PUBLICATION OF OFFICE OF NAVIGATION, HYDROGRAPHY AND OCEANOGRAPHY ANNUAL NOTICES TO MARINERS 2018 ÇUBUKLU - İSTANBUL Published in : Turkish Naval Forces Office of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography 34805 Çubuklu-Beykoz / İSTANBUL Date : April 2018 Telephone : +90 216 322 25 80 Fax : +90 216 331 05 25 e-mail : [email protected] PREAMBLE Annual Notices to Mariners includes the Weekly Notices to Mariners Bulletin of the previous year (01 January - 31 December 2017) and the important information related to the safety of navigation collectively. In order to enhance the safety of life and property at sea and contribute to the protection of the marine environment it is very important to follow the Weekly Notices to Mariners Bulletins and notify Office of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography about the updated information and changes related to the charts and nautical publications to provide better service to mariners. Fair winds and following seas. Office of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanograpy I (PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) TABLE OF CONTENTS PREAMBLE AND CONTENTS I-II . CHAPTER 1 SALES OF CHARTS AND NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS 1.1 CHAPTER 2 NOTICES TO MARINERS AFFECTING NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS 2.1 - 2.7 CHAPTER 3 TEMPORARY (T) AND PRELIMINARY (P) NOTICES IN FORCE 3.1 - 3.15 CHAPTER 4 NOTICES TO MARINERS AFFECTING NAUTICAL CHARTS 4.1 - 4.146 CHAPTER 5 EXERCISE AND FIRING AREAS 5.1 - 5.13 CHAPTER 6 MARITIME MILITARY FORBIDDEN AND MARITIME SPECIAL SECURITY ZONES 6.1- 6.10 CHAPTER 7 DIVING PROHIBITED AREAS 7.1- 7.12 CHAPTER 8 UNDERWATER CABLES AND PIPELINES 8.1 CHAPTER 9 HYDROGRAPHIC NOTE 9.1 CHARTS SHOWING EXERCISE AND FIRING AREAS AND LONG TERM A1-A5 ANNEX-A DANGEROUS AREAS CHARTS SHOWING MARITIME MILITARY FORBIDDEN AND MARITIME SPECIAL B1-B4 ANNEX-B SECURITY ZONES ANNEX-C CHARTS SHOWING DIVING PROHIBITED AREAS C1-C4 II (PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) CHAPTER 1 SALES OF CHARTS AND NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS 1. The charts and nautical publications can be purchased from the following authorized agents. The prices of the charts and nautical publications are set by Office of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography. AKADEMİ DENİZCİLİK TİC. VE LTD. ŞTİ. MARLİN YAT TURİZM SAN. LTD. ŞTİ. YILMAZ DENİZ MOTORLARI TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. Kemeraltı Cad. Nu.:22 Sarıana Mh. 26..Sk. Kadir Yüzak Ap. Nu.:1 Kiremithane Mah. Cengiztopel Cd. Karaköy/İSTANBUL 48700 Marmaris/MUĞLA Torpil Apt. Nu.:52 MERSİN Telefon : 0 212 251 82 49 Telefon : 0 252 412 14 41-42 Telefon : 0 324 237 12 80 Belgegeçer : 0 212 251 85 59 Belgegeçer : 0 252 412 14 Belgegeçer : 0 324 237 02 61 [email protected] [email protected] AMATÖR DENİZCİLİK FEDERASYONU MİLTA TUR. İŞL. A.Ş. BODRUM MARİNA ŞB. ZEKİ KEBİR YAY. DAĞ. PAZ. KIRT. İLT. İKT. İŞL. Neyzen Tevfik Cad. Nu.:5 Bodrum/MUĞLA TUR. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. İstasyon Cad.No:16/1 D:3 Telefon : 0 252 316 18 60 Cumhuriyet Mh. Göcek/Muğla Yeşilyurt/İSTANBUL Belgegeçer : 0 252 316 14 06 Telefon : 0 252 645 10 14 Telefon : 0 212 662 64 58-59 [email protected] Belgegeçer : 0 252 645 16 82 Belgegeçer : 0 212 574 58 69 YATMAR YATÇILIK, DENİZCİLİK TUR. POYRAZ GEMİ DONANIM, DENETİM GLOBAL NAVIGATION SOLUTION YASDEN SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. SERVİS HİZ. LTD.ŞTİ. DZ.MLZ. AŞ. Kızılay Cad. Nu.:3 Alsancak/İZMİR Mobilyacılar Sitesi 1. Blok Nu.:19 Kaşüstü İçmeler Mevkii Sahil Yolu Cd. Denizciler Tic. Telefon : 0 232 421 70 88 Yomra/TRABZON Mrk. Nu.:25 D:21-22-27 Tuzla/İSTANBUL Belgegeçer : 0 232 463 15 33 Telefon : 0 462 341 32 28 Telefon : 0 216 493 74 01 [email protected] Belgegeçer : 0 462 341 45 31 Belgegeçer : 0 216 493 74 02 ÇAĞDAŞ BİLGİSAYAR TİC. VE BSAN. ŞENTÜRK DENİZ MALZ. SAN. VE TİC. MARINE MARKET DZ.SAN. VE TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. LTD.ŞTİ. Evliya Çelebi Mh. Giptaş Sanayi Sitesi A Hacı Mimi Mh. Necatibey Cad. Galata Büklüm Sk.Nu.:22/16 Blok Nu.:14 İçmeler-Tuzla/İSTANBUL Beyazıt Sk. Nu.: 20 Tophane/İSTANBUL Küçükesat/ANKARA Telefon : 0 216 447 03 62 Telefon : 0 212 245 94 31-33 Telefon : 0 312 425 18 32 Belgegeçer : 0 216 447 03 73 Belgegeçer : 0 212 245 94 35 Belgegeçer : 0 216 425 18 52 [email protected] [email protected] DENİZCİLER DAY. DER. İKTİSADİİŞL. EAST MARINE DZ.CİLİK VE TURİZM VİRA DENİZCİLİK Fener Kalamış Cad. Yelken Sk. Nu.:3/5 A.Ş. Kemankeş Mh. Karamustafapaşa Sk. Deniz Apt. Kalamış/İSTANBUL Kumlar Cad. Nu.:8 Atalar Kartal/İSTANBUL Nu.:59-61 Karaköy/İSTANBUL Telefon : 0 216 336 46 53 Telefon : 0 216 517 32 43 Telefon : 0 212 244 47 13 Belgegeçer : 0 216 336 98 46 Belgegeçer : 0 216 517 32 43 Belgegeçer : 0 212 251 74 [email protected] [email protected] 2. ElectronicN avigat i onal C harts( ENC s) produced by ONHO are the official ENCs meeting the chart carriage requirements for vessels under International Convention on the S afety of L ife at S ea (SOLAS) to be used on ECDISlectronic hart isplay and nformation ystems (ECDIS). Those ENCs and updates are put up for international sale viavalue added resellers of I nternational C enter for ENCs ( IC - ENC )(see www.ic.enc.org for detailed information). 1.1 (PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) CHAPTER 2 NOTICES TO MARINERS AFFECTING NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS 006 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - List of Lights and Fog Signals (2016) SOURCE: ONHO AMEND :Given Correction Page in 2.2 (*) 012 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - List of Lights and Fog Signals (2016) SOURCE: ONHO AMEND : Correction given Page in 2.2 (*) 019 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - List of Lights and Fog Signals (2016) SOURCE: ONHO AMEND : Correction given Page in 2.2 (*) 020 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - Nautical Charts and Publications Catalogue SOURCE: ONHO DELETE :1723 and 1911 chart limit. Page 6 1723 and 1911 chart information. Page 7 025 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - Nautical Charts and Publications Catalogue SOURCE: ONHO DELETE :1821 and 1822 chart limit. Page 6 Page 10 1821 and 1822 chart information. Page 7 Page 11 (*) Block charts and corrections in Page 2.2 can be reached in the relevant Weekly Notices to Mariners. 2.1 030 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - Nautical Charts and Publications Catalogue SOURCE: ONHO DELETE : 1611 and 1722 chart limits. Page 6 1611 and 1722 chart information. Page 7 031 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - List of Lights and Fog Signals (2016) SOURCE: ONHO AMEND : Correction given Page in 2.2 (*) 036 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - Nautical Charts and Publications Catalogue SOURCE: ONHO DELETE : 1402 and 1501 chart limits. Page 6 Page 8 1402 and 1501 chart information. Page 7 Page 9 037 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - List of Lights and Fog Signals (2016) SOURCE: ONHO AMEND : Correction given Page in 2.2 (*) (*) Block charts and corrections in Page 2.2 can be reached in the relevant Weekly Notices to Mariners. 2.2 043 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - Nautical Charts and Publications Catalogue SOURCE: ONHO DELETE : 171 and 172 chart limits. Page 6 171 and 172 chart header information. Page 7 044 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - List of Lights and Fog Signals (2016) SOURCE: ONHO AMEND : Correction given Page in 2.2 (*) 049 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - Nautical Charts and Publications Catalogue SOURCE: ONHO DELETE : Chart 19 Plan A and Plan B. Page 4 Chart 19 Plan A and Plan B header information Page 5 161 and 162 chart limits. Page 6 161 and 162 chart header information. Page 7 055 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - Nautical Charts and Publications Catalogue SOURCE: ONHO DELETE : 154 and 193 chart limits. Page 6 154 and 193 chart header information. Page 7 (*) Block charts and corrections in Page 2.2 can be reached in the relevant Weekly Notices to Mariners. 2.3 056 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - List of Lights and Fog Signals (2016) SOURCE: ONHO AMEND : Correction given Page in 2.2 (*) 064 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - Nautical Charts and Publications Catalogue SOURCE: ONHO SİLİNİZ : 151 and 152 chart limits. Page 6 151 and 152 chart header information. Page 7 065 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - List of Lights and Fog Signals (2016) SOURCE: ONHO AMEND : Correction given Page in 2.2 (*) 071 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - Nautical Charts and Publications Catalogue SOURCE: ONHO DELETE : 144 and 145 chart limits. Page 8 144 and 145 chart header information. Page 9 072 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - List of Lights and Fog Signals (2016) SOURCE: ONHO AMEND : Correction given Page in 2.2 (*) (*) Block charts and corrections in Page 2.2 can be reached in the relevant Weekly Notices to Mariners. 2.4 073 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - Turkish Straits Navigation Guide (2015) SOURCE: ONHO AMEND : Amend the correction pages F-1, F-2, F-3 and F-4 given in Pages 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9 and 2.10 with the pages F-1, F-2, F-3 and F-4 in Turkish and English parts.(*) 082 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - List of Lights and Fog Signals (2016) SOURCE: ONHO AMEND : Correction given Page in 2.2 (*) 092 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - List of Lights and Fog Signals (2016) SOURCE: ONHO AMEND : Correction given Page in 2.2 (*) 102 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - List of Lights and Fog Signals (2016) SOURCE: ONHO AMEND : Correction given Page in 2.2 (*) 108 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - List of Lights and Fog Signals (2016) SOURCE: ONHO AMEND : Correction given Page in 2.2 (*) (*) Block charts and corrections in Pages 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9 and 2.10 can be reached in the relevant Weekly Notices to Mariners. 2.5 117 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - List of Lights and Fog Signals (2016) SOURCE: ONHO AMEND : Correction given Page in 2.2 (*) 133 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - List of Lights and Fog Signals (2016) SOURCE: ONHO AMEND : Correction given Page in 2.2 (*) 152 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - List of Lights and Fog Signals(2016) SOURCE: ONHO AMEND : Correction given Page in 2.2 (*) 160 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - List of Lights and Fog Signals(2016) SOURCE: ONHO AMEND : Correction given Page in 2.2 (*) 165 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - List of Lights and Fog Signals(2016) SOURCE: ONHO AMEND : Correction given Page in 2.2 (*) 169 NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS - List of Lights and Fog Signals (2016) SOURCE: ONHO AMEND : Correction given Page in 2.2 (*) (*) Block charts and corrections in Page 2.2 can be reached in the relevant Weekly Notices to Mariners.
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