WEEKLY NOTICES TO MARINERS BULLETIN 471 BW Fl.G.3s 315 ° -135° G G Patlayıcı Fl.3s70m29M Siren Mo(N)60s R 95 Wk BRB MANYETİK VARYASYON 5° 10 ' ' E 2010 (5 E) . 52 15 Üretim kuyusu Wk ( )36 WEEK : 28 NOTICES TO MARINERS (NtMs) NUMBERS 13 JULY 2019 137 - 140 OFFICE OF NAVIGATION, HYDROGRAPHY AND OCEANOGRAPHY CHART AND NAUTICAL PUBLICATION REQUESTS FROM OFFICE OF NAVIGATION, HYDROGRAPHY AND OCEANOGRAPHY Since chart requests can be processed once the latest amendments are applied, stock is available, and entry transactions are made, requesting authorities/individuals are kindly asked to coordinate with ONHO Accountable Property office beforehand for large quantity of requests. Coordinating Authority : Accountable Property Office E-mail :
[email protected] Web : www.shodb.gov.tr Phone Number :+90 216 322 25 80 Ext.4230-4232 Fax : +90 216 331 05 25 SALE OFFICES Charts and nautical publications produced by ONHO are sold in ONHO-authorized sale offices. Up-to-date lists are available in Weekly Notices to Mariners. The prices of the charts and nautical publications put up for sale in authorized sale offices are fixed by ONHO. AKADEMİ DENİZCİLİK TİC. VE LTD. ŞTİ. MİLTA TUR. İŞL. A.Ş. BODRUM MARİNA ŞB. YILMAZ DENİZ MOTORLARI TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. Kemeraltı Cad. Nu.:22 Neyzen Tevfik Cad. Nu.:5 Kiremithane Mah. Cengiztopel Cd. Karaköy/İSTANBUL Bodrum/MUĞLA Torpil Apt. Nu.:52 MERSİN Telefon : 0 212 251 82 49 Telefon : 0 252 316 18 60 Telefon : 0 324 237 12 80 Belgegeçer : 0 212 251 85 59 Belgegeçer : 0 252 316 14 06 Belgegeçer : 0 324 237 02 61 AMATÖR DENİZCİLİK FEDERASYONU POYRAZ GEMİ DONANIM, DENETİM SERVİS ZEKİ KEBİR YAY.