Caecilia V63n08 1936

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Caecilia V63n08 1936 Founded A.D. 1874 by John Singenherger • REVI EW OF SUMMER EVENTS • PRINCIPLES OF ARTISTIC CHORAL ATTAINMENT Rev. J. Ribeyron • ANALYSIS OF LOUIS VIERNE MUSIC Dom Adelard Bouvilliers • HOW TO SELECT CHURCH MUSIC Joseph Clokey • Vol. 63 SEPTEMBER 1936 ORATE FRATRES A ReYiew Devoted to the Liturgical Apoatolate TS first purpose is to foster an intelligent and whole-hearted participation I the liturgical life of the Church, which Pius X has called "the primary a indispensable source of the true Christian spirit." Secondarily it also considers the liturgy in its literary, artistic, musical, social, educational and historical aspects. From a Letter Signed By His Eminence Cardinal Gasparri "The Holy Father is greatly pleased that St. John's Abbey is continuing the glorious tradition, and that there is emanating from this abbey an inspiration that tends to elevate the piety of the faithful by leading them back to the pure fountain of the sacred liturgy." Published every fOUf weeks, beginning with Advent, twelve issues the year. Forty-eight pages. Two dollars the year in the United States. Write for sample copy and descriptive leaflet. THE LITURGICAL PRESS CoUegeville Minnesota Entered as second class mat­ ter, October 20, 1931, at the Post Office at Boston, Mass•• ~aetilia under the Act of March 3, 1879. Qfl1r Formerly published in St. Francis, Wisconsin. Now issued Monthly Magazine of Catholic Church and School Music monthly, except in July. Subscription: $3 per year, pay.. able in advance. Single copies September 1936 No.8 SOc. Vol. 63 EDITOR V. REV. GREGORY HUGLE, O.S.B. • Prior, Conception Abbey Conception, Mo. IN THIS ISSUE BUSINESS MANAGER 348 WM. ARTHUR REILLY ANNOUNCEMENTS 100 Boylston Street Boston, Mass. EDITORIAL • 349 CONSULTING EDITORS AND PRINCIPLES OF ARTISTIC CHORAL ATTAINMENT '.'~""."T~~~~~~~~~~~~ER Rev. J. Ribeyron) M. A. 350 v-,:Mary 0/ Lake Seminary . Mundelein, Ill. INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL IN BARCELONA. 356 DOM ADELARD BOUVILLIERS, O.S.B. Belmont, N. C. AMERICAN GUILD OF ORGANISTS CONVENTION SISTER M. CHERUBIM, O.S.F. IN PITTSBURGI-l • Milwaukee, Wise. 357 REV. F. T. WALTER 356-363 St. Francis Seminary NEWS ITEMS. Wisconsin CI-lOIRS OF PAROCHIAL SCHOOL CHILDREN SISTER M. GISELA, S.S.N.D. :MiIwaukee, Wise. SING GREGORIAN MUSIC AT PONTIFICAL REV. H. GRUENDER, S.l. MASS 360 St. Louis, University, Mo. REv. LEO ROWLANDS, O.S.F.C. WISCONSIN NEWS 363 Providence, R. 1. REV. JEAN RIBEYRON OUR MUSIC THIS MONTH. 364 St. Mary's College California QUESTION AND ANSWER Box REV. J. G. O'DONOHOE Sherman, Texas Dom Gregory Hugle) OJ,.B. 377 REV. L. A. DOBBELSTEIN O. Praem COMMUNICATIONS 380 Luxemburg, Wise. REV. G. V. PREDMORE FIFTY YEARS AN ORGANIST IN PITTSBURGH. 382 Spencerport, N. Y. REV. C. ~f. DREISOERNER ST. GREGORY SOCIETY CONVENTION • 383 Kirkwood, Mo. SISTER M. DOROTHY, G.S.B. CURRENT FOREIGN AND AMERICAN MUSIC Duluth, Minn. PUBLICATIONS • 385 SISTER M. RAFAETJ' B.V.M. Chicago, III. LOUIS VIERNE (continued from June) RICHARD KEYS BrGGs Hollywood, Calif. Dom Adelard Bouvilliers, O.S.B. 386 M. MAURO-COTTONE New York, N. Y. How TO SELECT CHURCH MUSIC ACHIILE BRACERS New York, N. Y. Joseph Clokey . 388 JOSEPH J. MCGRATH Syracuse, N. Y. PUBLISHERS NOTES • 389 ARTHUR C. BECKER Chicago, III. BOSTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC ; ·'Fm:WERTCK T. SHORT MAKING RAPID STRIDES 390 ,~.r~' Brooklyn, N. Y. • Published by McLAUGHLIN & REILLY CO., 100 Boylston St. Boston, Mass. 348 THE CAECILIA ANNOUNCEMENTS AST month we took special pride in an.. conduct this department in addition to his L nouncing that the illustrious chur'ch mu,.. duties as Editor of CAECILIA. sician. Dom Gregory HugJe O.S.B' t of Con--­ ception AbbeYt Missourit' has accepted the We believe that· the assumption of the post of Editor of THE CAECILIA. Editorial post by Dom Gregoryt will be hailed as the greatest single step forward Beginning with this issue. all material ap,.. for THE C'AECILIA in the past ten years. pearing in these columns will be presented Certainly it will gain the commendation of with the approval of Dam Gregory. Thus the Hierarchy and Diocesan Church Music readers may he assured of the soundness of Commissions who w~ll fully recognize the future articlest music supplementst and litur,.. increased influence of THE CAECILIA un­ gical expressions to be found in these pages. der Dom Gregoryts Editorship. Dom Gregoryts name has been associated As publishers. we are deeply grateful to with Catholic Church music in Am,erica for Dom Gregory for his generous acceptance over naIf a century and he is respected by of his new work. Ever zealous in the spread,.. all schools of liturgical thoughtt as an ex,.. ing of liturgical music and information help­ perienced church musicians of the highest ful to the teaching thereof we hopethatTHE ideals. His appointment assures continuance CAECILIA will offer him new avenues of" of the same high standards established by expression. and that in the success of this the late John Singenberger founder of this paper he may find satisfaction sufficient to paper. at least partially repay him for his devoted It is interesting to note that our sister,.. and valued services. paper in England. "Music and Liturgytt has Mr. Otto Singenberger will remain as a recently appointed a Benedictine priest Consulting Editor. thus continuing the tradi,.. (Dam Gregory Murray O.S.B.)" as its Edi,.. tion of the connection of the Singenberger tor. The work of Priests of this Order all name with THE CAECILIA. over the world today is gaining international Mr. Arthur Reilly. will serve as Business recognition by church musicianst no doubtt Manager. and Assistant in the gathering of and extension of the pioneer work done in News Itemst articles and music for the liturgical music. and chant restoration by Editor. the Benedictine Fathers at Solesmes in France. Montserrat in Spain. Beuron. Ger,.. The same contributors. Dom Adelard many; Isle of Wight. England; etc. In Bouvilliers. O.S.B.. Mus. Doc.; Sister Gisela. America th,e Dean of the Benedictine Church SSND' t Sr. Cherubimt O.S.F. t Father musicians is our new Editor, Dom Gregory Walter. Father Gruender. S.T.. Father Pred,.. Hiigle. more. Toseph J. McGratht M. Mauro,..Cot,.. tonet Richard K. BiflqSt Achille Brag-ers. His published 'works include "The Pro,.. Father Rowlands. D.S.F.C. and all the others H ~ressive Music Series Catholic School Edi­ who have graced these columns from time tion. one of the most successful of the new to time. will continue their support we are school music methods embracjng Chant in­ sure. Others will be added shortly to assist in maKing up a Council that will represent structions. TheH "SpotlifTht on Catholic Church Music. "Catechism of Grego,", the outstanding church musicians in the H country. rran Chant • "The Most Simple Mass tt in Gregorian Chant "Pour Christmas Car,.. With our readers we look forward to in,.. olsH etc. He has conducted courses in most creased improvement in THE CAECILIA of the large Dioceses of the countryt and under the guidance of Dam Gregory Hiigle. recently has conducted the "Question Boxtt O.S.B. in our own CAECILIA. H,e will continue to The Publishers. THE CAECILIA 349 EDHTORHAL PAGE share when we see two distinguished co... workers assume editorial duties, Mr. Achille Sragers and Rev." Leo Rowlands, O.S.F.C. and when we are assured of the staunch co-operation of the experienced publishers, Messrs. Jarnes and-.-Arthur Reilly. "PLEASE BE NOT OFFENDED: but what's the use of having an editor whose name I cannotpronouncer'--A timelyremark indeed; Let us make the story quite simple. You have no difficulty in pronouncing the View of Interior Conception Abbey name of the late Archbishop Quigley of Chi... Where Mass Will Be Offered Daily cago. Now just cut off the "Qutt and put For Readers of THE CAECILIA an "Hi" in their place and say ttHigley", and the phonetic problem is solved. You may have heard and r,ead about Baron Von tt The founder of "Caecilia , professor H iigel, a name well known in the northern John Singenberger, \-vas eminently a luan of parts of Germany and even in England, but faith. Sixty three years ago he began a in the southern parts of Germany the can... work which has continued up to the present tt sonant ..i" precedes the H e . In either case day. Zeal for the glory of the House of God tt the name means Hhill + had started the work, and unfailing trust in divine assistance kept it going. -e- Intt assuming the editorship of "Caeci--­ lia we desire to follow the same prin­ CHURCH MUSICIANS' ciples and strive after'the same ideals so tt ORIEN'TATION "that in all, things God may be glorified • And since church musicians are working for T'he Holy Father To Abbot Capelle the altar, they are entitled also to look for In an audience, December 12, 1935, His special help coming to them from the altar, Holiness Pius XI said: "Liturgy is not the from the Immaculate Lamb offered upon the school of any human being: it is the school altar. For this reason a cut has been pre,.. of the Church. There are very few things pared showing many altars; it will be a spi,.. on .earth that are really important: Christ ritual comfort for all those who cooperate in tt above all, the soul, the life of -the Church. producing, reading and spreading "Caecilia All the rest-what does it amount to?" to know that they will be daily remembered by the sacrificing priests. Then the Holy Father encouraged the Abbot of Mont Cesar ( Louvain, Bel..
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