent elements of a semi-simple , Comp . Math., v. 5 (1938), 392-402. LITTLEWOOD, D. E. [252] : The solution of linear congruences in quaternions, Londo n M. S . Pro., v . 3 2 (1931), 115-28; [263]: Identical relations satisfied by an algebra, ibid., 312-20; [264]: On the classification of algebras, loc. cit., v. 3 5 (1933), 200-40. LITTLEWOOD, D. E. , an d RICHARDSON , A . R. [265] : Fermat's equation in real quaternions, London M . S . Pro. , v . 3 2 (1931) , 235-40 ; [256] : Concomitants of polynomials in non- , London M. S. J., v. 35 (1933), 325-79. Lo Vol, A. [257]: Intorno alia construzione delle matrici di Riemann e alle loro moltiplicazioni complesse, Cir. Mat. Pal. , v . 5 5 (1931) , 287-357; [258]: Ibid., 477-88 . MAASS, H . [259] : Beweis des Normensatzes in einfachen hyperkomplexen Systemen, Hans . Abh., v. 1 2 (1937), 64-9. MACDUFPEE, C . C. [260]: On the independence of the first and second matrices of an algebra, A. M. S. Bull., v. 35 (1929), 344-9; [261]: An introduction to the theory of ideals in linear associative algebras, A. M. S . Trans., v. 3 1 (1929), 71-90; [262]: The discriminant mat• rices of a linear associative algebra, Ann. o f Math., v . 3 2 (1931) , 60-6; [263] : The dis• criminant matrix of a semi-simple algebra, A. M. S . Trans., v. 3 3 (1931), 425-32; [264]: Ideals in linear algebras, A . M . S . Bull. , v . 3 7 (1931) , 841-53 ; [265]: The Theory of Matrices, Erg. der Math., v. 2,1933,110 pp.; [266]: Matrices with elements in a principal ideal ring, A . M. S . Bull., v. 3 9 (1933), 564-84. MAEDA, F. [267] : Ring-decomposition without chain condition, Hiro . J., v . 8 (1938) , 145-67. MALCEV, A . [268] : On the immersion of an algebraic ring into a field, Math. Ann. , v . 11 3 (1937), 686-91. MCCOY, N. H. [269] : On the characteristic roots of matrix polynomials, A . M. S. Bull., v. 42 (1936), 592-600. MCCOY, N. H. an d MONTGOMERY , D. [270] : A representation of generalized Boolean rings, Duke J., v. 3 (1937), 455-9. MOISIL, G . C . [271] : Remarques sur quelques types dfalgebres non-associatives, Jass y Ann. , v. 2 0 (1935) , 10-36. MOLIEN, T. [272] : Zahlensysteme mit einer Haupteinheit, abstracte d i n Zentralblatt, v . 1 7 (1937-8), 53. MORI, S . [273] : Uber allgemeine Multiplikationsringe, I , Hiro . J. , v. 4 (1934) , 1-26 ; [274] : Ibid., II, 99-109; [275]: Uber primare Ringe, loc. cit., v. 5 (1935), 131-9; [276]: Uber Total- nullteiler kommutativer Ringe mit abgeschwdchtem U-satz, I, loc. cit., v. 6 (1936), 139-46; [277]: Ibid., 11,257-69 . MORIYA, M . [278] : Divisionsalgebren uber einem p-adischen Zahikorper eines unendiichen Zahlkbrpers, Imp . Aca. Tok. Pro., v. 1 2 (1936), 183-4. MORIYA, M. , an d SCHILLING , O . F. G . [279] : Zur Klassenkdrpertheorie uber unendiichen perfekten Kbrpern, Hokk . J. , v . 5 (1937) , 189-205. MOUFGANG, R. [280] : Alternativkbrper und der Satz vom vollstdndigen Vierseit (D9), Hamb . Abh., v . 9 (1933) , 207-22 ; [281] : Zur Struktur Alternativkbrper, Math . Ann. , v . 11 0 (1934), 416-30; [282]: Einige Untersuchungen uber geordnete Schiefkbrper, J . fu r Math. , v. 17 6 (1937) , 203-23. BIBLIOGRAPHY 201

MURRAY, F . J. , an d VO N NEUMANN , J . [283] : On rings of operators, Ann . o f Math., v. 37 (1936), 116-229 ; [284]: Ibid., II , A . M. S . Trans., v , 4 1 (1937) , 208-48. NAGUMO, M . [286] : Einige analytische Untersuchungen in linearen metrischev Ringen, Jap. J. , v . 1 3 (1936), 61-80. NAKAMURA, T . [286] : Ein Satz uber p-adische Schiefkorper, Imp . Aca . Tok . Pro. , v . 1 0 (1934), 198-9. NAKAYAMA, T . [287] : Uber die Definition der Shodaschen Discriminate eines normalen einfachen hyperkomplexen Systeme, Imp . Aca . Tok . Pro. , v . 1 0 (1934) , 447-9 ; [288] : Uber das direkte Produkt zweier einfachen Algebren mit zueinander teilerfremden p-Indizen, Jap . J., v. 1 2 (1935), 27-36; [289]: Uber das direkte Zerlegung einer Divisions- algebra, Jap. J., v. 1 2 (1935), 65-70; [290]: Uber die Beziehungen zwischen den Faktoren- systemen und der Normklassengruppe eines galoisschen Erweiterungskorpers, Math . Ann., v. 11 2 (1935), 85-91; [291]: Eine Bemerkung uber die Summe und den Durchschmitt von zwei Idealen in einer Algebra, Imp . Aca . Tok . Pro. , v . 1 2 (1936) , 179-82 ; [292] : Maximalordnungen und Erweiterung des Koeffizienten-Korpers eines hyperkomplexen Systems, Jap . J. , v . 1 3 (1937), 333-59; [293]: t)ber die Algebren uber einem Korper von der Primzahlcharakteristik, Imp . Aca. Tok. Pro. , v. 1 1 (1935) , 305-6; [294] : Ibid., II , v. 1 2 (1936) , 113-4 ; [295] : Uber die Klassifikation halblinearer Transformationen, P.-M. S . Jap. , v . 1 9 (1937) , 99-107 ; [296] : Divisionsalgebren uber diskret bewerteten perfekten Korpern, J . fu r Math. , v . 17 8 (1937) , 11-3 ; [297] : Some studies on regular representations, induced representations, and modular representations, Ann . o f Math. , v. 3 9 (1938) , 361-9. NAKAYAMA, T. , an d SHODA , K . [298] : Uber die Darstellung einer endlichen Gruppe durch halblinearen Transformationen, Jap . J. , v . 1 2 (1936) , 109-22 . NEHRKORN, H . [299] : Uber absolute Idealklassengruppen und Einheiten in algebraischen Zahlkbrpern, Hamb . Abh., v. 9 (1933), 318-34. VON NEUMANN, J. [300] : On regular rings, P. N. A. S., v. 22 (1936), 707-13; [301]: Algebraic theory of continuous , P. N. A. S., v. 23 (1937), 16-22; [302]: Continuous rings and their arithmetics, ibid. , v. 23 (1937), 341-9. VON NEUMANN , J. , an d STONE , M . H . [303] : The determination of representative elements in the residual classes of a , Fund. Math., v. 2 5 (1935), 353-78. NOETHER, E . [304] : Der Diskriminantensatz fUr die Ordnungen eines algebraischen Zahl oder Funktionenkbrpers, J . fu r Math. , v . 15 7 (1927) , 82-104 ; [305] : Hyperkomplexe Grdssen und Darstellungstheorie, Math . Zeit. , v . 3 0 (1929) , 641-92 ; [306] : Hypercom- plexe Systeme in ihre Beziehungen zur kommutativen Algebra und Zahlentheorie, Zuric h Congress Proceeding s (1932) , 189-94 ; [307] : Nichtkommutative Algebra, Math . Zeit. , v. 3 7 (1933) , 514-41; [308] : Der Hauptgeschlechtssatz fur relative-galoissche Zahlkbrper, Math. Ann., v . 10 8 (1933) , 411-19 ; [309] : Zerfallende verschrdnkte Produkte und ihre Maximalordnungen, Act . Sci . Ind . Paris , 1934 . NOWLAN, F. S. [310] : On the direct product of a division algebra and a total matric algebra, A. M. S . Bull., v. 3 6 (1930) , 265-8. NOWLAN, F . S. , an d HULL , R . [311] : Sets of integral elements of certain rational division algebras, R. S . Can. Trans., v. 31 (1937), 163-84. OLSON, H. L. [312]: Linear congruences in a general arithmetic, Ann . o f Math., v. 28 (1926), 237-9; [313]: Doubly divisible quaternions, Ann . o f Math., v . 3 1 (1930) , 371-4. ORE, O . [314] : Linear equations in non-commutative fields, Ann . o f Math. , v . 3 2 (1931) , 463=77; [315] : Theory of noncommutative polynomials, Ann , o f Math, , v , 3 4 (1933) . 480-508; [316]: On a special class of polynomials, A . M. S . Trans., v. 3 5 (1933), 559-84. OSIMA, M . [317] : Uber die Darstellung einer Gruppe durch halblineare Transformationen, P.-M. S . Jap., v . 2 0 (1938) , 1-5 . PALL, G . [318] : The quaternionic congruence tat = b (mod g), and the equation h(gn + 1 ) = x\ + x\ + x9, Am . J„ v . 5 9 (1937) , 895-913. PERLIS, S . [319] : Maximal orders in rational cyclic algebras of composite degree, A. M. S . Trans., v . 4 6 (1939) , 82-96. 202 STRUCTURE OF ALGEBRAS

RANUM, A . [320]: The groups belonging to a linear associative algebra, Am. J., v . 4 9 (1927), 285-308. RATJTER, H. [321]: Quaternionen mit Komponenten aus einem Kdrper von Primzahlcharakter- istik, Math . Zeit. , v . 2 9 (1929) , 234-63. REES, M . S. [322] : Division algebras associated with an equation whose group has four gen• erators, Am. J., v. 54 (1932), 51-65. REICHARDT, H . [323] : Die Diskriminate einer normalen einfachen Algebra, J . fu r Math. , v. 17 3 (1935), 31-4*. RICHARDSON, A . R. [324] : Hypercomplex determinants, Mess . Math., v . 5 5 (1926) , 145-52 ; [325]: Concomitants relating to a division algebra, ibid., 175-82 ; [326]: Equations over a division algebra, loc. cit., v. 5 7 (1928) , 1-6; [327] : Simultaneous linear equations over a division algebra, London M. S . Pro., v. 2 8 (1928) , 395-420. RINEHART, R. F. [328] : Some properties of the discriminant matrices of a linear associative algebra, A. M. S. Bull., v. 42 (1936), 570-6. RINGLEB, F. [329]: Beitrdge zur Funktionentheorie in hyperkomplexen Systemen I , Cir. Mat. Pal., v . 5 7 (1933) , 311-40 ; [330] : Bemerkung zur Arbeit des Verfassers: tlBeitrdge zur Funktionentheorie in hyperkomplexen Systemen I, " ibid. , 476-7. ROSATI, C . [331]: Sulle matrici di Riemann, Cir . Mat. Pal., v. 53 (1929), 79-134. ROSENBLUTH, E. [332] : Die arithmetische Theorie und die Konstruktion der Quaternionen- kdrper auf klassenkdrpertheoretische Grundlage, Monat., v . 4 1 (1934) , 85-125. RUSAM, F . [333] : Matrizenringe mit Koeffizienten aus endlichen Ringen ganzer Zahlen, Erlangen dissertation , 1931 , 71 pp. SCHILLING, O. F. G. [334]: t)ber gewisse Beziehungen zwischen der Arithmetik hyperkomplexer Zahlsysteme und algebraischer Zahlkdrper, Math . Ann. , v . Il l (1935) , 372-98 ; [335] : Vfber die Darstellungen endlicher Gruppen, J . fu r Math. , v . 17 4 (1936) , 188 ; [336]: Zur algebraischen Theorie der Funktionenkdrper mehrerer Variablen, J . fu r Math. , v . 17 5 (1936), 1-5; [337]: Einheitentheorie in rationalen hyperkomplexen Systemen, J . fur Math., v. 17 5 (1936) , 246-51 ; [338] : Arithmetic in a special class of algebras, Ann . o f Math. , v. 38 (1937), 116-19; [339]: Some remarks on over infinite fields of alge• braic numbers, Am . J. , v . 5 9 (1937) , 414-22 ; [340] : Class fields of infinite degree over p-adic number fields, Ann. o f Math., v. 38 (1937), 469-76; [341]: The structure of certain rational infinite algebras, Duke J. , v . 3 (1937) , 303-10 ; [342] : Arithmetic infields of in several variables, Ann. o f Math., v. 3 8 (1937), 551-76; [343]: The structure of , Am . J., v . 40 (1938) , 75-100; [344]: A generalization of local class field theory, ibid., 667-704. SCHILLING, O. F. G. , and HASSE, K . [345] : DieNormen aus einer normalen Divisionsalgebra uber einem algebraischen Zahlkdrper, J . fur Math., v. 17 4 (1936), 248-52. SCHILLING, O . F . G. , an d MORIYA , M . [346] : Zur Klassenkdrpertheorie Uber unendlichen perfekten Kdrpern, Hokk . J. , v . 5 (1937) , 189-205 ; [347] : Divisionsalgebren uber un• endlichen perfekten Kdrpern, Hokk . J. , v . 6 (1937) , 103-11 . SCHMIDT, F. K. [348] : Zur Klassenkdrpertheorie im Kleinem, J . fu r Math. , v . 16 2 (1930) , 155-68. SCHOENEBERG, B. [349] : Indefinite Quaternionen und Modulfunktionen, Math . Zeit. , v . 4 0 (1936), 94-109. SCORZA, G. [350]: Corpi Numerici e Algebra, Messina, 1921 ; [361] : Intorno alia teoria generate delle matrici di Riemann, Cir . Mat . Pal. , v . 4 1 (1916) , 263-380 ; [352] : Le algebre di ordine qualunque e le matrici di .Riemann, Cir . Mat . Pal. , v . 4 5 (1921) , 1-204 ; [363] : Sopra un teorema fondamentale delta teoria delle algebre, Atti Lin. , v. 2 0 (1934) , 65-72; [364]: Sulla struttura delle algebre pseudonulle, ibid. , 14&-9 ; [366]: Sulle algebre pseudo- nulle di ordine massimo, Ann . d i Mat. , v . 1 4 (1935) , 1-14 ; [356] : Sopra una classe di algebre pseudonulle, Att i Tor. , v . 7 0 (1935) , 196-211 ; [357] : A propositio di un recente lavoro di A. A. Albert, Att i Lin. , v . 2 1 (1935), 727-32; [358]: Le algebre del 3.° ordine, Atti Nap. , v. 2 0 (1938) , no. 13 , 1-14; [369] : Le algebre del 4.° ordine, Att i Nap. , v . 2 0 BIBLIOGRAPHY 203

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Basis o f integers , 13 0 $)-basis, 14 total matric algebra , 7 Decomposable GR-matrices , 12 6 Bibliography, 19 3 ff. representations, 11 5 Degree o f a cyclic system, 8 8 Centrum, 6 an algebra, 1 6 of a direct sum , 30 a normal simple algebra , 4 3 a splitting field, 6 0 of a n involutorial algebra , 15 3 Diagonal algebras , 20 , 44, 79 of a simple algebra , 41 direct factors, 8 2 scalar "extension of , 3 5 Difference algebra , 2 8 Characteristic function , 11 , 16, 12 2 group, 2 7 Classes o f algebras , 5 8 Direct factorization o f algebras , 43 Class group, 59 of cycli c algebras , 10 0 Commutative semi-simpl e algebras , 1 o f norma l divisio n algebras , 77 40,44 uniqueness of , 8 5 Commutator algebra , 6 Direct powers , 6 of equivalen t subalgebras , 5 6 of cycli c algebras , 75, 97 Completely ramifie d algebras , 13 7 of divisio n algebras . 7 5 Components o f algebras , 2 8 Direct products , 5 representations, 11 5 of crosse d products , 7 1 Composites, 3 4 of cyclic algebras , 75 Construction o f crosse d products , 68 , 182 o f norma l algebras , 4 1 involutions, 15 7 of normal division algebras , 52 Cosets, 2 7 of total matri c algebras , 7 , 5 0 207 208 INDEX

Direct sum , 2 8 Impure GR-matrices, 12 6 centrum of , 3 0 representation algebras , 11 4 ideals of , 2 9 Riemann matrices, 18 8 semi-simple, 3 9 Index o f a class, 58 Division algebras , 1 4 an algebra, 4, 5 commutative, 1 5 a nilpotent quantity , 2 2 direct product of , 5 2 a normal simple algebra, 5 8 normal, 4 1 a p-adic extension, 14 8 ramified, 13 7 Index reduction factor, 5 9 subalgebras of , 1 5 Inseparable, 3 2 Division p-adic algebras, 13 7 Integers, 12 9 Integral basis, 13 0 Enveloping algebra , 11 3 domains, 12 9 Equivalence o f algebras , 3 Intersection o f ideals, 2 2 algebra-group pairs, 65 left ideals , 2 1 crossed products, 71 linear sets, 1 cyclic algebras , 75 Invariant subspace, 11 3 representations, 11 0 Involutions, 15 1 Exponent o f a field, 33 normal simple algebra , 76 construction of , 15 7 p-adic algebra, 14 4 kinds of , 15 3 p-algebra, 10 9 of direc t products, 15 5 rational divisio n algebra , 15 0 of norma l simple algebras, 15 6 Extension o f equivalences, 5 4 of similar algebras, 15 6 of simple algebras , 15 4 Factor sets, 67 Involutorial algebras , 15 1 Fields, inseparable, 32 , 101 centrum of , 15 3 symmetric subfield s of , 15 7 Generalized cycli c algebras , 93 Involutorial crosse d products, 15 8 Riemann matrices, 12 6 cyclic algebras , 16 0 General quantity, 1 6 quaternion algebras, 16 1 Generating automorphism , 3 5 rational algebras, 161 , 162 of a cyclic semi-field, 8 3 Isomorphic matrices, 126 , 188 6-irreducible algebra, 78 Group-algebra pairs , 65 /g-array, 13 0 Group of classes, 59 J-skew quantities , 15 2 cyclic systems, 8 9 •/"-symmetric quantities , 15 1 Grunwald lemma, 14 8 Least representation algebra , 6 1 Hensel lemma, 13 6 Left ideal , 2 1 linear set, 1 4 Ideals, 22 multiplications, 1 2 maximal, 3 8 simple left ideal , 2 3 of a direct sum, 29 Linear sets, 1 of a nilpotent algebra , 2 2 products of , 3 of a p-adic algebra, 13 3 prime, 13 4 sums of , 1 Idempotents, 2 0 supplementary, 2 existence of , 2 3 zero, 1 primitive, 2 6 Linear transformations, 9 , 11 1 principal, 2 5 rank of , 5 0 Matric basis, 7 similar, 5 0 representation, 11 1 INDEX 209

Maximal ideal, 3 8 p-adic division algebras , 13 2 Js-array, 13 0 fields, 138 , 15 1 subfields, 56 , 85 normal simple algebras , 14 2 Minimum function, 11 , 13, 16, 122 Pairwise orthogonal , 2 0 Multiplication algebras , 128 , 18 9 p-algebras, 10 4 structure of , 16 8 Peirce decompositions, 2 4 subnelds of , 16 6 Powers o f algebras , 4, 5 , 75, 97 cyclic systems, 9 1 Nilpotent algebra , 2 2 Primary algebra , 77 , 17 4 Non-associative algebras , 18 8 , 13 4 Non-singular quantity , 1 3 Primitive idempotent, 2 6 transformation, 1 0 Principal degree , 1 6 Normal algebras, 6 function, 1 6 direct products of , 4 1 idempotent, 2 5 matrix, 165 , 18 8 over centrum, 1 5 norm, 18 , 124 Normal direc t factors, 4 1 theorem, 47 Normal division algebras , 41 trace, 18 , 124 direct factorization of , 7 7 Products o f classes, 58 exponent of , 7 7 cyclic systems, 8 9 maximal subfields of , 5 7 factor sets, 68 of degre e four, 17 9 2 ideals, 2 2 of degre e p , 179 linear sets, 3 of degre e three, 17 7 Properly nilpotent quantity , 2 4 of low degrees, 17 8 Pure GR-matrix , 12 6 of prim e degree, 17 7 inseparable, 32 , 101 powers of, 7 5 representation algebra , 11 4 primary, 77 , 17 4 Riemann matrix, 18 8 Normal simple algebras , 4 1 as direct factors, 5 1 Quadrate algebra , 1 7 automorphisms of , 5 1 , 14 5 commutator o f subfield s of , 5 3 Quaternion algebras , 14 5 degree of , 4 3 direct produc t wit h reciproca l of , 4 7 Radical, 2 3 exponent of , 7 6 of a direct sum, 29 index of , 5 8 of c2Te , 25 involutions of , 15 6 Ramification order , 13 5 maximal subfield s of , 5 6 of a division algebra , 13 6 metacyclic subfield s of , 6 3 of a prime ideal, 14 8 of degre e two, 14 6 Rank o f idempotents, 5 0 scalar extension of , 43 , 56, 59 Rational divisio n algebras , 12 9 simple subalgebras of , 5 3 determination of , 14 9 splitting fields of , 6 0 equivalence of , 15 0 subfields of , 5 3 exponent of , 15 0 Norm condition, 18 4 Rational involutoria l algebras , 16 1 function, 18 , 122 Real quaternio n algebras , 14 6 Norms in cyclic semi-fields , 8 4 Riemann matrices, 19 0 Reciprocal algebras , 3 Order o f a n algebra class , 7 6 Reduced degree , 3 3 a p-adic , 13 2 field, 17 3 a p-adic quantity, 13 3 norm, 122 , 124 a produc t o f sets, 4 trace, 122 , 124 Orthogonal quantities , 2 0 Reducible algebras , 2 8 210 INDEX

Reducible representations , 11 3 Splitting fields o f algebras , 45 components of , 11 6 normal simpl e algebras , 6 1 Regular quantity , 1 3 p-adic algebras, 14 4 representation, 1 1 p-algebras, 10 9 Representation o f algebras , 11 0 Structure o f p-adi c fields, 13 8 field by algebra , 6 0 p-adic algebras , 14 3 Representations, 11 1 rational divisio n algebras , 14 9 absolutely irreducible , 12 1 simple algebras , 3 7 decomposable, 11 5 Sum o f left ideals , 2 1 fully decomposable , 11 8 linear sets, 1 reducible, 11 3 Supplementary sum , 2 Residue-class degree , 13 5 field, 13 5 Total matri c algebra , 6 Riemann matrix, 18 8 basis, 6 Right ideal , 2 2 components, 4 5 multiplication, 1 1 direct factor, 1 9 subalgebra, 7 Scalar extension of algebras, 15 Total matri c algebras , 6 centrum, 3 5 direct products of , 7 , 5 0 crossed products , 73 normal divisio n subalgebras of , 5 1 subfields of , 5 2 division algebras , 1 5 Total rea l fields, 16 3 normal simple algebras , 43 , 56 Trace condition, 17 2 separable fields, 3 1 function, 1 8 Schur index, 5 8 reduced, 122 , 12 4 Semi-simple algebras , 3 7 Type number , 12 6 commutative, 39 , 40, 44 structure of , 3 9 Separable algebras , 44 Uniqueness theorem , 4 9 fields, 32, 3 4 of direc t , 8 5 Similar algebras , 5 8 Unramified algebra , 13 7 cyclic systems, 8 8 field, 138 , 14 1 idempotents, 5 0 Simple algebras, 3 7 Valuations, 13 1 ff. centrum of , 4 1 normal, 4 0 Wedderburn principa l theorem , 4 7 structure of , 3 9 ^-irreducible, 7 8 Zero algebra, 2 0 Space, 11 1 ideal, 2 2